Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1517096-There-was-a-time
Rated: · Poetry · Other · #1517096
talking about life in general
We all remember being a child when you always had to look up to see the bigger people,someday I will be that big you'd say, someday nobody is going to tell me what to do.I want to live in my own house pay my own bills and no body is going to tell me when to come home,I'll show them,when I get as big as them.Well hind sight is 20 20 and I am as big as them with children of my own and grandchildren too. Well who was the wise guy that wanted to be in such a hurry to grow up,man I wish I could sometimes be that kid again. Climbing apple trees, playing with my friends, talking on the phone till I don't know when. Not a care in the world is what mama would say,someday you'll grow up,oh why can't it be today I'd say. I'm not in a hurry now ,in fact I wish the years would slow down,so I could spend more time with love ones,laugh and talk to my friends.It won't be long and the times that we cherished will be a faded memory,one day they will come see me in another place, the years they are faster and more in a hurry than i was back then,my hair is thiner and growing grayer within. My mind it ain't nothing like it was before,when i was that child who couldn't wait to swing open the door,to take life by the horns and live on my own,to be my own boss and to live at my own pace.Oh how funny it is to see the hope of a child, the desire and honesty within. Oh how I can't wait till I am grow,is what I would say,but now I say save it for another day,all I want to do today is run and skip and watch the children play.
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