Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1517091-Old-Friends
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1517091
Buffy/Supernatural crossover.The results 17year old girl,Whose had too much caffeine.


Buffy examined her favourite sword for scratches as Willow entered the room.

“Hey, Wills, what’s up?” She asked without looking up. Her best friend frowned.

“Nothing Buff, I was just thinking we really need a break. I mean when was the last time we took a vacation? Like some place away from the hell mouth and demons and vampires” This caught the slayer's  attention. putting the sword carefully down on the table Buffy gestured for her friend to sit down. 

“You know you’re right. Have you spoken to Giles and Xander about this?” Buffy asked. Willow shook her head.

“I was thinking more of a girls thing. A road trip” she answered. Buffy considered this for a second.

“Any particular place in mind?” she asked. Willow nodded smiling.

“New York” she answered. Buffy frowned suddenly suspicious.

“Why New York?” She asked. Willow ducked her head. Then sighed looking back up at her friend.

“A friend called me, His brother and him are in New York and he wants to catch up, I figured well since we haven't been on a vacation since well before you moved to Sunny dale we should go on a road trip.” Willow confessed a guilty smile on her face. Buffy frowned, thinking this over ,then smiled.

“Sounds like a good idea. When do you want to go?” Buffy studied her friend for a few seconds before they both smiled brightly. They then ran to their rooms to start packing. A few minutes later both were in the lounge room packed bags at their feet. While Buffy was on the phone to Giles letting him know what was going on, Willow was on the net booking their flight to New York.

“Buff, the earliest we can get this short notice is 2:00 and its” She looked at the watch on her wrist. “12:30 now. Take or leave?” The blonde walked over to her friend and peered at the screen.

“We’ll take it if that’s the best they have” Willow nodded and started typing again.

“Price?” Buffy asked  knowing with the Watchers Council working for her now cost wasn’t an issue. Willow looked up and smiled evilly.

“They’re giving us a discount because we’re VIP.” Buffy smirked shaking her head. Then suddenly paid attention to the phone again.

“Yes, Giles, I understand.  But I’m not the only slayer anymore, you have Faith and all the potentials there surely they can take over patrol for a few weeks it wont be hard. Willow and I just really need a break. You have the Potential's now willing to take care of everything it’s the perfect time to go away.” She sighed as she listened to her former watcher rattle on about responsibility she then decided she’d had enough.

“Look Giles, Both willow and I need this neither of us have had a vacation since god knows when were always dealing some big bad, demons and vampires and hell mouths and this is the perfect opportunity to get away from it all for a few weeks, You still have Faith and all the potentials, Faith can handle them. I don’t care what you say Willow and I are taking this vacation!” She heard her former watcher sigh in defeat and she smiled smugly. Willow looked up a questioning look on her face Buffy smiled and nodded causing the red head to throw her fist into the air as a sign of success,  The slayer giggled at her best friends antics. Shaking her head she listened to Giles for a few more minutes before talking again.

“Yeah, I know, I get it I do but a slayer needs a vacation too” She knew she already had him but still felt the need to argue her point.

“ Ok, yes, I will call you as soon as we arrive in New York, Keep me updated on the potentials I’ll be back at the first sign of trouble I promise” she said rolling her eyes at willow who stifled a giggle.

“Yep, Ok, Yes, I know” She rolled her eyes again . She then heard the door bell and signaled for Willow to get it her friend nodded and left the room. She returned a few minutes later and mouthed that it was time to go. Buffy nodded.

“Yeah I know” She answered “Look Giles I have to go our plane leaves in half an hour will call you when we get to New York”

“Yep you to bye” The slayer hung up the phone and walked over to her friend.

“So, plane booked?” She asked. Willow nodded and closed the lap top putting it into her bag they picked up the rest of the bags and put them in the waiting car.

The car arrived at the airport and Buffy and Willow got out. They waited while the driver handed them their bags. Buffy thanked him and walked towards the entrance. Willow stopped her.

“Are you sure about this Buffy?” she asked anxiously. Buffy raised an eyebrow at her friend.

“Will, this was your idea. Are you getting cold feet? I thought you and this guy what’s his name..”

“Sam” willow threw in without thinking. She then blushed as Buffy smiled knowingly.

“Willow, It is just a meeting it’s just New York its not like we’re going to be travelling with these guys for the next month” Buffy joked. “unless you want to?” She added quickly. Willow shook her head.

“You’re right. Lets go” she answered.

As they sat on the plane Buffy’s mind drifted back to the conversation she had with Giles. Grimacing as she remembered the information he had given her.

“What Dawn wants to do is no concern of Angel’s why the hell is he even involved!?”she exclaimed  feeling her temper flare

“What! She is my sister how dare he that son of a bitch!” Willow raised an eyebrow at this Buffy just rolled her eyes glaring at the floor.

“Well you can tell that evil son of a bitch to stay the hell away from my sister or next time I see him he’ll be fitting into an ash tray!” Buffy threatened  feeling the sudden need to hit something. Clenching and un-clenching her fist she waited for Giles to reply.

“NO!! he doesn’t understand anything. She is my sister and if she wants to fight or be a watcher or a waitress it doesn’t concern him. She has all the skills to be a slayer, I should bloody know I trained her myself. You know what tell the bastard to call me I’ll settle this myself” she grimaced as she listened to what Giles said next.

“Yeah, well she’s bound to have some injuries just tell her to be more careful next time. She’s a big girl, she’s almost 20, Its not like she’s actually going to listen to us now is it”

Closing  her eyes she laid back against the seat. Eventually drifting off to sleep.

Buffy pulled the strap of her bag further onto her shoulder as they stepped out of the cool airport into the sunny day of  New York. Looking around the dirty New York streets she sighed.

“Ready to go?” Her red headed friend said from beside her. She turned startled. But smiled when she saw who it was she nodded.

“Yep, lets do this. What was the name of the bar?”

“Uh, The Drunken Cowboy. I know the owner. She’s a close friend” Willow said as they got into the waiting cab. The cab driver eyed them through the rear view mirror.

“Where to ladies?” He asked.

“The Drunken Cowboy please” Willow said sweetly. The driver eyed the girls curiously.

“Are you ladies sure?” Buffy sent willow a weird look.

“Yeah, course we are. The owner is a good friend of mine” Willow added still smiling. The driver sent the girls one last look before pulling away in the direction of the bar.

The driver sent the girls a curious look as he pulled up outside the bar.

“Here we are ladies”

“Thanks, what do we owe ya?” Buffy asked as she pulled out her wallet. The driver looked at the meter on the dashboard and frowned. It didn’t seem to be working. He turned back to face the girls.

“Don’t worry about it ladies, on me” Buffy frowned but nodded sending Willow a quick glance she noticed her friend looking guilty. The slayer smiled  and got out of the car rolling her eyes. The driver got out as well and handed the girls their bags from the boot. Buffy smiled and went to go inside but stopped when she saw the place frowning she turned to her friend.

“Will, are you sure this is the place” She asked. Willow looked around and nodded.

“Yeah Buffy this is it. He said he’d be inside, come on” Willow answered heading for the door but stepping aside when she noticed someone coming out. Reluctantly Buffy followed her friend  to the door only to have it swing open knocking Buffy on her ass. 

“Will you watch where you are going!” She exclaimed angrily, glaring at the ground. She heard a deep chuckle. Glancing up slowly she saw a short brown haired guy in a his 20’s with his arm extended to help her up. She took it and pulled herself to her feet careful not to use her slayer strength.  Brushing herself off she then looked back at the stranger who had just knocked her on her ass.

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