Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1517057-My-Friend
Rated: · Poetry · Other · #1517057
The laughter,ups and downs of friendships
My friend and I we have been friends for about 20 years now,I know that no matter what goes on in my life she will always be there for me.When ever the whole world turns their back on you and you got this one remarkable friend that you can talk to nothing else seems to matter.You see we have laughed till we cried,we have cried till we laughed. We have been through some tough moments together and some good moments too, and we have always come out friends.You see we have never had an arguement that I can recall. She has always got my back, and I have hers.Our relationship is one that is like this, she can go months and not call or me not call her but we never have a lost of words.We always seem to pick up right where we left off. We always have advice for each other, sometimes you take it sometimes you leave it.Of all the friends I have so called encountered in my life time I can truely say she has stuck by me through thick and thin, and I have by her.I think that she knows that I am the one she can call on when she needs a true friend and I will be there no matter what. Alot of people come into your life and alot of people call themselves your friend,but how many can you actually say they will be your friend till the end.Well I don't know what more we can go through together that we have not already done,but there is not another friend of mine that has done for me what this friend has done.Her friendship means the world to me and I am glad we met 20 some years ago and that no matter what comes our way I will be happy to say she is my friend today and always.I call this friend Kathy, sometimes crazy, but always my friend. And I always try to include in some small way how much she means to me and I even tell her that I love her ,she is unique,funny ,surprising and special and always herself no matter what.Sometimes she makes me blush at the things that she says but I come to expect that from her and later after I get over the urge to knock her for a loop we bust out laughing. We get on the phone and talk about remember whens and it leaves me with a desire to be near my old friend,I wish we stayed nearer to each other but I am just blessed with the times when we can talk on the phone and share special times.Once in a life time someone like this comes along and I am glad that I was in that time frame when she came along,cause sometimes I don't know what I would do without her,or who I would tell my soul to,or my hearts desire.noone else will do but my Kathy boo.
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