Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1516462-Lance-and-Rose
Rated: E · Short Story · Teen · #1516462
boy likes girl. then meets another girl...
  Lance knew that his sophomore year was going to be different. He can't be patient anymore. He has to tell her how he feels. No one on earth knew about his secret; the secret that he kept for three long years. He was going to do it. Maybe after a few weeks.

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  On the morning of the first day of school, Rose was deciding what to wear for the day. She wanted to look her best, impress Lance maybe...? Okay. She decided that her red top with her new pair of jeans will work. As she got down to breakfast, she kept on thinking about his blue eyes, and the way they always hypnotized her since freshman year. She's known Lance for years but never has she thought that she liked him until he saw him in a different light the year before.

  Lance was also very busy in his own house, to prepare for meeting her. He just can't stop thinking about her. Well, three years is a long time to get to like your crush more and more to the near point of obsession.

  At school, Lance came in and the very first person that he saw was her. She was wearing a red shirt, and he thought that red looked so good on her. She noticed him and smiled and waved. Lance thought that maybe, instead of telling her after a few weeks, he'll tell her the next day instead. He didn't like suspense or anything.


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  The next day, Lance took extra time preparing himself for the day. He woke up early so that he won't be late for the bus. This was the big day, the day when he was going to tell her how he felt. The day when someone in the world will find out about his secret. She has to be the first one to know. She deserves to know it first, because it is about her...

  When he entered the classroom, Lance was distracted a lot. It's really rare for him to take his mind off her since the start of summer break. He didn't even notice the empty seat 3 rows ahead of him.

  At lunch, he and his friend, Martin, sat down at their usual table. Lance finally remembered what he was to do for the day too late, and she was probably in her next class already. Besides first period, the only times Lance sees her during the day are at lunchtime and at the parking lot after school. Then, he saw a girl suddenly walk out of the lunchroom.  He was sure that the girl was her. This was the moment. Lance got up, excused himself and followed her. She had her locker door open, so he couldn't see her face. Then he went ahead, almost forgot the first thing he was about to say, and then, said "Hi." She seemed a little startled, and closed her locker door. Then, Lance realized that it wasn't her he was talking to. Not the HER that he was dreaming about all summer. It was her best friend, Rose, not Taylor. To save face, Lance simply asked Rose about how her science project was going and casually asked her where Taylor was. Taylor, Rose's best friend whom he likes. To his surprise, Rose said, "Taylor's absent today. She has the flu, and probably won't be back until next week."

  In defeat, Lance said "See you later" and strolled away to his own locker.

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Lance waited a few more months before finally having the courage again to tell Taylor. On that day, a group of girls was gathered around Taylor. He went a little bit closer, debating in his brain whether or not he wanted to hear their conversation. Then, from that particular conversation, he overheard the word boyfriend. Suddenly, Lance was very inerested to hear what that was about, and chose a spot where he could be close enough to hear but far enough not to be noticed.

  He found out that Taylor had a boyfriend. No. Taylor cannot have a boyfriend, he thought. But then, as the truth sank in, he sank down in his seat as well. He sat alone at lunch time. He was about to ask Taylor to the dance, but then her BOYFRIEND beat him to it. 

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  At the night of the dance, Lance could not bear to see Taylor with another guy. He sat down on an empty corner and sulked for one hour. Then, someone tapped him on the shoulder. Imagine his surprise when he saw that it was Rose, and she said, "Hey, wanna dance? You know, I'm not usually the type to ask first, but I had nothing to do and I had a sudden burst of courage..." She laughed nervously. Lance, not wanting to be rude, said yes, but after a few minutes he couldn't take it anymore, and he asked if they could sit down for a minute. Suddenly, Lance had a strong feeling that something was about to change. When Rose asked, "What's wrong?", suddenly, he found himself telling her everything, beginning to present. Rose had not changed her expression the whole time, and she gave him advice when he was finished. The next thing he knew, he and Rose were dancing again. Dancing until the end of the dance.

  The things that happened in the next few months were too much to tell all. Let's just say, Lance was happy, truly happy. Taylor was happy for him and Rose, too. Lance learned that something did change. The change was very big and unpredictable, and he thought that big and unpredictable changes are what makes life great.

© Copyright 2009 Selena Dawn (emeralda773 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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