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by Karley
Rated: · Novel · Romance/Love · #1516353
second chapter the story continues

About a week later Krista went out with another group of friends. Tina and she didn’t seem to have too much to talk about since the scene at the mall. They still talked and hung around together, but lately it just wasn’t the same. Tina still came over to see Jerri of course, but now it felt like she was only being used as a way for Tina to continue to see and talk to her boyfriend.

As all ten girls crammed into Davita’s parents’ van, Krista bubbles excitedly about Trevor Fritzpie, the guy that she had met the week before and was hoping to run into again tonight. All the way to the skating rink she reminds her friends that she wants to get with him. “Just remember that he is mine and that if any of y’all try to get with him or actually do it won’t last long. I will make sure of that. Remember I always get what I want and right now he is it!” Krista informs her friends after all she wanted to make it clear that she wasn’t playing. She also wanted to make it clear to each and every girl in the van knew exactly how she felt about the guy that she had only met the week before.

Arriving only half an hour early the girls stand in a very long line that always formed well before the skating rink even opened. The rather large group squeezes in to the last of the space left in the small lobby of the skating rink. Krista comments “He probably doesn’t come until later so that he can avoid this line.” About that time she hears the familiar thick Boston accent and turns around. There he was with his thick, long, jet black hair, and brown puppy dog eyes. Trevor is talking animatedly with a group of his friends as his long, slick, black, leather trench coat.

“Oh my god” Krista exclaims “There he is standing right in front of us. Please remember what I said in the van.”

“Watch this. Krista whispers as she gets as close to him as she can without him noticing that she is there. She stands on the tips of her toes and grabs the familiar black hat off of Trevor’s head. Trevor jumps slightly and spins around in the small confines of the skating rink lobby and breathes a sigh of relief.

“What is the matter afraid that I was the police or something?” Krista asks with a smile and a giggle as she thinks of what Tina had said the night that they had met him for the first time.

He laughs nervously and says “I didn’t know what to expect. Not many people try to steal the hat right off the top of my head!”

She takes the hat off of her head and hands it back to him as the line starts to slowly move forward. She turns to her friends and smiles. When she turns back around he has disappeared, once again becoming lost in the large crowd.  She walks up to the small window and hands her four dollars to the attendant and rushes through the door to find him. Later that night she finally spots him and talks Davita into asking him to go out with her. When Davita comes back everybody can clearly tell what she was about to say. “He said that you were too young for him. I’m sorry.” Davita whispers to the group of girls.

“Did he say how old he was?” Krista asks in disbelief. She couldn’t believe that he would say no. Especially after she was so sure that he would say yes. So sure in fact that she had dumped Matt the morning after she had met him. Not that the relationship was going anywhere, they were only making each other miserable.

“Yeah, he said that he is 17. That is a three year difference, you know.” Davita tells her trying to make the best of an embarrassing situation.

“Wait a minute.” Leslie says “Krista does he even know how old you are? You have to remember that you look about 9 or 10.”

“Well no, we didn’t get to talk too much about the time that the conversation got started Matt showed up and wasn’t too happy about me talking to another guy. So we never got around to finding out that much about each other.” Krista giggles and then starts to cheer up.

Leslie as usual has a devious idea that just might work. She whispers to the group as they gather around her “I know, I’ll ask him to go out with me. He doesn’t know that you are the oldest or that I’m the youngest out of all of us. Even though I look like the oldest, I mean I look about 16 or 17. This way we’ll be able to tell if that is really what he is worried about. The age thing I mean.”

Grudgingly Krista says “ok, just remember what I said in the van, because I meant every word of it. He’s mine and I’ll find a way to get what I want no matter who I have to hurt to get it.”

“I know that! I don’t want him! I’m just trying to help so don’t be so uptight about it!” Leslie giggles and skates off to put her plan into action.

“He said yes! He said yes!” Leslie comes flying up to the table almost jumping with excitement. “All I had to do was threaten to kill myself if he said no, he didn’t ask my age or anything after I said that it was too easy.”

Krista does not like the sound of that. Trying as best she can to stay calm she replies “That is a little much just to help me don’t you think?”

“Well I guess when I started to talk to him I saw the same thing that you did. I decided that I am actually going to try to make it work. I know that you of all people can understand that, right Krista? You aren’t mad at me are you?” Leslie says trying to patch things up with Krista.

As jealousy and anger, shot through every fiber of Krista’s being she tries to remain calm. “Of course not, he wonderful!” Krista says with a politeness that she definitely does not feel. All that she could think of was revenge. How could she possibly keep her threat that she had made earlier. After all, she thought that the threat would be more than enough to let her friends know that she was definitely interested in this guy. She also never expected one of her friends to betray her like this especially when she made sure they all knew how she felt about him.

Davita grimaces and as usual tries to make the best of the situation. “You have only known each other a week. Besides, once he finds out that she is only almost 12 and that her dad is the Nicoma Park Chief of police he will probably drop her pretty quickly. So I wouldn’t worry too much about it if I were you.”

“Well I don’t intend for him to find any of that out. It’s not as if any of y’all are going to tell him. Are you?” Leslie says smiling the threat in her voice and in her eyes clearly aimed Krista’s way. “He will be over here in a minute. None of you better say anything about it.”

Krista smiles innocently and says “Of course I wouldn’t do anything like that to one of my friends” even as the many thoughts of revenge are still running wildly through her head. She did not plan to do anything with Leslie or any of their other friends around anyway.

Suddenly a thought occurred d to Krista ”Hey Trevor, why don’t you come over to Davita’s after we leave here. Then you and Leslie can spend some time together and get to know each other a little better.” Krista suggests hoping that the pain and thoughts of revenge still swirling in her head were not audible in her voice.

“That’s a wonderful idea!” Here write down the address, phone number, directions, and that sort of thing. Then I will be there as soon as I can..” he said as he hands Krista a pen and some paper that he produced from one of his pockets.

He thought wow that little ten year old girl that I just rejected is being awfully mature about all this. Krista did as she was asked and carefully wrote all the information that he had asked for into the little notebook. She then added her phone number and address on the next page with a note not to tell the others about the extra information.

Later that night the girls were outside playing games of hide-n-go seek, or that is what they had told Davita’s parents anyway. They were actually outside giggling and whispering as they were waiting for Trevor Fritzpie to show up. Of course, Krista was getting all the attention that she could stand about how mature she was being about all this.

They still had about 20 minutes until Trevor was supposed to show up so they decided to walk over to Robyn’s house. She was going to get some stuff that she had not wanted to take over to Davita’s house earlier. Besides, it was only about a block away anyway. As they were walking back, they saw someone coming their way on a ten-speed bicycle. It was Trevor, as he pulls up beside the group of girls he looks down at his bicycle and says with a smile, “My room mate was using the car. He uses it most of the time, but I don’t mind. This way I get plenty of exercise.

He grabs Leslie’s arm and gently pulls her to him. He wraps his arms around her and gently kisses her on top of the head. Krista was finding it very hard not to let her jealousy and anger get the best of her. If she was going to be able to pull this off, she had to stay calm. Even thought her finger nails bit painfully into her palm she smiles and tries to be mature about the entire situation. As she looked up Trevor was staring at her in the most unusual way.

“Are you all right?” he asks with concern in his eyes. There seems to be something else there or is it just wishful thinking.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking about something.”  She manages to say in a normal voice.

With that he went back to talking and cuddling with Leslie. Why doesn’t he even seem to notice me? Is Leslie that much prettier than me? Is there something wrong with me? As these questions bombard her she slips into a quiet place away from the others and begins to cry. Well what do you expect she asks herself. You act as if nothing is even bothering you. Besides how is he supposed to know that he is hurting you, he barely knows you. She tries to reason with herself and seems to feel worse instead of feeling better.

“Krista? Krista? What’s the matter? You are crying, what is wrong?” Davita asks as she pushes through the very bushes that she herself crawls into to think or be alone.

I’m trying to handle this and be mature about it, but it is so hard to deal with when they are cuddling and whispering to each other and holding hands.” Krista babbled hoping that she was making at least a little sense.

“Well, Trevor is about to leave. He wants to know where you are. He doesn’t want to leave without saying goodbye to you.” Leslie smiles hoping that it will cheer Krista up at least a little. Krista rewards her efforts with a small smile and starts to wipe the fresh tears from her tear soaked face.

They walk around the house and Trevor comes to Krista’s side as he says his goodbyes. Before he leaves, he kisses her on top of the head. Even as he did, he was wondering how long he could withstand the young, pretty girl that had captured his heart so completely the first night that they met. He could clearly see that he was hurting her tremendously. If only she were a little older, he could wipe away the pain in those tear brightened yellow eyes away forever.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers into her soft, silky, lavender scented auburn hair. He says goodbye to the other girls and kisses Leslie gently on the cheek. Then he gets on his bike and with a wave is gone.
© Copyright 2009 Karley (mouse1977 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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