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by Karley
Rated: · Novel · Romance/Love · #1516351
this is the first chapter of the romantic novel that i have been working on for awhile now
Chapter 1

Tonight is Krista’s mother, Sara’s turn to take the two of them to the skating rink. Unless one of the girls has something going on at church, this is where they are every Friday night. They always do things together so it is pretty seldom that one is seen without the other. Right now they are dating brothers so that they can still do everything together.  “What time do you girls want me to pick you up?” Sara calls as the two girls shuffle out of the maroon 1979 Mercury Cougar.

“I’m staying the night with Tina so her mom is coming to pick us up” Krista reminds her mom as she kisses her on the cheek while getting out of the car.

The two girls rush into the crowded skating rink to find their boyfriends. As they search for a place to sit down and put their skates on they only see one table that isn’t completely full. Sitting at that table is only one guy staring out at the skating rink floor. “Excuse me, but is anyone sitting here? We need a place to put our skates on and this is the only table that doesn’t have a million people sitting at it.” Tina inquires as she scans the snack bar area searching for another table that may have become free.

“No, go ahead, there is nobody else sitting there at the moment.” He states in a thick accent not even bothering to take his eyes off of the skating rink floor.

“That’s definitely not an Oklahoma accent” Krista states to nobody in particular. “Where is the accent from?” Krista implores of the guy sitting next to her in the small booth.

“Boston.” he states finally turning his attention to the two attractive young ladies that are sitting beside him. “Why do you ask?”

“Curiosity mostly, I’ve never heard such a beautiful accent.” Krista flirts without even realizing that is what she is doing. Tina on the other hand is quick to notice the change in Krista’s attitude toward this stranger.

“What are you doing Krista? Did you forget that we are meeting our boyfriends up here in a few minutes?” Tina whispers sharply as if scolding an errant child.

“Nothing, and no I didn’t forget that they are on their way! Why are you getting so uptight about it anyway?” Krista asks in an innocent, confused, yet obviously annoyed tone.

Ignoring Tina’s reaction to her talking to this guy Krista continues as if nothing has been said. “So what brings you to Oklahoma then? Are your parents in the military or something?” Krista asks.

“No actually I haven’t been in Oklahoma all that long. I love the people here though. They are so friendly.” He informs her smiling at the fact that this girl that looked to be ten at the oldest was so different than anybody that he had ever met. She obviously didn’t take well to being told what to do by anyone.

Apparently while he was lost in thought she had asked him yet another question. She was sitting there staring at him as if she was expecting an answer. “I’m sorry, I lost my concentration for a moment.” He apologized. “What did you ask me?”

“All I asked was what your name was and told you that mine is Krista” she repeats with a hint of a giggle in her melodic voice.

“Oh, my name is Trevor, Trevor Fritzpie. What’s your friend’s name?” he asks trying to keep this child from getting to him. There is just something about her that really appeals to him, but he just can’t quite put his finger on it.

This is Tina, my best friend. We do everything together. You will just have to excuse her she is a little overprotective of me. She doesn’t trust people that she doesn’t know.” Krista responds playfully.

“Hey there is Jerri and Matt!” Tina says as she rushes to Jerri’s side for a hello kiss. Krista seems uncharacteristically irritated by the appearance of her so called boyfriend.

“Well, I guess I better get over there with them, it was nice meeting you. Do you come here often?” Krista asks not expecting how much his answer means to her. She feels a little irritated that it matters to her at all.

“I try to come here as often as I can. There have been some problems at home so I haven’t been here in awhile. I think things are finally starting to calm down now though. That means I will probably be here every Friday and Saturday night from now on.” He replies with his thick Boston accent.

“I’ll see you around then; we are here almost every Friday night.” Smiling Krista skates toward where Matt, Jerri, and Tina are standing. He obviously isn’t very happy about her interest in the stranger that she had been talking to. Trevor just smiles, waves, and goes back to staring out into the crowded skating rink floor as if nothing had ever happened. He thinks to himself that she sure doesn’t seem to care much for her so called boyfriend.

“Who is that?” Matt growls as Krista skates slowly to his side.

“That is none of your business!” Krista states not liking the possessive tone in his voice.

“Well I don’t like how friendly you are to strangers Krista. That will only lead to trouble and you know it!” Matt nearly shouts at Krista grabbing her hand. Apparently a little rougher than he had intended, from the grimace on her face. He proceeds to stop off to get his skates with her hand firmly in his.

Matt glares at the stranger from across the room. Krista is not at all happy with Matt and his jealous possessive attitude. Tonight is the night that she is going to break up with him because things aren’t going at all how she had planned. Jerri, Tina, and her were together all the time without him anyway, and most of the time without Matt anywhere around. Besides that he and Jerri were nothing alike and that had been the main reason that she had been so willing to give Matt a chance in the first place. This would probably hurt Tina and Jerri more than it would hurt her or even Matt for that matter. They had wanted things to work out between Krista and Matt when they had set them up. Well she wasn’t about to put up with any guy just to make her friends happy. Tina skates up next to her breaking her train of thought by saying “What’s wrong? You look upset about something.”

“Nothing, just thinking about some things and trying to makes some decisions about them is all.” Krista says smiling trying to cover up the way that she is really feeling. She would talk to Tina tonight and see what she thought that she should do. Surely Tina would want her to be happy, wouldn’t she?

Tina’s mom pulls up to the skating rink about 11:45. It was already crowded with parents who were there to pick up their children. She also knows that soon they will be out and she will have to fight this traffic to get out of the small parking lot. Well at least she wouldn’t have to do it again for at least another week she thinks to herself.  She looks up to see the girls coming out the doors a little earlier than usual. Both of their heads are bent as if they are having a very intense conversation. They get into the back seat of the car and continue to whisper not even taking the time to look up and say hi. “Apparently something big happened tonight!” Lisa ventures as she tries to gently remind the two girls huddled in her back seat that she is there.

“Krista met a guy, Matt her boyfriend went nuts, and all she did was talk to the guy. She was just trying to be friendly. The table that he was sitting at was the only free table in the entire building when we got there. So we asked if we could sit down a minute and put our skates on.”  Tina explains as if it explains what they were interested in as they were coming out of the building.

Lisa doesn’t allow Tina to date yet so they were careful to leave Jerri out of the conversation entirely. The short ride to Tina’s house was pretty quiet. Lisa figured that there was more to the story than that. She already knew not to pry because all that would accomplish is knowing even less.  Besides how much more could there be to it. The two girls weren’t old enough for anything serious to go unnoticed by both Sara and her.  Krista and Sara were pretty close and if there was anything to worry about Sara would surely call her. As soon as they got in Krista went to the phone to call her mom and let her know that they had made it safely home to Tina’s house. Tina knew that she would have to talk to Krista more to find out exactly what she was trying to do at the skating rink tonight.

“What were you trying to do out there tonight?” Tina asks with the worry clear in her voice. “If it was to make Matt jealous it definitely worked!”

“Well it isn’t my fault that he got jealous just because I was talking to another guy. After all the only reason that I went out with you was as a favor to you and Jerri to keep him out of your way. It’s not like he is ever around anyway, the two of you come over to my house and I end up feeling like a third wheel on a bicycle. Trevor is so sweet, cute, sensitive, and he is exactly the type guy that I want to be with.” Krista explains trying to keep from getting upset with her best friend and trying to make her understand how she feels.

“Girl, don’t you realize that Matt is crazy about you?” Tina says staring at Krista in disbelief.

“Well he sure didn’t act like it tonight! Don’t you realize that he practically ripped my arm off as he stomped away to put his skates on? He sure doesn’t act like it at school when he just smiles, waves, and walks on by like I’m nothing more than an acquaintance. What about when his brother says that he is coming over to my house and he always has something more important to do. When it is just me and him on the phone he talks all of about three minutes, makes up an excuse, and gets off the phone. Oh, yeah, I would say by the way that he acts that he is just head over heels in love with me!” Krista says sarcastically her voice rising with every word.

“Krista, come on he is just nervous when he is around you. He doesn’t know what to say or do. He doesn’t want to embarrass or upset you! He is very unsure of himself when it comes to you.” Tina says trying to get Krista to see that Matt is very shy and self conscious.

“Then he isn’t the right guy for me in the first place. All I will be doing is continuing to hurt him and I don’t want a boyfriend that is even afraid to talk to me, but sure doesn’t mind hurting me in public when he is mad.” Krista states as calmly as possible.

“Krista, listen to you.” Tina pleads trying to get Krista to see her point.

“Listen I understand perfectly what you are saying. However, you have to remember that Matt and I have only been together for about two weeks!” Krista shouts finally losing her temper.

“Yeah, but you just met this guy Trevor. For all you know he could be a rapist or a kidnapper or something.”  Tina points out pausing dramatically for effect. “You know there was a girl about our age taken from there about a month or so ago, remember. He might be the guy that did it. They never did catch the guy, you know!”

“It’s not like he will go to the same place again with the police looking for him. Besides she returned home safely. She probably ran off with her boyfriend and her parents freaked or something.” Krista says rolling her eyes at Tina.

“Well its getting late. We better get some sleep. We are meeting the guys at the mall at 9 o’clock in the morning.” Tina says as she reaches across Krista to turn out the lamp sitting on the nightstand.

The next morning came early for Krista. As they rush through their morning routine of hair, teeth, nails, and make-up Rita and Martha arrive. At about 9:30 Sara shows up to take the four girls to the mall to see their boyfriends and the rest of their friends. As they walk through the entrance to the mall Jerri runs up to Tina and meets her with a rose and a kiss. Matt slowly comes up to Krista and says “hey” and looks around as if he would rather be somewhere else. That’s it Krista couldn’t handle it anymore.

“Matt, listen we need to talk. It is kind of important” Krista states flatly walking over toward the quiet hallway.

“Can it wait? I want to go look at some clothes for school.” Matt responds.

“No, it can’t, this is exactly why we need to talk!” Krista almost screams clearly annoyed.

“What’s up?” he asks casually.

“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t let this go on anymore. I don’t really want to be with you and you obviously don’t want to be with me. Besides I think it is better this way. I’m sorry.” Krista says as calmly and gently as possible.

“Can I go and buy some clothes now? Can you handle that?” he says sarcastically trying to inflict as much pain on her as he thought that she had tried to inflict on him. The last thing that she had meant to do was hurt him.
© Copyright 2009 Karley (mouse1977 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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