Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1516058-Puppeteer-Teaser
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1516058
The curse of a spell gone wrong. What will happen to 15 year old Aiden Lycian?(Teaser)
Aiden Lycian.  Typical 15 year old with a typical family.  Mom, dad, and an older sister.  The only thing not so normal about him was that he was what you would call a child prodigy.  He excelled in almost all fields and was his family’s little “prince” because of this.  He was your typical all American boy; blonde hair, green eyes, and a charming smile.  He was every girl’s dream. 
Emily Lycian.  Aiden’s older sister who hates him with a passion.  18 years old and a newbie to the Wiccan religion.  Her looks are that of a female version of Aiden, and absolutely despises that fact.  She is extremely jealous of her younger brother and loves to torture him.
Alex Crawford.  Aiden’s best friend since Pre-K.  Same age as him, but not quite the same attitude.  Dark hair, dark eyes, a smile that could hide a thousand secrets, and slightly effeminate looking; he was the one you feared might be waiting to kill you in the middle of the night.  Dark and brooding as he may be, now that they’re older, Alex has realized his attraction for Aiden may be more than friendship…
Last, but certainly not least, we have Alyssa McHaller.  With the odd combination of black hair and crystal blue eyes, her warm personality more than makes up for her odd looks.  Alyssa has been a close friend of both boys since they had met her in the third grade.  She is a year older than both of them, currently sitting at sixteen.  A keeper of secrets for both boys, she also knows of Alex’s crush.

I’m sure you’re wondering what I’m going to be telling you about these four.  All in good time dear reader.  But for now, I invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away… wait, that’s not right.  This is a story about a murderer, not a fairy princess and her prince charming.  Now let’s start this story off right…
“AIDEN!”  A scream tore through the Lycian household.  “GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!”
Emily’s younger brother merely laughed and ran off.  “You can’t catch me!”  Aiden teased.  He raced up the stairs to his room and slammed the door in his sister’s face.
“Aiden!  Give back my book!” she yelled, pounding on the door.
“Emily, leave your brother alone!”  The voice of their mother came from downstairs.  “He’ll give it back when he’s ready.”
“Yeah.”  Deciding he was done, Aiden opened his door and chucked the book at his sister.  “You can have your little spell book back now.”
“Augh!  I told you it’s called a—”
“Don’t care!”  Aiden slid down the banister and jumped off.  “I’m gonna go see Alex!” he called, walking out the front door.
“Alright, be safe honey.” His mother told him.
Emily stood at the top of the stairs, glaring at the door through which her brother had just walked.  Clutching her Book of Shadows, she stormed to her room and flopped on her bed.  “What spell can I use on him to teach him a little lesson…” she muttered.  She flipped through the pages of the tattered old thing, scanning the titles of the spells.  Finally her eyes landed on one entitled “The Three-fold Spell.”  A wicked smile made its way across her face.  “Perfect…”
© Copyright 2009 Riena Takashi (xichigohikarix at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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