Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1515891-Teenage-Love
Rated: E · Novel · Drama · #1515891
The life of a teenage couple..

It was the Spring of 1994 where this story begins, in a town called Eastern Village . In George Washington High School a great big school seven floors ten rooms in each floor this was really a city high school where the students just went up and down not room to room like in the country. This school was high-tech with elevators and escalators got you from floor to floor . There was at least five security officers in each floor all with that mechanical tool that tells you if a person has a weapon of some sort. The School had to have spent over ten thousand dollars only on security personnel alone. Not including all the matainace for all the equipment the security personnel uses. This was a school with a huge budget but it was the best high school in the state. The overall graduates to graduating class was one hundred and sixty to one hundred and sixty five. The school was that good and that’s why over twenty-five hundred students from all around the state want to join George Washington High School the school only held nineteen hundred students.
Douglas Stevenson was a junior, the captain of the wildcats which was the high school football team. He has a perfect four point O grade point average. He is an athlete and a great student. Doug as his friends called him, he was not into the stereotype of captain of the football team goes out with the captain of the cheerleaders. He thought most cheerleaders were not very smart. Doug did not like the way most cheerleaders carried themselves. He thought that they acted as if they were better than everyone else. He is a simple person and wanted a girlfriend that was more like him. Doug is very much into hygiene . He is also very interested in his body not because he thinks he is gorgeous or self preserved but because he wanted to be as physically fit as humanly possible. When he is not in the football field Doug is in the gym liftin weights. He is an avid weight lifter.
Stephanie Stephenson was also a junior at George Washington high school. Her father moved from Orlando, Florida to Eastern Village, New Jersey on business. He is managing the Eastern Village Inn .Which has given his family a lot of much needed money and responsibility . He works so hard to provide for his family . the owner of the inn cannot stop raving about how good of a job he is doing. Stephanie is a great Student. She has a 3.9 grade point average . She was a cheerleader at her old school. Stephanie has always been interested in extra curricular activities ever since middle school. Stephanie started looking into the extra curricular activities George Washington High School had from the very beginning. She tried out for cheerleading and got a roll. She looked in the debate club looked at what the upcoming debates were and thought it would be a great opportunity to get into that club too which it did not take Stephanie to long to get in. Another of Stephanie’s old activities was drama and she loved the idea of getting that club too. So Stephanie tried out and was given a roll . One of her things is to be very busy during the school year so that she could distract herself. Stephanie thinks being busy makes her more focused on what she had to do. During the summer Stephanie had everyday open she made no plans but to relax and have fun with her friends. Summer was her time just to have fun get tanned and never be so busy that she couldn’t even see her friends. Nothing made Stephanie more happier than spending time with her family and friends. Most of the time it was more friends than family but her family had seen enough of her during the winter. Her friends also know that Stephanie is too busy during the winter. It’s a compromise that both her parents and her friends are more than willing to take. They think it’s pretty fair and as of yet there remains to be no arguments or fight because of it.
Doug Stevenson Sr. is a partner in the law firm of Smith ,Stevenson and Duke. The Law firm deals with accident cases, D.W.I. and getting money from people that have committed an unlawful act. His winning record is impeccable thirty-five cases in which he has gotten people money because of the circumstances that his clients had no control over. His clients had accidents that including medical negligence, D.W.I. and wrongful death Because of these incredible record he became partner. His company has the biggest clientele. Mr. Stevenson’s legal assistant slash Paralegal is Stephanie Stephenson Sr. She has been his legal assistant for over three years and the duo could not work any better. He credits most of his success to all that long hours she has but in and all the research she has dug up. They really are a winning combo.
Sarah Stevenson is the owner of the Eastern Village Inn. It is the busiest Inn all Of Eastern Village. The manager of the inn is Michael Stephenson. Sarah was so busy in owning and making all arrangements for the inn not including her work at home made her realize that she needed a manager to deal with most of the responsibility. Luckily her husband told her about the husband of his legal assistant that was looking for a job and all the experience he has in dealing with motels, hotels in Florida. It was a lucky break for her because the Inn was so hectic that she was thinking of possibly closing it down.
Michael and Stephanie Stephenson Sr. Stephanie is the Legal Assistant for Doug Stevenson a partner in the law firm of Smith, Stevenson and Duke. She had just been given this promotion about two years ago but has been working for the firm a total of ten years. She has done so a Fantastic job and has received so many promotions and raises that the firm does not know what else they can do to show their gratitude for all the hard work she has put in. Just recently the firm has told her that being a legal assistant to a partner is the highest promotions they can give but because a legal assistant has had to pass the bar and go through law school that the only thing they can do is except her as a lawyer and make her a partner the law firm of Smith, Stevenson and Duke. Stephanie Sr. had some reservations about that because she took legal assistant because she did not want the agony of going through court and go through litigation. The senior partner told her that’s the great thing about being a partner you work a eight hour job and do have to go through litigation. The only thing that you would have to decide is do you want your name printed or do you want the firm have your name. This is a question they asked all their upcoming partners. To the firm it was no big trouble but some people do not want their printed. She thought but isn’t that the whole thing about being partner is the firm retains your name. So she decided to take partnership and have them add her name. The firm told her it would take about six months to have her name on all documents and letterhead. She said “ does that mean that I continue to work with Mr. Stevenson?” Said Mrs. Stephanie “ No that means that you start working on how exactly do you want your name written on all firm documents and you serve as legal counselor to lawyers that may need your expertise.”
Michael is the manager for the Eastern Village Inn for about a year and a half. He has been given many commendations and gratitude for a job well done. He has helped the owner of the inn in more ways than he could possibly realize. The owner in return has given him raise in pay and has done other certain things to show exactly how appreciated he is to her. Although promotions are not given because of the fact that he is there to fill one certain job. The owner feels that he is deserving of something more than pay. Mrs. Sarah Stevenson owner of the Eastern Village inn has brought Michael to her office to discuss something very important dealing with his job and of course he instantly became worried that he might lose his job. When he went in she said “ Michael I know that you have not been here that long but the work you have done and the shape in which this inn is run is nothing more that miraculous. It because of that , that have thought of a great way to show you how much you are needed and respected. If you continue to work as hard as you have been for the next year I will promise to make you partner. The job is the same but the pay will be a lot more. I will pay you a base rate of eight hundred thousand dollars a year. I believe you deserve it. What do think Mr. Stephenson?” Michael Began by saying “ wow I am so honored that you think that I am worth that much to you. All I have to say is I accept the conditions and you can only expect more great things from me. About the enormous salary that your willing to give I’m not sure I’m willing to take that much. I suggest you take to your husband and make sure one you can afford that much yearly and second to see what he thinks about you giving some one that much money okay. Oh Please don’t think that I am not truly honored by your offer I am I just don’t want nothing bad to happen to this Inn or to you. If when you talk to your husband and maybe your accountant and they decide that that’s not the right amount. I’ll be happy to come back to the bargaining table okay. Again thank you for your offer.” “ Michael you should know me better than that to think that I didn’t talk to a lawyer or an accountant before I said something or offered something especially to my manager. I can afford to pay you $800,000.00 dollars. Just as long as you stick to the agreement. My question to you now is I have an affidavit saying exactly what discussed. Which I will once again repeat to make my husband lawyer happy. I Mrs. Stephanie Stevenson agree to pay Mr. Michael Stephenson $800,000.00 dollars in one year time in monthly installments in the amount of $66,666.66. Provided that he maintains a level above average work ethics which he has displayed in the two years he has been with this company. The only thing continued Stephanie that is needed is your signature.” When Stephanie finished reading and told him what to do Michael became teary eyed and let out a simple sigh .........” You do not know what this means for me and my family. You will always be in my heart the most spectacular person that has ever come into my life. I promise to work as hard or harder than ever before to prove to not only you but to anyone who might think I am not worthy of this promotion.” He signed and he hugged his boss and his boss took her new partner out to lunch.
Stephanie had all the same classes that Doug had but at first Doug really did not take an interest in Stephanie. This was two people that when they went to school all that their mind allowed them to focus on was school work, extra curricular activities and home work. There was nothing else that they could do or nothing that their mind allowed them to do. Having the same classes together sooner or later they had to converse or be partners in a project or something . The opportunity came sooner than later their was a science project where it took a couple of students to do it. The project was about the solar systems and the distance between the planets. The Teacher set up partners. Long and behold he assigned Stephanie and Doug as partners. So they finally met and they conversed and communicated and all that good stuff. The project took two weeks to complete. During those two weeks Stephanie and Doug alternated houses. They finished the project and shortly after they became friends. They started to do everything together. Homework, they Studied for testes together and a lot more things. They grades were almost alike so they even had this little competition between them. So it was slowly progressing into this beautiful friendship. After a while Doug had these feelings for Stephanie. He didn’t know what to do. He had this void that could not be contained . What most people do not understand about Doug is that he is a hopeless romantic. What he wants he must have that love doesn’t come easy to him and more than that he usually destroys most chances by rushing the girl into something she does not want. After a while of seeing her , talking to her and listening to her he decided to make he’s move. He wanted to talk to her to tell her all these feelings he had for her. this void was eating at him that’s when Doug decided to make his move . He wanted to make his move today the earlier the better. Since they had all the same classes together he was going to speak to her after first period. First period was math he always sat in the front row and Stephanie as a new Student was at the last row. After math was over he waited for her when she came out he said “Hey Stephanie how are you?” Fine Doug and yourself how was your weekend? did you do anything fun? or was all work and no play ”Answered Stephanie Doug decided to get it over with and just say what was on his mind. Doug started by saying” oh my weekend was great. no I didn’t do anything fun. I did however do something that was kind a fun but mostly mind awakening” “ oh was that. Stephanie said. ”I decided to ask this beautiful girl to be my girlfriend, to lets get to know each other better” Doug Replied “How’s that girl of which you speak about” Asked Stephanie. Doug Answered “The girl of which I speak of is ....... you Stephanie since the first day we were assign to do that Science project I knew that I wanted you to be my girl. Your so beautiful this weekend I reevaluated my life and I came to a conclusion that I wanted a girlfriend, that I wanted you to help me with all the loneliness I feel when I am studying all alone, or when I’m doing homework or preparing an essay or a book report and the first person that came into my mind was you” Through the whole speech Doug never once looked at Stephanie never once looked up to see what her face was telling him not once. When he was done he looked into her eyes and he realized she was weeping Doug said “Did I say anything wrong because if I did I’m Sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Stephanie Replied “No... you didn’t do anything wrong was thinking of asking you if you wanted to be my boyfriend, to ask you if you wanted to get to know me a little better. So what I’m trying to say is sure I would love to be your girlfriend”. They gave each other a hug and they didn’t realize it but they missed their second period class. The bell had rung for third Period. Doug was the happiest person you could ever see. He felt as if his whole life was set. This made him very happy on the other hand Stephanie was just as happy as Doug was. So there is a couple of friends that found their better halves. Doug Went home that afternoon and told his parents everything that went on that day. He told them about Stephanie Stephenson and when he mentioned her last name a smile came to there face. Both parents were very happy and they knew that both Stephanie and Doug were going to do very well together and plus the backing of their parents was superb.
As Doug was doing his homework. He thought of a great way to show Stephanie how happy he was they were going out. He decided that he was going to take her to an Italian Restaurant that Godfather always takes him. It’s a wonderful Italian Restaurant on the North Side of Brooklyn. The name of the restaurant is Bamonte’s . They have very Italian dishes which Doug loves. So he thought that he would ask her to go with him this Saturday. He’ll pick her up at four, Four thirty and drive the one and a half two drive to Brooklyn and hopefully she’ll love it as much as he does. The next day Doug asked Stephanie if she would like to go to dinner with him on Saturday to a restaurant called Bamonte’s in Brooklyn. She happily excepted. They hugged and gave each other a kiss. Doug Said” I’ll pick you up at four thirty and we will drive to Brooklyn.” She agreed. When he came home he once again talked to his parents about Saturday. They were happy that their son was making progress with Stephanie they were really looking forward to Stephanie as maybe a Daughter-in-law. Mr. Stevenson asked his son if he needed money. Doug looked at his father and said. ”Dad no thanks Stephanie is the reason I’m working. I want to give her everything thank you but I got it”. Mr. Stevenson replied by saying. “Son I know your working very hard but I’m your father and Bamonte’s is not a cheap place at least let give you an advance in your allowance. So that you have enough money just in case you want to do something after dinner. Doug I will not be taking a no for an answer”. Seeing that his father was not joking, and seeing that he had no other choice he accepted. Doug thanked his father he hugged him and told him love very much dad” I love you too son”. Doug reflected on how many times his father has shared moments just like that with him. Doug said. “Dad you have always been there when I needed you most and even when I didn’t need you. You have always shown me exactly how much you love . Thanks Dad.” His Father replied by saying. “Son I will always be there for you even when you don’t want me too it is my pleasure and I’m so proud of you never forget just how proud I am. love you son.”

CHAPTER 2: The First Date :
Doug drove to Stephanie’s house. He arrived promptly at four PM. When he saw Stephanie he was taken aback because she was so beautiful. she wore this form fitting teal colored dress . It announced all her curves. Douglas amazed at her beautiful she really was. They kissed and hugged but Doug did respectfully as to not upset her parents. It was time for Mr. Stevenson to go over the rules and timeline. He began to say that he expects his daughter home by 12PM.” If you need more time just call and tell me what you are doing and what time you will be home and we’ll discuss it at that time. Doug treat my daughter with respect that is all I ask of you.” Doug responded by saying. “Sir I have nothing but respect for your daughter I promise to be a perfect gentleman.” He gave his daughter money just in case of an emergency. they left but not without Mrs. Stevenson taking a picture of her daughter and her daughters boyfriend’s first date. They left and when got to the car Doug opened the car door for Stephanie after she was in Doug closed the door and went around and got in. he drove off going to Brooklyn. Both Stephanie and Doug were very nervous. During the beginning of the two hour drive Stephanie and Doug were both sitting at the edge of the seat nearest their window. Doug saw that no words have been said and he asked her if she was all right she told him that she was fine. They started with basic conversation. They talked about the weather the headlines their favorite subjects their best and worst teachers and at the end of the two hour trip you could see that they were sitting closer together actually very close together. This relieved Doug he saw that the date so far had been going great. They arrived at the restaurant to describe this restaurant was truly difficult. Just picture the White House being a restaurant with the columns the steps up to the actual house. From far you can tell that this was an expensive restaurant. The difference was that in the White House you had to spend a thousand dollars per plate. Bamonte’s looked Expensive but it was not like the White House. You could get a four course meal for about seventy-five dollars per person with the portions of the found it was quite economical. When they went in you could really tell it was a five star restaurant. The table cloths on the tables were made from silk with an Picture of a eagle. It’s gold color reflected off the lights. The waiter was dressed in a Tuxedo, the bartender also wore a tuxedo. Stephanie was speechless a truly authentic Italian restaurant in which the owner went around to every customer and thanked for coming that night. The Maitrade walked Stephanie and Doug to their table Introduced them to their waiter Tony Basini. The waiter brang them their bread and butter and asked them what they wanted to drink. Being that the couple were under age they both asked for a soda. When The waiter came back with their sodas Doug said “We would also like your house pasta with meat sauce” the waiter bowed as is customary and walked away. Doug asked “ So what do you think? Is everything as you as you thought it would be”. Stephanie replied by saying. “ This place is very beautiful I never imagined here would be such a gorgeous restaurant anywhere. The waiter is fantastic, I am so glad you brang me here thank you in advance”. The waiter came with the house pasta and two plates. He also and refilled their drinks and said. “ Buena appetite” Doug said “ Gracie “ and the waiter bowed and walked away. They began to eat their pasta and the conversation was getting started up again. Within a short period of time the conversation grew it grew so much that they talked about everything such as school, the weather, sports, politics and current events. the conversation just went on and on. They talked about an hour not including the every five minute visit from the waiter. He passed by making sure everything was going well. In one of those visits he took the house pasta plate away and said “ is there anything else I can get for you”. Doug replied “ Yes you can get us two lentil soup and the house salad “. The waiter once again bowed and walked away. when the lentil soups and the house salad came Doug and Stephanie were really making progress, they were really connecting and on their minds was the thought of is he/she the one for me it did not that long for them to know exactly what was the answer to their question. When the waiter passed again Doug ordered Chicken Franchisee and Stephanie ordered a plate of veal parmesan. The discussion kept flowing the night seemed to be getting endless for them. When they finished with there entree Doug asked for the check it already nine thirty. Doug asked Stephanie if she would like to go home or would she like to have dessert with him in a near by place. She chose to have dessert somewhere else. They got in the car and drove to a near by place and ordered two slices of cheese cake Alamode. They kept talking the conversation kept flowing and when they realized it, it was ten thirty. Doug thought that he should take Stephanie he asked Stephanie to call her father and tell him that they were on their way home but she probably will not home on time so Stephanie took his cell phone dialed the number within a short while she said “ Dad it me Stephanie Doug wanted me to call you and to tell that we are on a way home but as you know it is a two hour drive so we just wanted to tell that we will be a little late. Mr. Stephenson Said “ Honey I am glad you called so early and told me that you were going to be late tell Doug not to worry there will not be arguments from just tell him to be safe and drive carefully there is no reason to rush.” “ thank you dad see you soon” When Stephanie hung up she was so relieved and told Doug what her father told her to say a smile came over Doug’s face it seemed more relieved he just did not want to mess this date up. He Stephanie eyes Doug could do no wrong. The attraction kept mounting for both of them. When they got to Stephanie’s house it was twelve twenty five. Mr. Stevenson was so happy that Doug had brought his daughter home safe and sound. He marveled at the fact that his daughter found a person that respects her enough to bring her home and have a talk with her parents. Most of her other dates did not that the respect to drop her at the front of their house and most times Stephanie would call her parents to have them pick her up. Which of cause they did but much fights and lectures. After a short while Doug that the Stevenson and Stephanie. The Stevenson once again thank Doug for bringing their daughter home. Doug said “ It was a pleasure to have met you kind folks but I think It’s time for me to start heading Home”. Mr. Stevenson Said “ We will leave you two alone so that you can say goodnight”. “ thanks again Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson”. replied Doug “ Good night son” He replied Stephanie said “ I guess it time to say good night Thanks again Doug for the best night of my life for as long as I live I will never forget this night. Simple because no guy has ever treated me like a queen the way you have Doug.” They gave each other a romantic kiss and her Parents said “ Stephanie are you coming up” “ yes mother” Replied Stephanie. with that Doug started to leave looked back at Stephanie and said “Goodnight” As Doug passed through the door he was excited to now the date was perfect. he could not see or feel anything wrong with that date. This was a guy that was on cloud nine so delighted to know that he made a young girl feel so good and loved. Tonight was a night of pure joy for Doug. Things could not have gone better, while he was feeling so good, Stephanie is talking to her parents about exactly what went on that night. They were both feeling great and they were both also thinking about each other and asking if this person could be the one. Their parents were also happy about the fact that met and liked each other. On Sunday Doug and Stephanie talked about what went out that Saturday. Stephanie said to Doug “ thank you again for dinner on Saturday. You made me feel so good. You treated me like a queen I felt like royalty. The best Italian restaurant, the best company and the best everything. I do not what else I Can say to tell you or show exactly how grateful I am.” Doug Said “ I do “ Stephanie replied “ it better not be what I think it is” Doug said “ no nothing like that I just wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend and be with me a lot more.” Stephanie was taken aback be the whole thing they only had one date but at the same time that first date was incredible. She fell in love with him she meant everything to him but was she ready for a relationship and if she was how will she tell her parents. She decided to tell him that she will think about and talk to her parents. Doug told her that he fine with that and for her to take ;‘her time but to please let him know as she made up her mind. She agreed. That afternoon she went home thought about it weighed the pro’s and con’s and decided that if her parents were okay with it she will except to be Doug’s girlfriend. Her parents came home about seven o’clock and she asked if she could speak to them. Thay said yes and Stephanie began to explain to them what Doug had proposed to her after she was done her father said “ well Stephanie if you are willing to accept him as your boyfriend then we except your decision basically what I’m trying to say is it’s up to you” Mrs. Stevenson concurred with what her husband jiust said. Stephanie thanked them for their blessing and appreciated their honesty and their approval of Doug. The next day at school Stephanie asked Doug if they could talk at lunch he agreed. Lunch time came and she said “ I have a answer to your question “yes I would love to be your girlfriend” Doug gave her a kiss and a hug, He smiled at her and then gave her another kiss. They went to the next class holding hands. When school ended Doug walked Stephanie to her house and gave her a peck on the lips.
The next day Doug and Stephanie walked into George Washington high school. Doug introduced Stephanie to this crazy looking guy. He was the class clown, weird there was no other adjective to describe him than weird. Doug told Stephanie that his name was Freddy Francour. Freddy said his hello’s and they shook hands. Doug introduced Stephanie as his girlfriend. Freddy was very happy. He said “So finally your Mrs. Wright” Doug Answered’ it sure looks that way”. Doug and Freddy shook hands. The couple walked further down the aisle and Stephanie introduced Doug to Elizabeth Easley. Elizabeth is a beautiful girl. Blonde hair green eyes from Tacoma Washington. Stephanie Introduced Doug as her boyfriend. Elizabeth Said “ So you finally the one haven’t you” “ It seems that way “ replied Stephanie Elizabeth Said “ Wow I am so happy for you girl. Lets get pizza after school to celebrate ……. My treat. Stephanie was hesitant Elizabeth with a little base in her voice said “ Oh did I sound as if I was asking” “ Okay girl see you at Mario’s at 3pm” said Stephanie “ 3pm sharp Said Elizabeth “ okay okay okay” When school ended they meet up with Elizabeth at Mario’s Pizzeria. They all had two slices of pizza with a soft drink. They all had a great time with Elizabeth.

Chapter 3: A friend in trouble

Erica’s mother called Stephanie and she asked her if she had seen Erica. Stephanie told her that she has not seen her since last Friday, “why” Stephanie asked “ because she has not slept in this house since Saturday” replied Mrs. Rodriguez Stephanie asked “ but did she leave any note saying where she will be or has she called saying that she staying at someone’s house?”. Mrs. Rodriguez replied “ if that happened I would not have spent the last two hours calling her friends, the hospital and the police”. Stephanie said “ I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking what did the police say”? She replied “ she’s not missing until 8pm tonight when she first disappeared” Stephanie said “ can you please call me as soon as you hear something?” Mrs. Rodriguez agreed to call her if she found out anything. Stephanie immediately called Doug and told doug that her friend was missing. H immediately asked is their anything that she wanted him to do. She said “no nothing” Doug told her that whenever she needed anything from her just to call she agreeded. Stephanie thanked him and said goodbye. She had not heard anything from Mrs. Rodriguez for two days she proceeded to call Mrs. Rodriguez and asked had Erica called or had the police found anything yet. The answer to both questions was no again Stephanie asked Mrs. Rodriguez to please let her know about anything that happened. she agreed. About a week later Erica called her mother to let her know that she was fine and that not to worry about her, but knowing Mrs. Rodriguez that was something impossible to do. Mrs. Rodriguez asked Erica if she wanted to go home. Erica paused for a long while and then said “ mom I would love to go home but I have prostituting myself for a while now and I am addicted to cocaine. Where I really need to go is a rehab clinic. To see if there is a chance at getting rid of this addiction“. Mrs. Rodriguez was shocked at what her daughter was saying. Mrs. Rodriguez asked her.” but you have been in the streets and away from home for only two months how could you be addicted already?:”. “Mom I have been doing cocaine for a while now much longer than two months”. said “Erica How much longer“? “Mom I know this is going to kill you but I have been doing cocaine for about a year”. Mrs. Rodriguez was stunned at what she just heard. It took about three minutes before she said a word. “Erica I’m sorry that I didn’t notice, I apologize for abandoning you when you needed me the most” . Erica interrupted nad said “Mom it is me that has to apologize for disappointing you the way I have. For not trusting you to help me. Mom I do want to go home before I go to Rehab if that’s possible” Her mom said.” Erica there is nothing I would want more. You have not disappointed me you have made me proud. You called me and asked me for help. Nothing can make me prouder. Come home immediately”. Said Mrs. Rodriguez. Erica said “ mom but I’m not going to make it long if I don’t get help.” Mrs. Rodriguez told her daughter that she needed time to get all the preparations ready but first she need her to come home first. Her daughter agreed. She promised that she will come home she just needed some time. Her mother asked if she could pick her up. Erica said.” yes can you pick up in an hour at 202 South 2nd street in West Brook Town”. Mrs. Rodriguez knew exactly were that was. It would take her about forty-five minutes to get there but she had to tell Stephanie first. She immediately called Stephanie and told what had happened. She told her that she was meeting Erica at 202 South 2nd street on West Brook Town. As soon as Mrs. Rodriguez finished they both got into their car and went to the address. When they finally got there Erica was in tears. Knowing that let her mother down, she was wondering what in the world she could do to make it up to her. Stephanie and Mrs. Rodriguez ran to Erica and gave her a great big hug and kiss her. She did the same. Erica begged her mothers forgiveness. Her mother told her baby I love you and there is nothing for me to forgive you for, you fell on hard times and you made a few mistakes. Mistakes are apart of growing up. Your going home with me until I can get you a place that can take care of you so that you can start your rehab.
© Copyright 2009 Teenage Love (nymets82377 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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