Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1515196-Reflections-on-the-Anti-Christ
by Tom
Rated: E · Essay · Spiritual · #1515196
This is an essay about my own thoughts on the Anti-Christ.

The Anti-Christ: Who is he--what is he? Many people since John wrote of him have done their best to answer that question. From 80 or 90 A.D. to 2008 A.D. many have said that he'll be this, or he'll be that.  They have guessed at his advent, or the ridiculous notion of predicting the exact date when the end of this age will come--and then subtract seven years. All have failed, and all will fail, unless they study the guidelines given to us by Daniel and John the Revelator.

Number one, it will be a MAN who will put this planet into a turmoil that it's never seen before and will never see again; lest no flesh should be saved alive. He will NOT be the son of Satan. Lucifer is an angel, one of the Sons of God, and cannot produce children. God put entity between the seed of women and the seed of angels many centuries ago, and any of their offspring were probably destroyed in the Great Flood. But, he will be closer to the Devil than anyone else in recorded history.

For some reason, known only to God Himself, Lucifer cannot rule this planet openly. He cannot walk into the United Nations Security Council and announce that he's taking over, and that all the world must now worship him as God. If he could, he'd have done it by now. He must do this through a human, a man, and he's had many candidates throughout time, but all have failed him, even to this day. Many men have been close to this stage in their lives, from Alexander The Great, to Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Osama Bin Laden up to and including Saddam Hussien. All have had aspirations to rule their KNOWN world, and have risen to power through lies, deceit, corruption and murder. During their reign they maintained their iron grip using the same principles, and ruled their subjects in a manner opposite of the way Jesus Christ would, so their methods were in the Spirit of Anti-Christ. Eventually, all were overthrown by freedom-loving people, some God-fearing, some atheistic. Remember, Our Lord is not above using the Barbarian to accomplish His Will.

I believe that someday, and that day is known only to God Himself, that their will not be enough Godly people left to fight the Evil Ones, and they will win the day. When that comes a man will arise out of nowhere, someone with no baggage that would hinder his progress, and seemingly preform political and military miracles. At that time our world will be in dis-array, from possible nuclear exchange to a complete collapse of the banking systems. People will be poor and hungry, and a man that sees his family cold and hungry will listen to anyone who will promise them a better life and then deliver on it.

These types make the best revolutionaries, and will swear allegiance and be loyal to their deaths to that person and their organization. They will take a mark, a bar code, or a lifetime debit card to ensure their health and welfare continues. If they haven't been schooled Biblically, they'll do this and not think twice. As Christians, we must never keep still on this subject. Never.

In order for the prophecies to be fulfilled, Solomon's Temple must be rebuilt before the end will come. Orthodox Jews will demand it be on the original spot, on Temple Mount. Imagine what the world will think of the man who will broker the deal to have Haram al-Sharif, The Dome of the Rock, moved from its place now to somewhere else, and The Temple put back. Does the phrase "Who is like this man, and who can stand against him" ring a bell? His name will have a numerical value of 666, or in Greek 616, but who of the Great Unwashed will care? Only those of us who have an ear and are willing to understand.

At the moment the Temple is opened, Satan will see that this man is the one he's been looking for for many millennium. He will give all his power to him, and when this man orders the whole world to worship his statue that he's placed in the Inner Temple, the countdown will begin. The Last Anti-Christ will eventually be defeated by the the Armies of Our Lord, and the rest you know.

A Messiah will appear and rule this world for a thousand years. Some people don't believe in that, some people have their own idea who it will be, and some people are still looking for Him. In any event, any thinking individual has to realize that all this must come to an end someday. Justice has to be served, penances have to be made for current and past transgressions. But, no one knows the date, or the hour, when The Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord will happen. Even His Son didn't know when He was here, so to speculate would be fruitless. Maybe God has a number in mind, a ratio of good people versus the evil ones. For sure some one has to stop the madness, and I'm hedging a bet it's Yeshua, of Natzaret.

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