Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1514682-The-Raiders-Folly
by RoryD
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1514682
Follow an unnamed raider as he descends into the cold sterile heart of vault 106.
Journal entry 1, March 18, 2276 A.D

"WELL FUCK YOU TOO!!! Who needs you and your fuckin low life gang.  I could make it just as easily in this godforsaken wasteland by myself!"  I said spitting at my former comrades.  "Aw please without us you're about as capable as that guy!"      My bastard of a boss said as he pointed over his shoulder towards the mutilated corpse hanging from the ceiling of the desolated house the gang called home.(In reality we called it "Another fuckin crap shack!")  The time was four in the afternoon and the enclave station was playing over the old radio with that asshole "president" John Henry whatsisname yamerin on about some  stupid mutt he used to own.  I hope a Yao Gai ate it. Anyway I looked my boss straight in the eye and said "You trying to say something?  Because without me you would have been mutant chow weeks ago!"  Of course he looked straight back and said in his usual idiotic manner "If you think you're so great then fuck off and take your... your... you know what just fuck off afore I change my mind bout lettin you leave and feed your balls to rusty here!"  The mongrel he kept by him at all times growled at me and I decided to take a powder before he decided to actually follow through with his threat, but I didn't leave without the last words, as I turned to leave I said "Someday there's gonna be some lucky son of a bitch who's gonna rip that dog's head off and the others are finally gonna see what a cowardly, incapable shit head you really are, and I hope they all laugh as you die..."  As I walked away he stood up with his face red fumbling for the 10 mm pistol in his holster, but I was out the door before he could do anything.  I just heard  a slam and some shouting before I got out of ear shot.  I think this is off to a good start.

Journal entry 2, March 19, 2276 A.D

I made camp under a bridge last night and found some roasted squirrel on an old abandoned barbecue, tasted fuckin awful but I guess it tastes a whole lot better then dirt!  Woke up at about five and decided to ditch my old raider duds before some stupid asshole decided to take a shot at me.  I took out a salvager making his way through the wastes alone and donned his clothes,  unlucky bastard didn't see me coming.

Journal entry 3, March 19, 2276 A.D

Made my way to megaton and got "friendly" with the locals.  After some "polite conversation" I found out where to grab some half descent chow, some ammo and a bed for the night.  After some food and a bit of bartering I made my way to Moriarty's saloon and got a drink while at the same time getting to abuse some zombie,  this place is great I'm tempted to stick around.

Journal entry 4, March 20, 2276 A.D

After getting bled dry of caps by that asshole Moriarty I decided against staying and moved northeast where I found an old wooden door leading into the rock, I tried it out found it to be stuck and decided to move on without a second thought.  This "adventuring" stuff is harder then I thought.

Journal entry 5, March 20, 2276 A.D

HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!!!  I just managed to escape from a whole fucking PACK of vicious dogs!  God dammit those things were persistent and chased me halfway across the wasteland, and I am hell tired.  Think I'm gonna wait here for a while and get my second wind before moving on.

Journal entry 6, March 20, 2276 A.D

Stupid fucking DOGS!  Damned things got me lost so now I haven't a fucking clue where I am.  I'm afraid of the dogs sniffing me out so I've decided to lay a trail of land mines behind me so that those little shits will get quite a surprise if they decide to follow me. I've already heard a boom in the distance so I think I wont have to be worrying for much longer but I gotta find somewhere to set up camp soon cus it's getting late and I don't wanna go wondering by myself in the wasteland at night.

Journal entry 7, March 21, 2276 A.D

Woke up a few times last night to a few small explosions which means my traps working and those dogs are getting whats been coming to them for a long time. It's 4 in the afternoon and I decided to write one entry for today so here's the summary...  I traced my steps and decided to salvage the remaining mines since there's no point letting em go to waste and I could finally laugh in the face of those dogs and get some roasted dog meat!  I came across a few dogs, some dead in groups, I also found a few mole rats a radroach and even a Yao Gai!  I, of course, salvaged the meat and picked up any undetonated mines. I've found a few mercenaries and taken their stuff hoping to get some caps for em and I'll be spending the rest of the day looking for a traveling trader who will take this crap.

Journal entry 8, March 21, 2276 A.D

I know I said the last entry was the only one for today but I've just come across something that's got me insanely excited!  I was just walking minding my own business when I come across a wire fence with a keep out sign.  Obviously to a raider like me "Keep Out" is read "Goodies!" and as I was walking through the gate I came across a wooden door very much like the door I came across outside megaton except this one is open!  I slowly entered the door, my shotgun loaded, and walked into the darkness.  As I turned on the flash light I taped to my combat shotgun I saw a marvel I had never seen before, a giant metal door in the shape of a cog which was embedded in an equally metal wall.  The wall seemed to come out of the solid walls of the cave and the door had only three numbers written across it "106."  I think this is one of them "vaults" which were rumored to be filled with tons of unspoiled pre-war treasures!  I'd love to go inside but its too late to go rampaging through a vault killing all its innocent unarmed citizens no matter how fun that sounds.  I'll make camp in the cave and open up the door in the morning.

Journal entry 9, March 22 , 2276 A.D

I explored the cave a little this morning trying to find a way to open this behemoth of a door and after a short search I found the control panel by the door.  The buttons and lights and stuff confused me but the lever was simple enough and the door pulled open with the loudest scraping I've ever heard.  I slowly entered expecting to see bright lights and the sounds of talking and laughing but all I heard was the sound of air escaping through the vault door.  It was dark and there was trash everywhere.  I think this place has already been ransacked but I'm going in deeper anyway.

Journal entry 10, March 22, 2276 A.D

This place is starting to freak me out I walked in a bit deeper finding more trash and the like, I opened a door to find a security console on the other side of the room, I edged slowly closer and tapped the power button on the console to find it password protected.  This is when I counted myself lucky that I had some knowledge in computers because of that book merchant we knocked over the other day, the other guys yelled at each other about poor planning and the like but I just picked up a book and started reading.  Anyway after a bit of tinkering and guessing I got through the security and a message  was all that appeared, it said something about a ventilation error a few months ago and about people acting strangely but beyond that there was nothing.  I heard a clattering noise behind me and as I turned I almost shat my pants!  I saw a metal slab clattering on the floor but that wasn't what scared me, what scared me was two bashed up skeletons on either side of the door, one laying behind a table and the other underneath a shelf.  There's something really messed up about this place and I don't think I want to know what it is I'm out of here. Whats that screech?

Journal entry 11, March 22, 2276 A.D

Fuck oh fuck of FUCK!!!  The fucking vault door just closed and the controls inside are smashed!  I don't know how the hell to fix this console and that door can take a direct hit from a freaking atom bomb.  I guess my only hope is to head deeper into the vault and try to find an emergency manual or something like that.  God I hate this place.

Journal entry 12, March 22, 2276 A.D

I heard noises coming from deeper in the vault, it sounded like screaming and fighting but I wont go any deeper right now, I need to get the courage and I've got to get some proper rest.  I decided to lock myself in the room with the console, I've managed to disable the door control on the outside and I hope I can get some rest in this freaky place.

Journal entry 13, March ?, 2276 A.D

There is something very wrong with this place I woke up with a strange feeling, everything was purple and as I looked to my left I saw some guy in his underwear looking through my pack, as I jumped up and reached to grab him he disappeared and everything was its normal color.  I checked the door to find it still locked.  I cant tell the time but I feel tired.  I think I'm going nuts but that guy looked like the scavenger I killed. Fear is making me see things... I hope.

Journal entry 14, March ?, 2276 A.D

I don't know how to describe what I just saw except by saying it was fucking crazy.  I began walking down deeper into this shit hole this morning and I heard a noise, it sounded like mumbling so I ducked and decided to sneak up on the source.  I peeked around the corner to find my old boss walking down the hall with his fucking mutt so I decide to sneak up behind him with a knife and rip his god damned head open.  I slowly snuck up on him and slashed but he ducked and as soon as he got up I was looking down the barrel of hit 10 mm, I heard his dog growl and pounce and there was blackness.  I regained consciousness in what appeared to be the same hallway but clean, the walls looked new and there was no blood on the wall. I found everything in order as if it was all new, thats when I heard a beep.  I turned to find a computer console on a desk to be the source.  In big bold letters on the screen were the words "MY BRAIN"  I walked slowly to the console and pressed enter to find there was no password.  The screen flickered and an inbox flashed up with one message saying "To Me"  I opened this curious mail to find the message "Isn't this place nice?  Don't you want to stay here?"  I closed the message in confusion and there was a new message, I opened that and it said "Come on you know you want to."  I closed this second message only to find a third which read "Fine be that way."  When I closed this one another showed up reading "This conversation is over!"  I logged out at that instant and found myself in the same room but with desks upturned and consoles smashed.  Why does everything turn purple?

Journal entry 15, March ?, 2276 A.D

I run and run nowhere to go dogs dogs all around no escape only explosions... the overseer is my sanctuary and will keep me safe.

Journal entry 15, March ?, 2276 A.S

I just opened my journal to find an entry I don't remember writing.  I only remember entry fourteen before I locked myself in the computer room and slept.  This place is not cool and I want to get out of here as soon as fucking possible so I'm not going to sleep until I can find a way out of this loony bin.

Jrnl ntry 1  6,  !!!!!!!!!

No time to write, found vault dweller, crazy screamed loud killed him, others heard chased, locked in computer room cant escape, they're at the door breaking through wont survive.  If you're reading this, see you in he...
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