Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1514535-Specter
by Marie
Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1514535
The Dupont's have a secret. And Andre Carducci wants to figure it out...
Please, feel free to tell me what you think! ^_^ ( I tried to make it easier for you to read with all the paragraphs =P ]
Urghh ! Been so busy with school, Chapter 4 & 5 might not be up until the end of Feburary, March the latest. RATE ! RATE ! RATE ! :]

          Chapter 1. First Impressions
All heads turned toward me as I entered the classroom.
          Sucks being the new kid.
I looked down at what I was wearing; I don't dress bad.
My red and white famous shirt fit me nicely; good thing I work out. My dark baggy jeans didn't show off my boxers.

Then why is everyone staring at me?

My face was being reflected through the window. I looked and saw an appealing guy. Strong cheekbones, straight nose, auburn tousled hair. "Roman warrior." My mother would say. They were staring at my eyes. My eyes were a strange color. Golden. It sometimes had a strange tint of blue in it. My teacher took my paper in his large hands. "Ah, Mr. Andre Car-Car-"

"Carducci." I said for him. "Is your last name Italian?" I nodded warily. I thought I heard the class gasp. Great. Now I'll be known as the Italian new guy. I sat down where he pointed, in the back of the room. I was now at the hour before lunch, and that's where the stares would get worse, I could tell. The girl next to me was staring. I peeked sideways at her, and she waved enthusiastically. Oh goodness here we go. "Hi!" She whispered. I nodded in return. Finally, the bell rang and she waited for me at the door. "Hi, I'm Lily! Do you need help getting to the cafeteria?" I finally decided to look at her, and she was pretty cute. She was short and blonde. Typical. I nodded once again. "So are you really Italian? Like, did you just come from Italy?" She asked, interested. I nodded. It was starting to get old, this nodding thing. We rounded the corner and walked straight into the cafeteria. The people that were seated stared, and the people standing didn't notice. Yet. I followed Lily as she chatted about cheerleading. We sat down at a large empty table. I ate my food in happy peace, while Lily babbled the whole time. By the time I was done, our large table was full of people. People staring at me. "Everyone, this is Andre Carducci." She said with pride. I sighed. She got my last name wrong. They mumbled their hellos. Lily started telling me people's names, but I wasn't paying attention. I was watching a beautiful girl. She was light skinned, and had long honey colored hair that fell in waves. She sat at a table with three others sitting there. They all looked like models, with their identical, pixie-like faces. The same, yet different.

The girl I was staring at had striking silver eyes. I thought my eyes were a weird color. "Who are they?" I blurted out. Everyone who was listening followed my gaze. "Oh, that's the Dupont family. The girl that just sat down is Annemarie. The blonde is Carlotta, and the shorter one is Marzia. The boy is Bruno. Him and Carlotta are together. Annemarie and Marzia are fraternal twins. I believe they are french." She explained to me. Annemarie turned and looked at me. Then she smiled. Smiled at me! Carlotta scowled at Annemarie. Marzia giggled and peeked a look at me. Bruno just sat there, muscles and all. The guy was huge! Marzia ruffled her dark brown hair absentmindedly. The tips of her dark brown hair was blonde. Her lashes were long, and he blue eyes shone as she smiled at her twin. Carlotta had dirty blonde hair that was set in a bob. It swayed everytime she moved her head. She had brown eyes.
"So what do you say?" My eyes flicked away from the table back to Lily. "Huh?" I said lamely. "I said, do you want to go to the lake to hang out this weekend?" I blinked slowly. "Uh, sure." She clapped her hands together. "Great!" Everyone smiled politely. "We will hang out this friday on Matt's boat!" Matt. Matt. I searched the table and my eyes settled on the blonde haired guy. Matt. "We can meet at the Fish Shop." Matt said. "Great! It's settled!" Matt smiled at Lily. Lunch went well, and my gaze often shifted to the Duponts' table. They just sat there, not eating. Marzia and Bruno were the most talkative, Marzia always smiling. Annemarie smiled often, but she was very quiet. Carlotta was serious, and never talked. The bell rang and Lily bounced next to me, guiding me to my last class.
Space Science. Lily waved goodbye and headed off to English. Ms. Lefton was young and laidback. She waited until everyone was sitting, so I can get my seat.
"Everyone please quiet down! This is Andre Carducci. He's new, fresh from Italy. Treat him nice. Okay well, take the only available seat." She gestured toward the class. I looked up to find the empty seat. The empty seat was there, all right. But who sat next to it really caught my attention. Annemarie Dupont, was doodling in her notebook. Next to the empty seat. I sat down next to her as Ms. Lefton wrote something on the board. She seemed unphased by me sitting inches away from her. She didn't bother to look up. I watched as she sketched a pair of eyes in the middle of her paper. She took her black pen and colored a small iris in the middle. She got out a golden glitter pen and colored perfectly around the black circle. Golden eyes. I looked up at Ms. Lefton laughing with some students up front. An assignment was written on the board, so I grabbed the textbook that was under my chair. As I worked, I heard a small gasp from beside me. I turned and saw Annemarie staring at me in horror. I looked down at her paper again, and saw those golden eyes, shining brighter than ever. Perfect lips were now there, and the lightest color of pink. I looked back at her as she closed notebook in a heartbeat. Her cheeks flushed bright pink with blush. What was up with that? I turned back to my work and finished, turning everything in to Ms. Lefton. Annemarie did the same. She stared at me after she returned from her desk.
"Hello." Her soft voice broke the silence. I nodded at her.
"My name is Annemarie Dupont. Andre is it? Andre Carducci?" She pronounced my last name perfectly. Her voice was beautiful, soft and ringing. I wanted to hear her speak more. I smiled, and nodded. "You don't speak much, do you?" She asked with a smile. I shook my head. She laughed. Her laugh was so enticing, I had to join in. "I hear you're from Italy? May I ask what part?" I nodded, and breathed in. "I lived in Bergamo." She nodded. "Is it a province?" Was this girl actually interested? "Yes. It's actually in Lombardy." She nodded. "I figured that much." She smiled. I guess it was my turn to ask a question. "Are you really from France?" She nodded proudly. "What part?" She cleared her throat. "Moselle. It's very lovely actually. We lived near the river. It's a department of France." I nodded. "The region is Lorraine, am I correct?" She smiled widely. "Yes! Finally, someone who knows where I'm from. Without research." I grinned at her. She was so easy to talk to, I realized. We spoke about where we were from, and where we've been. We laughed alot, and everything was easy going. It wasn't until Ms. Lefton cleared her throat that I noticed.

I noticed that the bell had rung, and the room was empty. Ms. Lefton had her purse slung over her shoulder, keys in hand. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry ! Let's go Andre!" Annemarie said grabbing my arm. Ms. Lefton laughed as we rushed out the door. We headed to the parking lot, and I was suprised people actually hung around.
"So what do you think about Vermont so far?" She asked. I shrugged. "It's okay. Much more different from Italy. The girls aren't really so...friendly as they are here." She nodded. "Word in school is you drive a motorcycle." I smiled. "Yeah. I love her." She looked at me bewildered. "Her?" She asked incredulously. "Ducati." I told her dreamily. She giggled and rolled her eyes. "Let me guess. She's a hot red?" I shook my head. "Sleek black." She smiled slyly. "Can I see her?" I grinned at her, and her responding smile was blinding. "Annemarie!" An angry voice called. Annemarie's smile was wiped from her face. "Annemarie! What the hell?! We have been waiting for you! I was about to bust the windows from the damn car! If I had the keys I would have left ! What do you think you're doing? Wasting your time with this smooze! Ugh, I sometimes don't believe we're related! He's only talking to you for your looks like everyone else!" Carlotta was shrieking at Annemarie loudly. I could have sworn I saw tears form in Annemaries' eyes. She straightened up quickly. "I guess I'll have to see her tomorrow." She said with a wink. Carlotta tried to hide her suprised gasp. She glared at me while she passed. She kept glaring until she was out of sight. So much for a good first impression.
          Chapter 2. Reactions
When I got home, Rizzo and Sage were cooking dinner. "Frittelle di Riso ?" I asked once the smells of rice and sugar hit me first. Sage's long black hair shook with laughter. "Yes mi amore." She said calling me her love in italian. Sage looked like a model. She was so pretty, with creamy caramel skin. She also had striking green eyes and perfect plump lips. Rizzo on the other hand looked too much like me. Roman warrior. "How was your first day?" Rizzo asked while sitting at the fancy dining table. "It was pretty good." They stared at me like I was stupid. "Well don't go giving us details and everything." Sage said. We all laughed in unison. "I met a girl from France. She knew alot about Lombardy, and we talked about where we've been. She's...amazing." I sighed heavily. Rizzo looked at Sage. Her lips twitched into a smile. "Oh, amore! This could be her! The one you've been looking for! Is she beyond beautiful?" I grinned at her, and nodded with content. Rizzo and Sage had always wanted me to find the perfect girl for me. As long as I was happy, so were they. "This is wonderful! Now you'll have someone special like-"
"-Tell us about her!" Rizzo cut in. Sage grunted in disproval. He grinned at her sheepishly. Sage gestured toward me. "Well, her name is Annemarie. She's french, and she's been to Italy as well. She is just amazing. She's inhumanly beautiful, it doesn't make sense. She wants to see Ducati. Maybe even ride her." I grinned at them. Sage grumbled something about selling the thing, and Rizzo said something about buying himself one. I told them about the lake and they said yes. Of course. My parents let me do anything I want. I grabbed a plate full of food headed upstairs and plopped on my king sized bed. I heard my parents conversating about motorcycles. My mind drifted to Annemarie and her family. What was up with Carlotta? Why would she hate me? I didn't do anything to her. Then I thought about Annemarie in class today. What was up with the golden eyes? Why would she close her book so fast, and why was she so suprised to see me? My thoughts flip flopped to everyone's reactions when Annemarie smiled at me. Well whatever it was, it was a strange reaction.
Carlotta was still mad when I got home. I just laughed as she yelled at me. Whatever. I flew up the stairs with my notebook in hand. I decided to finish my picture. I drew in the perfect auburn colored hair, the locks that curled on his forehead. He was so beautiful to look at. "He is lovely, isn't he?" I jumped at the sound of my twin's soft voice. "Can you knock?" I asked, slightly irritated. She was looking over at my shoulder at the drawing. "Good luck with his nose. It's very straight, it looks hard to draw. Why are you drawing him exactly?" Marzia asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. I shrugged. I liked his eyes?...No. That can't be it. "His roman features?" Marzia asked aloud. She shook her head at the same time I did. "I have a good feeling about him though." She said touching the gold eyes on the paper. I shook my head. "It won't be possible. Even you know that." Marzia grinned widely. "It will be. I know it will. There's more to him than you allow yourself to see." Marzia said wisely. She was looking at the drawing. I scowled. "Did you figure this out by yourself?" Marzia giggled. "That and I'm feeling intuitive." I scoffed. "That's cause you are." She stuck her tounge out at me. Instead of being mature, I did the childish thing and stuck mine out at her. We burst into laughter while tickling eachother playfully. "I can't wait until tomorrow." I told Marzia. She grinned. "I can only wonder why."
At 2:13 AM, I woke up suddenly alert. I have no idea why, but I had a feeling I needed to be awake. The air was thick with cold. I scanned my room quickly. Then did a double take at what I saw. In the corner near the open window, was a dark shadow. It completely blocked my view of half of my bureau. Yellow eyes shone brightly, and they were staring. Staring at me. I slowly reached for the lamp next to me, and picked it up, my hands shaking. The thing kept staring, watching , unblinking. I lobbed the lamp at it, and it went right through it; at the wall. The shadow flickered, and flew out the window in little black wisps. Seconds after the shadow disappeared, Sage burst through the door with Rizzo and a baseball bat. "Is everything okay?!" Sage asked in alarm. She looked over at the broken lamp. "Andre, what happened?!" Rizzo looked over at my open window. "I don't know." I said slowly. "There was a shadow thing, and I threw a lamp at it...my window was never open..." I trailed off, trying to make sense of what I saw. "Well, it is an old house. I wouldn't be suprised if you saw something." Rizzo explained to me. Sage nodded slowly. "I'll clean it in the morning." She said walking over to the window. She closed it shut, and kissed my forehead. "Go back to sleep." Rizzo grumbled something as they left the room. I stared up at the ceiling, trying to figure out what had just happened. It didn't make any sense to me. I counted sheep, and was sleeping like a baby.
          I woke up once again, only there was sunlight peeking through icy the window. That's when I groaned loudly. Snow. My enemy. I grabbed my huge sweater that always felt like a warm furnace. Rizzo hid his laughter. He knew I absolutely hated snow. Sage was at work now; She was an interior designer. "I put the grips on the wheels." He informed me. I nodded and headed into the large four car garage. My motorcycle was there, the paint shimmered when the light hit it. My girl Ducati. It was a 2009 Ducati, with flawless black paint; Imported straight from Italy. "My only girlfriend." I said smiling at it. I grabbed my helmet and opened the garage door. I pulled it out and turned it towards the road so it would be easier. I kicked the gear and was flying down the road towards school. I parked my bike nearest to the exit and got off it, only to have Lily bounce up to me. She started babbling about stuff again. I looked at the lot and saw a black 2010 Jaguar XF appear in the parking lot. To no suprise, it was the Duponts'. The day went by generally fast, and Lily asked more questions about Italy. At lunch Marzia kept analyzing my movements. Weird. Annemarie didn't even glance at me. Carlotta glared at me when she got the chance, and as always, Bruno was just there. Finally, Space Science came, and Annemarie wasn't there yet. Ms. Lefton was messing with a remote. There was a AV cart with a tv on it. Guess we're watching a movie. I put my head down so maybe I could sleep. Everyone was talking about the damn snow. I growled at what they were saying. "Oh my gosh, snow is so awesome! Let's throw frozen dirty water at eachother!" Disgusting. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. The tap sent an electrical current through me, and I felt something outrageously cold touch my skin.
It felt as though a very warm person was dropped into freezing ice water. She must've noticed too, because she pulled back and said, "Oh! I'm-I'm sorry!" I picked my head off my arm and looked at her. She was leaning away from me, her eyes wide. "Andre." She said faintly. Her shock read clear on her face. Does she know? "I think you're running a fever." She said quietly. Her hand cautiously raised it to my forehead and at first I felt a shock of cold, but then it felt nice. "You are burning up Andre. Are you okay?" She asked, concerned. I nodded. "Of course, I'm fine. I just hate the cold." I grinned at her. She smiled darkly. "I love the cold." She whispered. I looked into her silver eyes. Her hair had ice crystals that were being melted into her hair. She looked like an otherworldly ice princess. She shook her hair around her, the small crystals falling from her hair. She looked over at me. The rest of the class was watching the movie, or talking, the lights dim. Then she spoke. "Andre, may I ask you something?" I nodded. "Do you believe in other powers? Such as things like Supernatural belief?" My eyes widened involuntarily. She must've noticed. "What's wrong? I'm talking about the video we're watching." She gestured toward the tv. I looked up and saw that someone was talking about shadows. "Why are we watching this? I thought this was Space Science." Annemarie giggled. "Ms. Lefton lost the other tape. We have no choice but to watch this." I nodded, and put my head back down. Annemarie didn't bother me, but I could feel her fidgeting next to me. She was probably trying to decide what to say to me. I decided to make it easy on her. "Carlotta doesn't like me much, does she?" I asked turning my head so only my eyes would be seen. My head was still on my arm. Annemarie grimaced. "She thinks you just talk to me for my looks." I chuckled. "No. That's not the case. You're different from these girls. You didn't throw yourself at me like the other girls did." She smiled. "Girls throw themselves at you? That's strange...I havn't seen any bodies laying around." We both laughed quietly. More silence. I turned back to the tv. "It was a strange, shadow-like thing. Just standing there, watching. It had large yellow eyes, and it moved quickly. It was very scary." I pulled out my iPod and began listening to Gym Class Heroes, just to drown everything out.
I didn't need any more reminders of last night. Just as I started to fall asleep, Annemarie tapped my shoulder quickly. I looked up to see everyone leaving the classroom. I put my iPod away while walking aside her. She turned to me. "So, can I see Ducati today?" I grinned at her. Despite the cold weather, I felt a little bit better. Even with the exception that there may have been a ghost in my room last night. Yeah, just a bit better. "I wouldn't want Carlotta to bite my head off." She grimaced again. "Marzia has the keys today." A smile began to form on her lovely face. We approached my motorcycle and she gasped as she took in the beauty. "It's beautiful." She said faintly. "She." I corrected her. She rolled her eyes. She ran her fingers against the shiny paint. "One day I get to ride home with you right?" She asked, like yesterday; slyly. I grinned at her widely. "Sure. Whatever floats your motorboat." She studied the bike some more, and her head jerked up suddenly. "Well, I gotta go. Don't want Carlotta to chew your head off." She said with a small giggle. I smiled at her and pulled my helmet over my head. "See you tomorrow." I waved while hopping on. "Andre, wait." I turned to look at her. "I won't be here tomorrow..." She trailed off. Now this made me take off my helmet. "Why?" She looked uncomfortable. "My grandmother is always sick...We visit her alot." She said sadly. "Oh." I said lamely. She nodded. "So I guess I'll see you Monday." She turned and started walking. "Annemarie?" I called out. She stopped and turned slightly. "Yes?" She said softly. "If you get back before dark, you should go out to the lake tomorrow. Alot of people are gonna be there..." She smiled. "I'll see." Then Marzia pulled up, and Annemarie got in the passenger seat. Marzia was grinning widely at me. Bruno looked confused, and Carlotta had her window down, glaring at me again. Those are some strange reactions. I pulled on my helmet and let myself fly.
          Chapter 3. Ghost Stories
The day went by fast, mainly because Annemarie wasn't there. Neither was the rest of her family. No one really noticed their abscence. Except me. Everyone was revved up about our little group outing. Even I was a bit excited for it. I got more familiar with the people at the table, and today they seemed less shy. Laura, Conner, Ace, Pete, Shania, Lily, Matt, and Greg, were all coming to the lake. Those were the people that also occupied our lunch table. "Want me to come get you from your house?" Lily had asked. I shrugged, I didn't even know if I wanted to leave my motorcycle at the Fish Shop...unattended. "I think I'll ride my car there." Her eyes widened. "Car? But you have a motorcycle." I nodded and sighed. "It's for back-up." She nodded quickly and said,"Oh! Well let me guess, it's an Italian model?" I burst out in laughter. She looked at me confused, and giggled nervously. After I controlled my laugh, I spoke. "Not everything I own is Italian." I pointed at my blue and white famous shirt. How much I loved that brand. Lily smiled. "You have a point there." I grinned at her while she opened the door of her small Corvette. "See you later!" She called as I hopped onto my motorcycle. I waved and sped away. When I got home, Sage and Rizzo were gone. "Shopping." Said the note on the counter. I went upstairs and showered slowly, letting the warm water hit my back. I wanted to speak to Annemarie, her soft crystal voice making me feel funny inside.
Wait, what? I shook the thought off and began thinking about what to wear. I then began thinking about Lily falling in the water. I chuckled at that thought. When I got out the shower, I pulled out some black shorts with a black and white famous shirt. Ah, the endless possibilities of famous shirts. I shook my wet hair out and left it at that. My feet slipped easily into my black and white Nike Dunks. I spritzed myself with Dolce and walked out my room feeling fresh and clean. Now it was time to leave, so I climbed into my silver 2009 Honda Civic. Low key, and not Italian. I grinned to myself. I knew what Lily would say, or something along the lines of it. It wasn't hard to find the Fish Shop, and when I got there everyone was already there. "Andre! We thought you weren't going to show up!" Lily said while running up to me. She grinned at my car. "Honda. So very American-ized." I grinned at her and got out. We all headed to the docks behind the Fish Shop, and got on a large boat. Matt, Conner, Pete and I helped undock the boat. I, of course, was faster in completing this. Matt started the motor, and we were off to the middle of the lake. It was fun, we were all just talking and mingling with eachother. Music played in the background and food was being passed around. Matt pulled out a circular plug in thing and turned it on. Out of it came a flame and it looked like a campfire. A modern campire. "Everyone grab marshmellows and hot chocolate, it's time to tell Andre the stories." My confused look sent them into laughter. My marshmellows was on a large toothpick looking thing, making it look like a marshmellow shiscabob.
After everyone was settled, Matt started talking. "In this town, many old houses remain. There was a massacre in this town, killing half the town. What was killing was a mystery to everyone. It was something within the homes, something or someone. They described it as Shadow Killers. Scary as they were, if you saw them, death was sure to come. They taunt you and scare you before you die. But that's what the legends say. Lily, Shania, Greg, Laura, Andre and myself; live in homes where the supposed Shadow Killers appear. I, have searched but come up short. Maybe they are waiting. Or maybe they really are watching us. They could be watching right now..." Everyone was leaning in close, and then Matt jumped forward.
"RAAAAWR!!" He yelled loudly. Everyone jumped excluding Ace and I. Lily squeeled and almost fell over in the water. "Matt! You're such a jerk!" She yelled while pouting. "What you scared?" Matt teased. Lily shook her head. "I don't believe in your stupid little ghoulies and ghosties." Matt shook his head. "Don't provoke them Lil." She scoffed. "Hey, good thing you have a bathing suit on..." Conner said trailing off. They eyed her menacingly.
But before they could put their hands on her, something dark grabbed her from the water. She was falling in the black pit of darkness. "LILLY!! ANDRE NO!!" Matt screamed as I chased her into the deep dark abyss.

That was Ch. 2 & 3 ^_^ RATE & REVIEW [ AND TIPS! ] ! :D
© Copyright 2009 Marie (addiction224 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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