Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1514282-First-chapter-of-my-completed-book
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1514282
Visit me at staceyblassingame.com to learn more about me and to read more of the story.

The quiet night was suddenly disturbed by the roar of an engine as a black monstrous vehicle crashed through the forest. The small beaten path that was currently being abused was lined with brush and lofty pine trees that served as camouflage to the natural inhabitants of the forest. The wild animals that had been previously enjoying their own rituals on this dark moonless night were now on alert scurrying to safety within the brush. From within the breaks of foliage countless sets of eyes blinked in the darkness seeking the source of the commotion. The man responsible for the noise was a man that should be beyond reason but was instead in complete control. His ice cold blue eyes held depths of emotions that included both fury and fear. He drove like a man on a mission, his own personal safety completely disregarded. As he drove he replayed the night’s events in his mind.

He had been standing at his kitchen sink washing the supper dishes when the knock had sounded at his door. Flinging the damp towel over his shoulder he walked to the front of the house. Through the screen door silhouetted by the setting sun were two longtime friends standing on his front porch waiting. Automatically a boyish grin had broken out on his face in welcome but he instantly realized their moods did not match his own.

“What is it?” he asked concerned reaching the screen door.

“Can we come in?” The tall impressive looking woman asked.

He pushed open the door to them let enter. Without being asked the two guests immediately walked to the inviting living room filled with big overstuffed brown leather furniture, and scarred wooden tables. Anxious he quickly followed.

“Donavon, V what has happened?” He demanded. It was obvious by their demeanor they were not visiting him for pleasure and he wanted them to get straight to the point.

“We have bad news, Aiden.” V began and after looking him directly in the eyes said, “He’s escaped.”

There had been a moment of stunned silence then, Aiden sat down in a large brown leather chair across from where they stood. “I always knew prison bars would not hold Rafe Black forever, I should have killed him myself years ago.”

“That’s not the only reason we are here Aiden,” V continued, “we think we know his next move.”

“Excellent,” Aiden said jumping to his feet, “I’ll go after him myself-what’s his plan?”

“We think he is heading towards a small town in Missouri called St. Charles.” V continued.

“Never heard of it, what’s in St. Charles, MO?” Aiden asked both confused and mildly interested.

“Reyna is.” Donavon said speaking for the first time. Aiden stopped his pacing at the two simple words and stared in disbelief. Words completely evaded him as emotions ran rampant.

“She is alive and well, she has been living there for the past fourteen years.” He said with little emotion.

“Fourteen years eight months and two days.” Aiden corrected Donavon automatically, then after taking a shallow breath crossed the room and shoved Donavon down onto the couch. “You said she was dead!” He accused.

“Yes, I did.” Donavon responded calmly.

Aiden shook his head focusing back on the narrow dirt road before him. He had learned two things this very night, Rafe Black the murderer, drug dealer, terrorist etc… had escaped from prison and Reyna was alive. Only a few short hours ago; that the people he called friends, the people he had trusted for his entire adult life had betrayed him, one person specifically had betrayed him, it was yet unclear whom, but this unknown person had not only fed information to the man that had murdered his family, but has also aided in his escape from prison.

He knew from the beginning when Rafe Black was put behind bars that they would not hold him forever. A man like Rafe Black would not be kept in a cell for long. He regretted not killing his former friend and business partner when he had had the chance and for trusting the so-called ‘law’ to take care of the problem. “That was the mistake,” he thought to himself once again, while taking his anger out on the steering wheel, “trusting the law, since when does the law apply to men who scorn it.”

Aiden had been raised finding ways around the law or outright ignoring it, why he had trusted it to handle Rafe Black, he never knew. Now because of his mistaken trust, Rafe was out in society again but he was ready to face him head on. It may have been fifteen years since he had seen his old friend but he remembered their last encounter like it was yesterday.

On any normal day the news of Rafe’s escape alone would have put him in a rage, but the betrayal of his friends, family really, was enough to put him over into the deep end. He concentrated on putting all of that aside and focused on what was important; Reyna was alive. He did not know how that could be possible, he was told over fifteen years ago that she was dead but now to find out that his worst enemy had escaped prison and to find out that she was alive as well, put only one goal in mind at the moment; she must be found and taken care of. No mistakes could be made, she would be found he told himself, he would not trust others again, he would find her himself.

Then he would get his revenge on the person responsible; he did not care if it was going to take the rest of his life or if he would die in his attempt at revenge but somebody would pay. Nobody crossed him.

He left the cabin where he had lived for the past seventeen years hours before dawn, after he put his plan into place. He had needed time to contemplate his actions and decide the best course to take. He had two primary objectives, which one should come first he had thought would determine his course but after hours of contemplation he knew now it didn’t matter.

He roared down the quiet deserted mountainside in the ‘borrowed’ Jeep with rage in his eyes and a plan forming in his mind. Find Reyna, and find her quick. Aiden knew exactly what Rafe’s plan was; he would be going to collect Reyna for himself; to use her for her abilities, like he had tried to use her mother. Aiden had to get there first.

© Copyright 2009 Stacey B. (stacb0405 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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