Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1513906-The-Land-of-CreationUpdated
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1513906
The evil warlord Shin has taken over the peaceful lands of creation, can a hero save them?
There once was a land full of wonder and mystery, not one person could get to it no matter how long they searched, for this was a place that only those that dwelt inside could access. there was fields as far as the eye could see and so many trees that not even the biggest city could lie inside without room for several others. but deep inside the forest of trees is the temple of Sarentia, as tall as the canopy of leaves with pillars supporting its roof and many tiles missing from it, this was the place all came to worship the great god of creation, its name was Lagen.

The temple itself held many mysteries that all wanted to learn however only one person from every generation was aloud to guard and learn from the temple until the day came that the great one would return, but it had been many centuries since it had come back and the land had fallen into darkness. Ruled by a warlord fierce and terrible, he would crush any who would stand in his way of total dominion, his name was Shin. Sat on his throne made from gold that he took from the people and crafted to look like many roses and thorns, Shin looked down at the latest of his captives brought to him by his guard, to be punished for not paying his taxes, a frail old man knelt starring at the floor with his clothes patched and torn from interrogation. suddenly he flinches as the deep and cruel voice spoken to him,
Do you know why you have been brought here?" The eyes of Shin could be felt by the old man like white hot daggers piercing his skin and unable to think of why he could have been treated so poorly didn’t reply.
"Answer me!... Do you know why you have been brought here?" The old man chanced a glance into the eyes of the man now getting up from his throne, taking in his height, his clothes and also his facial features. Shin was not as tall as him and at his best guess a few inches below six feet with clothes made from silks spun by the ancient Kawani Spider making it soft to the touch but also harder than steel. His face was slim and the cheek bones stood pronounced from his face giving him the look of a dragon, with a beard that reached the floor. The old man shook his head unable to answer for whatever he said would be taken and thrown away for the sake of Shins rage. Suddenly he spoken again this time with a cold and calmer voice and began to Smile.
"You have been brought here because you have not paid your taxes. I have been forgiving up to now and given you more time, but my patience has grown thin and you must pay the price" Now there was a quiver around the room like a light chill had engulfed them and was emanating from the guards, but the old man finally spoken not out of bravery but out of fear "No, Please my lord one week is not enough, I need more time, I beg of you..." But the rest of what he had to say was drowned out by Shins order to his guard, and was dragged away to be executed, not inside the castle where Shin was as he didn’t want blood to stain his home, but in the village of Tenpai where the castles shadow cast the town in darkness. Shin walked back to his throne and sat with his hand on the side of his face and his index finger rubbing the temple it rested against, enjoying the old mans screams and pleas for forgiveness but all the while thinking about the rumours of a warrior that lived within the land, and where best to start his search.

Little did Shin know was that the warrior didn’t really exist and was just a ploy to keep his ever greedy gaze away from the temple of Sarentia which he longed to gain access to but could never penetrate, every squad he sent to infiltrate its many secrets were found dead, mutilated beyond recognition if it weren’t for the armour they wore. How they had become like this he couldn’t figure out as they had all been some of his best soldiers and trained in the many magical secrets only Shin had known. Suddenly Shin rose from his throne and called for the high priestess Jasmine to be brought to him and began pacing in front of the golden seat for several minutes with a scowl upon his face. The doors to the throne room opened and a young woman walked in unescorted by the guards. her appearance always calmed Shin as she was beautiful with long blonde hair that seemed to move like water over the sea and a look in her eyes that suggested an ancient wisdom that would come with many lifetimes. though she wasn’t very tall her shadow always stretched out behind her many metres away and no matter how little of how much light there was, it always remained behind her. Shin’s scowl faded and bowed low at her approach and made his request with as much kindness he could.
"Great one, I humbly request your assistance" Jasmine looked at Shin with a fierce yet humble gaze and spoke
"I am aware of the trouble your mind sees and I have but one solution... You must summon him"
A summoning could only be performed by Jasmine and the Temple guardian, and also took a lot of magical power to complete. Slowly Shin rose to his feet and agreed, Jasmine began preparation for the summons, drawing a circle and two triangles in its centre with chalk inside her robes and began to chant in a low voice "Conos, Sentara, Marvelo Terenta" with each word a invisible spark of electricity buzzed around the room and blew out many of the candles that lit it.

Chapter 2:
John Awoken from a nightmare covered in sweat and starring at the ceiling of the two roomed flat that he lived, rubbing at his head he tried to remember what the nightmare had been about and only images of dinosaurs and snow globes came to mind. He sat up pulling the covers off himself and moving his legs out of the bed, turned on the lamp at his side. now more awake he looked at his clock, it was 4:15am and he had to be up for work soon, John was only 20 and had short mousy gray hair and blue eyes, his build wasn’t that big but he was strong enough to lift as much as any other man.
John walked over to the door and entered the kitchen where he spotted his faithful coffee machine and flipped the switch. Immediately steam poured from the nozzle as hot coffee hit the cold surface of glass, and returned to his room to put on some clothes. The next series of events happened so suddenly that he barely had time to react upon them, The room shook, the lights from his clock went out and the ground seemed to disappear beneath him yet his feet could feel the solid ground. A bright light engulfed him making him shield his eyes and squint, trying to find anything that may be recognisable of his home, and could explain what was happening.
An invisible force seemed to grip him around his waist and dragged him to the floor, but then something even more strange occurred to him, the force that dragged him down was also trying to pull him up, causing pain throughout his body. Just as he thought his body would be ripped into pieces the force that dragged down seemed to break like elastic, the bright light vanished and a woman was looking down at him with a kind expression on her face.
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