Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1513763-Weary-Warrior
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1513763
A short story about the sprit world.
The telephone rang at eight that evening. The warrior didn’t want to answer it, for he had been awake and active for over forty eight hours already. He was getting older and not as energetic as he once was. On the third ring, he finally picked up the receiver and spoke into it.


“Hi. This is Dennis and I have a friend who has a problem that I’d like to talk with you about.”

The old warrior sighed, then asked “What kind of problem?”

“Well, it’s actually his son who has the problem. I think it may be something you are experienced at handling. Something I know nothing about. Something of a spiritual nature.”

“When and where do you want to meet?”

“We’re at Denny’s right now, if you could meet us here. I’ll even buy the coffee.”

The old warrior left Dennis hanging as he hesitated a few seconds, then agreed to meet him. It shouldn’t take much energy to talk to somebody. He sighed again. “Just getting too old for these hours.”

At Denny’s, he was introduced to Larry and Larry’s son, Jim. Jim was in his early twenties and a large young man, bordering on obese. The drinks were ordered and Jim prepared to tell his story.

VANITY turned to the other demons and laughed. “Look what they have brought in to fight with us. He’s too old to fight anybody and look, CANCER is sitting on his shoulder.” The demons all had a hearty laugh. The great black odorous gloom with the appearance of a vulture spoke, a puff of nauseating putrid odor accompanying each word.

“Don’t kid yourself. This guy has been in a number of fights and hasn’t lost yet. The only reason I’m here and slowly killing him is that he doesn’t know about me. He may be old; he may be tired, but don’t underestimate him.”

DESPAIR giggled “He’s too weak to be a real threat.”

CANCER spoke again. “But he knows his authority.”

VANITY responded “As much as I’ve got this kid loving himself, there’s no way he would let me go.”

“We’ll see,” CANCER replied, “We’ll see.”

Jim began his story. “I was down at Six Mile Dam last night and I saw something. You will think I’m making it up when I tell you about it, but I’m not.”

“What was it?”

“I don’t know exactly what it was, but it suddenly appeared out on the island by the dam. It came across the water to the dam and to the edge of the river. It stopped there and just looked at me.”

“Can you describe it?”

“It was hideous. It had a shining green face and long fangs. The whole thing glowed in the dark. It was scary as hell.”

“What did you do?”

“I just stood there and stared at it. I was fascinated. There was this strong urge to go to it. I found myself attracted to it, even though I knew it was evil.”

Warrior assured the younger man “There is an attraction to evil. Otherwise men wouldn’t sin.”

CANCER asked the other demons what had gone wrong. VENGEANCE replied for the group. “I don’t understand what happened. VANITY had him believing the world would quit turning if not for him. DEPRESSION had him thinking there was no way out of his dilemma. I had him ready to strike out at the world. He was primed and ready. Then, he could suddenly see into the spirit world for a minute or two.”

A few more questions and Warrior knew what the young man’s problem was and what Jim needed. “Great,” he thought, “At a time when I can barely put one foot in front of the other.” He turned to his friend, Dennis.

“We need a private place to take care of this.”

“Is it what I think it is?”

“He just needs to have a few demons kicked out of him. He’ll be okay.”

“We can use my office.”

When the group had reassembled, Warrior explained what was about to occur. ”It’s not like something you might see in a movie. Very simply, I’m going to tell the demons to depart in the name of Jesus and they are going to leave. They may put up a little resistance at first, but it won’t be anything dramatic. You will probably not even see any evidence of what is occurring with your physical sight.”

Warrior seated Jim in a straight back chair and pulled another up facing him. He reached over and laid his hand on Jim’s cheek and told the demons to come out in the name of Jesus. Jim’s face twisted into a snarling leer.

The dog next door to Dennis’s office began howling.

ENVY squawked “I aint coming out.”

Jim said “I aint coming out.”

Warrior replied “Oh, yeah. You’re coming out in the name of Jesus. Now, get to the Pit where you belong.”

Suddenly two seven foot tall creatures wearing shimmering white gowns, golden belts and scabbards containing solid gold swords appeared on each side of Jim. Both had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They reached over and grabbed ENVY and the three spiritual beings promptly disappeared.

Jim’s face returned to normal.

“Come on, come on, do I have to do you one at a time?”

VANITY quit preening his magnificent Kelly green and gold feathers, suddenly alarmed. “He wants me here.”

Through his contorted face, Jim almost screamed. “He wants me here.”

Two more Heavenly Angels appeared on either side of VANITY. One was darker in complexion than the others had been and looked to be Mideastern. The other had red hair and a very light skin color. Like the others, their physiques would shame any human body builder.

“And I told you to go.” Without any more protest, VANITY was gone and headed for the Pit.

As Warrior began dealing with the third demon, the shapeless dark grey blob DEPRESSION, the incessant howling of the dog next door began wearing on his nerves. Without hesitating, he changed the destination of DEPRESSION.

DEPRESSION grunted “I’ll be back.”

Jim said “I’ll be back.”

“And don’t come back, in the name of Jesus. Now get out and into that howling dog next door.”

DEPRESSION was gone and the dog quit howling instantly.

Warrior continued his contact with Jim‘s cheek. “Come out!”

LUST found himself between two more blonde angels who were ready to deal with anything. One of the angels noticed CANCER on Warrior’s shoulder and pulled his sword half out of its sheath before CANCER could yell “You have no instructions concerning me!”

The angel’s face showed resignation and disappointment as he realized the truth of CANCER’s statement. He returned his sword fully into its sheath and grabbed LUST.
LUST had nothing to say as he was taken out.

Jim smiled and said “That’s the one that’s been bothering me since I was thirteen years old.”

Warrior’s strength was gone. He borrowed Dennis’s phone and called the pastor of a local Charismatic Church. He explained what was happening and asked for help.

“I’m so sorry. I’m sick and just can’t go.”

“Send me someone from your church that can assist.”

“I don’t have anybody that’s ready for an exorcism. Sorry.”

Warrior told the assembled group he was sorry, but he just couldn’t continue. He asked if he could finish the job later.

Jim smiled “That won’t be necessary. I’m okay now.”

Warrior knew there were a few more demons left, but there was nothing further he could do. With heavy sadness, he left the young man, knowing he had failed to do his job.

As Warrior shuffled out to his car, CANCER cackled to himself. “ Ha! Such big bad demons. Wish I could have had a chance to say ‘I told you so’. Too bad SUICIDE couldn’t get the boy at the dam. Aah, eventually there’ll be another chance. There always is.”

© Copyright 2009 Eugene Lawrance (holyroller007 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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