Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1513498-Dear-me-Oh-My
by Lotta
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Contest Entry · #1513498
The new Me in 2009
Dear Me,

2008 was long and hard. During 2008, I lost myself, found myself temporarily homeless and thinking I was going to loose my mind, but I survived!!!

2009 has come and it is time to redefine me. Yes, that’s right, this year I redefine ME! To start this transformation, I will redefine my appearance, my career and outlook.

Putting first things firsts- My Appearance, I will start this year by developing a new healthy eating plan. It is my goal to loose 100 pounds. While I am 6’0” tall and if I do say so myself, very attractive, I don’t think 300lbs is the sexiest look for me. Along with the healthy eating, I will also exercise for 30 minutes, 3 times a day. In the beginning, I may not be able to do the full 30 minutes, but the goal is to be doing the full 30 minutes within two months. The next step is to dress for success, which brings me to every woman’s dream- a shopping spree. Over the next year, I plan to enhance, no completely redo my entire wardrobe. Carlotta, it is time to look as good on the outside as you feel on the inside. There are really nice designs for the pleasantly plump in America and I plan to be fashionably plump. The biggest change will come in changing my shoulder length hairstyle. I have let my hair grow to please my husband, but this year I will cut it to please ME and my sense of style- Look out world hear comes Carlotta.

My Career is the next item on my list. While I love being a training specialist, I know that I can do much better. The first step is to upgrade my resume and have it revised by a professional. I will also begin to network through my University as I complete the course work for my MPA. Oh yea, did I forget to mention that I will stay focused, study, complete my assignments and complete my course work for my Masters in March of this year and have a party… party… party… then get back to work. The goal is to branch out into public administration/management and double my salary within three years. The next thing I will do is finally complete the story of Collette and Tyron that I have been working on for the past three years, well not so much the last two years. I guess I should say, “Carlotta, stop procrastinating and write the book.” So my goal then is to set aside 1 hour per day to spend on my book. No Excuses, Carlotta!

The final and most important transformation comes with my changing my outlook on life. For the past three years, I have been so focused on being a good wife, daughter, sister and co-worker that I lost myself in the process. It is a whole new ball game. It’s a new Carlotta’s liberation movement coming. I will spend quiet time everyday just for me. I will value and honor myself and no long allow anyone to devalue or take me for granted. I will not contribute in any way to Carlotta being devalued. I will affirm and confirm myself daily, and I will not be afraid to allow the true, loving, gently and kind me to shine through. I will not live in fear or by default ever again.

In a sense, 2009 is all about me.
© Copyright 2009 Lotta (lotta at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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