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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1513481
A story of a woman whose destiny is linked with a mysterious man and killer.
                                                                                                                                        Chapter Three

“Geez, Seth, give a girl a heart attack why don’t you!” I snapped in fright. He had just materialized right in front of me.

    “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you,” amusement lacing his voice.

    I raised an eyebrow in a look that was total disbelief. “Yeah right, you didn’t mean to frighten me. Why are you here? I thought you had decided to leave me,” I knew I sounded like a lost little girl, I couldn’t help it. With everything that happened I needed him. Oh God, I did, I needed him, loved him, and maybe loved him enough to share half my soul with him. It couldn’t be that bad could it?

    I quickly pushed the thought away, promising myself that I would examine those feelings closer when I had more time to give it the attention it deserved.

    “I felt your fear, or should I say terror,” his voice was soft, very comforting.

    He looked up at me, our eyes locked. In those beautiful emerald depths I saw my future. The love he had for me, the fear of the coming evil. Tears welled up and spilled onto my cheeks. Slowly he raised his hand to gently wipe them away. We took a step towards each other. He opened his arms and folded me against his hard sculpted chest.

    I felt so warm, safe and so very loved.



    “Please don’t leave me, I need you.”

    His lips found mine. The kiss was soft, gentle. Lightly I ran the tip of my tongue along his lower lip. He deepened the kiss and I winced in pain.

    He quickly stepped back. “What’s wrong?”

I walked over to the couch and sat down. Looking up at him I told him about the phone call, the crime scene and what happened at the mall.

    “Seth what happened to my parents. He said that The Master took care of them. Seth you knew my parents you talked to them. Please I need to know what happened,” tears were once again falling down my face.

    “Sweetheart, I honestly don’t know what happened other than they died in a plane crash. They asked me to stay to watch over you and Bob so I did.”

    I just stared at him. I knew he was telling me the truth. I needed to know what happened to my parents and Bob’s.

    “I have to give Dante and The Master an answer soon. I don’t know even know why he wants me or what I am giving my answer to,” I got up and started pacing the floor. I was scared, tired, and confused.

    “It’ll be okay, when they come to get your answer you can ask your questions and give your answer then,” he said matter of factly.

    “I wanted to talk to you as well Seth, about us. Right now though I can’t I just . . . I just want to go to sleep. I will talk to you in the morning this is just too much for me right now,” I turned and went into my bedroom. I looked at Seth once more.

    “Seth, I love you,” I heard his sharp intake of breath as I shut the door.

    “Master, her blood was so sweet, when can I have her,” Dante asked.

    “Soon, we must wait for her answer. Leave me now I have things I need to do.”

    Dante left his Master to do what he needed to do. His thoughts had already turned to Tenny and what he was going to do to her when he had her under him.

    When Dante had left The Master turned his thoughts to Tenny as well.

    “She is more powerful than her parents ever were. I need her to help make me real to bring me to immortality.”

    He gathered his energy and spun it away. The seeking threads found her. She was asleep, dreaming.

    “Good, this works well for me,” The Master thought. He gently pushed his mind into her dream.

    I was walking down a long hallway towards the door at the very end. I wasn’t sure where I was, I just knew that I had to reach that door. Behind it held the answers I was seeking.

    I had a funny feeling someone or something was watching me. I picked up my pace until I was running towards the door. Whatever was watching or following was keeping up with me. I reached out my hand and grabbed the door knob. Turning it I fell inside a room.

    It was dark inside. I ran my hand along the wall until I found a light switch. Flipping it on I was bathed in a soft light. Against the far wall was a bed with chains on it and a small package. I moved closer to see what the small package was.

      Just as I reached for it, the package vanished. The chains snaked out and grabbed my wrist. I was flipped onto my back. The rest of the chains grabbed me.

    I started to fight. I tried to pull my legs and wrists free. I twisted and pulled until I cried out in pain. It was no use I couldn’t get free. I started to yell for help. I’m not sure how long I yelled. I stopped because my throat was getting sore. I was about to give up hope that someone would help me when the door opened.

    A very large black shadow came into the room. It came towards me. As it got closer I could see piercing red eyes. “Who, who are you?”

    “I my dear am The Master. I’m here for you. I want to see what you can do, what pleasure you can bring. I want to become alive, immortal as is my right.”

    “Are you crazy? What do you want from me?”

“I want you to join me and my cause. I want you to help me take over. I need you and your powers. Your parents refused to help me even after I tried to persuade them.”

    “Persuade them how,” I asked in a soft voice.

    “They were here in this room. Your mother was on this exact bed in the same position you are. The only difference is you still have clothes on,” he smiled evilly. His black smoky fingers reached out and touched my clothes. I felt like they were on fire. I looked down fearing that I would see my skin melting, the pain subsided and my clothes were gone.

    “Dante was right you are beautiful naked, just as your mother was. I think it is about time you saw what really happened to your parents.”

    He touched my head with his hands. There was a flash of pain then I was seeing what he remembered, no not seeing I was there. No one could see me or hear me but I could see and hear what was going on. I saw my mother and my father putting me to bed, kissing me on my head, telling me the story of the cat people. When they left my room I followed. I heard my father yell to my mother to watch out. She turned quickly only to be pushed through a doorway by a black shape with piercing red eyes. My father yelled for her then he too was pushed through the door way.

    My mother was lying naked on the bed that I was on. My father was chained to a board that was movable. The black shape with the red eyes came in and started to talk to them. He asked them if they would join him in his quest to rule. They denied him several times. They told him that his day of reckoning was coming. They had seen the signs. So The Master tried to use persuasion. He had my mother raped by several of his minions while he made my father watch. When that didn’t break them he tortured and had my father raped while he made my mother watch. Still they refused him.

    The Master was so angry that he had his minions tie my mother and father to separate poles and made them watch as he slowly burned them to death.

    I was screaming and crying as I came back to the room where I was chained. The Master looked at me then said. “If you refuse me I will do worse to you. Allow me to persuade you to accept my offer to join me. At that his form became large, solid and very naked. He bent down, ran his tongue over my lips.  Forcing his tongue into my mouth, his kiss was brutal and foul. I was glad when he broke the kiss. His attention then turned to my breasts. He roughly started to fondle and suckle them. Climbing onto the bed and getting on top of me, I could feel his erection pushing against my very core. He was seeking entrance and would soon find it.

    I would not be raped by this, this THING. I gathered my energy and pushed it violently outward. The Master flew backward off of me and hit against the wall with a loud thud. He was on his feet in a flash. I felt him gathering his energy, before I could gather my own in another attack he was on me again. This time he didn’t allow anytime for me to do much. He brutally forced his way into me.

    He started to cry out in triumph but ended in a shriek of surprise and pain. I had quickly and painfully shifted to my cat form and swiped my paw with claws out through his belly. I screamed my fury at him and advanced toward him. He threw out his arm. I was knocked back from the force of the power he threw at me. I ran at him, just as I reached him he disappeared.

      I was standing in my room still in my cat form, snarling. Seth materialized and Bob ran into the room.

    “Tenny, what happened. We have been trying to get into your room since we heard you first scream.  Are you okay, what happened?”

    I slowly changed back into human form. I was breathing heavy.

    “I – I saw what happened to my parents, I saw the one who calls himself The Master. He tried to, he tried to rape me. He had my parents raped and tortured. Oh god, it was awful,” I fell in a heap on the floor crying uncontrollably. Both Bob and Seth were on the floor holding me trying to comfort me.


    An hour had past and we were still on the floor, my tears had stopped ten minutes ago. I just sat there numb, processing everything I had seen. I still couldn’t believe it my parents had been murdered, they hadn’t died in a plane crash. This madman wanted me to help him. To bring him to immortality, I’m not sure how I was supposed to do that. I wish that my life would just go back to normal. Well, as normal as before these murders. I was never normal.

    “Sweetheart, are you okay now?” Bob asked as he continued to stroke my hair.

    “Do you want something to drink, a cup of hot tea perhaps?” Seth asked me giving me a soft kiss on my forehead.

    “No to everything,” I said softly. “I can’t believe this. What does he want with me? Why did he kill my parents? I mean I know he said something about my powers and ruling but I really don’t know how or anything like that,” I pulled away from the men and stood up on shaky legs.

    Both Seth and Bob stood up as well. “I can’t help him, I won’t help him. He is evil. Seth I think this is the evil you told me about the one that you and the other Lost Ones are to fight.”

    “It is very possible, if you will watch over her until I get back I will go and speak to the others,” Seth turned to Bob as he spoke.

    Bob shook his head “She will be safe I won’t leave her. I promise, just hurry back and let us know what the others say.”

    “I will, Tenny if you need me all you have to do is call and I will be there. I love you please drink something and try to rest. We will fight this thing together as we are meant to.” At that Seth vanished.

      “Bob you are five years older than I am do you remember anything. I can remember a story my parents told me of cat people. I had always thought that it was just make believe until the day I actually shifted. Did your parents tell you anything like that?”

    “Yeah I remember stories like that. I too always thought they were pretend. Maybe it was time we did some research. Maybe we can find out what we are fighting and who we really are.”

    “Maybe there are some papers or something in the storage unit that our parents owned. I never did look in there. Did you?”

    “No, I never did, why don’t we get some rest and we can do that in the morning,” Bob said as he helped me back into bed. Just as he had me settled his cell phone rang.

    “Sergeant White,” he said in greeting.

“Shit, yeah I will be there can you give me about thirty minutes. Yes, matter of fact I am here with her now why?” he paused to listen to who ever was on the other phone. His face drained and he looked at me with large eyes then he said “we will be there in thirty minutes,” he hung up the phone and sank down on the bed.

    “What is it, what’s wrong?” I asked worriedly.

  “We have to go, there has been another murder.” He said in a soft hushed voice.

    “Why do we have to go? Do I need to talk to the person cause honestly I am not up to it tonight. I know it can wait.” I said trying to stifle a yawn.

    “You don’t have to talk to anyone. But apparently your presence is requested. Get dressed I will wait in the living room,” Bob turned and made his way out of my room.

    What does mean my presence is requested I wondered as I flung back the covers and got out of bed. Grabbing a pair of jogging pants and a tee shirt I made my way to the bathroom. After brushing hair and teeth I went into the living room.

    “Ready?” Bob asked

“I guess so.”

    “Good let’s go,” Bob must really be unnerved because he never talked to me so brusquely. I followed him out to his car and we took off to this new crime scene that requested my presence.

    Seth left Tenny’s home, he traveled to the Between. He was going to the Hall of Souls. This was the home of the Lost Ones. As he got closer he could see the golden doors and white marble pillars with gold veins. Entering the Hall he went in search of Dane. Dane was the second oldest Lost One. He was considered their leader. Seth needed to let Dane know that The Master had come back.

    He didn’t tell Tenny that he knew who The Master was, it would just upset her. Truth is Seth and the other Lost Ones had dealt with him before.

    The only thing Seth didn’t know was why The Master was after Tenny and her family, which is why he needed to talk to Dane.

    Seth found him in the records room talking to Simon.

    “Dane, am I interrupting?” Seth asked as he walked into the room.

    “No, of course not Seth, Simon I will speak with you later,” Dane turned toward Seth and said “How you are Seth and how is your mate?”

    “Not good Dane, The Master is back.”


    We got into Bob’s Dodge and drove out in silence. I sat staring out the window as the trees and houses went by. I sat thinking about what I dreamt. Was it a dream or was it real? I remember feeling his invasion that was definitely real. I can’t believe what my parents went through and I really don’t know why. What is so special about my family that this Master thing is so interested in us? He said something about me being very powerful. Does all of this have something to do with my gift to touch and talk with the dead or maybe my shifting ability? Does Bob fit into this, he shifts as well and what about Seth does this really involve him? As my thoughts wound circles in my head Bob pulled up to a small home.

    I pulled my attention back as Bob turned off the car. The house was nice looking. It wasn’t close to the grandeur of Sydney’s or Aurora’s homes. It was a middle class two story home. I was curious as to why I was asked to be here. I didn’t think that this would be something Dante would have done. He has been killing women who are up front in the public’s eye.

    Bob and I got out of the car and made our way to the front door. Just as we were about to enter I heard someone calling my name.

    “Tenny! Tenny,”

“Oh great,” I mumbled. I turned to face the person who was calling me.

    “Matt, what do you want. Do you follow me hoping I will give you something? Don’t think I didn’t see you hanging around at Sydney’s house. I don’t have anything to say to you except to leave me alone,” I started to turn away when Matt grabbed my arm.

    “No, Tenny, that isn’t why I am here. I need to talk to you. I found this under my door today,”

He handed me an envelope address to him. I opened it up and read it. I looked up at Matt. His face was white and pinched with fear.

    “What does it say Tenny?” Bob said noticing Matt’s frightened face.

    I started to read it out loud to Bob.

        If you want to see another day, stay away from Tenanye Alyse St. Laurent.

    “Matt when did you get this?” I asked as I re – read the letter.

    “About an hour ago, then I heard about this newest murder,” Matt was biting his nails until the skin started to bleed. I took his hand so he wouldn’t do any more damage.

    “Matt, stop chewing your nails you’re bleeding. Bob will take this down and see if there are any prints or anything like that to identify who may have written it,”

    “I know who wrote it. It’s that psycho who is killing these women. Tenny he is hooked on you. You are in danger. You need to get away from here because if you don’t I’m afraid your murder will be the next one I write about and I care too much about you to see that happen”, he said with fear and worry in his voice.

    He turned around and walked away. A few minutes later we heard his tires squealing as he pulled away from the house.

    Bob called one of the officers over and quietly talked to him and handed over the letter. He turned to me and motioned for me to walk ahead of him.

    I walked into the house and immediately heard sobbing and moaning. I saw emergency personnel all over the house running in and out. They were bringing in IV’s, sponges, wet cloths they were bringing in a stretcher. I guess the victim was still alive. That was good wasn’t it?

    “What is going on? Is the victim still alive?” I asked to no one.

    “I believe they found her in the living room so let’s head there,” Bob said as he headed towards the living room.

    “That would be great if the victim was alive then we would have someone to testify at the trial if we ever caught Dante,” Bob stopped short and I ran right into the back of him..

      “Hey why did you st. . .,” Oh my God I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  Just inside the living room was the victim.

    She was hanging from the ceiling with IV’s in her. The horrifying part was that she had no skin on her. She was actually skinned alive.

    “Is she still alive?” I asked my voice coming out in a shaky whisper.

    One of the EMT’s answered. “Yes, she is. We put her to sleep with some sedatives mixed with pain meds. She is barely with us. We are going to try and get her down and move her to the hospital. We are worried about infection and other things,” He explained.

    “Oh God Bob, this is awful, and this is the worst one yet. I can’t imagine what she went through and what she will continue to go through if she survives.” I turned and ran out of the house. Hot tears were pouring down my face.

    I ran until my legs couldn’t carry me any more. I fell in the dirt and cried. I hit the ground with my fists until blood poured from them. I sat there for what felt like hours.

    I felt energy swirling around me then Seth knelt down in the dirt. He picked me up and held me close against his chest as I cried until I couldn’t cry any more. He gently stroked my hair and gave me small kisses.

    “This is all my fault. That poor woman in there was skinned and tortured because of me. I won’t help The Master or Dante and they know it so they did this to punish me. She didn’t deserve it. I need to find them, I need to end this.”

    “Are you certain this is what you want to do? Maybe you should go to the storage unit and read the files that your parents and Bob’s kept.” Seth said as he tilted my face up to his.

    “You mean you aren’t going to talk me out of it?” I asked shocked.

    “No, unless you want me too” Seth said with a grin.

    “No, I need to stop them or at least try.”

“Then let’s go to the storage building and take a look at those files then we can go and find Dante and The Master.” Seth set me on my feet and hand in hand we headed back to the house.

    “There you are Tenny. I was going to come find you when Seth told me he would do it. I was so worried about you. Are you okay?” Bob had come running over just as soon as he saw Seth and I round the corner. He grabbed me and gave me a bear hug.

    “Bob, BOB! You’re squishing me.”  I managed to squeak out.

    “I was so worried.  You ran out so fast I wasn’t sure where you went. Luckily Seth showed up and said he would take care of you. Don’t ever do that again” Bob scolded.

    “How is the victim is she going to survive. I don’t even know her name.”

    “Her name is Stephanie Pope and she is in critical condition. She is touch and go at the moment. It seems he kept her alive while he skinned her. They are getting her in the ambulance now. They said if she survives the next few days then she may survive the entire thing. It also depends on infection and other things.”

    “Why was I requested to come here?” I asked not really wanting to know the answer but I knew I needed to find out. Especially if my suspicions were true and this was a message for me that The Master knew I wasn’t going to join him.

    “You should probably come and see,” Bob said sadly shaking his head.

    “I don’t like this Tenny I wish you would leave”

    “I’m not going anywhere Bob, this maniac has targeted me, my family hell even your family. The Master was the one who killed my parents and I suspect yours as well. He needs to be stopped and I am going to do just that, even if it kills me,” Tears started raining down my cheeks again.

    “I don’t think. . .” Bob started to say but Seth interrupted him.

    “Let’s go and see why she was requested then we can discuss our actions after,” Seth was always the voice of reason.

    “Fine, let’s go,” Bob was definitely not happy.

We walked back into the house. I glanced in the living room and saw what was left of Stephanie’s nightmare. Bob led us into a beautifully decorated bedroom. It was done in all soft green colors. In the middle of the room on the bed was something that looked like a rubber suit.

      It dawned on me that what was lying there on the bed was no rubber suit but was in fact Stephanie’s skin and where her head would have been was a picture of my face. There was a letter in the hand of the skin.

      I was getting hot and cold flashes, I knew I was going to be sick. This was not only Stephanie’s nightmare but mine as well.

    Bob picked up the letter in his gloved hand and handed me the letter. I had picked up some gloves on my way into the room. I took the letter with trembling fingers and read it.

          My dear Tenanye,

I am very sorry to learn of your decision. It is not a wise one and it will be the last unwise decision you will make in your lifetime. We would have been able to accomplish much together. I have given Dante free reign which as you can see tonight he has fully enjoyed. Poor Stephanie didn’t have nearly as much fun as my Dante. Hopefully you will provide him much pleasure as he is coming for you now. Unless you decide to help me, though I feel that you will not change your mind. What a pity, as I have said before we would have been great. I will see you again as Dante has been told to bring you to me before he loves you to pieces. I will await our next meeting with much anticipation, until then my dear.

    I just stood there, I knew what had happened to Stephanie was because of my decision. I don’t know how he found out what I had decided but the point is he knows and now I am being hunted.

    “This has something to do with what our parents were working on or who they were. I need to get to those files and then I need to do some hunting of my own,” I said handing the letter back to Bob. I was still shaking, not much I could do to stop it.

    “I am being hunted and I don’t even know why. Women are being butchered because of me. This has to stop and I plan on being the one to stop it,” I looked at Seth and Bob. I wasn’t going to let them stop me.

    “Tenny, don’t being silly. You don’t know what you are saying, you’re upset, let’s get you home so you can pack and we will get you out of town until we catch Dante and whoever The Master is.

    “I am not going to sit and hide while these two are killing women while searching for me. I am not afraid. I am going to the storage building and I am going to see what our parents were doing. I know it has something to do with them and what they were doing before they died,” I turned my back on Bob and started to make my way out of the house. Seth took my hand, he tugged on me and I stopped.

    “I understand what you want to do. But, I think we need to have help. Let’s go to a hotel room and let me contact some friends. Then Bob and I will take you to the storage and together we will find out why The Master and Dante want you.”

    You would really help me?” I asked

“I promised your parents that I would watch out for you. Tenny, you are my mate, you are my equal. I value you and I will support you. So let’s go to your house and we will get you some clothes then we will check into a hotel, get some rest and start fresh in the morning.”

    “I can’t stop you or talk you out of this can I Tenny?” Bob asked in a small voice.

    “No Bob you can’t”

“Then I will go with you. It is my job to watch out and protect you as well. Let’s go and pack and we will do what Seth suggested.

    With one last look at the room we turned and left. We stopped at my house and Bob’s and headed to a hotel to start our own hunt. Bob and I were after all cats and hunting was apart of us.

© Copyright 2009 aethelwhyne (aethelwhyne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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