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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Educational · #1513165
A essay I wrote about why we don't need gay marriage
Christian Hall
December 8, 2008

Gay Marriage: The Cancer That Has Infected America’s Morals.

Gay marriage. What comes to mind when you hear that?  I guess that really depends on who you are. I, as a born again christian, think of how the bible is obviously against it. 1st Corinthians 6:9 says “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” This one verse should be enough for anyone who claims to believe in God to see that homosexual acts, let alone marriage, should be in no way accepted by us. Now I know there are those that won’t accept the word of God, but I see this as one of the most compelling arguments against it.
The city of Sodom was even destroyed because of its homosexual wickedness. If it wasn’t for the blessed few who are standing up for what’s right in these dark times can you imagine what would happen to us?
In Matthew 19:4-5 it says “Haven’t you read”, Jesus replied, “that at the beginning the creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said ‘for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?” That’s right, Jesus, the great I am, even said marriage was to be between one man and one women. How could anyone that claims to believe Jesus died and rose again for our sins argue this? Anyone who claims to know my God and my Jesus yet still accepts gay marriage is a hypocrite.
         Then there are the non-biblical arguments. Such as the fact that we simply don’t need gay marriage. Societies have gone for the entire length of human existence without it, why the sudden push? Until I hear a compelling argument as to why we have to have it I say we keep the status quo.
Even harder pressed is the fact that there is proof that opposite sex marriages are not as stable as same-sex marriages. In Sweden, where gay marriage is allowed, the divorce rate among men is one and a half times higher than that of their straight marriage counterparts. Then among women the divorce rate for homosexual couples is three times higher than their counter parts. (Imapp.org-2004)
Now, there are some arguments for gay marriage that are strong at least on the surface. Such as the argument that it is an equal rights issue. I mean, who can say no to that right? But, let’s be honest. It’s not an equal rights issue. It is a special rights issue. Right now I have the same exact rights as my gay counterpart. Where in the constitution does it say only straight people get the rights mentioned in here? No where, the constitution does not discriminate against a gay person. It says every citizen of the United States of America can get married to a member of the opposite sex who is not a direct relative and is not already married. Seems pretty straight forward huh? It doesn’t say just straight people have this right. EVERYONE has it. Just because gays choose not to use this right does not mean we do not have equal rights. Not using a right does not give you the means to say you don’t have that right. Plain and simple.
In conclusion, there are not only biblical reasons that are impossible to get around, but social and logical reasons as to why gay marriage is simply wrong. Nothing about it makes sense. There really are no arguments as to why we need gay marriage to continue as a society.
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