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I have started writing a novel and would love for people to tell me what they think of it. |
Standing outside O’Chesters store, 19-year-old Angel Marie stood watching the barges make their way against the Mighty Mississippi current in Chicasaw, Iowa. A familiar sight that was seen while working at the diner but not one she would take for granted. The ten o’clock whistle blew loudly over the little town which she knew she should be heading back to start preparing dinner for the men on the barges, landings, captains and whoever else may make their way when the noon whistle blew. “Angel Marie…start the stew and check the pot roast,” Memaw Bradley said as she walked through the back door, “… and you might as well, when you get that done, start the tea on the back porch.” The pot roast had been slowly baking in gravy since she started working before the crack of dawn and should be about done for those mashed potatoes and bread. The lambs stew meat in beef broth stood simmering as she cut up the vegetables and added them to the pot. “Would you like me to use that leftover chicken from dinner yesterday and make chicken and noodles, Memaw?” Angel Marie asked as she set the pitcher of water and tea bags on the back porch for brewing. “Good idea, I forgot about that chicken. I’ll write it up on the menu board.” As Angel Marie picked the chicken off the bones and soaked the noodles to be put in the chicken broth, the midday heat settled in and the air became heavy with humidity. “Going to be a storm tonight,” Memaw commented while setting the rest of the tables. “Not a strong one but with some of those thunder boomers and rain.” Angel Marie knew not to question Memaw with her predictions or any other older folks in town, as they knew the weather best. Her father had told her some tips but she did like anybody else did, learn to live through it all. “You’ve been staying out of trouble, young lady? Your mama hasn’t sent me out looking for yah lately. Had to hunt down your little brother a couple times but not you lately?” the town marshal sat down and turned his cup over as she poured him coffee. “Jeffrey or Lance?” “Mostly Lance, that boy has one adventurous mind and nothing would stop him. I’ve found him over at the Walker’s farm helping that new lad from the big university. I bet he wants to play football like that boy.” “ I doubt Mama would let Lance play sports. She’s so fixed that I’m going to marry a preacher and the boys become preachers themselves. Not sure what she wants Beccalynn to do after all she’s her favorite. Don’t get me wrong, I am a Christian but I don’t need to memorize the Book front to back. There are other ways that you can learn the Truth and appreciate other than memorizing. Each person is different and gifted with their own characteristics and memorizing books isn’t mine.” “ I’ve got to tell you, you are not a dumb girl, even if you didn’t learn everything from your mama, then you must have gotten it from your father. That man was on to the wisest in this town, too bad he isn’t home much anymore.” Angel Marie was the oldest of the four children therefore leaving the expectations to her to help provide for the family and lend a hand in tending the house and cooking. Her next younger sibling, Jeffrey had the job to tend the garden and livestock with the help of little brother Lance. The baby of the family, Beccalynn was the doll of the family staying by her mother’s side. Angel Marie always wondered why she was the plain one with straight long brown hair and a boyish figure. Her sister had medium-long blonde curly hair and those dreamy blue eyes that would catch anyone’s attention. Her mother, Mary, was a strict, traditional Christian lady who some in town referred as the “Nun” in town and expected everything to be the same as when she was small despite of the ever changing world. She stayed around the house home schooling the children and expected them to follow her straitlaced modified teachings of the preacher’s Sunday sermon. Her father on the other hand was a gentle wise man who saw everyone as equal and tried to raise his children the opposite of their mother’s teachings. Angel Marie was the closest to her father as his gentle hands taught her the basics ways of life through nature and basic doings instead of spending hours memorizing Sunday sermons and Bible passages. When she was with her father, she felt free to express herself and appreciate what God has fulfilled through nature much more than reading the Bible alone. When she wasn’t working, Angel Marie wasn’t’ one to be at the house tending the chores or cooking supper. She would take every chance she could to stay at the landings to watch the big barges load and unload and wait for her father to come home. Her father once said, ”The Mississippi River is a way of life, the slow natural way to rejuvenate any soul of everyday life. Put a child on the river to work, he will be more relaxed and more experienced therefore learn to appreciate the little things of life more than those who live and work on farms or live in cities.” One day she wanted to win her mother’s approval that she could experience that “river of life”. The town marshal called her “Lady Mark Twain” as she would dig her hands into anything she could to embrace the wilderness of the Mississippi River. “Hello Angel Marie,” a gentle voice spoke as she wiped the counter clean with a rag. “Hi Reverend McCartney, taking a break from on your next series of sermons?” “I have my next few sermons finished and your father is supposed to do Sunday’s if the barge traffic keeps running smooth. Last I heard Lock 21 put them a day behind with the heavy current slowing the Army corps down.” “ I didn’t know Daddy was doing the sermon Sunday. What is his theme or subject?” She said as she poured his coffee. “Not sure but his sermons compete against mine and some people like his better. A man like him should be a teacher at one of those big universities.“ “I can’t see Daddy as a teacher, all I see him is my father, He’s never had a book in his hand or constantly reads to learn more.” “Angel Marie…every human being is a gifted person from God, a teacher and a learner. You don’t have to be big book brained and have a master’s degree in physics to be a teacher. I’m sure he has shown you how to do something and you learned how to do it. Therefore, he was teaching you while you were learning. The same thing goes when you were showing Beccalynn how to knead bread, you were teaching her. Everyday we teach and learn on human instinct without knowing, like you and me right now.” “Reverend…have you every thought of going to one of those universities and being a teacher?” Angel Marie joked.” McCartney chuckled, ”I’m too small of a town guy to survived over there.” “Not with that head and Book of yours and God above you I bet you can teach every lost soul in the country.” “You are one smart girl and you know it. Keep your head up and follow your dreams and you’ll be just fine. Each person feels at home in different places and really I’d rather stay here where it’s home to me. Some people are good at being missionaries like your father and some are rocks that are too heavy to move like me. “I’m not sure if I want to stay around here and work or move somewhere else. What I really want to do is see the river life like Daddy does. He tells me that I can go with him when he goes out but Mama wont let me. She wants me to stay around here and take care of the house while she makes the other kids memorize the Bible. I don’t know why she makes us do it when I don’t see what it actually does to our lives after all we’re not all saints. Do you know why she makes us?” “There are some people in the world who thinks that you have to devote all your life and time to biblical activities. Actually over in Pennsylvania and parts of Indiana are colonies of very traditional people who believe in devoting their life doing the same practices that your mother does. But actually they don’t believe in being accepted into heaven until they die which is known as Amish Christianity. Now that I’m thinking of it, I’m wondering if your mama is what they call modern Amish or Mennonite, which is similar. Occasionally you may get one or two that adopted the modern life and stray from their colonies and appear normal.“ “Wow, I never knew there was a such thing so you’re saying Mama could be Amish?” “There is a possibility. Why don’t you, say you go home and ask her about her heritage and generations before her and you let me know what she says the next time I see you but don’t mention anything about Amish or Mennonite.” “That sounds fine and I wonder since she teaches us different than what you teaches, that’s why.” “Could be, Well I better be heading back to get some things done and let me know what you find out.” Reverend McCartney replied as he rose from the chair and turned towards the door. Getting close to closing time, She set the chairs on the tables and swept the floors as she tried to fan herself from the hot humid day. “The last I knew we lived in Iowa which didn’t get as hot as a lot of places down south, now I’m thinking, Texas? Feels like we’re going to break records and may have more than a storm tonight, I’m thinking now, might want to pack some things and head for the cellars and sleep.” Memaw mentioned. “You’re saying that we could get tornadoes again? Memaw.” “Very well possibly be, wouldn’t surprise me. After all we live in Tornado Alley where the twisting devils are the most possible than the west and the east.“ “Why this area than any other area?” “It’s the whole plains, have the cold air from the north off the mountains and Canada and the hot air from the gulf and Mexico. The meet in the plains and build some of the strongest storms on the planet that develop tornadoes. Those who live in the plains just either live with them or learn to accept them and move on.” “Really, I thought it was the same all over the world, that tornadoes were basically a fact of life.” “Naw, Not a lot of places get them other than in the planes. Go ask a city slicker from Detroit or New York City if they’ve seen or experience a tornado and nine and a half out of ten will say no.” “ Wow…I feel so dumb now, one minute I feel smart with Reverend and now I don’t.” Angel Marie replied as she finished washing the pots and placed them on towels to dry.” “Child,” Memaw said gently, “you are still very young, nobody expects you to know everything and even after fifty years, I’m still learning. Remember if you knew everything, life would be awful boring. About time to quit for the day and head on home to get a few things done for the night, might want to put some things in the cellar, better off safe than sorry.” “Very true, we have relatives of Mama coming in on the train in Davenport tomorrow evening and Jeffrey dropped off a list for me to pick up at the merchant store.” “Well, you better run off and get what you need done and I’ll see you in the morning if I don’t see you around town tonight. Behave yourself and tell your mother hi for me.” “Ok I will, take care and see you in the morning.” Angel Marie stepped out the door and could feel the humidity even heavier on her chest and started down the old stone steps that could have been the first thing ever in the old pioneer town. “Angel Marie, how are you? Haven’t seen you in a long time!” Angel Marie’s childhood best friend, Millie Beth hugged her. “This town doesn’t seem to ever change does it? Everything’s the same before I left for college and it’s the same afterwards. I don’t think I’m actually going to go back the way Mama is and don’t look like she’s getting better. I think the boys and Daddy need me home to take care of everything more than college needs me.” “I’ve been doing ok, just been busy with life. Mama has been having busy with the usual chores and she has finally realized that I’m not going to spend day in and day out memorizing Bible passages. I know some good ones by heart but I don’t need to memorize the whole book.” “ I understand what you mean and even though I’m the reverend’s daughter, I don’t know the Book by heart but there are some passages that I know and use in life but don’t know every word of it. I know that what you mean and now we don’t have the time to sit and memorize a chapter. I don’t know if Daddy ever told you by the told me that you don’t’ need to memorize it, just know the story and the biblical message of it. No offense, but I think your mother is weird. It’s like she’s from some saint or nun school. In fact, I think Daddy said there’s a group over in like Indiana or Ohio that acts like your mother does. She’s still working for Memaw, or just stopping in to grab a bite to eat? ” Still working for Memaw at the diner and not really looking for working anywhere else for a while. Early morning around 4 o’clock till about 2 o’clock in the afternoon and by the time I get home, I’m tired and still have chores at home to do. Would be a lot of help if Beccalyn would help with them instead of being the baby and expecting everybody to be at her service. “Sorry but I don’t think you will get your wish with Beccalynn because she’s your mama’s favorite.” “I know and Mama looks at me to basically take over the house while she babies Lance and Beccalynn. I’m getting to where I can’t take it anymore, I’m exhausted from working to bring in some money on top of what Daddy makes for the family to help us get by.” Angel Marie added, ”About the group that you’re talking about. Your father said that earlier and he told me to ask Mama about her childhood and the generations before her and next time I see him, tell him and he could do some research for me.” “You would be surprised what Daddy’s all interested in and since that has to do with religion and part of his congregation, he would definitely be interested in it.” “I have to go to O’Chester’s to pick up groceries. Mama sent Jeffrey with a list of things she needs and I usually pick it up or drop the list off on the way home from work, then if Chester has everything, I’ll come back with the draft team and wagon and pick it all up. Mama has relatives coming in on the train tomorrow night and we’re trying to get ready for them. I’m not really looking forward to them but I guess I’m stuck without a choice when I’m not working.” “Do you know them? If not and you really don’t want to be around, try to get your daddy’s permission and stay with us for a day or two. I’m sure Daddy wouldn’t mind, in fact he might like it better because Mama’s not feeling well at all. The doctor isn’t coming up with any cures and you bet that we’re praying, That God will show us what’s wrong and find someone or something to make it better for her.” Angel Marie and Millie Beth stepped in the merchant store and Angel Marie handed Chester the list. “Chester, Mama needs everything on this list: flout, sugar, butter, salt, tea, coffee, bacon, ham, oats, lard and grits. I’ll leave the list with you and I’ll be back in a little while with the horses and wagon.” “Ok Angel Marie, I’ll see what I can come up with. I know I have most of this in stock right now but I’ll have to hunt for the ham and bacon. I’m sure the hog farm up the road from here has it. “ “Thanks Chester, I’ll be back in a while to pick everything up. If I don’t make it tonight because of the storm, keep it and I’ll pick it up tomorrow or leave a note for Jeffrey to pick the list in the morning.” Angel Marie turned and headed out the door and walked towards the green grassy pastures where her painted dapple-gray mare was grazing. “Millie, what’s wrong with your mother?” “Well, you know she’s always had asthma and she’s been having problem breathing. This hot and humid weather isn’t helping her at all and she’s also having lower stomach pain and she can’t really urinate and if she does it’s unbearable for her so really we’re not sure what’s all wrong. The doctor looked at her and told us that there really wasn’t anything that he could do other than prescribe cranberry juice in hope that it’ll free up her bladder so she can urinate but so far no difference. He also told us that we could take her into Davenport to the hospital but the choice is up to us. Daddy really doesn’t want to take her down there because he wouldn’t be able to do his sermons at the church or leave us children alone.” Millie Beth said tearfully. Angel Marie hugged and held Millie Beth for a couple minutes. “Mille Beth, I think you should be heading home to tend your mama while I head back and get the wagon and at least get this part done. I have a feeling we’re going to get a good storm tonight and really don’t want either one of us caught out in it.” She gently pushed Millie Beth along. “I know I should be heading back but it’s really depressing and miserable to stay at the house. I would rather be out working or something else other than staying at the house.” “Head on back to the house and I’ll stop by the house and check on you when I come back into town tonight.” “Ok.” Angel Marie fastened the saddle and check the girth on the bridle and stepped into the stirrups. She sat in the saddle watching Millie Beth make her way back to the old ranch two-story house next to the small white church on the banks of the Mighty Mississippi. The summer heat was getting hotter and humidity kept rising. As she wiped the sweat off her forehead, she felt a cool breeze from the west and knew tonight was going to be a night where the twisters come to visit the small town. She clicked her horse into a slow gallop and rode across the pasture and jumped over the fence and picked up pace across the fields of hay and straw. She could see the clouds building up in the southwest; just white fluffy clouds against the clear blew clouds. Her father said, where ever there are clouds, there’s always the potential for storms and rain in the spring, summer and early fall, snow in the late fall, winter and early spring. She could feel the winds picking up a little as she watched the clouds slowly turned darker. Two miles to go, she pushed her mare to a full run as she passed the Walker’s farm. She recognized her brother’s brown gelding galloping from the north and saw that Jeffrey had to go up to the Schadler’s farm to get Lance. When she got to the barn, she unsaddled her horse and took the bridle off and slipped on a halter. Jeffrey came in behind her stepped off his horse while Lance jumped off the back. “Now Mama told you to stay around the house and get your chores done and no running off. I’m getting tired of being pushed back on my duties just to go and get you. If you want to go up there, get yourself, a job and buy a horse and I don’t have to worry about getting you and getting behind on my work, you got it?” Jeffrey told Lance as he unbuckled the girth and rubbed the horse’s neck. “You don’t need to get all upset at me, I was working up there, Josh said that I can work up there and eventually he’ll buy me a horse so you don’t have to come and get me. By the way, why did you come and get me? I was working and still had plenty to do. I wasn’t down at the Walker’s farm hanging out with the Reverend’s nephew causing trouble.” “You need to tell Mama where you’re going or what you’re doing before she sends Jeffrey after you. If you tell her that you’re working for the Schadler’s most likely she will ok it after you get your duty around here done. Right now there’s a strong storm coming,” Angel Marie held her hand towards the southwest. ”Mama probably noticed the storm coming and sent Jeffrey to go and get you for your own safety than money or credit. What could have happened if you were outside working and all the sudden a tornado touched down a few yards away? You wouldn’t have time to go anywhere and even if you dropped to the ground, you wouldn’t have been able to come home alive or without severe injuries.” “Your sister is right, you need to tell Mama where you’re going and now is not the time to be running around the farm worrying about what need to be done. Take our word for it and in a couple years or so you’ll learn that it’s only for the better.” A strong cold wind blew from the storm and distant thunder could be heard. Heavy dark clouds covered the sun and the day became darker. Jeffrey unbuckled the girth on the saddle and bridle and slipped on a halter. “I don’t think we should leave the horses outside in this storm so let’s just keep them in here and head on inside. Lance, go on inside and tell Mama that we’re out here and will be in a few minutes while we finish up out here.” Jeffrey said as he untied his horse and backed Angel Marie’s horse back into the barn. “Good idea Jeffrey, I don’t think they should be out no matter what and I don’t think this is going to be a little storm either. The wind is so cold and it’s been so hot and humid, perfect for tornadoes.” “You’re right, I think we better start putting some things in the basement and be prepared. Oh look, it’s Papa! He made it home. Chester said that the Coast Guard is expecting the Marquette to come in sometime next week due to late schedule. Must have proved them wrong.” Their father came walking up the quarter-mile lane that lead from the house to the dirt road earlier to be believed as an old Indian trail. Lightning began flicking in the distant and started to sprinkle, Angel Marie and Jeffrey stepped into the house and smelled baked chicken and dumplings. “About time you’re home to work around here!” a snotty Beccalynn said. “I’m tired of looking at all the stuff that needs to be done and hearing Mama gripe about it.” “If you would help around here, you wouldn’t have to look at it. Would be a lot of help to us, you are old enough to get up and pick some things up and clean. I’m sick of working all day and then come home and getting yelled at because I’m not at your beck of call!” a furious Angel Marie told her little sister. “Angel Marie, you have no right to yell at your sister, she’s too young to understand what to do, giver her a couple years then she’ll come around. You know better and quit showing your jealousy. You are just jealous because she gets more attention and freedom than what you get. If you would follow what I say, you will have less to do around here.” Her mother said as her father walked through the door. “Marcy, Angel Marie has enough to worry about with watching out for the family plus working a full time job along with working around here. She just wants to come home and not get backstabbed just because something isn’t done or she’s not at somebody’s beck. All she asks is that suppers ready and a quiet night to herself to write or work on her crochet.” Her father told her mother very sternly. “The boys help around this place while Angel Marie works to bring in some extra income to make you and Beccalynn live better in luxuries. She is actually living Christ-like sacrificing herself to you and you are taking advantage of her. You and Beccalynn should be ashamed of you and make yourselves useful. I think I’m going to take Jeffrey and Angel Marie with me the next couple barges runs. In fact these two,” placing his hands on Angel Marie’s and Jeffrey’s shoulders, “would absolutely love the long runs to New Orleans. It would unquestionably relax them and they would be closer to God and learn so much more than hanging around here and getting bickered at.” “Randy, we wouldn’t be able to survive if you take them, we wouldn’t have food or water. There is too much for us to do alone and I haven’t felt too well lately and what will happen if I get sicker?” their mother made up as an excuse against their father. “You will have to learn how to live on your own and take care of Beccalynn. If you feel so close to God by sitting around memorizing the Bible then you should start believing in Him and you’ll be just fine. Maybe if you’re so scared that you wouldn’t have money to spend foolishly, then maybe you should get up before the crack of dawn and go and find work to do. The Reverend’s family needs a lot of help in tending their mother and the house. Take Angel Marie’s job at the diner for a while. I’m sick of you sitting around with your ways and working the older kids to death depriving them from rest and time to themselves. I bet they don’t even know what it’s like to act like a kid anymore. The kids are coming with me next time and I’ll have to check but I think there’s one going out in a couple days again for Saint Louis, Missouri.” “I have family coming in tomorrow night and I need the kids to help make them comfortable while I visit with them.” “Daddy, can I go with…?” Lance whispered before his mother interrupted. “Lance Hush! You don’t interrupt me because you have nothing to say or have any sonority here!” their mother snapped at him. “Daddy, Mama always yells at me whenever I want to say something. That’s why I don’t stay around her much anymore. Beccalynn tortures me because I don’t want to be around her and listen to her gripe about not getting her own way.” “I do not…! You are making all that up to make me look bad so you can get all the attention!” Angel Marie and Jeffrey cringed as she smacked Lance across the face leaving him with a bloody nose and for sure would be a big bruise in the morning. Lance stood there in shock and did everything not to cry. Angel Marie grabbed a towel and held it to his nose while hugging him, trying to comfort him. She sat down on a chair at the old oak table that her grandfather carved in his younger days. Lance sat in her lap as she wiped away her brother’s tears and tried to calm his fears. Her father stood there in shock of he just saw. Thunder rolled and lightning illuminated his shadows and Jeffrey stepped into the doorway of another room and Angel Marie saw the storm raging outside but nothing as powerful as the storm raging in her father’s eyes. “Why did you hit him?! You had no purpose and what you mean he has no sonority in this family? He has a right to say something. He has just as much sonority as the rest of the kids and his question was a logical one for the safety of himself.” “Mama and I have the sonority of the house and what we say, goes.” Beccalynn said dreamily to her father. “Beccalynn! Stay out of it, you have nothing to say and I’m waiting for your mother’s response!” “That’s right, what we say, goes in this house and if the kids don’t follow, they get their punishment.” Their mother said smartly. ”We are the queens here and the kids are our servants.” “You have no right to lay your hands on my children and you say if you’re the queen, you’re the Queen of Hell. I will give you two days to have all yours and Beccalynn’s belongings out of here and find somewhere else to live. I will not have a wife that abuses my children and expects to be treated like royalty for the refusal to work.” Their father put his hands on her shoulder and backed her in the corner of the kitchen. “I’m going to go to the court house in the morning and file for separation from you. I’m going to have town marshal be here watching up pack up and follow my orders to get out of my house and if you give him trouble, I’ll take it to the court and have the judge rule it as spousal abuse.” “I’m not going anywhere, this is my home. I made this old house into a home to raise the kids while you’re out messing around on them boats saying it’s the best thing in life. You did not cook all the food, make them clothes, reared them on the Bible, or most of all, go through the pain and misery of child birth with them.” “I fathered all the kids, built them a solid foundation to grow up on, worked to provide funds to raise, clothe, and feed them. I have sacrificed a lot just to get us by. Working those barges are a lot of hard, weathered work, pulling and catching 25 tons of grain or coal. You call that messing around and having fun? Being away from my children, missing the mile marks in their childhoods, not knowing when I’ll be able to make it home due to slurs in the schedule is fun? I live in fear of coming home and seeing that this place torn apart by a tornado. There are some good things about working on the barges but it’s not what you think it is. Woman! You wouldn’t last the first ten minutes on there because you’re so chicken to stand out in the rain, so why are you saying that I don’t work. Angel Marie would be able to do the job if she put her mind to it, Jeffrey can automatically do it. Lance, would have to grow into it but he could learn to do the same thing. You think the pain of childbirth is unbearable, that’s only temporary. How about going to sleep every night with ever muscle in your body hurting and you only hope that you get a full night’s sleep because you have to do it all over again in the morning. It’s in my blood and also in the kids’ blood except of that spoiled brat of yours. Come on kids, lets get out of here.” Jeffrey, Angel Marie and their father carrying Lance walked out slamming the door behind them. “Jeffrey, Angel Marie, saddle up your horses while I get one of the team horses saddled up.” “Daddy, where are we going? We don’t have anywhere else to stay and it’s going to be a cold night, a lot colder than what we’ve gotten used to.” as Angel Marie crossed her arms against the chilly wind. “Don’t worry honey, I know of a place a ways from here that we can go and everything will be fine. Just saddle up your horse and grab some grain and hay and we’ll be on our way.” Angel Marie saddled up her horse and climbed on. Her father’s horse with Lance holding on was walking towards town and Jeffrey had trouble commanding his horse. After clicking her horse to catch up with her father, Jeffrey’s horse reared and bucked but took off running ahead of the group. “Glad that he had rodeo experience because either one of us would have been on the ground. That’s some horse of his.” Their father commented on Jeffrey’s jittery horse. “He got that from a pen that Chester had a while back. Somebody came in with about 25 horses for sale and they gave them to Chester to sell among the town so he sold the horses. Jeffrey went down there and that was the horse that he liked. I got this one because she was pretty and one of the most lovable.” Off to the northeast across the river, they could see distant lightning and it was so quiet. Too quiet. In fact, they slowed their horses and usually the only thing that this quiet could mean was a tornado was about to touch. No wind, no rain, a distant whistle from the Army Corps of Engineer base. “Jeffrey, come back this way, I don’t have a good feeling about this, would rather you stay with us just in case something happens.” “Daddy” Angel Marie whispered, “I don’t have a good feeling, something’s up and I’m not sure what’s happening.” Jeffrey made his way back to the group and lightning began flickering overhead, rain started falling lightly. “Turn around!” Angel Marie and her father turned around only to see what they thought they never see. A twister skipping towards the house about 2 miles away from them, they could only watch what they were seeing. Within seconds, the house, their belongings, and their mother and sister were gone. Everything was scattered like wind blowing a pile of papers everywhere. As the twister passed the farm, the barn was struck by lightning and burned against the gray sky. The twister vanished into the sky and the sky began to clear showing the stars and moon. “Dad,” Jeffrey turned to his father, “Do you think that’s God’s way to erase the past and start a fresh new beginning?” “Couldn’t say it better myself son. Not what I was hoping for or thought would happen but you never underestimate the Lord and His powers.” “Angel Marie, are you okay?” her father asked looking at her facial expression in the moonlight. “I can’t believe what I just saw, I really don’t know what to say. I know Mama and Beccalynn treated us horrible but this is just horrible to end their lives like this. I know it’s for our own good to start over but this…? I don’t know it’s just too overwhelming right now.” “ I know sweety,” moving his horse closer so he could hug his daughter, “it’ll take some time to get over it but lets go to the Marquette and I think that’ll be our home for a while.” “If we’re going to live on a barge for a while, what are we going to do about the horses. We can’t just let them roam wherever they wish.” “Jeffrey, I have a friend down by the dock that has several horses and I’m sure if I tell him what’s going on, he’ll let us keep the horses there. Don’t worry, I’ll find someway for at least you and Angel Marie to keep your horses. In fact, I would keep that mighty pretty horse of Angel Marie’s myself.” “Hey, Isn’t it a little late for a family horse ride?” a distant voice sounded as they made their way into town. When they got closer, they recognized that it was Town Marshal. “Hello Marshal, I know we’re out late but my wife and I had a big altercation and she was physically abusive to the kids, so I grabbed the kids and told them that we weren’t going to stay the night at home. When we got about 2 miles away from the house, it got awful quiet and we only knew what happens when it gets deathly quiet. We were watching for signs and turned around then a tornado ripped across the backfield. We just stood there in pure shock watching everything we had being torn apart. So we’re heading towards the Marquette to stay on there until at least in the morning when we can see what all happened and what can be salvage to start all over. I’m pretty sure Marcy and Beccalynn are dead as we didn’t see anything that looked like them getting in the cellar. They weren’t in their right mind when we left so I have my doubt. Marcy has family coming in tomorrow night so you may want to run over there to see if they’re still alive and if not, send a message to the train station for her relatives explaining what happened. “Wow, what a night for you guys. You better get on your way and get the kids to bed. I know Angel Marie’s been up what seems like forever. She has to be tired. I’ll run up there and see what I can find and if I find anything important or that is necessary needed, I’ll run it by the Marquette and give it to you or do you want me to lock it up in the station?” “Depends on what it is, if it’s clothes that is still in good shape or necessary everyday things, run them by the Marquette, but if they’re like papers or important things but don’t need right away then lock them up in the station then come and tell me.” “Ok I’ll see what I can find and will run them by the Marquette, don’t expect much and it’ll probably be a while before I can actually get anything savaged. You know, with those tornadoes, it takes a while to savage what’s still salvageable.” “I don’t expect you to come up with miracles but if you would like to get some sleep, you can just run up there and check on Marcy and Beccalynn and if you find a few things, pick them up and then drop them by in the morning. “Marshall, Can you drop a note to Memaw and tell her that I won’t be in first thing in the morning and if I do make it in, it’ll probably be for dinner? I know if I try to go in she’ll send me home because I haven’t gotten any sleep.” Angel Marie questioned. “Yes I will honey, all of you better get started in heading to the Marquette and catch some sleep and don’t worry about a thing. Whatever happens, I’ll take care of it. Aint much in this town that I haven’t seen before.” “Thanks Marshall, we’ll be heading over there and let you get to work,” their father commented as he turned the reins as started walking and Jeffrey and Angel Marie did the same. A very drowsy, barely keeping her eyes open, Angel Marie followed her father’s and brother’s shadow. Her mind kept wandering away to wondering what living on a barge ship was like but at the moment she could easily sleep on a rock from the lack of several nights’ sleep. The moonlight danced on the river waves and she could make out mounds of coal in the hopper barges. She knew she was getting close to her bed for the night. Her hands fell to the saddle as she almost fell asleep and her horse slowed from confusion of commands. “Angel Marie, are you okay?” Jeffrey turned and noticed that his sister was lagging behind. ”Dad, we’re losing her.” “She’s exhausted, grab her horse’s reins and have her follow you. We only have about a half mile to go because we are beside the barge loads.” Jeffrey grabbed the mare’s reins and had her follow him and watched his sister making sure she didn’t fall off. He could see the ship in the moonlight, as it slowly grew larger. A horse neighed nearby noticing the riders. A shadow walked across the field. “Hello there,” the shadow called out. “Hello Dave,” their father called out, “I need to talk to you for a minute but let me get the kids on the Marquette and to sleep and I’ll be back.” “That’s fine, I’ll be somewhere around here. I can’t sleep so I’m just messing around here.” “Okay, I’ll catch you in a few.” “Who’s that?” Jeffrey asked. “That’s one of my buddies that’s a brother to me, he’s the one that I told you that I would talk to about keeping the horses there while we’re out on the water.” “Oh, any other time I would have probably figured that out with the horses in the pastures but I’m exhausted and not thinking straight. But I will say, not quite as exhausted as Angel Marie. She hasn’t been sleeping too well the last few night and obviously it’s caught up with her.” “Don’t worry about her, she’ll be out when she lays down on the bed and I’m sure she’s not the only one, you and Lance won’t be far behind.” “You’re right, I’ve noticed that you don’t seem to be very tired.” “Not really, most of the time we’ll travel at night and I have to steer the barges so I’m used to working at night. We didn’t travel by night last night but I was up packing and messing around. I went to bed about 6 this morning and got up about 1. Basically when Angel Marie was finishing up, I was getting up for the day. Most barge locks work during the day and really it’s pointless to travel by day then have to wait all-night and part of the day to get through the locks. So it’s better to travel by night and get to the locks in the morning and get through first thing and get on our way. That’s why we’re often a week ahead of schedule. You’ll find in life, you have to stand out from the crowd and find the best way through work, school, and whatever life takes you through. Ok we’re here.” Their father tried to stand up in the saddle, ”Golly, haven’t been on a horse in a long time and now I can feel my bones cracking out of the mold of sitting in one position too long. This is pitiful; I didn’t think I was that old and unable to move until now. ” Jeffrey tried to hold back a laugh, “let me take Lance so you have more room to move to get off.” He took Lance and held him in the saddle in front of him while his horse grazed on the grass on the riverbank. His father stepped out of the saddle. Woke Angel Marie up and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her out of the saddle. He set her on the ground and Jeffrey handed his brother over as he stepped out of the saddle. “Jeffrey, gather all the reins and tie them together and tie the horses to that post. In fact if you look on there, you might find a horse lead and clip made for tying horses that they bring in on barges.” “I feel a bolt but nothing else,” bending over touching the post. “I’ll just tie them on the bolt and you can take them from there.” “That’s fine. Looks like Captain Morgan is still up.” “Hello Randy, I thought you went home for the next few nights. Miss us that much that you would come back?” Captain Morgan joked. “Well if you want to put it that way. A very long time ago I promised the kids that they could go with me on a barge run to experience the “river of life” that I keep teaching them about. Several hours ago, we had a storm and a tornado ripped apart our property killing my wife and youngest daughter so really I think we’re going to make the Marquette our temporary home for a while.” “Oh I’m sorry about that, we did get a little thunderstorm but how far away from here did you live?” “About 5 miles northwest from here. Really I don’t think the storm was actually a strong one. My wife and I have had a tense relationship when it came to teaching the kids. I would always teach them God and life through nature and doings where as she would deprive the kids from the world to memorizing the Bible from cover to cover. Right before and during the storm, we had a big altercation about her teachings and I found out that she actually abused the kids while I was working. I took the kids and left and as we made our way about 2 miles from the farm, my son turned around and noticed a funnel cloud. We all turned around and watched the tornado rip everything apart. It was overwhelming for all of us but my oldest daughter is having the worst time of all of us so really I think we need to get her in and have her sleep her heart out and rest up. Maybe she’ll feel better when we get out on the water. I’m going to go ahead and put the kids to sleep and then I’m going to run over to Dave’s and talk to him about keeping the horses for us. I would absolutely hate to see the kids lose the horses that they worked so hard to get. Before I forget, the Town Marshal might stop by later or first thing in the morning to bring some things that he’s been able to savage from the house. ” “Lordy have mercy on you, Randy. Get those kids to bed and get those horses to pastures so they can eat and sleep. We may have a run tomorrow night, I’m not making promises but the headquarters says they might have one for us. I’m waiting until I get official word before I move anywhere.” “Okay no problem, I’m going to get the kids in bed and we can talk after they’re asleep. “You do that.” Randy picked up Angel Marie and walked towards the wooden landing as the boys followed. “Might want to watch your step as you step on the boat. It may tip a little in the water but shouldn’t give you any problems so keep your balance.” A loud roar started as the boat started vibrating. Black smoke rose out of the big smoke stacks and looked like clouds against the moonlight sky. “Randy, get the kids settled in and that barge run came through, we’re going to take off in a few minutes. Don’t worry about the horses, I walked them over to Dave’s and he’ll take care of them. You feel alright to help watch the barges or do you want me to wake up another deck hand and let you get some rest?” Captain Morgan said as they stepped in the boiler room. “Jeffrey, ahead through that door and another door is the bunker room. Take your brother and sister in there and lay down. I’ll be outside the other door in that room watching the barges if you need anything. Also don’t be afraid of Captain here, just ask and he’ll be glad to help you, might even be better than I can.” “Ok Dad I’ll get them to bed, come along Lance you can play Huckleberry in the morning.” Jeffrey grabbed his half asleep sister and walked towards the door. “Hey, you’re no fun, Captain says we’re going somewhere. I want to be awake when we go. I want to see all new things and help Daddy watch the barges. “ Jeffrey looked at his father and the expression on his face clearly showed that he was in no mood to mess with a high-strung child. “Jeffrey, you two go onto bed and I’ll handle Huckleberry Finn here.” “Good, you can mess with him while Angel Marie and I go to bed and get maybe a few hours of sleep.” Jeffrey and Angel Marie walked through the door heading to the bunker room. Captain Morgan looked at Lance then back up to Randy. “Looks like you got a miniature deck hand right there. Maybe when he gets a few years, might want to have him work for a barge company or put him with the coast guard. He has the attitude. Lets go outside where there is fresh air instead of smelling the burning coal.” “Good idea it’s pretty warm in here. All the kids have the same personality but the other two are so dog gone tired that they could care less what goes on. Lance has always been the adventurous one, always afraid of missing something. He’ll wonder away from the house ten miles away if there’s something going on. Let the other two get some sleep and they’ll be up on deck having fun looking around. If you need a extra hand, put Jeffrey to work and he’ll snap right to it and Angel Marie worked a couple years at Memaw’s diner so she knows how to cook and I’ll tell you, and it’s just not me bragging about my daughter’s cooking but it’s mighty good home cooking.” “Sounds like you have a handful of good hardworking kids, I’m sure they’ll find something to do while we’re at work. Do you know if they are actually looking for pay or just because they don’t’ have anywhere else to go? To be honest, and the kids are fine with it, I may give the cook and a deckhand a short run off and see how they like it. If they do, I might let the headquarters know so they can get pay.” “I bet they aren’t looking for pay right now. Their mother had all of them working to death and right now they need rest, some time to unwind and feel like a kid again. My baby, Angel Marie loves watching barges and she would beg her mother to let her to come with me. She loves nature and the river and I have always called the Mississippi the ‘River of Life’. Jeffrey will put his mind to jus about anything and he has always had a close relationship with his sister. Give him a day or two and he might be showing how old I am moving faster and catching them barges even better than before. Now Lance here, just like a kid his age, always looking for adventure and afraid that the world’s going to spin without him.” Captain Morgan chuckled, “looks like a good bunch here. Well we ought to start heading towards the lock and get in line so we can head on down the river to Hannibal. Might want to hold onto that kid because that’s where supposedly where Huckleberry hung out. The Mark Twain city, what a great city to be in.” he said recalling back to his younger days. “Well I have to head up to the captain’s deck and you should wake up a couple deckhands and we get a-movin’.” Captain Morgan turned around and grabbed the rails and climbed the two flights of stairs and flicked on the little bare light bulb that he worked by night. Lance stood there fascinated by the single light bulb that lit the whole room. He had never seen electricity at work other than lightning. Randy stepped into the bunker room, checked on Angel Marie who was sound asleep and noticed that Jeffrey was gone. He woke up a couple deckhands and told them to get dressed and ready as they were getting ready to take off. Wondering where Jeffrey was, he stepped outside, grabbed his gear and started walking to the front of the boat. ”Lance, you see that chair, if you want to stay up and watch, go sit in it. I won’t have you with me all night working as you may fall in the water and drown. In fact if you want to help go find your brother, he can’t be far and don’t’ get into anything. I got to go but I can count on you to be a good boy.” A distant voice came from overhead, “Hey I’m up here.” “Jeffrey what they heck are you doing up there?” their father asked as he looked up at Jeffrey leaning against the railing on the second floor. “I don’t know, I couldn’t sleep, guess I’m a little excited about this whole thing. Great view up here for what I can see right now. Why, am I not supposed to be up here?” “Nah, you’re okay, if you’re going to stay up, make sure your brother doesn’t come out here on the barges for his safety.” “No problem.” Randy and a few other men walked out on the barges full of grain and coal. The moon was setting in the western sky as the calm wind blew gently against the boys’ faces. Beside them was another tugboat heading upstream against the river current. Captain blew three short whistles and two short and a long whistle blew from the passerby. “Lance, why don’t you come up here where you can see better?” Lance got up from out of the chair and walked around on the first story looking for the stairs. After finally finding the stirs the opposite from which he started, he climbed the first couple steps, as the whole boat started violently shaking. Holding onto the railings, he joined his brother as he saw that his adventure was just beginning. The engine was louder than ever providing all the horsepower that it needed to haul several hundred tons of grain and coal down stream. The gap between the riverbank and the barge grew wider as Captain steered the barges towards the middle of the river. They could see their father’s shadow against the dark blue sky leaning against a pole on the barge watching the clearance for both sides and under the barges. The stars above sparkled as the east became slightly lighter above the tree line of the wooded areas. A hawk flew overhead and dived right above the river catching a fish and deer stood by the waterside in the open fields. Each moment passed by with anticipation of their journey. What would they see? What would they do? As they crept along the river, lights and a low bridge ahead of them loomed slightly larger. Several large buildings stood beside the bridge and several bodies could be seen walking back and forth between buildings. Several tugboats and barges were lined up waiting to be broken up and pushed down stream to continue their journey. “That is the Army Corps of Engineer, Lance. They keep track of which barges come and go on the river and help navigate then around hazards in the river that could damage things and cause death to anybody on the river. See those little boats this way from the lock? That’s the Coast Guard, they are like Town Marshall, if you cause trouble and they catch you, then you’re in deep trouble but also they are there in case an accident happens. If say Dad gets hit by something and falls in the water, the Coast Guard will clear the water and rescue him and make sure he’s ok. If not, send him to the hospital over at the Army Corps’ base.” “Will that ever happen?” “Let’s hope not.” Jeffrey reassured his brother. Captain slowed the tugboat and the deckhands gathered on the left side of the barge set with ropes in hand to dock while waiting in turn to be broken up and lowered on the river. Two tugboats ahead of them were waiting. A loud whistled blew and the first barge blew two short curt whistled as it undocked and pushed a set of nine barges in the tight space between the walls. A short moment later, the tugboat, full force in reverse, pulled the rest of the barges out of the lock and stood there idling waiting for the Army Corps lower the water level for the next lower section of the river. Randy came up on the second deck for a break, “Having fun boys?” “It’s really nice to be up here watching everything going on. I’m just curious Dad why do they have locks and dams every so often?” Jeffrey asked. “You’ll see when we get a lot closer. Every so many miles, roughly 15 miles there will be a dam, which is about once a day for us sometimes we’re able to make more than one lock a day. In the river there are very shallow places that are basically impassable for barge traffic and what the Army Corps has done is dig out these shallow places and put up dams and locks to help regulate traffic and water flow. The dams are there to hold back water in the fall and winter to keep the water from getting too shallow and in the spring, they have to raise the dams out of the water to let the water flow downstream to prevent flooding upstream. Some of the dams, you’ll see when we get downstream; have generators on them to produce electricity for the more wealthy families’ homes. Look over there.” Randy pointed towards the dawn rising behind the tree line. A large bird with a white head flew over the river and perched on a large tree branch so eloquently watching the dam. “That’s a bald eagle watching the dam for food escaping through the dam. If you stand here quiet long enough, you may see him dive right before the dam and catch him a fish or two and take it back to his nest for possibly his babies.” “Wow, that’s amazing, Wish Angel Marie was awake to see this, She would absolutely be astonished to watch what we’re seeing. Look over there on the riverbank, there’s a huge buck with a doe drinking out of the river. Now I can see why you love this job.” “That’s right Jeffrey, this job is quite a bit of hard work about when you get times like this, and it just makes up for the whole trip. Well I’m going to go in and get me a cup of coffee and maybe something to eat then check on Angel Marie. You boys hungry? I know that you didn’t eat last night and probably been a while so come on in and eat. Cook should be up and cooking away.” The boys followed their father down the stairs as Captain shut the engines off. Walking about the first floor, they stepped in the bunker room where the other three deckhands were sitting on their bunks talking. Randy walked over to the bunk where Angel Marie was sleeping and gently woke her up and invited her to eat. Captain stepped in the bunk room, ”There will be a meeting in the dining room in five minutes and everybody on board must be there or there will be consequences. Randy, if your kids don’t want to attend, I don’t blame them for wanting to hear my big mouth but everyone else must be there.” “That’s not fair, Captain, why do we have to hear your big mouth when they get to play outside?” a deckhand commented. Randy’s kids won’t do anything outside other than get acquainted with their surroundings. I’ve watched them the last ten miles and all the boys did was stand there and watched their surroundings. I don’t have a problem with them at all and I do have to lay down some rules that I thought I would never thought I would have to but I’ll be happy to. Also have a special announcement. All of you get booking to the dining room if you know what’s best for you. Kids you can go in there and get you something to eat and go out on deck and eat if you don’t want to hear me more than what you have to.” All aboard the tugboat gathered in the dining room where French toast, eggs, sausage, coffee and water awaited them. After everyone was situated with their breakfast, Captain started on his agenda of a meeting. “I know it may look and seem unusual to have some children among our racks but Randy and family lost everything due to a tornado and are accompanying us until they can find a place and get settled on land if they wish. Until then I will lay down some rules. None of you are to force anybody or even the young men here to do work because you lack the will. If these boys want to lend a hand and it’s ok by them and their father, they can help perform the everyday tasks. Now for the lady onboard, I know it may feel unusual and tempting but if you lay a hand on the lady unless a friendly gesture with or without permission, you will be suspended from this boat. I understand that you’re away from your wives and girlfriends most of the time and crave for attention but like I said, if you don’t have enough self-control and knowledge, you may become snapping turtle bait. Randy, if you feel like you need to press punishment and because she is your daughter, feel free to do so. Also the big news and somewhat sad news depending on which way you want to look at. At the end of the fall, I will be retiring onto the land and I have decided to hand this boat over to Randy and have him take over and operate it.” Angel Marie looked at her father as his mouth dropped in shock, “Uh, Wow! I don’t know what to say. I’m just curious what did I do that made me stand out to you? Captain, we have a couple other good hands on here that I personally think would qualify.” “Randy, you’re on this boat no matter if I kick you off of here. If I would tie you to a tree and left you there, you would find a way to beat me back to this boat.” The crowd chuckled, “I send you home to get rest and you’re back ready to work first thing in the morning. You take over when I need a break or need to get some sleep at night. Pretty much you are our second captain without the title. I have not had a single problem with you and you have came across some hazards that could cause serious problems that most would let go unnoticed.” “Ok I’m not going to fight with you. If you say so, then it’s so.” Randy put his hands up in surrender, “but really I thought it was all in the job instead of being extras.” “Technically it’s all in the job but you notice what needs to be done and thinks of others and give them breaks before anybody else acts. You go beyond what’s required in the job and are helpful almost anywhere on the ship. No offence, but your strength is not in the kitchen.” Everybody except the kids burst out laughing and Jeffrey looked confused at his sister and her facial expression agreed with the captain. “Ok I will admit that was a pretty horrible morning and you won’t see me in a apron and holding a pan again. If we really need a good cook, we’ll put Angel Marie to work.” “Well, I think we should be getting back to work as the lock is probably getting the barge in front of us ready to send it along it’s way. You all know your duties.” All the men got up and put their plates on the counter while the cook collected them and placed them in the sink. Lance sat there eating the last of his French toast and sausage, almost falling asleep. “Jeffrey, I think you might want to put him to sleep in there on one of those bunks.” “Nah, watch in about five minutes he’ll be up all excited as we’re getting ready to go into the lock. Lets go up on the second floor and watch all the action. You miss some amazing things that you would have loved while you were sleeping but I’m sure we’ll see more.” “What did I miss. Jeffrey?” “Mother nature at her best, but Dad says there will be a lot more.” Jeffrey got up and put his and Angel Marie’s plate on the counter. Lance got down from the chair did the same as the cook wiped down some of the tables. They walked out the door by the boiler room and looked through the big red wooden paddlewheel stationed on the back of the tugboat. |