Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1512617-So-you-thought-the-worst-was-over-ch-2
by Mikoto
Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1512617
Amara continues to put pieces together and makes a rather upsetting discovery.
Chapter Two

Amara awoke in Justin’s arms; she looked up and saw his face was blank like he was far away. “Justin?” Amara reached up and put her hand on Justin’s face. He flinched but then relaxed and smiled.

“Are you OK now Amara?”

“Yeh I’m fine.”

Justin moved Amara’s hand from his face and stood up again wearing that blank face. She was about to ask what was wrong but he suddenly disappeared into the kitchen. He returned with some lasagna.

“Here eat this.” Justin said putting the plate on the coffee stand in front of her. Amara sat up but didn’t touch the food. Why was he acting so distant? What happened why she was out cold? Ugh so many questions. Justin walked out of the room again. Amara started to twitch what the hell was going on?!

Amara was still twitching when Justin returned. She glanced at the clock on the wall it read around 5:30 am. He still wore his blank expression. Amara’s twitch got worse. “Ugh what’s going on ?!” Amara yelled as Justin picked up her untouched food. The plate quivered a little.

Justin looked down at the floor his face now dark. “Listen Amara I really don’t want to be the one who tells you what happened OK, my mom will be down soon she’ll explain it.” With that said once again he disappeared into the kitchen. He didn’t come out for about ten minutes and when he did he went strait upstairs to get his mother. They walked down the stairs in unison. Neither saying anything, both of them were wearing that same strange face. Justin grabbed his back pack and ran out the door.

Now Amara was really worried, first the really strange dream and then the equally strange reality. “Alright what’s going on?” Amara asked for the second time.

“Well Amara I have some bad news.” Clair said wringing her hands together.

“Well I wasn’t expecting good news at this point.” Amara was really annoyed now. Why couldn’t they just tell her?

“Your, your mother has been….” Clair paused as if looking for a better term, from the look on her face though she couldn’t find one. “Your mother was murdered Amara the cops found her body in the woods behind your house.” Clair continued to talk, but Amara wasn’t listening. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to cry or punch something. So she sat very still as if she were a statue.

“Amara are you all right.” Clair asked still standing next to her. She reached out and put her arms around Amara. Amara started to cry. She cried for a long time. She cried until she couldn’t cry anymore.

“Clair, what happened to my father?” Amara chocked out her voice hoarse from her sobbing.

“Well the cops don’t know they think he might have, well might have killed your mother because they can’t find him anywhere.” Clair got up. “Do you want something to eat?”

“Not really.” Amara replied in an empty voice.

“Alright if you want something just yell, OK. I’ll be upstairs.”

When Clair left the room Amara started to think. Is that who the girl meant, was it her father who killed the girl and the girls mother, was it her father who killed her mother? Was he the one she was supposed to stop? Amara then remembered the black book. Was it still with her?

Amara got off the couch and began her search for the book. After some time of digging in the couch she pulled out the black book. She was almost afraid to open it, but she did anyway although she held the book a little ways away from her body in case something from the under world came through it. Nothing came through the book but something fell out of it and floated down to the floor. Amara bent down to pick up the piece of paper that had fallen out. The print on the paper almost stopped Amara’s heart.

“Nena and Tarry Drennan Murdered.” There was a picture of them both in the article. The photo in the article matched the one sitting in Amara’s pocket. It also looked a lot like the girl she had met in the under world. So it was her father, he was the murderer. Amara went to open the black book again to put the article back in but the book sent a pulse of electricity through her and wouldn’t open. Amara tried again still wouldn’t open. Ugh great just what I need a temperamental book. Amara set the article down and grabbed the book ignoring the pain shooting through her arms. She tried to open it again. This time the book flew across the room and hovered

“What the hell?” Amara was about ten seconds from screaming. This book was going to drive her insane. What if she asked it to open? Would it pen for her? Well it was worth a try. “Hey, um book thingy will you please open so I can put this away.” Amara gestured to the article. The book drifted forward and opened but instead of it being a normal book with print on the inside it glowed with a weird reddish color.

Amara picked up the article surprised that asking the book nicely worked out very well. Amara then got closer to the book and dropped the article inside. It disappeared with a flash of whit light. What else could this strange book do? Amara put her hand into the glowing light and to her utter horror she began to glow to. Amara decided that it was time to withdraw her hand from the light. Unfortunately she was to late the rest of her had begun to glow and then just like the paper she too disappeared with a flash of white light.

Amara’s trip through the rift was like a roller coaster ride. It was really strange the last time she had gone through she didn’t feel anything, or see anything for that matter. This time she saw and felt every thing. The rift was a tunnel with several different black holes leading to different destinations. The tunnel it’s self was a rainbow of colors but then again that depended on where you looked. In some places it was completely red or black sometimes purple or green.

Suddenly the trip ended and Amara was flung through one of the black holes.

Jeremy was making his usual rounds when something fell on top of him. “What the fuck!” Jeremy yelled as he fell flat on the ground. He rolled away from whatever it was that fell and pulled his sword out of its sheath. That was when he realized what “It” was. “Hey I thought you left! Why, are you back? Wait more importantly how did you get here?”

Amara jumped to her feet.” Just one word.”

“OK then what word is that.” Jeremy was just a tad disturbed Amara looked different and she had that weird look on her face that Nena got when she was pissed off at something, which wasn’t a good thing considering they were related. Jeremy shifted uneasily.

Amara smiled moved until she was only a yard away from Jeremy the said. “Book.” She pulled out the black book that Nena had given her and shook it. “Book.” She said again. “What the hell type of book is this? I swear it has a life of its own!” Her voice was shrill now.

“A magic book I suppose, I mean it came from Nena so who know for all we know it could be some type of species no ones ever heard of.”

Amara scrunched up her face. “Yeh right the species of book monsters. Wonderful.”

“Come on lets go find Nena maybe she’ll explain this more.”

“She had better explain this more. I have no clue what she wants me to do. Well I know what she wants, but I don’t know how to do it.” Amara followed Jeremy through the horrible city again. This time when something got in there way it wasn’t Jeremy to take the creature down it was her. She was in no mode to be messed with.

They both moved through the decaying faster than they did before. Of course Amara was helping this time instead of being difficult so that helped a great deal. Amara now just jumped over the bodies and killed the zombies with her little book. It made a surprisingly good weapon. They made it to Nena in record time. Jeremy was actually enjoying Amara’s company a tiny bit, not to much. He thought her method of killing was a tad strange but then again this was a strange place so it wasn’t to out of place.

They walked up the stairs and into Nena’s house. Nena appeared as soon as they were in. Amara shoved the book at Nena.”What is it?”

“A book of course “Nena looked at the book then made a face at it. “Why is there blood on it?” Jeremy laughed.

“Never mind that there’s blood on it. Why is it so temperamental and why did it send me back here?”

Nena took the book and looked at Amara. “Amara if you want a weapon I’ll give you one but please don’t abuse the book, remember it chooses where you end up.” Nena started to talk to the book in a low voice and walked out of the room.

“Is she always like this?” Amara asked turning to face Jeremy.

“Mostly yes.”

“What’s she doing now?”

“To tell you the truth I don’t know.”

“And you’ve known her for how long?” Amara asked skeptically Jeremy shrugged. Nena reentered the room but brought with her several weapons and unfortunately the annoying book.

“Here take these.” Nena said handing Amara a sword, a gun and Amara wasn’t sure what the last thing was. “Keep these with you at all times and also keep the book on hand as well you’re going to need it. Now that you know who you’re after you need to find him and kill him. He will only continue this mayhem if he is not stopped.”

“How do I find him though?”

“Why do you think I gave you the book, it knows everything?”

“I don’t even know how to use the book and besides that, it doesn’t like me.” As if to prove the point the book shocked Amara and floated back to Nena.

“Alright then since you can’t use the book take Jeremy with you.”

“WHAT!” Jeremy looked horrified.”Oh no I don’t think so, I’m with the book I don’t like her either.”

“Well to bad your better at tracking people anyway so you’re going.”

“Wait I can’t go remember I can’t be seen by anyone from above.”

“Yes I know that Jeremy.”Nena said grabbing the book. Amara had become silent during this argument.

“What are you going to do turn me into a cat?” Nena Smiled and open the book to a page. Jeremy started to back up slowly. Nena started to chant something from the book.

“Nena don’t please don’t do it.” Nena kept chanting it was getting louder and quicker.

“Ah crap.” Jeremy stood still now. Probably figuring it was no use to run. Nena finished her chant and a black cloud enveloped Jeremy. When the cloud started to clear in Jeremy’s place was a small black cat. The cat padded forward and looked up at Nena. “You have no idea how much I hate you right now.” He hissed at her.

“Good luck Amara. I would get going now before you get stuck here.” Nena and the book turned and went into the room she had disappeared into so many times before.

Jeremy hissed at Nena again then trotted out of the house with his ears pinned back. As soon as they were outside Jeremy started running in a different direction than the one they had come. Amara didn’t ask why just followed him. She figured asking him anything at this point might get her eyes clawed out.

Jeremy finally stopped running when they had reached a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was what looked like another wormhole? Amara wasn’t sure if it was or not though it looked quite a bit different from the one she had gone through before.

“Come on this one leads back to your time.” Jeremy and Amara started toward the wormhole.”Ok who want to go first?” Jeremy asked.

Why don’t we both just go at the same time alright, just in case we get split up in the wormhole the other way.”

“Fine.” Jeremy and Amara matched their steps and entered the wormhole. A flash of blue light this time and they were gone.

Neither Amara nor Jeremy noticed that they hadn’t been the only ones in the clearing. In the far left corner there was a dark figure hunched over. It had a cloak wrapped around it concealing its Identity. It had been watching them for a long time its red eyes glaring at them from the opening in the cloak. As soon as they both left the creature straightened at bit and moved in a strange way towards where Amara had been standing. It sniffed the ground and started to growl. It started to walk towards the wormhole dead set on its mission.

“Hey, what do you think your doing?” Nena yelled at the creature. The creature didn’t even bother to look at her. “Great just what I needed a battle to end my already fantastic day.” Nena muttered to herself. She pulled her sword from its sheath and rushed towards the creature who didn’t know that death was awaiting it yet.

Nena raised her sword and swung at the creature but it was surprisingly quick. It jumped away swaying a little and caught its balance before pushing its arms out of the cloak. The hands looked like several knives pushed into where the fingers should have been. It not only had its hands as a weapon but it had razors going all along the outside of its arms. The thing ran at Nena hands poised at just the right angle that could kill her if she wasn’t quick enough.

Nena side stepped and the creature missed her. She quickly turned and raised her sword when the creature turned around to take another swipe at Nena she brought her sword down across it neck. The blade sliced through it easily. The severed head dropped with a sickening thud.

All of a sudden things got really loud. Nena sighed now what? She turned around and saw scavengers. They were looking for a meal. They looked at Nena squawking and yipping in there own language. All Nena had to do was raise her bloody sword and they stopped squawking and started to run. They may be stupid but they weren’t that stupid. Nena wiped her sword on the creatures cloak then put it in its sheath.

As soon as Nena was out of the clearing and the scavengers were sure she wasn’t coming back for them. They launched themselves into a frenzy over the dead body.

© Copyright 2009 Mikoto (amaradrenan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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