Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1512376-blood-lust---Lukas-pov-second-book
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1512376
Luka struggles to control his thrist around his human girlfriend.
Chapter 12

That morning i woke Rina to get ready for school, I also had to go back home and change and pick Rina up making it look like to father i came from home. I left to go back home, i quietly go through my bedroom window so no one would realize i was home and suddenly my sister and brother, Danika and Tristan were in my room.

“your back!” said Danika “were you with Rina?” she asked i nodded my head.

“that must of made her happy” she said i wasnt sure if she was happy she seemed that she wasn’t expecting me to come back.

“ i guess she was, she seemed shocked when she saw me... though i don’t blame her... she doesn’t deserve that... all I’m trying to do is protect her” both my siblings sighed.

“you cant protect her forever Luka... if leave again, but for good Demetri will get involved and its not safe for her, he will turn her...” said trsitan

“he promised me he would leave her be...”

“Because he thinks your going to turn her..” whispered Tristan “and if you don’t than me or Dan will, she’s like a sister to us now, we love her too...”

“i don’t want to leave her ... but something is telling me i should... and if you touch i will kill you brother or not” i said angrily

“Luka...just turn her...it will make both your live 10 times more easier”

“No... i’m not turning her into what we are...” i hissed why would i do that do her i thought

Luka you have to... you cant keep her human forever...she will die... i heard Danika say

“i rather her die of natural causes... and i cant turn her, i wouldn’t be able to live with my self if i killed her.... think how that would affect me... and her family people will know fore sure what we are....”

“you think too far ahead” said Tristan “you always have, just stop thinking about the affect it will have on us and others, think about you guys think about what she wants....”

“she wants to be what we are... a body with blood and flesh... but no life” i whispered

“give it to her...she obviously wants you...” Danika said.

“guys thanks for trying to help, but i can’t, i have to go to school and pick Rina up” i said trying to get them to leave me alone.

“k... just pick the right decision” said Tristan “if you don’t you will regret it forever, and you know forever is a very long time....” he whispered i nodded my head “oh mom wants to see you before you go... she’s not happy with you, just to warn you” i tried not to laugh because i knew she was worried about me and I was in for it.

“thanks for the heads up” Tristan turned around and left Danika stayed in her spot and closed the door.

“Dan i have to get going—“

“No listen to me, I talked to her yesterday... Luka she’s so worried and scared you are going to leave her for good, she loves you, when i first saw her she looked horrible like she hasn’t slept well since you left because she’s so heartbroken, she thinks its her fault, that this happened...”

“It’s not... Danika... her scent it’s getting worse i spent the night, i wanted to murder my self because i wanted to kill her... i hunt but it seems me hunting isn’t working now either, its over powering... and so.... intoxicating, anytime i smell her it burns my thought and when i hold my breath and i still want her... even when i’m far away i crave her blood, but since im so far away i cant hurt her and that’s why i been leaving her alot... i cant tell Rina that she wouldn’t understand, or i’ll just scare her...”

“ if she was scared do you honestly think she would be with you and who were you staying with?” She asked

“Armond’s family in Spain.. he’s been really helpful... he went through the same thing with Olivia...”

“he knows? Luka are you sure the other’s in his family won’t say anything to the council?”

“the others don’t know, none of them have powers to read minds... and only Armond and Olivia do... they been good friends to our family since we were turned “

“oh... do you think they supect something?”

“no they know me very well they think im getting tired of Canadian blood” i said with a slight chuckle Dan smirked.

“Just be careful please... and i want you to know, you have competition...” I raised my eye brows.

“competition?” i repeated

“Rina’s human friend.... ugh what’s his name...”

“josh?” i asked

“yeah him... he loves her”

“ i know.. and i know he kissed her ...”

“are you mad?” she asked

“nope... kinda ticked that he kissed her but i can’t stop him... and if Rina wants to be with him... i wouldn’t stop her... he’s probably better for her any ways, and if he is what makes her happy than even better...”

“i think you would put up a fright for her” i shook my head

“ i wouldn’t fight her on this i would let her go.” She didn’t say anything she just looked really sad.

“get ready for school your going to be late” she said and left.

I love her Danika, i will always but if he makes her happy i don’t want to force her.

You don’t get it, she’s willing to give up everything for you and you wont give her something that she wants... it’s the only way you guys will actually be together.... its your choice....

She was right but i still wasn’t going to turn her... i’m too stubborn to change my mind now... i quickly changed and was about to leave through my window when my mother busted through the door.

“LUKA NOAH MORGIN” yelled my mom she stormed over to me and hit my head with her hand, she hasn’t hit me since i was human, and she only hit me on the head if i did something stupid or wrong...

“Ow what was that for?” i asked


“I’m sorry, i really am, but you didn’t need to hit me...”

“sorry old habits die hard” she said I laughed and kissed her cheek “next time i’ll let you know...”

“there wont be a next time, your not leaving... Luka don’t leave Rina again” i sighed and kissed my mom again on her cheek...

“i have to do what i can to protect her... and if leaving is my best option than...i will...just for her.”

“Luka stop being so rash...” she said

“ i have to go Mom, i’ll see you later”

“bring Rina for dinner” i shot a look at her she smiled

“you know what i meant”

“I’ll ask her, i have to go “ at that i left through my window. I pulled back into her drive way and honked my car horn and waited for her. She came out after 5 minutes, i could smell her from inside my car. I reach a crossed and opened it for her, she got in and close the door behind her. I could smell her freshly washed vanilla scent hair as she pulled her hair to the other side of her neck. i held my breath again and pulled out of the drive way to go to school.

This was one of those days I wish I could just go to sleep and not wake up. I wasn’t paying attention in French today, though I already spoke it fluently so it didn’t really matter. Madame Labian keep speaking to the rest of the class in French half of them didn’t understand what she was trying to explain, I held my head up with my hand making it look like I was “attempting” to pay attention, I glanced at the clock it was only 15 minutes into class, I sighed deeply, I wanted class to finish so I can get out of this room with all these humans but… There was one human in particular I wanted to get away from and that was Rina’s family friend Josh… I think that’s his name. He was looking at me with hate filled eyes and his thoughts aren’t very pleasant.

What does she see in him? What kind of boy friend is he if he keeps leaving? I heard him thought I rolled my eyes knowing myself I wasn’t good for her, I know I cause her pain for leaving for all these months but it was for her safety, she doesn’t understand how much her blood, makes me want to kill her, any time I’m near Rina or smell her close by the animal in me wants to take control and… kill her. I couldn’t let that happen, she is my life and I love her but I was so close that night, and I wasn’t going to come close to that situation again, even if it meant me leaving again, or for good. I would leave just to protect her, even if it kills me I would leave, I know it would murder her as well, but it might be the only way to save her.

I felt Josh’s eyes burn at the back of my head I turned around to look at him, he quickly looked down making it look like he was doing nothing, I tried to ignore his negative thoughts but I couldn’t help but listen.

I really hope she leaves him, he’s really not good for her, why cant she just realize that he is dangerous? I bet anything he hurts and that’s why she staying with him… I wonder how he would he would reacted to if I told him I kissed her and she actually liked it…

Most of his thoughts were true, it was quit sad that a human would sense that I was dangerous, I give him full points for that. I honestly didn’t care that he kissed her and she like it, if she wanted to be with him I would let her go and not say a word, I would be happy if she left me… she would be doing me a favor and herself one as well.

I heard the teacher call me name.

“Oui Madame” I said looking up

“attention de salaire”

“Désolé” I apologized she continued on with her lesson.

Kiss ass thought Josh i rolled my eyes at his thought and continued to stare at the clock, it didn’t move since the last time I glanced at it, that was the problem with living forever, you have so much time on your hands, everything was slow and long, some days you wish you were dead and others just fly back and make time go by quicker. But today was one of those days I wish I was dead. But deep down I’m very happy that I’m alive, and I met someone who loves me for who I am and not what I am… I just wish she could understand what her effect was on me. She needs to understand that I am an dangerous person and I will kill her if I’m not careful.

The clock ticked slowly, and after one long hour of hell the bell finally rang, I packed my stuff up and left before I was able to disappear, I heard a someone call me.

“Luka! Wait!” i knew it was josh just by his voice

“josh” I said as I turned around “what can I do for you?” I asked

“I want to talk about Rina”

“what about her?” I asked worried

“look, I’m really worried about her, like any time you’re away she’s… goes into this depression mode, and she always feels like she alone, and she terrified that your going to leave her… and I know we don’t really know each other but I sense that you want her to leave you, because… im going to sound crazy but because you want to protect her from your self…” I laughed to give the effect that he was crazy but at the same time it was actually what I wanted to happen, it was sad that this human could sense these things.

“your right that dose sound crazy… what makes you think that?” I asked he didn’t want to say it I could hear him debating if he should say it or not.

“don’t take this the wrong way, but I honesty think your dangerous and she shouldn’t be with you, actually you don’t deserve her, she goes through hell when you are way, she doesn’t sleep because she thinks that you are going to leave her, or something… do you even love her?” what kind of question is that? I thought.

“yes I love her very much…she’s everything…and I don’t mean to put her through that… and I’m not going to leave her…”

“why do you leave?” I was being interrogated by my food, which really bugged me no human ever really spoke to me besides Rina and her family… but this kid has balls most students are afraid of me and avoid me which is what I like.

“what are you the police?”

“I just want to make sure Rina isn’t making up excuses for you… I don’t believe the whole ‘sick aunt’ thing” I hate how he was right that she was making excuses for me but she kinda has too…

“my aunt is sick… were the only family she’s got… if you’re curious… why would she make that up?” I asked

“ well that’s what she always says…”

“it’s the truth… she’s not lying… I have to go, have a nice day” I say politely turning away

“one other question…” he said quickly I turned around and sighed.

“what is it?”

“let’s say if she wanted to leave would you let her?”

“it’s her choice who she wants to be with me, if she wants to leave me than I’ll let her, I want her to be happy, that all I want for her is to be happy” I told him “ any thing else?” I asked

“I kissed her… I feel terrible because she won’t talk to me, but I really do love her too, I always have… never realized it till I saw her with you and if its you that she is happy with than… I guess I have no choice to support her…”

“personally I think she will be better off with you too… I love her and I just want her to be happy”

“why do you think that?” I just realized what I said out loud

“its complicated, any I have to go” I turned on my heel and left, trying to control my speed as I walked I could already smell her and I wasn’t even close to her, I went into the café and her scent hit me, i stood there just trying to get control of myself before I go and sit with her. It was so much easier when we 1st met , her scent actually had no effect on me at all, recently she is mouth watering and intoxicating. I got a hold of myself and walked to our usual spot, her dark brown eyes glanced up at me, her soft pink lips curved into a smiled. I smiled back and took a seat across from her.

“hello” I say

“hey” she says in a quiet voice, her scent was stronger today I took as really deep breath I glance down and I see her wrists, two visible blue veins were showing, I could hear how steady her heart beat was, I loved the rhythm of it when I get close to her and it beats loudly. I looked up and saw her bare neck I swallowed, I could just imagine kissing her neck and softly biting into her neck, and let her sweet – STOP IT! I thought I looked away from her neck and took another deep breath, and looked at her face, I casually reached across the table and ran my hands through her soft wavy hair and pulled it over her neck, she took a deep breath in when I touched her. I wanted to kiss her but I was too scared too.

“your beautiful you know” I reminded her, she was I loved her deep dark brown eyes, her warm pink lips, her soft fragile body and her smile, she was one of the most interesting people that I have met in my 204 years of living.

“thanks” she said to me “how was your day?” she asked I shrugged knowing my day sucked but I didn’t want her to know that.

“what every day is like for me… and you”

“I’m not all interlay sure if its good or bad… it just one of those days that is a bit of both…” she said I knew what she meant, my day was only good when I saw her or when I was near or around her. My life was complete, when we started to go out, but I knew at the begging it was dangerous but i realized how dangerous it was till 7 months of dating would do to us… its almost been 2 years and her blood is eating me alive now… if I knew this would happen I wouldn’t endangered her life. I couldn’t get off my mind that, the human boy, josh sensed that I wasn’t good for Rina, he knew I was dangerous to her…

“Luka what’s wrong” she asked I looked at her

“it’s nothing you should worry about”

“something is bothering you….”

“don’t worry about it”

“talk to me, please” I could tell just by her voice that she was concerned, but I didn’t want to upset her .

“Rina... its nothing” she looked at me again

“I’m human but I’m not stupid... what’s wrong?” she had this habit to annoy me till i told her. I sighed and looked away.

“Josh came up to me after class...” i started

“Oh shit” i heard her whisper

“ long story short he basically told me that i was hurting you and that i don’t desveve to be with you, he think i don’t love you, he also think i’m dangerous and the reason why i kept leaving is to protect you from myself...”

“Luka i’m sorry don’t listen to him he’s jealous, i told you i’m sticking it out for you... and i know you leave to protect me... just don’t listen to him”

“he knows i’m dangerous Rina... what do i say to that...?” i asked her

“Nothing ignore him.... he wants you to think about that... so you do leave again...”

“hes 100 % right though i am dangerous, and i don’t deserve you” she rolled her eyes at me.

“you sound so stupid right now, i hope you know that” she said with frustration “ like honeslty since when did you care what a human had to say... because you don’t listen to me, but yet you listen to some jealous idiot”

“that’s not true, i listen to you..” she rise her eye brows

This is a perfect example of NOT LISTENING i heard her thought

“the point is he knows... that i’m not good for you...” she sighed and rubbed her temples.

“than who is?” she asked

“hes better... he won’t kill you”

“It’s death it will happen eventually, so what’s your point now?”

“he can’t kill you”

“sure he can... if i drive him crazy enough he might find a gun and kill me... so whats your point now”

“he won’t you... i know that”

“he could, he’s just as dangerous as any vampire... we may be weak in strength but look how cruel some humans are, Hitler for example... killed millions and he was human.”

“your comparing vampires to a man who wanted to take over the world” i laughed sighly

“i’m talking about killing...” she whispered

“you’ve seen what we can do, rina you saw your self what your blood dose to me...” i whispered, she touched my hand again.

“i still love you, and if its so hard than just be selfish and kill me, and give me that life that you don’t want me to have” she said softly i shook my head.


“THAN WHAT DO YOU WANT LUKA??” she yelled i hushed her “ Tell me... if its to be with him not going to happen... what do i have to do to convince you?” she didn’t have to i already knew who she loved, but it was a wrong decision on her part.

Why cant you just accept that i’m not going any where and that i love you i heard her speak in my head.

“i do rina... its just i’m causing us both pain...”

“no pain, just frustration” she sniffed i held her hand and squeezed it very gently.

“it will work out... i promise you...” she looked at me and i saw tears in her eyes.

Don’t promise something you can kept Luka.... she was right we both knew our time with each other was up and the only way we could be together if i were to kill her... and i wasn’t going to do that to her, not to the person who i loved the most, who is my world i wouldn’t kill her...

“want to go out side and talk?” i asked she nodded we both got up and walked to the entrance, and walked to the car. Before we got into the car she threw her self at me and gave me a hug, she buried her face into my chest, i wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, i held my breath again as i went to softly kiss her lips.

“I don’t want it to end... i love you so much” she cried i hushed her i didn’t want her to think like that even though i felt the same way.

“it wont end....”

“yes it will Luka and you know it...and the only way for us to be together is if i was what you were”

“don’t think like that, we will make it” she pulled me closer to her body and held me tighter. I put my cheek to her head and held her closer as well, which was a bad a idea, i didn’t dare to inhale, i just kept holding my breath.

“what else did that idiot say?” she asked

“he told me that he kissed you....” i trailed off she pulled away and let go of me.

“Luka i want you to know i feel nothing for him, he kissed me, i didn’t want it... nor did i ask for it...” i knew she felt something i could tell by the clutter in her head, she was confused and this wasn’t what she wanted but it was the way she felt. It doesn’t bother me i would rather her leave me than stay.

“Rina sweetie i could care less... and if you felt something for him it wouldn’t bother me at all” i said truthfully

“but... i kissed him back...you don’t understand what the guilt dose to me... and i wish you heard it from me and not him... and if he’s lucky I won’t kill him....” i chuckled

“that i would love to see, i might even help you...” i said jokingly she crack a smile as i kissed the top of her head “ don’t feel guilty it wasn’t your fault...” i said to her she didn’t respond back.

But I do...

“wanna go?” i asked

“yes lets” i kissed her once more on the forehead

“oh my mom wanted to come for dinner?” she giggled.

“i’ll be the only one eating...its kinda weird having five vampires watching you eat...” I laughed

“yea it is kinda werid you don’t have to come...”

“no i want to...its been a while” i smiled

“Okay I’ll let her know” she smiled again and got into the car, i came around to the other sideand got in my self... i pulled out of the drive way and zoomed out of the parking lot.

“where are we going?” she asked

“we can go to my place...”

“yea that would be nice... i think Joyce would be confused if we went to my place.” I chuckled

“yea we will be left alone there” she smirked i knew that smirk it meant she was up to no good.

“good..” she winked i laughed knowing it would go anywhere because i was a stubborn ass. We arrived to my place and went inside, my mom sat in the Kitchen.

“why are you guys home early?” she asked us getting up and greeting us with her usal kisses and hugs.

“we wanted to spend time together... its been a while” i whispered my mom shrugged

“okay but don’t make it a habit”

“we won’t” Rina said politely my mom smiled.

“are you staying for dinner?” she asked her

“yes i am, i’m home alone tonight so i don’t think my dad would mind’

“great...what would you like to eat?? Indian, Italian, Mexican?? Take your pick” my mom sound really excited maybe it was the fact she got to cook and use the kitchen.

“anything is fine I’m not picky”

“Indian than?”

“sounds good” she agreed My mom smiled and left us be.

“I’ve never seen your mom smile so much before”

“she gets to use the kitchen that’s why” i explained she giggle as we went to my room. She walked over to the sofa and sat down, i followed her, i place my arm over her shoulders and her head came to my chest, i held my breath again and heard her sigh.

“you have such a beautiful view here... i love it” she told me

“ i love it too.. it’s peaceful huh?”

“yes” i could stand the smell of her any more so i sat her up and said.

“ come with me I want to show you something” i walked over to the sliding glass door and opened it and walked onto the belconey, she followed.

“what do you want to show me?” she asked

“you will see, but get on my back” i said she looked at me like i was crazy.

“ummm... is it safe?”

“i wont let you fall” i promised she siged and climb onto my back.

“ready?” i asked getting ready to jump off.

“wait what are you doing?” i didn’t answer her “ Luka.... oh god don’t jump” i just jumped and felt her grip around my neck get tighter and landed on my feet.

“you alright?” ia sked

“i didn’t like that, but i’m good... can i walk now?” i laughed

“were going through the rocky mountains it wont be safe”

“well your walking right? no super vampire speed”

“if i walk it will take us all night to get there if i run 30 minutes”

“k fine...” i began to run dogging the trees and rocks I flet Rina’s grip me tighter as i ran faster.

“you okay?” i asked she didn’t respond i slowly stopped and asked her again if she was alright.

“ugh... i feel a bit montion sick.... it’s not like a rollercoaster” i laughed

“close your eyes... that should help” i waited a few seconds before i started to run again “ready?”

“yea...” i took off again and within a few seconds we reached the bottom of the Clift i had to climb. I let Her slide off my back she stumbled backwards and i cought her before she fell over.

“sit” i said she sat on a big bolder that was near by.

“so where are we going?” she asked

“up there” i pointed up she didn’t look to pleased

“Luka... are you crazy?”

“kinda...” i said smiling “ i wont let you fall”

“i’m not scared of falling i’m scared of heights”

“it will be okay close your eyes”

“okay... lets do it... how long will it take you to climb this?” she asked

“um about 15 minutes... maybe less” i told her “ready?” she nodded and i threw her over onto my back her legs wrapped around my torso tightly and her arms could of coked me by how hard she was holding onto me. i jumped onto the rock wall and began to climb, i finally reached the top of Clift. I could see for miles and miles of the forest that hid my familyt’s house, the river that leads to my house was visible and glittered in the sun.

“Rina were here..” i told her she jumped off my back and i heard her gasp.

“oh... wow” she said breathlessly “Luka this is beautiful... you ran all that way?”

“yes... its not that far for me... this is my favourite place in the world... i love coming here”

“this is amazing... best view i have seen so far” she shivered i took off my sweater and put it over her shoulders.

“thank- you” she whispered “where’s your house from here?” she asked

“its like all the way back there...you know where the river looks like it ends... my house its just in that little area over there” i pointed out.

“this is un real” i put my arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer to me, and kissed her forehead. Two hours later the sun was starting to set it was time for both of us to head back to my place. Within 30 minutes later we were back in my room, and the hole house smelt of spices from the curry my mom was making Rina. Her face was rosy pink from the wind, that hit her cheeks.

“thanks for showing me that” she thanked me with a kiss.

“are you hungry?” i asked


“lets get you some food” after Rina ate we came back up to my room, and she collapsed on the couch next to me, she lay on my lap, and i pressed my lips to her forehead. She grabbed my face and gently touched her lips to mine. I inhaled her scent at kissed her a little more forcefully, i pulled back very quickly.

“i’m sorry” she apologized as she sat up “i forgot...”

“don’t say sorry....” i told her “it was just a kiss...” i trailed off her smell already intoxicated me, i leaned forward and pressed my lips to her again, but more gently, i felt her figures in my hair as she pulled me closer to her, i pulled her toward me and she swung her leg over my hips and sat on top of me, i verly lightly kissed her neck, collar bone and the top of her chest. My hands ran up and down her back casuing her to shiver in pain.

“Luka...” she whispered my name i smiled and kissed her lips again. I picked her up and walked over to the bed and gently put her on the bed, she pulled me down into another unexpected kiss, i heard her giggle.

“was that okay?” she asked i responded back to her in another forceful hungry kiss.

Control i said to my self you have it in you... i got up on the bed and pushed her down and and crushed her lips with mine. She parted her lips and i could smell her sweet scent blowing in my face, i took a deep breath and lightly kissed down her neck... i could hear her heart pounded faster as i got closer to her.

“please” she whispered

“were not ready for that...” i whispered back in her ear, if cant control my self now how would I be able to if we were to make love... it wouldn’t work.. even though I am very temped. She wrapped her legs around me and ran her figures threw my hair. I got another smell of her, my sense were going wild all i wanted was her and nothing but , her body and blood.I pressed lips again to hers and took her hands and moved them forcefully to the top of her head and held them tight, i kissed her roughly making her gasp for air.

“Luka...I can’t breath” she gasped the monster in me ingored her and continued to kiss her while i wanted to stop but my other half was stronger than i was, she tried pulling away but her hands were locked in mine and i squeezed them to tightly and her hand crack, she gasped because of the pain, i stopped immediately and held her.

“fuck... i am soo sorry...” she griped her hand.

“i’m fine... done worry its only my hand”

“let me look at it “ i took her hand and very gently touched her hand making her it wasnt broken, but sadly it was...

“i broke your hand, rina i’m really sorry” i apologized

“its easy to fix... don’t worry, lets go to the hospital because i don’t want your family to harass you..” i nodded in agreement and grabbed her stuff for her. We went down the stairs and quickly adviod my mom and dad and left the house. The drive to the hospital was quite i tried getting into Rina’s head but she was thinking nothing it seemed. i couldn’t believe i lost control again... but this time i hurt her and i don’t think this time i can come back and face what i have done to this poor innocent girl....

please review hope u guys like it *Heart*

© Copyright 2009 Jasmine <3 (jaminxox92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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