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Rated: 18+ · Other · Relationship · #1512367
A girl in love. her emotional stages when the love isnt returned.


Unzipping the pants.

The slid of naked skin on naked skin.

Smooth, hot, ready.

The pain

The pleasure



Hard movements


Everything a delicious blur of precision

Wanting more...


" I have to take you home now."

Conversation on the Phone.


Him: What's up?

Me: Not much. Just watching T.V

Him:Oh..Did you enjoy yesterday?

Me: Yea..It was...good.(Feeling a shiver now)

Him: Thats good. I hope I did my job(Laugh)

Me:(Silence as i imagine the whole scene)

Him: Hello?

Me: Mmm.. Im here.

Him: Ok.. Well I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Im about to go out.

Me: Oh? Where?

Him: Hang out with my friends. Shana is gonna be there.

Me: (a little upset...a little sad..I wanna gooo!!!) Oh...welll have a good time.

Him: Bye

Me: Bye


Late Night Alone


Laying down

Watching the blur of people on the TV screen

Tears dried into the plump pillow.

Shivering but refusing to get up to get sheets

Wondering if he's home yet

Wondering if Shana is keeping him company

Wondering if he will ever want to be with me

Why did I let this happen this way

For love? Looks like Ive dug myself a hole...


The Deal


We met on a cold day in December after school.

First time Ive seem a guy look so scrumptious when you can only see his face.

Outside of the school.


All buses are gone, all teachers, the principal too..

My dad is so late...


I turn to the sexy guy.

Oh...his lips look so good....

NO stop it!

"Hi." I shuffle my feet. Starting to freeze...

"Havent seen you around before."

"Same goes for you from me." Try and be witty..So far so good...

Conversation blossomed from there.

Two weeks passed slowly.

Now I was hooked on him.


I dont know....

He's so sexy, so smart,did i mention sexy?

I feel something Ive never felt before

I think its called craziness...

Then...It happened...

One nite we were talking....

Words Ive never spoken to anyone before..

Words that would make a priest blush

I felt like blushing...

And it was made.

The time and place...

The feelings


And it happened.

The touching happened

The kissing happened

The pleasure happened

And it kept on from there..

Never said a word about relationships

Just tentative conversation

Skirting over the love talk

And the deal was done slowly but surely

Why me??


© Copyright 2009 LoveDriven11 (addictedtou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1512367-The-Turn-of-the-Tide