Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1512249-So-you-thought-the-worst-was-prolouge
by Mikoto
Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1512249
Nenas and her mothers murder.
This is how it always started. They would drink beer when they got home. Every day was the same. They would be all nice to each other. Then all of a sudden, dad would snap. He reminded my of a light switch. He could be off on second and the next on the next. He would hit her. Then she would scream and fall to the ground.

But she wouldn't stay down. She kept getting up each time rewarded with yet another hit. Another bruise. She got up agian and this time she hit back. It was a solid blow to his face. He stumbled backwards. When he caught his balance though he came back and pulled her hair yanked her around and punched her again.

I stood in my door the glass I held in my hand trembling. What could I do. She took another blow this time to the head. My glass slipped from my hand as I started to run towards them. "Stop, Stop, Stop it!" I screamed.

I reached them just before my father hit her again. I was scared, I stood in front of him. Afraid he would hurt her again I stood my ground. He moved me out of the way as he reached for the woman who looked broken.

"Go to your room Nena, Now!" He said. I looked a the woman. She looked at me. "I'm fine honey go to bed." She said. So I did but I knew the fight would continue. I went to my room and shut the door.

But that didn't stop the screaming and the sound of slapping. I went to my bed not caring about the broken glass. I cared for nothing at that moment. I wanted nothing more but to leave. I wanted to run.

Another scream entered my room and another. Then there was silence. Not a peaceful silence but a bad silence. The kind that seems like something horrible has happened.

I fell into a fitful sleep. My dreams were plagued by the fight. Replaying it all over and over again.


It had been a day since that fight. They were back to being nice to each other. I knew it was a lie though. Again I knew it would start all over, but this time. This time it would be far worse.

Again like always they drank. I watched them, as I tried to do my homework. She said something to my dad. I braced my self for his explosion. For him to hit her. But to my surprise, he didn't touch her. Instead he went to the kitchen where I was sitting at the table doing homework.

He went to the kitchen drawer and at first I didn't know what he was up to. That was until he pulled out a knife. He turned towards me and told me to go to my room and he would talk with me later.

I walked by the woman as I headed to my room. But couldn't say anything because my dad came and dragged me to my room and shut the door. I crawled to my bed and layed on it. What could I do. How could I warn her.

An hour went by and nothing happen no noise at all. Then I heard a scream. It was ear splitting. I heard him tell her that she was crap that she got exactly what she deserved. Then heard muffled yelling and a thunk.

He would come for me next I knew it. I had to leave I had to get the police. I looked at my window it was locked on the outside. I waited for awhile and he never came. But I heard slicing noises and tearing. I looked under my door to see what was going on.

What I saw was horrible. The woman's body, he was cutting it into smaller pieces and throwing it into a black garbage bag. He finished putting her into the bag grabbed his car keys and the bag and headed out the door.

As soon as I heard his car start and it backing out of the drive way I got up and opened my door. There was blood every where in the living room. On the walls, floor and on the couch. I ran to the front door and flung it open.

I didn't care that it was only twenty degrees out. I bolted through the door and towards the road. I kept running when I got to the road. It was really dark out. Dark and cold and I didn't his car until it was fifteen feet in front of me.

He didn't stop, I knew he wasn't going to. I had seen her die. I witnessed it all. Now I was going to die and you know what I didn't care. I stopped running stepped directly into the cars path and turned my back. I didn't want to see his face when I died.

Everything went black then. Nena was no more the woman was no more. But that man. That evil man was and the cycle continued he had a new woman and a new kid. If only she knew the horror that awaited her. If only she Knew.
© Copyright 2009 Mikoto (amaradrenan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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