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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1511311
Prologue to Story
He had done it. Years of gathering tidbits of information in a quiet, mild-mannered way had paid off. He was now within hours of achieving his final goal. There were just a few more steps.
Over the time lapse of 30 years, Mark had drawn such a small yet powerful group of 10, hand-trained, elite geniuses. Most, if not all, held the brain capacity to obtain and memorize any information, no matter how difficult, by will in only a matter of seconds. All were trained in the evil ways of the world, using subtle but effective methods to eliminate their enemies and accomplish their desires. Each was known only to the group with an esteemed status worthy of respect, hate, and jealousy. With this small assembly of people, Mark had developed a plan so intriguing and notorious that not one of the hidden villains could back down from the job with their dignity intact and their heads held high.
The plan? Simple. Take over the world. The steps? Just a tinge more complex.
First, two members, “The Coders,” both specializing in computer technology, were to create and design software (not limited to programs) that could and would cripple the largest supercomputers beyond recovery when run. This pair was where Mark was most active in, as it was his field of expertise. The Coders were also given the responsibility to establish connections with thousands of people worldwide by gathering them all in an enclosed area on the Internet, targeting popular websites, particularly social networking areas. Yet another pair, specializing in audio and video manipulation and usage, alias “The Editors” within the group, held the job to disguise their voices and arrange meetings between worldwide leaders, especially ones with strong military forces. A third group, with its intelligence focused on deadly weapons and impenetrable armor, codename “The Engineers,” prepared weapons for other people utilizing the Weapons of Mass Destruction to be ready at any given notice to fire and destroy any target. Another set, leaders of vast, strong, and rebellious armies primed their armies for attacks on several nations worldwide. Known as “The Commanders,” they were the pinnacle of the plan, and were essential to everything unfolding as expected. The final two, masters of the art of multitasking and focusing on numerous tasks at hand, also known as “The Organizers,” were to maintain constant communication between all other members, as well as informing them of any news they have received information about and ensuring that the plan go exactly as planned.
As leader of the group and attack on the world, Mark stood by the communication area and ordered the plan to be put into full swing. With all the members designated jobs to work on, the steps could take action. First, the deadly software designed by The Coders was rapidly sent throughout the Internet, quickly infesting computers; bypassing both firewalls and virus detection programs to reach every person on Earth with a means of instant communication. Norton, AVG, Spyware Doctor, Comodo Firewall, and the likes were easily shut down from the outside and dismantled from the core. The software then proceeded to render every infested computer useless by unzipping and auto-running a medley of software mistaken as “safe” and unrecognizable to even the most sophisticated of computer workers. The variety of software that was run lead to the owner of the computer holding no control over the computer’s actions; the computer was in the hands of the software and its master, the Coders. The newly controlled computer would then connect to world satellites orbiting the Earth and the pure mass of computers would both clog the satellites servers and also relinquish its control over to the Coders. With the only means of communication being person-to-person chat, news began to travel at a pace unheard of in that era.
To further the chaos, certain platoons of the separate armies began the attack on each of the world leaders and the general vicinity of the meeting areas. On the giant map of the world on a massive screen in front of him, alerts notified Mark of the falling leaders. The first to fall was the dictator of North Korea, shortly followed by the world-renowned President of the United States and the infamous dictator of Cuba. Speeding forward at this rate, notifications flew onto the screen of every deceased leader, only to disappear to make room for the others. With an array of leaders at their designated meeting areas, vacant areas, no country knew about the assassination and homicide of the world’s fallen leaders. Once the last ruler had fallen, Mark instructed (via the Organizers) the Commanders to commence the attack on the world. Seeing the weakness in national security and new opportunities open, Mark seized the moment to defeat and shutdown every country’s military defense. Equipped with newly fashioned weapons, with technology and strength no one outside of the organization had seen, casualties were minimized on the Organization’s side while it amounted to an enormous amount on the opposition. The first to be attacked was America, immediately followed by Germany and Russia, where military headquarters were located in heavily populated areas, only to be wiped and decapitated by only a few soldiers. Having taken down communication methods, their efforts to call for reinforcements were useless, and their alliances with countries worldwide were ineffective. Ordered to obliterate anyone who got in the plan, the soldiers murdered both innocent civilians and armed military forces. Some soldiers felt the need to even draw out battles just for the fun of shocking many people, as the armor provided for them relied on the strongest metal in the world, only found in select places, and was fashioned to deflect and reflect any attack given onto them. Within 3 hours, fighters had been dispatched to every country worldwide, and the strongest world powers had fallen.
With the world launched into a realm of chaos, Mark, with the help of the Editors, filmed himself in a display that broadcasted worldwide.
“Good people of the Earth. Here I am, the leader of this world rebellion. I am not here to make you think better of me, but only to justify my actions. This display that I have just shown you clearly reveals the two major weak points in society. The first is evident, our heavy reliance on weak and pathetic technology. By brutally shutting down technological communications, which in fact took nearly no effort, the national security of every country instantly fell through the floor. Not only did this occur, but means to discover the world events and other important areas of interest immediately became inaccessible. Also, the obvious fact that divided, our defenses hold no ground. Due to our separation, our division, and the lack of will to see all our countries intertwined and our cultures mixed, there are fragile points, gaping holes in which an enemy could strike and takeover in a heartbeat. You were given ever since humans learned language and developed understanding to unite and create a unified frontier, but you have yet to even express that will. In order to protect the general population of the people, I will step up and take the position as world dictator. If you have something to say against me, fine. But remember this when you all see the world in the future; I will have helped the world.”
As he finished speaking, he ambled back to his seat by the computer. Sitting down, he remarked, “good work,” while the entire group collapsed. As a grin slyly inched its way onto his face, he ordered for a world government center to be established in London. He had done it. Mark, the first and only ruler of the world. His name shall forever be remembered, whether in terror or in pride.
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