Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1510208-Vampire-Fairytales-The-Fallen-Prince
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Gothic · #1510208
A dark lovestory.
main characters:
1. Judas (Jude)
2. Tristan Hawthorn
3. Bridgett Lovewell
4. Elric Ferdinad
5. Cain

Side Characters:
1. Lord Draven (Vampire)
2. Lady Ambel (Vampire)
3. Sonia (Jude's twin sister)
4. Renu Hawthorn (Tristan's father)
5. Frost (Tristan's best friend)
6. Kyler Hawthorn (Tristan's little brother)

Prologue: Runaway

Jude watched quietly as the city began to come alive,before his eyes. It was ironic, really that this city filled to the breaking point with the creatures that clung so tightly to the sun, didn't really begin to breah until after the sun was conquered by the mother moon. A cruel grin pulled at the cornors of Jude's mouth as he found humor in his dark thoughs, it was rare that he ever smiled, espeically when it involed his thoughts. A sharp gust of a cold breeze circled around Jude, sending the fimilar scent of roses and lavender past his nose. Jude leaned back against the cold marble wall of the building as he inhaled the scent greedily.
"My my, it seems that you won't leave me alone sister dearest," he sighed.
There was a small giggle followed by the heavenly voice of Jude's twin sister Sonia Dorian," I though I might find you up here brother."
Jude looked up at the ledge above him, Sonia's angelic face stared down at him with a playful smile on her face. Jude's expression snapped back to it's grim lost look, as his sister waved at him.
"Go away Sonia, if you get caught or lead the trackers to me then Lord Draven will kill me," Jude sighed. Sonia fromwed her face dissapeared, Jude could feel his sister's anger, it felt like a small burst of heat through his head. Jude slowly got to his feet, his muceles ached a little as he stretched, he had been sitting here for quite awhile.
"Get up here Jude," Sonia growled.
Jude felt a smile creep onto his as he crouched the launched himself upwards with a strength that only could belong to a vampire. Jude landed effortlessly and soundlessly on the rooftop next to his sister.
Jude shoved his hands into his faded denuim jeans and leaned back against the rooftop's railing.
"You growled, sister dearest," he sighed as looked down at his black-top converse. Sonia laid her head onto Jude's shoulder, causing the scent her sweet smelling shamp-poo to fill his nose. It brought back memories of home,the past ,and all the bad things he had done, she was trying to get him to come home. Jude jerked away from his twin sister and growled angrily as he stalked off toward the opposite side of the rooftop.
"Dammit, Sonia! I don't understand your methods! You choose to torture me with the past, that's your tactics to get me to return to his side, don't you see how it hurts me?"
Jude reached the opposite railing of the building's rooftop and slammed his fists agaisnt the stone railing. The stone crumbled, leaving imprints of his fists, Jude starred down at the impressions of his hands. Those hands had caused so much devastion on the commmands of Lord Draven, they would never be at his disposal again, never.
"Judas, I'm not trying to hurt you. I miss you, we all do, you are our prince and our knight, we need you back," Sonia sobbed.
Jude went rigid at the sound of his name, Sonia reconized the movement and went silent, she knew not to push her luck with her brother's emotions. Jude shook his head and gave a half hearted laugh as he tried to control his sudden on take of anger.
"Sonny-girl, you are so innocent. It's hard to beileve that they would allow an angel like you to survie in our noble family," Jude turned around and face his twin sister. Sonia's face was pale and perfect, her eyes were a hazeled green, her hair was a beautiful redish brown, she was the imbodyment of beauty; she and Jude might've been twins but they couldn't be anymore different.
Jude's eyes held no sparkle, they were a empty hazel, his face was pale, but was far from perfect with the scars that marked his chest and back, his hair was redish brown like her's, but unlike her he was the imbodyment of destruction.
"I might not seem as a normal vampire noble would be but I am just as deadly as you are brother," Sonia whispered. Jude smiled, and sat on the wall as he crossed his arms, Sonia noticed her brother's challenging look and looked at him suspicously.
"Oh, really? Was it not you who cried because big brother wanted to kill that young bird after its wing had broken?"
Sonia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, Jude smiled at his sister. She was the only reason he had stayed so long, he missed being close to his female doppleganger.
"That maybe but you were the one who nursed it back to health for me," she pointed out with a smile. Jude shrugged, she was right but the only reason he had done it was to make her tears go away and bring a smile back to her face. Jude would have thrown te world into choas just to make his sister smile, she knew that, but Lord Draven knew that as well and he might use that against him.
"Sonia, I'm leaving Rome. I've decided that I can't risk staying so close to the coven any longer," Jude whispered as he turned back out toward the city. Sonia's anguish rushed over Jude like a tidewave against his back.
"Please Jude, don't leave. I don't want you to leave," Sonia cried as she rushed foreward and threw her arms around Jude. Jude closed his eyes as he felt Sonia press her face to his back. Her body was cold, he could tell that she hadn't fed yet, and he could also tell that she was crying.
"I'm sorry Sonia, I won't be apart of that monster's life anymore. I love my dear sister," Jude whispered.
"I won't let you go Judas," Sonia sobbed.
"Then I'll make you Sonia," Jude sighed.
Jude whirled around, taking Sonia by surprise, and grabed her wrists. Jude bared his fangs as his eyes glowed red, he flung her away from him. Sonia stumbled backwards as she starred at her brother in surprise, Jude growled at his sister.
"Good-bye Sunny-girl, I love you."
Jude jumped onto the building railing then turned away from his sister for the last time, Jude stepped foreward and closed his eyes as the railing disappeared from under his feet.
"I'll find you Jude but until then I love you more and good-bye," Jude heard his sister's words as the air rushed past him and the ground rushed up to meet his feet.

Chapter One: New Life
ten years later....

"Damnit Jude, is there a reason your dirty clothes are laying all over the place," shouted Bridgett Lovewell as she rummaged through my room. I pulled my pillow over my head and groaned as she pulled flipped on my light switch.
"Come on Mr. Creature of the night, you have school today," she sighed. I growled as she pulled at my quilts, she stopped.
"Don't do it Bridge, I might be naked under here," I warned groggily as I peeked out from under my pillow.
I caught the smile on her face as she playfully gave the covers another slight tug. I smirked and uncovered my face, she smiled down at me.
"I'm not worried about you and your nakedness Jude, I've walked in on you in the shower before you know," Bridgett teased.
I chuckled as I sat up and stretched, Bridgett watched me from the foot of my bed.
"You like it you pervert," I yawned.
Bridgett shook her head as she strolled over to the window and peeked out, I watched her curiously.
"What are you doing Bridge?"
"There's a hint of mystery in the air Jude, I feel like a change is about to take place," Bridgett sighed.
I shook my head and slid out of bed, I caught Bridgett looking over her shoulder as I walked over to a pile of rumpled clothing. I couldn't help but laugh, it made her smile as I showed off my silk boxers.
"Hm, I knew you'd like those silky boxers," Bridgett boasted as she pranced over to my bed and sat down.
I chuckled as I searched for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, the only reason I was wearing the damn things was because she refused to clean any of my clothes until I agreed to try new clothing- the silk boxers were just the begining.
"You are truly an eratic, scatter brain, evil master mind, Miss Bridgett," I laughed.
Bridgett shrugged as she ran her hands over my comfortor, she seemed to realize that the blankets had been clened.
"Damn Jude, you cheated! I knew you'd do something like this," Bridgett huffed as she crossed her arms.
"I can live without clean clothes but I'm not going to go without clean sheets, Bridge."
"You took them to a public laundry-mat, that's disgusting. I'm better at cleaning then some stupid laundry-mat," she pouted. I rolled my eyes as I pulled on a pair of faded blue jeans, then grabbed a long sleeved t-shirt.
"Prove it," I paused as I pulled the shirt down over my head," do your job and have this place clean by the time I get back from school."
I straightened my clothes then made my way to the bathroom, leaving my pouting house-mate behind me.
"Jude you are so mean!"
* * * * * *
I brushed my hair out of my face as I walked into the kitchen, Bridgett wassitting at the talbe with a cup of coffoe and a newspapre. I smirked and leaned against the kitchen door way. I was standing in the only shadowy spot in the kitchen, every where else was lit up by the sun's rays. I felt abit out of place here, I mean really a vampire standing in the sunny kitchen of a mdern day house.
"You want something to eat or youjust gonna stand there?"
"Yeah, I'mm kinda hungry," I sighed.
Bridgett got up and made her way to the freezer, she opened it and pulled out a frozen package of blood. I stuck my toungue out in a playful act of disgust, Bridgett poped me.
"If you don't want it cold stick it in the microwave," she barked as she put her back to me.
"But it tastes better when you fix it for me Bridgie," I wined as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and rested my chin on her shoulder. Bridgett crossed her and stuck her nose up. I smiled as I brushed her hair away from her shoulder with my nose and playfully kissed her bare shoulder.
"Mm, please Bridgie. If you wouldn't fix me the package version can I have a little from you, you smell so delicious this morning," I teased in a low seductive voice. I chuckled a I felt her shiver with delight, I was being mean again.
"Oh get off me you tease," Bridgett sighed.
I lingered long enough to kiss her shoulder once more, then allowed her to push me off. She stumbled over to the microwave, and tossed in the package. I watched her with a smirk as she used the counter as suport to keep her standing.
"Sorry Bridgett I didn't mean to over do it," I laughed.
"Oh, bite me you man whore," She snapped.
I laughed, she had always been mouthy but she was simply playing round and I deserved the last part. The mircrowave beeped and Bridgett quickly got my packet and tossed it to me. I bit off the top and greedily drank it down. I tossed the packet into the trash and wipped my mouth with a paper towel that Bridgett had supplied.
"Okay I'm off," I sighed as I stretched.
"Don't be late tonight Jude, I know you might make a side trip to Nightshade but please don't get into trouble."
I shrugged," I'll try not to Bridge, but if it happens I'll make sure I don't bring it anywhere near here."
I kissed Bridgett's forehead and hugged her, she smled up at me.
"Love you kid," Bridgett sighed.
"Love you to Bridge, make sure this place is cleaned up before I get back."
"Yes sir," Bridgett solutided playfully.
I grabbed my car keys and sunglasses and lefted.
© Copyright 2008 LyNay Lilith Briar (lynaybriar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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