Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1510043-Merry-Christmas---I-Dare-You
Rated: 18+ · Editorial · Spiritual · #1510043
This is an editorial I wrote not long ago, however, I never sent it in for submission.
Merry Christmas

I Dare You!

Last year CNN explicitly showed significantly their act of humanity for all mankind in the airing of “Heroes.” Honoring ordinary people for doing extraordinary acts of humanity, by putting others before themselves, no matter what their circumstances may be!  I watched this last year, and I was truly humbled; CNN please accept my sincere gratitude.

As this years Holiday Season approached, I became profoundly engrossed in the simple question; what it the true meaning of Christmas and how many people celebrate it globally?

It is well recognized that the majority of Americans and well over 3 billion world wide do participate in this Christmas Season.

What is the true meaning of “Christmas”, and how it has evolved in our society globally as we know it?

In my searching, I came to the rationalization that I couldn’t possibly convey the meaning of “Christmas”, and how it has evolved through the centuries in this single letter.

However, what I can tell you is this; society celebrates Christmas as a season, which it is not.  “Christmas” is an event!  It is the birth of Jesus Christ, conceived of immaculate conception as the Son of God, for mankind’s salvation.

Remember?  John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.”  We, as humans, were in need, and God fulfilled our need through Jesus Christ birth, life, death and resurrection.

As I walked in my search, I found that I could say; “ Merry Christmas” to all, being received with a smile, a “ thank-you”, and or “ Merry Christmas” to you also.

I was thrilled to receive such a reaction to my “ Holiday Cheer”, I then thought to look at the same cheer for the “Holiday or Event”, from a different perspective.

I concluded, well, this is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, given to us by God, for our salvation and eternal life - right?

I brilliantly decided to not only wish them a “Merry Christmas “, but I came up with the noble, and truly heart felt idea to say; “Merry Christmas and May God Bless you!”

I was astounded, even shocked at the majority of the reactions I received! 

The reception I received when saying this was of complete offense - I was devastated. 

How could I have such good intentions, yet receive such a horrific response? 

I thought to myself, if I can’t say the words from my heart:

“May God Bless You”, without judgment, then I say to you globally and profoundly:

“ People We Are In Big Trouble!”

In a world where we hear so much “bad” news, are we so blinded or too proud to hear some “good” news. 

A simple, yet humbled act of humanity I tried to reveal to all that I came across.

The majority of our Country celebrates Christmas, and if National Polls are correct - that is 96% of us.

And in celebrating Christmas, we are celebrating the ultimate gift from God of His Son Jesus Christ birth, for the forgiveness for our sins.

Was the reception in which I received from the majority of the people I came across, not a true act of Hypocrisy ?

I viewed a commercial last night, it was promoting a department store and their goods for sale this Christmas, they asked the viewers: “ How dreary would the world be if there were no Santa Clause?”

Immediately I considered: “ How dreary would the world be if there were no baby Jesus born on that night in Bethlehem?



Did you know the word “Bible” means “Good News”?

I found that “Baby Jesus”, the one in the manger; only months ago.

I received him in my heart, and accepted him as my Lord and Savor of my life. And look what thought it has brought out in me, let alone my actions?

Imagine if you will, what it could  bring out in you ?

Do you want to know what gifts I have under my tree this year?

I have wrapped up salvation, love, peace, joy, forgiveness, hope, faith, humility, goodwill for all mankind alike, these are just a few of the gifts I will give and have received.

I would like to add; We can all be heroes, not one of us is “ordinary“ - God gave each and every one of us a special talent/gift!

He didn‘t just bless the celebrities, the wealthy, or those Heroes that CNN so graciously honor’s.

He blessed us all with the gift of Jesus, and if you want to know what your gift of talent is; I say to you, read the “Good News“ and accept Jesus in your heart!

Could there be a more appropriate time of year?

I did, merely a few months ago, I believe I have found my talent - what do you think?

I believe in myself for the first time in my life, my purpose, and my talent, and I am not to proud to profess my faith.

Society, should never be to proud to accept, nor too judgmental to give!

Merry Christmas to all Mankind

May you all find Gods love through His son Jesus Christ.


May you all find your talent - I dare you!

Lisa Marie Davies

In loving Memory of Ruth Bell Graham

May her life, and untouchable Faith in Jesus be an example for us all.

© Copyright 2008 LisaMarie64 (lisamarie64 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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