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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1509932
chapter 2 of the unnamed story
chapter 1
"unnamed read this first

Chapter 2      Training

Azertha ran out of the house, and took a deep breath of the fresh air. She looked at the small houses that were build in with the trees. They looked like a part of the trees but with doors and windows and with beautiful carved images of Defensor the god of protection and help.
It was just after dawn and everyone was still asleep apart from the animals and the other from the village that were also heading to the training area. Azertha looked beautiful in the morning mist, she had the darkest black hair that reached down to her back and was slightly curly and she had azure blue eyes and beautiful face, many of the boys in the village used to call her half elf because her look. She always got happy when hearing that, because she knew that the elves were the most beautiful creatures that had ever walked the lands of Caelumflos. But after centuries of war within their own lands had destroyed them self.
As she walked on the road to head put of the village she saw the boys that were up to go and train they all congratulated her and wished her god luck with the training since she was the first women ever to start training Æternus-Leo.
She had always wondered how the people managed to build the houses within the trees, but that was the last thing on her mind now. She headed out of the village and to the training area that was a short bit outside the village. Her father Zarêjki was the trainer there and was the best trainer they had.
- Hi father, Azertha yelled.
- Ah, I had almost forgotten that it was your birthday today Azertha. I guess you are here to train and not just to be with your old father, said Zarêjki.

Azertha ran up to him and hugged him, she barley reach up to his shoulders. He hugged her and congratulated her. She hugged him back and said,
Ok dad let’s start training. He let go of her and told her to get ready.
- Everyone form a line now! Zarêjki yelled.

- Yes master! They all yelled and stood in a line in just a few seconds.
Azertha ran and stood at the back of the line
. – We will start with simply running until I say you can stop. They started running in a big circle.
Azertha was so excited that even when it had been a while and the most of the older boys that had been training for months started to get tired she didn’t feel a thing.
– Ok that will do. We will start by doing Chai Do Len this will help your bodies’ to start feeling more of the natures essence and to help you relax, said Zarêjki.
The Chai Do Len started by lying down on the ground and closing the eyes. Then they started to take slow deep breath and concentrating on trying to light a fire in the palm of their hands. It was said that no one had ever managed to do that the first time that they Chai Do Len. Zarêjki that was the master had not managed to that either but he learned how to manage it the second time.
Azertha lay down and just thought of fire. Her palm felt warm and she got excited she thought of flames and more fire, she could feel that her palm was starting to get really hot. Azertha opened her eyes and in a second her palm was cool again and there was no fire.
Zarêjki walked up to her and said, the same thing happened me the first time I almost got it but like you I lost the concentration and looked that was what made me fail just like it did to you, you must have patience or you will never master Æternus-Leo.
–Ok father, Azertha said and lay back down again.
She could feel the anger inside her. Why didn’t he tell me that before I we started this? Did he want me to fail like he did? Is he afraid that I would be better than him? She wondered. But eventually she understood that it was for own best that she had to figure out things like this for herself to learn from her mistakes. She started to concentrate on fire again and tried to make the fire emerge from her palm. She could feel her palm getting warmer. She wanted to look but resisted the urge and kept on concentrating on fire.
– That’s all Chai Do Len for today Zarêjki said.
Everyone stopped and rose up and gathered around him. When Azertha rose up she saw a small smoke puff in her palm, she smiled and was lucky and certain that if she would have a bit more time she would be able to make some fire to appear from her palm.
She walked up to her dad along with the others there and stood to his right side.
– We will now train with sword combat, everyone choose a sword and someone to duel with and try to pick one that is on your level of handling the sword, Zarêjki said. Everyone went and picked up a sword. Azertha hurried past the others to get a good sword. She picked up a sword that looked good, it wasn’t perfectly balanced but it would do. She went to Zerana and asked him if he wanted to duel her.
Zerana had blond hair and green eyes and was taller than Azertha he was just a few thumbs shorter then Zarêjki. He had known Azertha since they were three years old and had always played with her and he knew how good she was with the swords.  Zerana smiled and said of course.
They went to the training area and waited for Zarêjki to let them start.  Once they had started Azertha fought aggressively forcing Zerana to defend all the time.  Zerana tried to keep up with Azertha but couldn’t she was to fast and strong. She hit his sword from the top down making him drop on his knees and dropping his sword. Azertha put the sword against his neck and said “surrender”. Zerana looked at her and said “Why you knew that you were going to win you have always been there better one” and smiled. Azertha smiled, removed the sword from his neck, took his hand and helped him up.  Zarêjki walked up to them and said  – Azertha it would be better if you would duel with Rajin he has been training here for a few years and should be able to keep up with you.
Azertha smiled and went with her father. She was glad that he had noticed her. She got surprised when meeting Rajin, he was shorter then her and had dark brown hair with brown eyes. It looked like he was only thirteen years old. But she knew that looks could deceive. She greeted him and smiled, he smiled back. When they started dueling Rajin was very defensive allowing Azertha to attack a lot, she kept on hitting hard and fast but he was as fast and strong and managed to parry her every hit.
She started to get tired but didn’t want to loose. Azertha kicked the gravel on the ground making it fly towards Rajins face, the second he turned away she attacked and managed to make him drop the sword and loose.
Azertha smiled at him and said better luck next time.
– Azertha that was smart of you to use the gravel to your benefit, you have learned to use your surroundings to your own benefit in a fight which is very good. But this however is just training. Here you may use your sword and nothing else. Understood?  Said Zarêjki. Yes master she replied in the blink of an eye and apologized to Rajin.  – No problem, Rajin said. 
They kept dueling till the late afternoon and they were all exhausted. At the end of the training they had to do Chai Do Len once again. Azertha lay down and started to relax. She concentrated her thoughts on fire, and she could feel the heat in her right palm. She felt the heat of the fire like never before, it was hot but didn’t burn her skin or hurt her. She felt happy and knew that she was close to make fire appear. In the blink of an eye the heat disappeared from Azerthas palm and she could feel an ice cold hand on her palm, she looked up and saw her father holding her hand.
– You have to take it easy Azertha or you will burn us all to death. Azertha was shocked. She looked around and saw a burned tree that was close to her right hand.
– Did I do that? , Azertha asked.
Zarêjki looked down on her and said – Yes and more if I wouldn’t have stopped you. You must learn to stop the fire Azertha or you will end up hurting yourself and those around you.
  – But how do I know when it’s burning if I can’t open my eyes and see?  You will learn to use your penitus oculus soon. Then you will know when to stop the fire and control it.
  – What is the penitus oculus I have never heard of that father?
– It is our real eyes Azertha these eyes we have are only to see what our world wants us to see but the penitus oculus shows us what the gods want us to see.  It shows us what is real it lets us see when no one else can see it shows us the truth Azertha.
– When will you teach me to use my penitus oculus?
–Tomorrow Azertha now go home and rest, tomorrow we will train harder and I will try to teach you how to control your penitus oculus.
Azertha nodded and started to go home filled with joy and hope, she was going to tell everything for her mother, and she was sure that her mother would be impressed. She could barley wait for what tomorrows training had to offer.


Sepor- a fruit that has a taste of apple and pear and looks like an apple.

Helgor – God of the food and drinks

Sterfa - God of beauty and health

Caelumflos – Heaven Flower

Æternus-Leo – Eternal Lion 

Defensor - God of protection

Chai - Felling

Do - Of

Len - Fire

Penitus - Inner

Oculus - Eye

tell me about words that I have forgoten to translate :P
Hope everyone enjoys it and plss give me some advices about the name of the story .. THX

if you guys have a hard time figuring out how she Azertha looks, look here
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