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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1509698
Chapter of my series called Dark Moon Shade, a action-fantasy story.
Dark Moon Shade IV: Marauders

As the four Lunar Knights and Tsiro run, they turn to see the town of Musou being down to the Earth by Dark Luna. Instead of thinking about their families now gone, they focus on the fact that they are reaching the forest Bando instructed them to go to. None had said anything so Tsiro breaks the silence.

“Well seeming that almost all of this is my fault, why haven’t ANY of you killed me?”

“You carry the sword of my capitain. I saw you talking to him so you obviously didn’t kill and take it. The code says we serve under whoever rightfully possess it. You have our honor as LKA to not harm you,” said one of the Lunar Knights

“Well Bando told me to find the seven Lunar Arcanes, and I’m going to need some help. So lets all get acquainted then talk about some game plans.”

Right away the tallest one stood up. He wore armor of the greatest silver. The armor in his wrist area had curved blades protruding from them. He had a fine silk cape. It was green and the edges were gild with gold. He had a huge sword with a gild hilt.

“Ransinq is the name and melee is my game. Not only do I just massacre people with my huge cutter here, I also have other weapons. See these here slits in my gautlets?”

As he pointed to them, he flicked out claws of blood-stained silver.

“I kill my prey with these here claws and some Lunar Techniques, but hell I don’t have all day to boast! Get up here Shou!”

Compared to Ransinq, Shou looked like someone you would find on the streets begging for crumbs. He had the usual LKA armor. Only thing unique about Shou was his arm. There were gems studded into the arm of his armor and his gauntlet.

“My name is Shou. These gems may look fancy like Ransinq over there, but they aren’t. You see these aren’t for decoration. They are simple tools. Can be bought at any common weapon smith. They are basically empty gems. I charge them with my Luna to make them glows. Then with all the energy around in a dense location, I can simply can do this!”

Just as he said it, Light Luna flows of his Lunar Crystals. They flow in into a fine point. Then it stops. Tsiro couldn’t help but ask.

“Well that’s pointless! What does that do!?”

Shou swings the concentrated Light Luna at at ree next to him and felled it!

“My technique is called Lunar Weaponry. You used it in your fight with Bando, but alas you were possessed so how would you know? Get up here Krazen!” Shou demanded.

A man in simple leather and silk clothing stood up. No armor at all. He had a simple short sword on him.

“As the muscle head over there said Krazen. Yeah I don’t have any armor. Just slows me down. Plus I don’t plan in getting into hand to had combat anytime soon. I just have the short sword in case. Basically what I do for armor is a I have a thin layer of Luna around me by manipulating it. So I’m really a Lunar Mage. Observe.”

Krazen started to slowly glow! So that’s the Lunar armor. Out of no where a tree bursts into flames, then freezes over!

“What the hell! How did you do that!?” Tsiro said, with ignorance.

“Well I can tell that you’re a bad listener. I manipulated some of the Earth Luna in the tree to Fire Luna. Thus setting it ablaze. Then the ice I changed the humidity around the tree to Ice Luna freezing it over.” Krazen said, showing Tsiro up completely.

“Ugh well there’s one more. Get up here bud don’t be shy,” said Ransinq..

They all turned eyes to him. He was emitting Dark Luna. Ransinq chopped in half and he evaporated into Dark Luna and flew up to the Dark Moon Shade.

“What the hell is going on!” Tsiro exclaimed.

“Honshu must have planted some Dark Luna in him when we ran from Musou. His body couldn’t handle that power so it ate him out till he was nothing.” Ransinq explained.

“Ok understandable. Ugh he could’ve been of some help too. Oh well. Now that we are acquainted the quest for the Arcanes has to begin now! It won’t be easy cause all of the LKA think I’m evil. They’ll think you are too if you are with me. We’ll just be simple marauders. Yeah I like that. We’ll be known as the Marauders. Anyone know where any Arcanes are?” Tsiro asked.

Krazen took center stage.

“I served under Arcane Balen. He might be in the Moonlight Mountain Range up in Northeast Avol. I say we head there first.”

And with some intention of what they are doing, The Marauders head off on the beginning of their quest for the Arcanes. What challenges will they meet on the way there.

Next Time:
Dark Moon Shade V: Town of Honshu

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