Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1509163-ObamaLexiconofBookTitlesA-Z
by Lexi
Rated: E · Bulletin · Educational · #1509163
Obama's Inspiration=Vision+vocaulary+dynamic delivery.

  As an educator for many years, it is a joy to have an articulate and inspirational speaker to be addressing the world in the years to come.  Politics are not the focus here, the focus is eloquence and elegance.  The tone and timing must be cultivated, the delivery perfected, but the role model is now before the listening world, and all people can elevate themselves by observing, absorbing, emulating, and disseminating new thoughts and ideas. May the power of words be with you, and may this process be dynamic.
  Ten alliterations will be offered for each letter, and then space for 2 to be created by you, the reader.  There will be an evaluation later--but you will evaluate yourself....as others evaluate you everyday--- based on your level of vocabulary and how you deliver your message.

    Wishing you delightful development, Loquacious Lexi, M.Ed.
A          agile athlete
            attractive alternative
            able attorney
            appreciative analyst
            active attendant
            affable associate
            amiable activist
            admirable adventurer
            ardent advocate
            aspiring accomplishment
            ____________  ________________
            ____________  ________________


B          bold beginner
            brave believer
            bedazzling bore
            beneficial backer
            burgeoning buckaroo
            brazen breakout
            blissful basketballer
            blessed blogger
            banality banisher
            broadminded boss
            ____________  __________________
            ____________  __________________

C          concise communicator
            critical crusader
            competitive campaigner
            civilized citizen
            change challenger
            complex  character
            cheerful charmer
            complementary confidant
            calm commander
            composite contemporary
            ______________  _________________________
            ______________  _________________________


D          dramatic dreamer
            disciplined dissident
            dedicated debater
            diligent dilettante
            divine demonstrator
            diverse dichotomy
            definitive delight
            daring doubter
            delightful definiton
            didactic dynamo
            ____________  ___________________
            ____________  ___________________


E          energetic enigma
            eager ecoadvocate
            elegant elite
            efficacious educator
            effortless embodiment
            eminent emissary
            exigent experiment
            effective effort
            empathetic empirebuilder
            elusive ego
            ________________  ______________________
            ________________  ______________________


F          faithful father
            fascinating facilitator
            fortunate forerunner
            fashionable facade
            frankly friendly
            famous face
            favorably fated
            feeling fellow
            foreign favorite
            faultlessly fair
            _________________  _____________________
            _________________  _____________________


G          grateful grandson
            generous genius
            genial gentleman
            guarded guardian
            google guru
            gallant godsend
            goforward gogetter
            genteel general
            gracious grandeur
            genuine genre
            ___________________  _______________________
            ___________________  _______________________


H          handshaking hardworker
            handsome husband
            heart harkening
            hearth homie
            hark heralder
            Harvard Highachiever
            happy hero
            hinderless height
            hidden hopes
            honed homily
            ___________________________  ____________________________
            ___________________________  ____________________________


I            instinctive intellectual
              irresistible independent
              industrious intern
              ideal inductee
              inspired instructor
              intelligent innovator
              infinitely innocent
              insistent incorporator
              interesting invention
              indelible ink
              __________________  ______________________
              __________________  ______________________


J *        just judge
            joyful joiner
            judicial jewel
            journeying jurist
            genuine journeyman
            _____________________  _____________________
            _____________________  _____________________
            ______________________  _____________________
            ______________________  _____________________
            ______________________  _____________________
            ______________________  _____________________
            ______________________  _____________________
      *needs work


              kindred character
              knickknack knowledgeable
              kneeslap neat
              keepsake clean
              Neverland knight
              nudging knuckle
            ___________________  ______________________
            ____________________  ______________________
            ____________________  ______________________
          _____________________  ______________________
          _____________________  ______________________
*needs work


L            lauded laureate
              lonely light
              literary leader
              longrange longing
              loaded lodestone
              liberal liberator
              languid linguist
              limitless longevity
              lithe lineman
              living legend
              __________________  _____________________
            __________________  ______________________


M          mere mortal
              mindful master
              miracle man
              model mission
              moodless music
              mesmerizing moment
              marketable match
              modern mentor
              mixed metaphor
              method motivator
              _____________________  _____________________
            ______________________  _____________________



As promised, there is an evaluation, as we are midway of A-Z at the letter 'M."

A.  Please complete my version of each              B.  Please provide your favorite alliteration from my list, or
    of  the prompts below.                                                compose your own in order to complete the blanks.

able_______________________            A                _________________  ______________________
banality ____________________            B                _________________  _______________________
cheerful ____________________            C                _________________  _______________________
didactic ____________________            D                _________________  _______________________
eager ______________________            E                __________________  _______________________
frankly _____________________            F                __________________  ______________________
grateful _____________________          G                __________________  ______________________
healthy _____________________          H                __________________  ______________________
infinite ______________________          I                __________________  ______________________
joyful _______________________          J                __________________  ______________________
kindred _____________________          K                __________________  ______________________
limitless_____________________          L                __________________  ______________________
mere _______________________          M              __________________  ______________________

How do you feel?  Did you do well?  No grades are issued here, just growth is measured.
Another evaluation will be available after "Z" for the latter 13 letters, and then a MegaChallenge for closure.
Thanks for participating!!

N      nuanced newsmaker
        next nexus
        naysayer nixer
        neat number
        noteworthy nobleman
        neutral natural
        nerved narrator
        nononsense notable
        new nuisance
        neophyte Napoleon
        ___________________  ______________________
        ___________________  ______________________


O      openly opinionated
        objective organizer
        omniscient official
        ordinary oligarch
        ordained ordinal
        orderly orator
        oath owner
        obvious observer
        overtly overqualified
        Oprah's omen
        ________________________  ________________________
        ________________________  ________________________


P      photogenic phenomena
        patient pacifist
        prayerful pragmatist
        popular populist
        passionate peacemaker
        practical protagonist
        placating player
        particular paradox
        physical philosopher
        persevering persona
        _________________  _____________________
        _________________  _____________________


Q      quintessential quickstudy
        qualified quandry
        qualmless quantifier
        quasi-debtless qualifier
        quatrain quotient
        quadrupled quality
        quickto  quip
        quidproquo quickness
        quotable quantity
        quantifiable question
        ___________________  ______________________
        ___________________  ______________________


R      recognized recordholder
        realistic reader
        resolute responder
        relieved reveler
        rivaless rival
        responsive researcher
        relevant relationship
        resilient rescuer
        reverent reversal
        reserved riddle
        ______________________  _____________________
        ______________________  _____________________


S      succinct success
        serene scheduler
        significant signal
        sharp shepherd
        steady stiff
        satisfying strategist
        savvy savoirfaire
        scintillating scientist
        skillful skater
        statusquo stimulator
        ____________________  ________________________
        ____________________  ________________________


T    trumphant traveler
      theoretical therapist
      tireless totality
      traditional transformer
      timeless titleholder
      trustworthy trustee
      tranquil transcendant
      tangible tangent
      tender tendency
      tall talisman
      ___________________  _________________________
      ___________________  _________________________


U      useful unifier
        unparalleled underdog
        undetermined unfamiliarity
        underestimated understanding
        upsidedly upbeat
        utmost utterance
        uxorious usher
        ukelele youth
        unusually usual
        unanimous utility
        ______________________  ___________________________
        ______________________  ___________________________


V      veritable victor
        vast validity
        vetted variable
        vigilant vigor
        valiant value
        vogue voice
        vested verification
        vital vier
        valuable view
        voter visionary
        _________________  __________________________
        _________________  __________________________


W      welcome welleducated
          wistful wisdom
          wanted warrantor
          wise wifechooser
          wooedthe worrier
          warm warrior
          wakeful  watchman
          wartless warden
          one, that one    won
          Winfrey's winner
          __________________  _______________________
          __________________  _______________________


X          extraordinary exigency
            exact execution
            excelling executive
            exalted examtaker
            exclaimed exchequer
            exercised exhortion
            exorcised extras
            excoriated extremists
            exited excesses
            exuded excellence
            ________________  ____________________
            ________________  ____________________


Y^        youthful yearning
          year's    man-of-the-year
          yonder's  yoeman
          __________________  __________________
          __________________  _________________
      *needs work

Z*      zealous zorro
        ________________  _____________________
        ________________  _____________________

*needs work


Thank you for reading ObamaLexiconA-Z.  It will be dynamic and changing, for this is the yearend 2008 version.  What will the future portend?  Make it stronger by sending suggestions.

The second evaluation will be postponed, as well as the MegaChallenge, until this work is better.
Thank you for reading all of this lexicon.

© Copyright 2008 Lexi (lexicon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1509163-ObamaLexiconofBookTitlesA-Z