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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1508715
A girl's sad love story.
My name is Lacrymosa Leon. Tha looks very strange on paper but is my true name. I am starting seventh grade today. I am in love with my best friend Victory Hamilton. But life was about to get a lot more complicated for Little Miss Whatever.

Seventh grade. A new hallway. Wahoo! I groaned. Then I saw him. Victory. Sweet, sweet Victory. I blushed, the heat rushing to my face. I could feel it. He looked at me, then did a double take. He smiled, a drum solo erupting in my chest.

"Lacrymosa? My God, you look amazing!" He exclamed. I blushed even more (and I thought tht was impossible) and murmured my thanks. He laughed, a little chuckle bubbling from his beautiful lips.

"Wo do you have for homeroom?" I asked, my voice sounding really small.

"Larson." He said happily.

"Larnald." I said, irritated. He looked at me with pitying brown eyes locked on my blue ones.

"But I'll see you in P.E?" He asked sweetly.

"You know it." I sealed it with a wink and struttted to class, my shiny blonde hair in limp curls around my pale face, darkly contrasting to my dark, lucious eyelashes. I had absolutly no idea where I was going.

God, I could tell from the moment I walked in the door that me and Mrs. Larnald wouldn't get along. She was bossing some poor kid around when I entered. Then I saw the guy that was to blame for a third of my problems all year long: Ashton Stockfellow. Short brown hair, fat body, deep, deep brown eyes and a verrry big crush on me. I took a spot near the door, right next to Ashton.

"Hey." He breathed.

"Um, hi." I said, laughing.

"So, Larnald." He said, trying to make small talk. He sucked at it. Then the Larnald herself took attendance.

      I've never liked Gym. But Victory was in my class, always an improvement. I took my seat at his side, my strawberry scented perfume washing over him. "

"Hey." I said, a small smile lighting up my pale face.

"Lacrymosa." He nodded.

"Please tell me you have Beaver too!" I pleaded.

"Yeah." He said, laughing. "I have band after that, too." He added.

"Yeah... me too..." I said, already zoning. Oh, God, I thought, seeing Victory's annoying friends stroll casually across the shiny wooden floor. I saw Rafael point and elbow Evan, directed at me. God! Not again! It seems like every guy I talk to falls madly in love with me. It's not as fun as it sounds! I scampered to hide behind my friend Sally.

"Hey Mosa." She said, using my not-so-popular nickname.

"Hi Sall." I said. "How was your summer?'"

Then she launched into conversation, leaving her satisfied and giving me something to think about. I'm a writer and I always need SOMETHING to think of.

Then Arthur Salesburg walked in, flicking me off. I retuned the favor. He hated me, I hated him. But I was wrong about that, too.

          Civics. An obvious improvement to gym, but still sucky. About half an hour into the lesson, Ashton flicked a note onto my desk. I carefully unfolded it.

"Hey. How was your summer?  Any Victory?" It read. I rolled my eyes.

"No Victory." I scrawled back in my messy print.

"Sucks." He replied.

"Uh, yes." I wrote.

"So, you like anyone besides him?"

"Dumb question."

"Well, I wanted to ask you out..."

And I would say no."

"Well, there is something I've been wanting to say."

"Lay it on me."

"I... love you."

This hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I really appeciate you telling me this, but I need you to understand that I don't love you and I never can. My heart is so broken..."

"I would never break your heart."

"So you say."


"Ashton, I have been hurt so many times I make your pain like laying on a bed of flowers."

He paused as he looked at this, hurt welling up in his eyes. Oops. I hadn't meant to hurt him...

"Well then... I suppose you'll want me to go away..."

"Ashton, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Oh look, class is almost over!"

As soon as the bell rang, he zoomed out of there like a bear stung by a bee in the butt. I sighed. Can't I do anything right??

  English. And who should be assined to sit near me but Arthur, Ashton and Leonard the perv? I banged my head defeatedly against my new black chepo binder. Arthur flicked the back of my head.

I knew this was gonna be a long year.

      December. The day before Christmas break. We-the band-were playing for the school. Another in a long line of concerts. I was really tired of them! I picked up my shiny silver flute and trilled a low G. Arthur, sitting beside me, looked at my flute in wonder.

"Dude, how do you do that!?" He inquired exitedly. So I explaned. He took the flute from my wary hands, holding it all wrong. I laughed, moving his fingers to the correct positions.

"Now try. The first finger on you left hand, the first one on your right and your pinkie." I instructed.

He actually did it right.

"Wow." I said softly. And then I noticed we were up. I nervously messed with my hair. A face made my cheeks turn an unattractive crimson. Victory. Victory. His very name mady my heart race.

After the concert, I approched Victory hesitantly.

"Victory?" I called his name.

"Hmm?" He said, putting his trombone away.

"What are you doing over the break?" I asked casually, examining my nails.

"Hanging with my family. My niece is really exited." He smiled.

"Your niece!?" I asked slightly incredulosly.

"Yeeah." He said.

"Whatever. I wanted to ask you something." I said shyly.

"Yeah?" He said, lowering his eyelashes. My heart raced.

"DoyouwanttogotomyNewYear'sparty?"I asked in a rush.

"Huh?" He said.

"Oh, I'm having a party at New Years... do you want to come?" I said, deep breathing.

"Sure."He said.

"Sadly, my dad invited Aston and Arthur." I griped.

"Aah. We'll make it fun." He said, then winked. The bell rang.

    New Year's Eve. The ball dropped. I, caught in the moment, swept Victory into my arms. My lips met his for a few seconds, then we both gently pulled ourselves apart, me apoligizing profusley.

"Don't worry about it." He said, pecking me on the lips. Then Arthur swept me up in his arms, gently puting his lips to mine. I slightly pushed away. He dropped me- into Ashton's all too willing arms. He stuck his tounge down my throat. I shoved him off me, shouting curses. I snarled. I wrapped my arms around Victory, letting him kiss me again. We kissed more meaningfully this time.

  As everyone left, I caught Arthur and Ashton's hurt glances.

They were both found dead by their own hands in their rooms. The next morning I died, followed by Victory.
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