Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1508357-Forbidden-Masks
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1508357
Spellbound by a handsome stranger, Emily journeys into her own psyche's secret places.
My heart skipped a beat when the gentleman who had called last week to request a consultation walked into my office.  His name was Aiden. He was wearing snug blue jeans, a blue shirt and a half crooked smile.  His dark searching eyes looked right into my own blue ones daring me to look away.  A cocky male trick, I thought.  Was he even conscious of this action?  I held the gaze and dared him to look away first.  A therapist trick.  He didn't.  We were evenly matched.

He held out his hand and I took it.  And then the impact hit me. Like a tidal wave.  For a minute nothing mattered and I lost my bearings.  This had never happened to me with anyone I'd ever met, and it shook me to my core.  I don't like things I can't put a name to or explain by science or therapeutic logic.  His presence was overwhelming. And.. and… and sexually powerful. My physical reaction to him was strong and instant.  This man made me think of immediately getting naked, about skin on skin, about mouths devouring mouths. 

My body ached to surrender to that power.  To let it take me over and see where it would lead.  And that scared me.  That's exactly why I knew he could never be my client.  My brain told me no matter what he said, I'd have to refer him to another therapist.  My instinct told me to run.  He'd opened a part of my psyche I didn't know existed.  Exploring that kind of passion would make me weak and vulnerable.

Suddenly, he released my hand, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do this with you." He turned and walked out the door.  I stood frozen; relief and regret flooding me simultaneously.

I thought I'd never see him again.  However today a package arried with his name and return address came in the mail.  I sat clutching the envelope while memories of our first encounter flooded me. There were 2 envelopes and a DVD.  I perched on the plush chair that sat opposite the rich supple leather couch in my office.  I have been a therapist for 20 years  I often enter the dark and secret places inside my client's mind where I explore their imaginations and often times their fantasies with them.  However, I have never had the nerve to take my own journey into that unknown place.  I followed the instructions and read the contents of the envelope marked, READ FIRST.


I'm sorry I had to leave your office like that.  However, upon meeting you I knew there was no way I could discuss with you the most intimate of secrets I hold.  I've enclosed a DVD which will explain everything.  Please, do not read the contents of the second envelope until you have finished watching.

Your truly,


He was technically not my client.  If the  DVD had captured a  murder or abuse, the law was clear that I could report it.  However the dilemma I had was in whether or not to watch.  By watching it was I in some way agreeing to be his therapist?  Would he try to seek counsel from me after viewing?  There was no way I could have him on my caseload.  The transference would be too much for me.  Perhaps the DVD would give me insight into who to refer him to.  I slipped the disk out of it's case and shoved it into the machine.

The black screen gave way to a shot of an elaborate room.  Lush velvet couches, oversized chairs and exquisite rugs filled the space.  The room was done in deep shades of reds, purples and yellows.  The room exuded eroticism. 

It's funny how your mind conjures what you expect to see.  I knew right away that I was watching a costume ball-everyone was wearing elaborate masks that covered the upper part of their faces.  The women were ornately dressed. Their hair was coiffed, their wrist, fingers and ears dripping with sparkling jewels. I was conscious that there was something different about what I was looking at, but it took a few seconds to realize that the women's gowns were not just low cut but designed to show all. Nipples were bare, skin was powered and often sprinkled with sparkles. As the women continued making their way into the room, the camera moved in on them.  Many of the gowns had slits up the front, revealing that they weren't wearing underwear. Others had slits that stopped mid-thigh allowing garters to peek through and imaginations to flourish.

The mood of the party was joyful.  They greeted one another with hugs and light kisses.  A waiter stood holding a tray of beverages.  While he was wearing a tuxedo coat, white shirt, cummerbund and bow tie on top, I now saw that he was naked from the waist down and sported a semi-erection.  All the waiters were pant less.

The camera caught a women in a leopard mask and a tight leopard print dress to match.  She had purposefully chosen a mixed drink with ice. She wrapped her hand around the drink and took a long swallow.  She placed the drink back on the tray and reached down with her now cold hand and cupped his testicles, giving them a little squeeze. Then she lowered her head and took him into her mouth warming him for the briefest of moments before moving on.

The camera panned the room and settled on a  group of women as they moved towards a large ballroom.  On one side of the room stood a group of men in black tie attire...fully dressed.  The women gathered opposite them. However, rather than the men approaching the women to dance it was the other way around.  The women were the initiators choosing their dance partners in evening dress-none of whom stayed dressed very long. Naked they'd follow them to the dance floor and aggressively make their move to dance with them.

The camera caught a blonde woman walking back and forth surveying the men.  She was stunning in a low cut lavender gown.  Her breasts were full-very full.  Upon closer examination the "tale, tale" signs were visible.  They were filled with milk and begging for release.  Finally she stopped pacing leaned in and whispered something to one of them.  He lowered his gaze and began taking off his coat and shirt baring his chest.  She nodded her approval and with a downward sweep of her eyes gave another silent signal. He obeyed and began unbuckling his belt. 

I'd never seen a man undress so slowly, so seductively. He dropped his pants and his erection bulged beneath his undergarments.  She leaned in and whispered something else.  As she took a step back, he slowly removed the rest of his clothes.  Her long tapered fingers caressed him sliding up and down his erection.  She moved her hands to his shoulders signaling him to kneel. His mouth was even with her ample breasts. The camera panned again capturing his excitement as  seminal fluid began to wet the tip of his penis.  He took one nipple and gently squeezed moistening his fingers with her milk.  Reflexively she parted her legs and moved closer.  Reading her body language he opened his mouth and drank deeply.

The DVD went black.

My mind was reeling.  My body aroused.  My nipples had hardened and my silk panties were damp.  What was this all suppose to mean?  I opened the second note.  A ticket of some sort was attached to the top.  On the paper was one simple sentence:

  Join me for the next party....please.


The shrill ring of the phone aroused me from my daze.  "This is Emily"  I spit out trying to ground myself back into the present. 

"Hey beautiful, you free for lunch?"

"Hi, Brad.  Sure, what delicacy did you have in mind ?"  Brad and I have been friends since our first year in college.  He was the direct opposite of me.  I was cautious, a bit conservative, quiet.  He on the other hand was a daredevil, had never met a stranger, and lived life on the edge.  He was tall, charming and wickedly handsome.  We got along fabulously because we complimented each other.  He was forever taking me to the most fabulous places to eat.  I love fine wines and new foods so he scopes out new delights for me to indulge in.


"Sounds great.  I'll meet you there in half an hour."  Galatorie's is the grand dame of New Orlean's old-line restaurants which was erected in 1905.  It has been owned by the same family for four generations and serves authentic French Creole cuisine at a level that raises consistency to an art form. It also had some delightful wines which I was definitely going to indulge in after seeing that video.

True to our personalities, I arrived 10 minutes early while Brad arrived 10 minutes late.  He donned his best cheshire grin as an apology and reached for the bottle of wine to serve himself.  He noticed my somber expression right away.

"Ca va?" He inquired his brows knitted in concern.  Whenever he knew it was serious he would speak to me in French knowing that he could get me to open up with intimate details I had difficulty sharing in my native tongue.  Why divulging secrets in a foreign language was easier is a mystery to me.  Most likely it was because that is how we spoke to each other during our freshman year of college.  We met in French class and forged an immediate friendship.  We were both virgins and had purposefully avoided sexual relationships in high school.  However, our libidos were beginning to rage with the freedom of being "on our own."    Soon we became lovers experimenting with our budding sexuality.  It was a sweet tender time.  Neither of us wanted to date exclusively which made the transition from lovers back to life long friends easier.

"Ca va mal", I'm doing bad", I answered honestly.

"Qu'est-ce qui se passe?", What's happening?  He asked.

I poured out my dilemma to him over wine and crabmeat canape's.

"Ma cherie, it sounds as if you would like to do this."

"WHAT? Why would you say such a thing?"

Brad laughed at my indignation.  He has always referred to himself as my "alter ego."  Teasing me that he actually acted out  what I only conjured in my head.

"Because Emily" he replied, "I would do that in a heartbeat."

Brad excused himself to the men's room while I pondered his insight.

Brad rushed from the table afraid he would spoil the surprise.  Quickly he dialed Aiden's number.

Looking at his caller ID, Aiden picked up, "Hey Brad"

"Hey Aiden.  She got the DVD and it was exactly what I expected.  She is intrigued and scared to death."

"Did you tell her you have been a member of the club for years?"

"No. This has to be her decision.  We have been friends for years and she has always allowed me to lead.  Hell, she would sit at home with a book for the rest of her life if I would have let her."

"Maybe this is too much for her"

"NO!  She LOVES doing new things, exploring.  She is hesitant to try new things at first but once she does she pushes the envelope.  Trust me, she will love this.  Besides, she was immediatley attracted to you."

"I was attracted to her too.  Hell, I got an erection shaking her hand for christ's sake!"

"Well, buddy, I had no idea our plan would backfire."  Emily had forbidden Brad to set her up on any more blind dates.  She hated blind dates and she hated being fixed up.  Her philosophy was that she would meet the right guy when it was suppose to happen.  Brad knew it would never "happen" when work and curling up with novels was her life!  He'd devised a scheme after seeing Aiden's reaction to a picture of Emily.

Aiden had been to his apartment one night to play poker when a photo of Emily captured his attention.  Mesmerized he said, "Tell me this gorgeous lady is your sister and that she is unattached."  Brad  laughed and explained Emily was a friend but was indeed unattached.

The original plan had been for Aiden to pretend to be a client and then over time seduce her.  He should have known Emily would never allow that.  Aiden realized that immediately when he met her and decided to take a more direct albeit risky approach.

"Well, I have to get back to the table."

"Do you think she'll show Saturday night?"

"Aiden, I'm sure she wants to do it, but once I get a confirmation then I'll help her make her fantasy a reality."

Brad slipped the phone into his pocket as he joined her at the table.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, a colleague called."

"You need to get back?"

"Yes, but before we go, Emily do you want to do this?"

"Brad, I don't know if I can..."

"I didn't ask you if you could.  I asked if you wanted?"

Images of that DVD and of her reaction to Aiden danced through her memory. The flush on Emily's face said it all.  "Yes" she whispered, "But..."

"Shh.  I'll help you.  Just trust me.  Be at my place at 7:00 sharp Saturday."


Brad laughed as his doorbell chimed promptly at 6:50.  Luckily he had predicted she wouldn’t show at 7:00 sharp.  Jeez he had to get her out of that routine; precisely why he had re-created his college apartment.  Only once had she loved him with full abandon.  He guessed she had always held back just a little and that night his suspicions had been confirmed.  She was like a different woman.  All inhibitions vanished.  To this day it had been the best sex he had ever had.

She stood astounded as she surveyed the room.  “What in the world?”

“The date is November 16, 1986” Brad said.

Flashes of her 21st birthday raced through her mind.  They had met in the Fall of 1985. Brad had made a vow to make her 21st birthday the most memorable she had ever had.  He had made good on that promise.  His apartment had been crammed wall to wall with college friends. Alcohol and marijuana flowing freely with Bon Jovi’s “Slippery When Wet”  album blaring in the background.  Tonight however, that bestselling hard rock album was not playing.  Instead “I miss you” by Klymaxx was filtering through the speakers.


“No it’s not what you think.  Look Emily, you’ve held back for years now.  You remember that night as well as I do.  You enjoyed yourself.  I miss that Emily and frankly, I think you miss that Emily too.”

“I’m older, we were kids back then.  It was acceptable to …you know….without restraint.”

“Fuck Emily.  The word you are looking for is F-U-C-K , fuck.”

Her sapphire eyes flashed, “I know the word Brad!”

“You also know... how to... Emily. I vividly remember.”

She gasped at his admission her facing turning crimson. 

“Do you trust me?”

“Implicitly.  You know that.  Why are you asking?”

“Because Ma cherie, I’m going to prepare you for the party and then I’m going to escort you there.”

Emily both loved and hated when he referred to her as “my darling” because it always made her give in to whatever crazy idea he had.

“I don’t have the ticket.  I left it at the house.”

“Ma belle, I am a member of the club.”

Her mouthed gaped in astonishment.  Before she could ask another question or utter another protest, he placed his fingers on her lips.  “Shh, come here.  I have prepared some things for you.”

“I need a drink!”

He reached for the table behind him and handed her a martini.  She surprised him downing the drink in one gulp.  He laughed and took her over to the couch.  Resting on the table was a bong.  She hadn’t seen a bong since college.  She turned to him with eyebrows raised.

“What? You always get sleepy or sick when you drink too much.  It’s been years since you have let loose.  I thought drastic measures should be taken.”

It was true.  She was boring.  Lying dormant was a woman dying to explore the world around her.  She squared her shoulders and decided tonight she would taste, touch, and feel everything.

Brad watched as her lips quivered hovering over the glass mouthpiece.  Emily had the most luscious succulent mouth.  Memories of those lips flooded him.  He shook his head snapping himself out of his reverie.  Tonight was about her.  He encouraged her as she inhaled deeply and kept encouraging her until he finally saw that half lidded smoky look in those blue eyes.  She was ready to be completely relaxed now.  He gently took her hand and lifted her from the couch.

“Follow me” Brad said as he entwined her fingers with his.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see” Brad led her into a 7X7 room.

“This is new.  When did you build a wet room?”

Brad just smiled and led her to the waterproof massage table which stood in the middle of the room.  A seven headed rain bar was suspended above the table, recessed lighting was overhead and the walls were tiled in natural stone.

“Undress” Brad commanded.  “I’ll be back.” 

Emily had never had a Vichy shower but she had heard about the wet treatment that originated in France.  She readily disrobed and climbed face down on the table.  Soon, warm water began to trickle over her body.  It felt like rain falling from the sky. The pressure changed, each nozzle positioned perfectly to deliver pressure point massage. “Ahh,” Emily thought, “this is like lying under a heated waterfall.”  The tension from her body began to release.  Ten minutes later she heard the door open.  Brad oiled his hands and began massaging and stroking her in combination with the warm water. 

Her muscles rippled beneath his touch and soft moans escaped her lips.  When he reached her lower back unconsciously she lifted her backside slightly off the table to meet his hands.  Jeez, he was getting hard.  She was as lovely as he remembered.  He could take her now.  Her fingers lazily reached to touch his thigh with long silken strokes.  He moved to adjust the water pressure and rolled her over.  Her nipples were puckered and erect-begging for attention.  Brad stood at the head of the table and firmly stroked her from the top of her shoulders to her pectoral muscles barley grazing her nipples as the water trickled over her like rain.  She arched with delight her breast becoming fuller her legs parting slightly.  Her sensual movements aroused him further giving him a full blown erection.  He reached for her inner thighs with both hands, circling his thumbs upward until he reached the place where her thigh connected to her pelvis, careful not to touch between her legs. He craved her caress, but kept reminding himself that he was preparing her for tonight… with Aiden.

Emily heard his breathing change.  She knew he was aroused.  She also knew he was teasing her and would leave her unfulfilled.  She decided to give Brad a taste of his own medicine and reached for his stiff, wet cock.  She rubbed him tentatively at first and then increased the pressure of his strokes sliding from base to tip until he was frozen in place.  Her hands were magical.  She began milking him with her fingers.  She knew his eyes were open watching.  She spread her legs further apart.  As she pleasured him with one hand she grabbed her nipple with the other giving it a slight pull.  She felt him tense with excitement.  She let the excitement build until he was almost ready for release and abruptly quit.  Sitting up she innocently said, “Is it time for the party?”

After she tortured him a bit further by drying off… slowly, deliberately, reaching, and bending, Brad led her to the bedroom.

He swung open the door and and her eyes fell to the bed which was covered with boxes.  The largest box held a beautiful satin and chiffon gown in sapphire blue. Nestled against the box were shoes, jewelry stockings and… a mask.

“You bought all of this for me?”

“Yes.  I also bought make-up…your brand… and there is stuff in there for you to fix your hair.  Do you want another drink while you dress?”

“Yes please.”

Brad returned a minute later and handed her the cool drink.  Emily batted her eyelashes and teased, “Do you want to watch me get dressed?”

Brad drug his eyes slowly down her body.  “Um hum”

She laughed knowing he use to love to watch her dress. Emily held up the stockings,  “You can watch me put on these. I can’t believe you got me real stockings!  I love the feel of silk against my skin.” 

“Yeah, I got them at Suzettes boutique.  I was wondering if you would like pure silk.”

She lowered her gaze and whispered softly, “Thank you.  I love everything.”

“Good, now let me watch.”

Shyly Emily asked, “If you like what you see, can I watch too?”  Her eyes rested on his erection.

Brad shot her a million dollar smile and with the tilt of his head replied, “but of course chere’”

Emily reached for the fine silk and placed her foot on the chair. The thin robe slid open revealing her thighs buttocks and hips.  She slid the material up her leg until it stopped exactly mid-thigh.  She stretched running her hands from top to bottom., “Mmmm, luscious.”

He stood transfixed watching her. The loosely tied belt came undone exposing her ample chest.  As she reached forward her breasts swung slightly, the tips of her nipples caressing her upper thigh.  He reached for his groin and began stroking.

Emily turned and watched as his hands slid from base to tip.  She wet her lips before she reached for the other stocking and methodically dressed for him.

When she finished, Emily walked over and stood within inches of him.  She lifted to the tips of her toes her breath wafting across his face and gently caressed his mouth with her tongue before brushing her lips over his.

“Emily, you are intoxicating.”

“Do you really think so?  I’m nervous about tonight.”

“You don’t seem nervous now.”

“I’m use to you.  I know what to expect.  I know what pleases you.”  To prove her point she took her finger and slid it across the top of his wet penis and purposefully placed it on her outstretched tongue.  A grin slid across her face as she watched him exhale and close his eyes.  “You’re easy.” 

“Actually, I’m not.  I’m quite picky.”  Believe me Emily, if you can please me then you will have no problems.” 

She considered this for a moment and was shocked as she realized she had to agree with him.  It had never occurred to her before how picky he actually was. But he was.  Her confidence spiraled.  Maybe he was right.  If she could please him then maybe….just maybe…Aiden would enjoy her.


The night was as black as velvet with a few stars peeking through.  Emily’s mind was racing, thinking about the night ahead.  She had a thousand questions all of which Brad refused to answer.  He was enjoying seeing her squirm which made her livid.

Twenty minutes later they pulled onto a pebbled drive that was barely visible for all the trees.  The road winded around until it finally delivered them to a circular drive in front of a sprawling mansion.  Brad gave his keys to the valet and escorted her into the door.

Opulent was the word that came to mind.  The foyer had recessed mosaic tile dome with custom wrought iron chandelier and Jerusalem Gold limestone floors.  Palladian picture windows framed the stunning surroundings.  Walnut floors, Mahogany doors, custom carvings all graced the first room.  It was obvious this was not a typical mansion, but rather a specifically designed house of entertainment.  The place was filled with themed party rooms, bedrooms, ballrooms.  There were two kitchens, multiple spacious bathrooms, a theater room, infinity pool, and a cabana with Jacuzzi, steam and sauna rooms.

To the right of the foyer was a bar and lounge to the left were three closed doors each marked with a number.  Brad took her hand and said we need to go into door 3.  Everyone here is a member however; each member can invite one guest.  Although the guest has been pre-approved to enter by the board, they must wait in the designated room for their party.  Aiden is in room 3.

Brad opened the door and touching the small of her back ushered her into the room, quickly turning to leave, shutting the door behind him.

Aiden stood when Emily entered.    She was dressed in a chiffon sapphire blue gown.  A three strand necklace comprised of diamonds and sapphires adorned her neck while sapphire earrings glistened from her ears.  A mask alternating light blue topaz, and diamonds covered the top portion of her face.  The contrast of light blue with the sapphire dress made her eyes vividly clear.

The top was halter style dotted with strategically placed sequins and see through lace cupped her milky breast.  The bodice was solid until it reached her upper thighs when the material became completely sheer and split up the front from crotch to floor.  She wore a garter with thigh high stockings with midnight blue lace and sequins adorning the top.  Her feet were covered with 3 inch rhinestone strapped sandals.

Emily stood silently barely breathing as Aiden surveyed her.  His eyes caressed her from top to bottom.  Her first reaction was to turn and run but his slow, seductive gaze caused her body to ignite.  Once he had reached her feet and pulled his eyes back to hers she slowly pivoted showing him the back of her dress.  The back was totally open and the bottom of the dress was scooped and lay at the lowest place possible on her back.  Right above the fabric at the base of her lower back were three small two inch strands of sapphires and diamonds.

Aiden had to catch his breath because she was absolutely stunning.  He had planned to wait before he touched her.  But she did something or rather did not do something most women would have done.  It was that simple omission that made him rock hard.  Women loved to pose and show off for Aiden.  They would present themselves pivoting slowly from front to back to front again giving him a 360 degree view.  However, Emily never pivoted back around.  Instead she stood deathly still with her back to him.  She simply lowered her head and waited for him indicating total submission

He went to her standing only inches behind her.  He ran his index finger from the base of her blonde hair to the top of her shoulders.  Then he slid both hands to the top of her shoulders warming her.  He lowered his head his breath caressing her neck.  He felt the goose bumps prickle her skin.  She moaned and turned facing him.  He wrapped his arms around her his hands sliding through the split fabric to grab her bare bottom.  As he separated her buttocks she leaned into him feeling his long hard cock against her belly.  His lips found hers and for the next several moments they breathed life into one another.

“Shit” He said when they pulled their mouths apart.  This woman had bewitched him and all he could think of was tasting her.

Emily looked at him a small smile played on her lips.  His reaction to her excited her.  She was contemplating how to tantalize and tease him when he interrupted her thoughts.

“You ready for a tour?”

“A tour?  Of this place?  But…sure.”

Now it was Aiden’s turn to smile.  Brad had warned him of her reserve and her panache for giving pleasure but her difficulty in receiving it.    He knew then that he if he seduced her mind, her inhibitions would disappear and her body would follow.  He grabbed her hand and headed for the theatre room. 

They sat in the plush seats,  Brad pushed a button and the film began.  There was a large outdoor deck overlooking a mountaintop.  A telescope stood in the middle of the deck with a fair skinned woman kneeling on a large cushion looking into it.  She had a top on but no bottoms.  A man with a dark complexion entered the scene.  He was totally nude and walked up behind her. 

“What are you looking at?”

“I’m watching the nude sunbathers”

He then penetrated her from behind. 

“You’re wet.  Someone must be interesting you.”

“There are some beautiful people down there.”

“You know that makes me jealous.” Hands resting on her hips he thrust into her harder her buttocks flexing at the intrusion. 

“ It turns me on when you get jealous.”  The camera showed his large cock moving methodically in and out of her.  Her nipples erect under the white t-shirt.

The scene lasted a few more minutes until she said, “Here have a look yourself” and slid away from him and went into the sliding door. 

He then knelt on the cushion his black cock glistening wet as he looks into the telescope.  He smiles and grabs himself and begins stroking.

The woman appears again.  She is now naked except for a large dildo that is strapped to her pelvis.  Her full breasts bounce as she walks toward him.

She notices his panting and asks, “See anything interesting?”  She caresses his testicles from behind.

“You are right.  There are some beautiful people down there.”

She oils her hands and slides it over the dildo.  She spreads his buttocks and says, “You know that makes me jealous.” and she shoves the instrument into that forbidden landscape.

Aiden grabs Emily’s hand and they head for the next room.


“That was the entertainment room.  This one is called the alternative room.”  He opened the door and leather, tattoos, piercing and accessories filled the large room.  He guided her to a leather chair and there they sat watching the myriad of scenes unfolding before them.  To the right stood a woman in thigh high leather boots, a tattoo of a vine etched on her inner thigh snaked its way to the crotch less leather underwear.  Her breasts bare with a gold ring pierced through each nipple, her hands holding a whip.  She spoke with authority to a man whose faced was covered with a leather mask only revealing an opening for his mouth.  “Kneel and remove them with your teeth.  If you use your hands I’ll have to punish you.”  She cracked the whip across his back.  He grabbed the edge of leather undergarment with his teeth and began tugging; his tongue snaking out giving her small licks while trying to remove it.  As he peeled back the material the words forbidden fruit rested right above her clitoris.  Once she had stepped out of the underwear she said, “eat of the fruit”.  He spread her legs wide and began devouring her.

To the left a thin naked women was bent over licking a man’s boots. As he became aroused it was obvious there was a serpent tattooed on his penis.  He moaned and told her he wanted to fill her with his venom.  He then began calling her unsavory names and  commanded her to stand and lick the sweat from under his arms.  As soon as Emily heard this she stood and headed for the door.  Domination and submission was one thing, but degradation another.  A smile of relief swept across Aiden’s face as he watched her walk away from him.  He was so attracted to her that he wanted to test their compatibility.  She seemed to be a contradiction.  Reserved on one hand and oozing sexuality on the other.    He had taken her to the place that he never ventured toward.  He just couldn’t stomach this kind of play and had to know if Emily could. Rape, incest, torture, pedophilia did not exist in his fantasy world.  There were several women from his past who would surprise him showing up at his apartment dressed like a young girl with pig tails and pubic hair shaved.  He was revolted at the sight and had to escort them out.

Emily’s mind whirled.  She couldn’t do this.  This was just not her thing.  She wanted passionate, wild, even a little forbidden sex, but not this.  In one moment she had lost all arousal and was determined to find Brad and make him take her home.  She was halfway down the hall when Aiden grabbed her arm.  Fury sparked in her eyes as she ripped her arm away.  She was about to give him a piece of her mind when he interrupted her, “Thank God.” 

Stunned, she stammered, “What did you say?”

“Emily, I don’t like that kind of scene.  It sickens me.  I only took you there to see if you liked it.  If you did then I was going to politely excuse myself for the evening and find Brad.”

“Why didn’t you just ASK me?”

“ I don’t want to sound arrogant, but women tend to tell me what they think I want to hear.  I’ve experienced one of two things.  Either women will do something I like to please me even though they don’t like it or they try to change my mind and get me to like something I don’t.”

Hearing him describe his women, raised all of her insecurities. What was she doing?  He was gorgeous, sexy, and not lacking for women.  She realized that if she wanted a night of passion it would need to be with a total stranger; a spur of the moment, bar scene encounter.  Sure, he had aroused something within her that she didn’t even know existed.  Even though it wasn’t him, all a man had to have is the right anatomy.  Right? She just couldn’t do this.

“ I’m ready to go.  Will you please call me a cab?”

“Emily, please” Aiden embraced her and smothered her mouth with his.

Emily’s pulse raced as fire swept through her pelvis.  He made her feel so out of control.

“Come with me.  Give me one hour.  If you want to leave after that, I’ll take you home.”

Emily clung to his hand as he led her to the next room.


She heard the music as they turned the corner.  He escorted her into a huge room that looked exactly like a club.  There was a DJ, tables, sofas, and a bar.  Waitress and waiters maneuvered through the crowd carrying trays of drinks. 

“It looks like they are busy.  I’ll go to the bar and get us something to drink. Will you find us somewhere to sit?”

Emily searched the crowed room and finally spotted a u shaped couch with a small table in front of it and made her way across the room.  Several pairs of eyes followed her.  They must be checking out the newbie she thought.  She glanced over at the bar and saw three women surrounding Aiden vying for his attention.  Suddenly two shots of amber liquor appeared in front of her. 

“You look thirsty.  Go ahead drink up.”  A tall man with hazel eyes stood beside her.

“I couldn’t”

“I insist”  She started to explain that she was waiting for someone when she saw a leggy brunette run her hand up Aiden’s leg.  She changed her mind.

“Ok, thanks”  She finished the first and reached for the second.  Liquid heat burned down her throat warming her belly.  “Let’s dance.”

He led her to the dance floor and they moved in synch to the slow rhythm.

Aiden removed the brunette’s hand and told her he had an escort for the evening.  He headed to the table with their drinks when a flash of blue on the dance floor caught his eye.  “Damn!” he exclaimed. A wave of jealously filled him.

He sat and watched her until the music changed.  The man whispered something to her and she shook her head.  He left the floor but she remained.  She swayed seductively in time with the music.  She closed her eyes and a sultry look donned her face.  There was something to be said about the way a woman danced.  The arousing way she twisted her sleek curves, and moved her curvy ass undulating back and forth.  He stood ogling her as the bulk of his blood went straight to his cock. 

Emily had decided to just let go.  She was tired of her cool professional demeanor and decided her wilder side needed to come out and play; Even if it was only in her mind. She moved to the music imagining all sorts of sordid things.

Not about to stand by and wait for someone else to join her, Aiden moved to the dance floor through a sea of bodies to the one he ached to touch.  He moved behind her his body brushing her as they moved in tandem.  He rested his hand on her abdomen; His hot breath caressing her neck moving languorously against her backside.

Her breath caught, she covered his hand with her own and ground her bottom against his groin.  The length of his erection pressing against her buttocks caused her to increase the pressure.  His hand tightened at her waist and a guttural growl wafted to her ears; the animalistic sound bringing to life a long denied hunger.  Wetness gathered in her panties as restlessness screamed through her.

The hand beneath hers slid lower, molding his palm to the slight curve of her mound. Her skin flushed.  Her hips reacted out of instinct, grinding against that hot, weighty touch.  Need egged her on.  Tightening her hold on his hand,  urging it to press harder, silently begging him to go farther.  She wanted to feel his fingers sink into her aching body finding that spot that would take her to the limits of ecstasy.

He pressed the slightest bit harder.  Her clit swelled and throbbed.  She couldn’t control the moan that escaped her lips.  Desire coiled in her belly.

“Let me please you Emily,” His voice revealed  raw desire.

She wanted to be carefree.  She’d dreamt of a night of wild abandon. Sensing her hesitation he turned her toward him. She could feel his enormous erection pulsing against body through the thin fabric of her dress. Fire tore through her loins.

That dangerously sexy mouth curved into a smile.  His eyes showed amusement that ensured he knew the effect he was having on her.  It was tempting to turn away and reject him and his arrogance of his sexual appeal.  She probably would have if at that moment his thumb didn’t reach out to stroke the underside of her breast, the pad moving in a leisurely circle that ignited every nerve ending.

She bit back a sigh that he would move closer to the straining nipple.  However, there was no need to beg.  She could feel his swollen cock cradled against her belly.  He wanted her. All she had to do was submit and they could leave for the private rooms that dotted the outer hallway.  She wanted to let go and just feel.  She pierced him with her smoky eyes brought her lips to his ear  and whispered, “Please me.”


I was going to protest, but something in my body screamed yes, and my rational mind followed it over the edge.  I'm no good at casual sex, especially good casual sex. The better it is, the more likely I am to grow fond of the guy. And casual sex is all it could be of course. I needed some control back.  I can’t believe I had capitulated this quickly.  I had not had sex in a long time- even longer since it had been memorable - if this was a one night stand, then so be it.    Something told me it was not going to be a typical encounter and it would be anything, but forgettable.

He guided her off the dance floor and handed her a drink.  Judging the look in his eyes this would be a take and take night; both personalities demanding dominance.  She raised the glass to her lips and he watched her drink wondering what it would feel like for her to consume him.

“Would you like someone to join us?”

He looked at her quizzically processing her question.

“The women behind us” she explained, gesturing with her glass to the trio who still stood at the bar.    They’ve been salivating over you and one was not exactly subtle. “

His dark eyes lit with amusement.  “Half of the men in this room are in the process of undressing you with their eyes.    The other half are already fantasizing about what positions you like best in bed, and planning how fast they can get you there.  Do YOU want someone to join us?”


Aiden pinned her with a stealthy gaze, “I want you all to myself.”

Her throat constricted, her pulse quickened and cream seeped between her thighs at the possessive statement. “Then I’m all yours.” She said as heat traveled through her body like hot liquid wax.

Emily stood and stared into the depths of Aiden’s eyes. In them, she found no hidden agenda.  He pressed his mouth to her ear, “I need someone that can match me, want for want, word for word, passion for passion.”  He looked fully at her, and said something else that made her loose her breath. “That is why you and I will be together…alone….for now.”

His sexuality was so overpowering it left her wet and speechless.  By way of answer, and under cover of the dimness, she put her lips to his and slid the hand not held in his grasp from the side of his waist to the front of his trousers. She touched his tongue with hers pressing her loins into his.

Aiden let out a short intake of breath as she explored the length of his erection.  Intuitively she knew several of the patrons had been watching them which aroused her even more.  Her movements became seductive, tantalizing, teasing him, making him and those watching crazy with need.  He sensed an audience as well and dipped her backward; her luscious breast with hardened nipples protruding in the air. She slid her legs between his, pelvis’ resting against one another.  Slowly he blazed a trail from her throat to the center of her chest with his tongue.  Knowing every man in there was living vicariously through him.  There his lips hovered, lingering before leaving a moist caress with his lips.  He felt her quiver with anticipation.

“I need you now.”  He said, as he nuzzled his way back up to her neck.

“Let’s go”

Eyes followed them as they left the room.  Once out the door, Aiden immediately turned to his right and stopped at the first door.  He slid the key into the lock and pushed open the door to the lavish suite.

Aiden barely got the door closed before she attached herself to him.  Her hands and lips exploring him sending his pulse skyrocketing. 

“I’m  going to taste you.”  She whispered in his ear and then proceeded to describe exactly how she planned to do that as she undressed him.  His body pulsed at the description and his excitement grew as she kneeled before him; Her hot breath gliding over him her hand stroking his shaft.  His head tilted backwards as the tip of her tongue slipped into his slit tasting his sweet fluid.  Her lips ever so gently nipped the tip of him, teasing him.  Finally with the flat of her tongue she swirled it around his cock before sliding the entire length of him into her mouth.

Warm liquid sweetness surrounded him.  His hands moved to her head, his hips thrusting into her as she pulled at him. It would be easy to succumb to the pleasure and explode.  However, he wanted to release inside of her.  He wanted to take her….possess her.  He wanted to feel her satisfaction surround him as she screamed in ecstasy.

He lifted her and caught her in his arms holding her close then sat her on the edge of the table, spread her legs.  He removed her shoes rubbing each foot in that special spot that caused her to arch her back in pleasure.  He then ran his hands up the thigh high stockings feeling the luxurious silk  until he reached her moistened g-string.  He bent between her ankles and slowly inched them down her thighs until they fell in a heap to the floor.  He blew his soft, warm breath making his way to her mouth.  He stood between her legs and focused on her face, holding it in his hands.  He bent his head kissing her tenderly, his warm, wet mouth glided over hers until Emily spiraled into another realm.  Here, there was nothing but sensation.  He was delicious.

He moved downward and kissed one rigid nipple, lapping it gently with his tongue. The purring sound that escaped her throat drove him into an inner frenzy, but he fought to maintain a languid pace, to keep his movements gentle as he nuzzled the silky mounds she offered.  He raised a hand to her other breast and began massaging it with his thumb, while he murmured around the nipple in his mouth.  She arched her back as bolts of electricity shot through her body. He moved from one side to the other suckling, pulling and gently biting until she squirmed beneath him.  He reached between her legs and felt heat oozing from her body.  He slid a finger inside of her and immediately felt her contract.  She was tight, wet and ready.  He planted a kiss dead center on each swollen nipple.  He lifted his head and looked into her eyes

"Please Aiden," Eyes closed, she whispered against his ear as he positioned himself above her.  "Please...now."

He hesitated.  "Open your eyes," he demanded hoarsely.

She did.

His gaze collided with hers, burning into her soul.

She guided him between her legs, not because he needed guidance, but as an excuse to keep grasping his mouth-watering, sizeable erection.  Tonight she met his unbridled desire with a fierce need of her own.  Settling their bodies against ea. other in an intimately perfect fit, Aiden sank into her with a guttural moan.

Their eyes were still locked as he began to move in an age-old, flawless rhythm, her movements soon matching his.  She could feel the tension building at her core, and she knew that if he stopped what he was doing or the precise way in which he was doing it, she would quite simply, die.

But he didn't stop.

Not when her breath began coming in high-pitched pants, or when her body began to quake violently beneath his. She was at the brink, and then she was plunging past it, falling, spinning, reeling with one exquisite spasm after another. She let out a cry of pure ecstasy.

Almost simultaneously she heard him call her name, felt him bucking above her, felt him pouring himself into her until he lay spent against her heaving breast.  She reached down and touched his sweat-dampened head, stroking it as their passion subsided, leaving a glow of contentment in its wake.

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