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by Madge
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1508238
I couldn't fit in the whole chapter
My world was spinning. My head was rising to the Moon. My limbs were melting into a puddle of hot water. My eyes were dissolving and evaporating into the air. My face was so red I felt as if it was going to incinerate. My feet were shaking so fast I was afraid they would run away. My hands were so wet they would soon completely liquefy.
It’s time to sit down….
Lucy crossed her arms “Now where should you sit.” I raised my eyebrow. What is she talking about? “Lucy? There is only one desk” Lavi said pointing to the only empty desk with a drum stick. Lucy became irritated “I know that!” you could see a vein popping from her fore head. “I just don’t want Letty to sit in the back.” She barked at them
Stew shrugged “Why didn’t you say so, I’ll switch with her.” Lucy shook her head “No…You need to sit by Lavi.” Shawn put his elbows back onto the table to hold his cheeks “then how about you move Jun, It’s not like his going to pay attention in class anyways.” Lucy grinned and said “Good idea.”
Luis and Marcus jiggled Jun to wake him up. No good. “Hey! Jun? Wakey! Wakey! Come on you idiot!” Luis tried again shaking Jun faster. Nothing, he didn’t even budge. “JUN!” Marcus yelled in his brother’s ear. Jun’s eyes fluttered open. He moved his head to one side then to the other still on the desk. He pulled his head up and stared at Lucy “Que?” I sighed. I need to get used to the whole French thing. He tried asking again “what?”
“I need you to move to the end.”
“Oui…yes.” He slowly got up and moved to the back going back to sleep. Jun reminded me of my old math teacher shuffling to his seat. That mono toned look and uncaring way of presenting himself. Lucy pushed me to the seat. I glanced back giving her a weak smile. I turned back to the boys and bit my lip. I’m so nervous.
I took my book bag off and sat down where Jun used to be. Marcus was now to my left and Luis was to my right, I was in front of Lavi.
We were all in an awkward silence. My face feels red and hot. My heart beats as loud as the thunder and faster then the lightening before it. I looked at their faces. They seemed just as uncomfortable as I was. They didn’t know what to say either.
I think this might be categorized as cruel and unusual torture. Not that I hate them or this class but I hate silence, ever since I was a kid I would get so sad and depressed every time my parents and I would have a soundless dinner but when they would talk it would be sudden and loud very unpleasant. They would yell at me...Maybe that’s why I get so worked up when there's a sudden sound.
I looked up and saw Elliot staring at me. He cocked his head and mouths “Why did they yell at you?" My eyes widened and my throat went dry. Crap he heard me… “I’ll tell you later.” I mouth back. Shit, what did I just say or mouth?! Elliot still gave me a perplexed but curious look. It made me feel even more uncomfortable.
When the other boys were about to ask someone knocked on the door. Knock! Knock! I yelp surprised, isn’t that a coincidence… An awful, awful coincidence. Shawn raises his eyebrow noticing my fear. I blushed turning away from him. He notices too many things, I feel so embarrassed near him like I should watch what I do so I won’t humiliate myself.
Lucy huffs and goes to open the door. Stew leans over to Lavi “Who do you think it is.” Lavi shrugs tapping his drum sticks on his knees then to his desk “Who knows.” Elliot turns to Stew “Patience, Stew, Patience.” Brendon scoffs slumping in his seat “Yeah, Stew having patience. Funny Elliot.” Stew sticks his tongue out, Brendon sticks his tongue back. Shawn pushed Brendon back to his seat “Stop it, children”
Lucy opened the door letting the man in… “Michael?!” I announced him, surprised. “You know him?” Brendon asked. Michael smiled and walked over. “Yeah” I answered when Michael put his hand on my shoulder “Good afternoon Letty. How are you?” I smiled, I’ve wanted to see him again “I’m better, Thank you…for everything.” He patted my shoulder “No problem. You’re someone who anyone would help.” I blushed. He says the most embarrassing things. Some of the boys grumbled unhappy with the sweetness in the air.
Michael went back to Lucy explaining “I’m here to get Trevor.” Trevor stood up asking “Hm?” I think he meant “Why?” “Your new contacts are in so you won’t have to wear those sunglasses.” Michael said heading back towards the door. Trevor followed him out while the boys waved “Byyyye.” Michael poked his head back into the classroom “It’s really good to see you again Letty” He poked out. He’s so weird but I still giggled. The boys rolled their eyes disgusted with my girly-ness.
Lucy sat on the top her desk “Great now that that’s over we can began class….” Ring! Ring! The bell rang interrupting Lucy making me jump.
Stew instantly stood up throwing his hands in the air “Praise Jesus, we got out of class!” he sounded like a bad imitation of a pastor. Lavi rolled his eyes pulling him out of the room by his collar. Stew pretended to be gasping for breath; at least I think he was. That’s one of the reasons I like Lavi, he knows how to handle Stew.
Marcus nudged Jun “Jun its time for the next class.” While he tried to wake him Brendon wheeled Elliot out “Hey can you take me to my locker first?” Brendon nodded “Whatever helps me be late for the next class.”
Luis went to the twins “Is he dead?” Jun came up staggering to the hallway “No Luis, I promise not to die before you” Luis went ahead of him regaining control of the conversation “Good” Marcus followed smiling but rolling his eyes.
Allen ran for them “Wait up!” he tripped over air falling on his stomach “Owww.” Shawn chuckled “You okay?” Allen wobbled back up “Yeah…” he went for them again but this time he paced himself.
Shawn walked to the door and looked back to me and asked coolly “You coming?” I noticed I was still standing by my desk. I rolled my eyes trying to seem like I new what I was doing and grabbed my book bag “yeah!” Shawn gestured me, wiggling his finger for me to come over. What am I, a cat? I walked up to him fuming a little. He went on, I followed.
I stared at him, studying him. His hands are in his pockets making his dreadful posture worse. He took one hand out to ruffle his red hair. He’s so handsome. He's one of those guys you just want to touch. Shawn glanced down with his beautiful dark green eyes noticing I was staring at him. I turned away blushing. He laughed his sinister laugh.
I decided to begin the conversation so I wouldn’t have to listen to his laugh “So…what’s the next class?” He looked back to the hallway “Physical Education.” He said seriously making a horrid face. Apparently he doesn’t like it.
I laughed this time. He glanced back down to me “What?” he was confused and embarrassed even though he didn’t know why. “Sorry, it’s just most people say P.E.” I look up to him smiling “I think it’s cute.” I looked away and kept going. He stopped. It took me a second to notice he did though. I stopped and looked at him about to tell him to hurry up but then I saw his face, His eyes were wide and his face was red. “What is it?” I asked puzzled, it’s the first time I’ve seen him like that. He shook his head furiously “N-No-nothing” he marched passed me. What has gotten into him?
We got to the gym. He stopped me, still not looking me in the eyes “Girls have to go change on the other side of the gym…” He turned around swiftly like he wanted to get away as if he was embarrassed “It’s the door with the pink sign that says: girls” he walked to the other end of the gym.
I came to the door with the pale pink sign that said “Girls” I also noticed another sign beside the door. It was a simple piece of note book paper that read “Stew that means you stay out!” I sighed as mumbled to myself “They have so much faith in him.”
I push the door open coming in. There are seven girls changing well they stopped to look at me. “Hi.” I said weakly under the pressure. They just kept staring. Don’t they know it’s rude to stare?
A woman wearing a red jogging suit with a short dark brown pony tail came from a door behind a line of green lockers. She saw me and gasped “Oh my!” I got nervous “W-what?!” She scampered back into the room. She reminds me of a squirrel. I looked at the girls they were frowning, glaring, or ignoring me while they were putting their clothes on.
The woman came back in handing me a black pair of basketball shorts and a light blue t-shirt that had a dark blue pentagram in the middle. “I’m sorry I totally forgot we were getting a new student” the girls gasped, I guess they didn’t know I was coming. I took the clothes “This is the uniform for P.E. Just change out and come outside. By the way I’m Coach Lean.” She turned to the girls “Girls help her if she needs anything.” She walked out to the gym.
They kept staring trying to figure out if they should say anything or just keep changing. I squeezed my new clothes “Umm…” A girl giggled. I looked to the noise. A girl with stick straight blonde hair and light blue eyes wearing an orange gym shirt with a butterfly in the middle gave me a nasty look. I smiled back, tightening my grip on my clothes. I’m not a mean person and I don’t want to give the wrong first impression on all the other girls. She flipped her hair and walked out still laughing but before she closed the door she said “What a boring girl”
A knife stabbed me in the heart. That hurt. I don’t know why it did, I don’t even know the girl and she seems like a real bitch so why do I feel so pathetic? You know what forget about it, one day when I control all the zombies in the world she’s my first victim… I’m so weird.
Two girls wearing the same thing as her followed her. Another girl sighed “Sorry about Angela, she’s a real jerk but not all of us are.” I turned. It’s a girl with shaggy light brown hair that went a little below her shoulders. Her green eyes and expression aren’t very exciting... No I wouldn’t say that, she’s just calm, very mellow. She wore a green gym shirt with a hand in the middle. I noticed her index finger is wrapped in a black vine. That must be her mark, so she’s from the body class.
“No problem.” I reassured her walking closer to her. She came over and grabbed my hands shaking them up and down making my whole body move “Hey I’m Karen from the body class.” Her voice was still calm.
“I’m Letty from the mind class.” The three girls behind Karen giggled “W-what is it?!” I got nervous again. Karen chuckled and sighed putting her hands on her hips “its just the mind class is filled with guys so we think it’s kind of weird…In a funny way” I sighed too. A red headed girl with golden rimmed glasses behind Karen also with a green shirt, her pinky was wrapped in a faded black vine asked “Do you hate it there with a bunch of guys?” I laughed “At first I was freaking out but they all had okay first impressions. I don’t hate any of them.”
“Not even the pervert Stew?”
I shook my head “No, I’ve met worse guys.” I remembered the asshole that dropped me off the roof. Stew is a vampire (My favorite monster) compared to that guy, well I wouldn’t go that far as a vampire… maybe swamp monster. Stew is just a whole lot better.
They all leaned in. Why did the mood suddenly change from girl chatting into gossip feeling? “So how is it having all those hot guys to yourself?” Karen sneered putting her arm over my shoulders. I blushed, they are all really cute. Even geeky spazzy Allen is cute and scary gigantic Brendon is handsome. I smiled pervertidly “It’s awesome.” They all moaned jealous “Urgh! No fair.”
Karen laughed and slapped my back “You know Letty you’re all right.” My back stung but I felt the warmth from Karen’s composed smile. I smiled back “You’re alright too.”
The door opened, it was Coach Lean “Come on girls, let’s hurry up now.” She went out. The girls left except for Karen “See you outside” She walked out waving. I waved back smiling. Cool, I think I just made a new girl friend.
I got dressed and went out. When I did I noticed I had two different socks on, my bloody hand sock on and my brain sock on… I hope nobody notices.
All the classes were separated on the green bleaches by yellow tape. The body class that I guess is green which is the farthest to the back, then the soul class that is orange then my class is the closets, all in light blue. I walked over.
They all waved and said either “Hey!” or “Come on over”. Stew said I think jokingly “Look’ in gooood!” with a thumbs up. Lavi rolled his eyes. I came up “Finally! How long does it take to get dress?” Brendon scoffed leaning back on to two of the bleacher’s benches. “Excuse me for making friends.” I huffed sitting next to Lavi who was next to Stew. Brendon and Shawn are behind us. Marcus is next to Jun that is lying across one bleacher sleeping. Luis is on Marcus’s other side. Elliot is on the gym floor (of course). Allen is criss cross on the floor with him.
Trevor is back behind them but he isn’t wearing his sunglasses. His eyes are a dark gray you could even say they are silver. They’re so gentle looking making his whole face softer. He is much handsomer without the sunglasses.
“Oh you’ve made a friend, how cute!” Lavi teased. I pushed his shoulder “Shut up.” Marcus looked back (which was said in five second) “Who is it? Elizabeth, Anna, Betty, Bridget, Mexi, probably not Angela she’s a jerk…” The other boys nodded agreeing. So everybody knows? “Or Karen?” “Karen.” they all threw their arms in the air and shouted ecstatic “Yay!” “What?” I’m confused again. These boys are so weird it’s hard to keep up with them and I know weird.
“We all know Karen.” Lavi explained and Stew finished “So if we know her it’s all good.” I shook my head “What does that have to do with anything?” Brendon came up like a vampire from a coffin to grunt “Karen talks to everyone in every class.” I raised my eyebrow “Explain further.” Brendon scratched his spiky black hair
“Well…” Elliot lifted his hand “I got this…” Elliot wheeled his chair around to face us. “Letty you know clicks right? Like Goth, preppy, sporty, emo?” I nodded; I think I know where he’s going with this. “We don’t have that but we do have something similar.” I crossed my legs “So who’s the big dogs in this lace?” Elliot wheeled forward and back “You could say it’s the soul.”
Brendon snorted “Please! You mean the soul class is the big stuck up jerks of the North Side of my ass.” Luis, Stew, Shawn and I laughed to that, the rest rolled their eyes. “Yeah, it’s not high school without the dicks and stuck up chicks.” Luis said making a good point.
I stopped laughing and straightened up “Then who are we?” “It doesn’t matter.” They all chorused grimacing. I sneered “So you guys are the losers.” “SHUT IT!” they chorused again but higher pitched and offended. “So it’s true! That’s hilarious!” I laughed my guts out until Shawn leaned over my shoulder “What are you laughing about, if your here that means you’re just as un-cool as us.” His breathe tickled my ear making me shudder. “Ah! Don’t do that!” I shouted, instantly pushing his face back behind me causing him to fall over on his back.
“Ow...” Shawn complained attempting to get back up.
“You deserved it.” Brendon chuckled.
“Pervert” Trevor commented. I smiled delighted he talked.
“I n-never even im-imagined Shawn w-would do something l-like th-that.” Allen said nervously twiddling his fingers
“I expected stuff like that from Stew.” Lavi pointed out glaring at Shawn.
“No fair.” Stew whimpered. Lavi smacked him in the back of the head. Stew corrected himself “I mean! That was a No-No!” he rubbed his head and smiled, Lavi sighed.
“Was that even necessary?” Elliot asked shaking his head ashamed.
“What did I miss?” Jun yawned scratching his back.
“Well Shawn committed sexual harassment on Letty so she propelled his face back to the bleacher behind her, it was sooo funny and we’re all given him the business!” Marcus explained one hundred miles per hour waving his hands around.
“Oh…” He turned to Shawn “Demeure” He laid back down to sleep.
“What did he say?” Shawn asked Marcus a little afraid of the answer.
“Idiot” he smiled.
“Good title” Luis complemented grinning like the Cheshire cat.
Shawn shot back up now standing. He stomped up five bleachers behind us. He didn’t face but stayed facing the other way. “Oh, Shawn come on get over it.” Brendon appalled at the scene his friend was making. ”Sh-Shawn?” Allen said panicking over Shawn feelings. I noticed his face was as red as a tomato.
I giggled. Lavi looked down “Why are you laughing?” The boys leaned in for my answer. I breathed in pulling myself together “Sorry, I didn’t laugh because of his childish storm off but because I noticed when Shawn is embarrassed he won’t look you in the eyes or even face you.” Stew smiled “Yeah, that’ right.” I cocked my head “You noticed too?” Stew shook his head “No…Kind of. Remember I’m an Impath I can feel everyone's emotions so I guessed that was the case. He hates showing a weak side. Shawn always likes to be in control.”
Elliot nodded agreeing “Yeah, his thoughts are the same.” I crawled down to Elliot snickering. “What’s he thinking?” I’m noisy. Elliot raised his eyebrow “Isn’t that an invasion of privacy?” That raised everyone’s attention. Brendon and Stew raced down while everyone else pretended not to care. “Spill it wheel chair kid.” Brendon threatened Elliot raising his gigantic fist, cracking his knuckles. “I’m somewhat offended from that.” Elliot huffed not giving in to our childishness.
A whistle blew off, I jumped (I still get the crap scared out of me if there is an unexpected noise). All our attention went to the middle of the gym. A man with messy brown hair, a stubbly chin, and dark brown eyes wearing a green sweat suit stood in the middle of the gym. “Quiet!” he commanded us. “Now, I’m Coach Jackson…” You could hear all the classes moan at the name. He doesn’t seem very popular.
My imagination instantly saw him as the human dictator that I would have a fierce battle with my zombie army. I glanced at all the boys even Shawn. They can be my Zombie army…I guess, there’s nobody else. A hand waved in front of my face “L-Letty, Y-you okay?” It was Allen. I nodded weakly. I like Allen; he cares about the feeling of people around him.
“Now” Coach Jackson boomed grabbing our attention again. “I say my name because we have a new student” He pointed my way “Letty Clemens from the mind class.” Everyone instinctively stared at me. I think I’m going to melt in a puddle of my own embarrassment. I looked to the coach, he was smiling. He’s enjoying my embarrassment! Yeah, I’m going to one day kill that man.
“Anyways…” he continued bored (jerk) “Today we are continuing the tournament of classes.” I could hear the boys around me snicker excited. Why? And what is the tournament? “The whole point of this ornament is to prove which class has improved the most every month. Which ever class that wins is the top class of the month of November and gets a whole day of any day the class wants and the North Side Trophy” he pointed over to Lean, she was holding a shiny black trophy that was covered in silver vines and at the top is a big silver rose that’s tips were a deep striking red. In the middle of the trophy said in white “The Finest Silver Roses” Couch Jackson continued “The last time we had the tournament the body class lost to both classes.”
I glanced over to the body class. Their heads were down in shame except for Karen who was still paying attention and some boy with shiny black slick hair and deep blue eyes beside her. The boy bounced up and down telling Karen something making her smile and giggle. They gave off a warm atmosphere. I smiled then shook my head. Focus Letty, focus.
I looked back to the coach. He was now next to Coach Lean but only for a second. She handed him a clip board the left going to other side of the gym. He raised the board idly in front of his face not concerned it was tilted. “Let me explain the rules again. Rule one, the first team to capture the other team’s symbol wins.” This seems simple enough. Coach Jackson lifted two fingers “Rule two, no blood if I see even a little bit of blood the class who is responsible for it will automatically loose.” Blood are they excepting it? I cringed, this doesn’t sound like a peaceful game. “Rule three, no permanent damage so” He turned to our class” Luis, don’t make anyone go insane. Trevor don’t go turning anyone into stone.” He turned around to the soul class. “Angela no burns please? I know it’s not permanent damage but still and that goes for Parker, ice can burn. Mexi don’t do any electrocution just small shocks, but not painful!”
Coach Jackson cleared his throat pulling out a pencil from his sweat pant’s pocket “So who wants to hold their class’s symbol?” he looked around. I turned to the boys. They all looked up at Shawn quietly begging “Pleeeeeeeeeeease!” they all sounded so pitiful. Shawn sighed walking back to us “Fine” Then he walked down to the coach. Hold on “Why Shawn?” I nudged Brendon. “Well, because he’s sneakier and more conning then the rest of us, well besides me.” I agree except for Brendon being better “And he knows ho to handle his power. Not to mention his power is more physical than mental.” Elliot explained.
“What does that mean?”
“Ummm…Here! Let me use an example. Luis is all about going into a person’s mind and giving them a false view on things, there not much he can do if they over come that illusion. To put it simply he has no way of fighting back but Shawn on the other hand changes his body feature by thinking of another image its still a mental ability but he has a way to fight back. Do you understand?” I nodded. Shawn can fight and the others mess with peoples heads. “Does anyone else has a physical and mental thingy?” I asked interested in this. He crossed his arms making a weird face…I think he’s thinking. “Trevor can but he’s not aloud to…Allen might being able to go through things because there’s not much thinking involved.” He looked down at me and smiled deviously “You do too.” My eyes grew wide “Really?!” I stood up. Everyone in the gym looked at me. I could feel my face turn red as I sat down. My class chuckled. I stuck my tongue out slouching in on my seat. “Yes you do move real things around.”
My face lit up. “I get it!” I’m so proud of myself. If you create something real it’s more physical and if it’s not actually happening or nothing comes from it, it’s more mental.
“I got it.” Shawn announced swinging a pentagram key chain. He sat down back next to Brendon “Josh has the soul symbol” he told us seriously. I have a feeling he’s going to tell us a game plan in a second but before that I asked “Which ones Josh?” “The boy over there” Elliot said pointing to a guy with red hair to his shoulders covering half his face; his eyes are a dark green. I noticed he is holding a butterfly key chain that’s the same size as ours.
“What’s his power?” I asked still looking at the boy Josh. He’s a little scary looking. “Earth.” Jun yawned sitting up. We all just stared at him. “Jun you’re done sleeping?” Marcus asked his twin. “Oui” He nodded “Je, I want to be…” he searched for the right English words for a second “here…for the tour…na…ment.”
Shawn stood up putting his hands in his pockets “Good we’re going to need you.” He casually leaned back and whistled “Sooo we have seven with mainly mental Elliot, Stew, Luis, Lavi, Brendon, and Marcus. Then we have four with mostly physical Letty, Allen, Trevor, and me. Jun can be either one…”
He walked to the stairs on the bleachers. “But Letty can’t do much because she jut got here so she hasn’t been able to practice and Trevor isn’t aloud to use his power so we’re down two…” I interrupted him “Hey! I can still do something” I huffed crossing my arms pissed. What does he think I am, useless or something?! He walked down some more “Fine, okay…I guess you could do something” He turned around squinting his eyes studying me “I guess that’s acceptable but” He turned around stepping forward finally reaching the gym floor “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“What the hell is that suppose to mean?” I grumbled while everyone got up making their way to the floor chuckling under their breath. “It means…” Stew turned around snickering “don’t do anything stupid” he teased me. I shot up furious. I stomped down the steps. “Oh come on I was only kidding.” Stew whined leaning on y shoulder. I ignored him and flipped my hair in his face. He came off my shoulder making spitting sounds acting like I got hair in his mouth. I giggled, Stew smirked.
I pushed him away laughing “Shut up!” that time I was kidding. Stew did a pretend girly gasp and stomped away like a bitchy teenage hormonal girl then back again to swish his short blonde hair in my face. I laughed “Okay, okay very funny.” I said sarcastically patting his back. He smirked again and wrapped his arms around my waist “I know.” His voice was different, it was almost…manly. I blushed.
The whistle blew off again. I tried to push away from Stew before anyone noticed. Stew laughed like hi normal self letting me go. What was that about? Lavi looked to Stew who was smiling away and whispered “What?” Stew shook his head and laughed “Nothing.”
The whistle blew off again. I jumped freaked from the sudden sound while Coach Jackson immediately spoke “Alright if I could get your attention!” We all stopped talking and looked at him. He continued “Now you have a couple of minutes to strategize” He turned around making a deep grumbling sound then walked over to Coach Lean.
Clap! Clap! Shawn clapped getting our attention “Okay everyone huddle up.” We made a circle. Well kind of, we had to make room for Elliot’s wheel chair. I was next to Stew and Brendon. “So what the hell are we doing?” Brendon leaned in. Shawn looked around breathed in and explained “ Elliot, Stew I want you two on the sides of the gym and make sure you two are never across from each other.” They nodded “But why?” Stew asked confused. “I want you two to tell everyone what they’re going to do next, so we can be on top of them so Eliot read there thoughts, but mainly Josh since his the leader and Stew…Just feel it or whatever you do. Can you two do that?” Stew put his thumb up “Yes, boss!” Elliot smiled “That doesn’t seem too hard.”
“Good, Now Luis…” he turned to look at him. “I want you to create your illusions” “Duh.”
“But!” Shawn is getting irritated. “I only want you to focus on a couple of people.”
“Why? Wouldn’t it be easier just to get rid of them all?”
“Yes, but if you focus on certain people its stronger right?”
“Not really, I suck.”
“No you don’t” he said impatient then breathed in to calm him self down. “One more thing…”
“What now?”
“I want you t start with just the girls then make your way towards the boys.”
“Because girls are more likely to run off screaming from their fears then boys” he tuned to me “no offense Letty” I shrugged “None taken.” He’s right.
Luis nodded “Okay but what if they break from my illusions?” Shawn bit his lip then gave him a wary smile “Just make sure that doesn’t happen” Everyone put on some worried face. I get it. Luis won’t be able to fight back if something happens. I looked around and realized more than half of us can’t defend ourselves.
© Copyright 2008 Madge (creeperbones0 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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