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by Madge
Rated: · Other · Other · #1508235
this is where the explanation is
Chapter 3

I dreamed about zombies raging war against the humans. I was the leader of the zombies and killed a bunch of humans... It was amazing. I could have dreamed that for so much longer if it wasn't for a loud slamming noise. I slowly opened my eyes. It was some women.
She had long dark black hair in a ponytail that was straight but at the end it is curly; her bangs were brushed to one side. She wore a dark red suit with big black buttons that flowed to the collar down. She had big features like big lips, big eyes and gigantic boobs (I'm jealous)! She really is beautiful even though she look so irritated.
She looked around the room. She then walked in and searched everywhere including the medical supply closet and under my bed. "Michael!" the woman yelled. I was right she is angry. A huge area of black smoke appeared within it was Michael. "I didn't do anything?!" he sounded like a little kid about to get yelled at by his mom. "I never said you did! I was looking for you! You did tell me to meet you here. I waited twenty minutes than went to look for you! I just came back here thinking you would be late but I guess I was wrong! I had to call for you like the dog you insist on acting like!" she lectured him…she really does sound like a mom. She was even waging her finger at him. I felt bad for Michael. "I'm sorry Lucy…I had to find the Headmaster and lost track of time…I'm really sorry." He did sound sorry and still like a child in trouble. She sighed and rolled her eyes. I think she forgave him in that way.
"Umm…" I decided to grab their attention before Lucy (that's apparently her name) yelled at him more. They seemed surprised at first like I scared them. Then they just looked at me after a couple of seconds to think about what they were going to do next.
Michael walked to me and put his hand on my head and asked "Are you feeling better?" he now sounded like a nerdy older brother again. "Better" I had to admit I didn't know how but I no longer felt bad…I feel like I could run a mile... Weird. Lucy I think noticed my confusion and changed the subject "Hi, I'm Professor Burnings but everyone just calls me Lucy. I'm a dorm mother slash teacher for the North side." Her voice is so elegant but forceful at the same time. She would be perfect for my Zombie army.
"Hi I'm Letty Clemens" I introduced myself to her. “I’m here to interview you for the transfer." She explained. I nodded my head.
A cell phone went off and a jolt surged through my body. It was a lame disco song coming from Michael…Official nerd. He pulled out his green razor and answered with "Hello, this is Michael" We became silent and waited for him to finish "Yes she is awake… Now? But …but! Okay…" he sighed looking totally defeated. He really gets pushed around a lot.
"Well it seems Headmaster is in his office waiting for us…" he sounded really tired and really annoyed. Lucy shrugged and walked out, I'm assuming to the office. "Can you get up?" Michael gave me his hand and he helped me up. I stood up. Wait a second "How long have I been asleep?" I asked out of the blue. "Just five hours." He notified for me like it was nothing. I didn't make much out of it. It's good to have a nap every now and then even if you're a high schooler.
"This way" he motioned me to follow him. I did so. We entered the hallway. It's not what I expected it to be. It feels empty and cold. I expected it to be filled with a bunch of smart people talking and laughing or creepy mysterious people in cloaks…I would have preferred the people in cloaks. We passed many empty classrooms. "Where are all the students?" I asked still searching for students or at least any form of life. "The north side doesn't have many students we only have around fifty students." He explained very casual again like it was nothing. Why does he do that?
We walked down even farther going through more depressing hallways and stairs rusting from lack of use and cleaning. I feel as if walking through these halls is a bad thing like I shouldn't be here. I became very nervous at that thought.
We came to a huge wooden door that had a red and yellow welcome mat in front of it. The door had two windows that had a design of vines and above the door was a huge painting of a silver rose. While I was gawking at the coolness of the door Michael and Lucy knocked on the door calling "Headmaster?"
"Oh! Yes come on in kids!" the headmaster answered. They opened the door. I saw a gigantic room that had no walls…It was all windows. It was night time and the stars were spread out through out the sky. Sadly the moon was covered with dark blue clouds. You could see the North side court yard and baseball field hidden in trees and light posts next to benches.
The actual room had a desk cluttered with different colored papers. The floor was wooden that had a white fuzzy looking rug. The only other thing in the room was two black leather chairs and the Headmaster behind the desk. The room smelled of cigars and cigarettes.
The Headmaster is an old man. He has a short stubby gray chin and obviously gray hair on his head as well. He had a dirty brown suit on that had an actual rose inside his breast pocket. He had a plaid green and orange vest that had a golden chain attached to it that hooked back to some other pocket inside his suit jacket.
"Sir, please refrain from calling us kids." Michael pleaded degraded. "If I don't call you kids I will have to remember all your names and it's difficult for me to remember such things" the Headmaster teased them. "What?! You don't even know our names!" Lucy shouted at her boss insulted. "Anywhooo…Lets change the subject… Hello… Miss… I'm the Headmaster nice to meet you" the Headmaster acknowledged me and ignored Lucy's argument smiling happily.
"You idiot she's part of this school she has met you before." Lucy snubbed the Headmaster still angry with him I'm guessing. "Oh yes! I knew that!" he obviously lied. Lucy was about to snap at him again when I decided to say "Hello I'm Letty Clemens Freshman from the South side its nice to see you again" He smiled again and cut Lucy down some more by saying "see she doesn't mind me and if you don't mind Lucy can we talk about Letty here instead of you" he turned to her laughing. Michael couldn't help but chuckle in the corner where he seemed to disappear from the conversation.
Lucy huffed and sat down. I sat down as well. My legs were starting to feel like Jell-O from all the pressure. Michel joined the group in between us. The headmaster leaned in his chair to get closer to us and engage in the interview.
I decided to begin with a bunch of questions "So why the heck was I in the air? Am I being punked? How come Professor new what to exactly what to do in my situation? How could I even get out of that situation? How come every time Professor Michael appears it's from no where and it comes with black smoke? Why aren't there any walls in here? Why are there no students anywhere? Why is there such a small student body? If there are only around 50 students are you two the only teachers? Why am I even getting interview anyways? Wait… Is this even an interview?" I finished by crossing my arms. They just stared at me for a second.
Headmaster busted out laughing "Oh my! You're so much fun! I like her, Michael good job finding her!" "Sir! I don't think your setting the proper tone here!" Lucy criticized him. "Well Lucy what would be the proper tone then?" Headmaster cut Lucy down again while Michael and I tried to contain ourselves.
"Well I don't know…Just something more serious! You're the Headmaster for god sakes!"
"God has nothing to with this."
"Sir, all I'm asking is that you would be more serious."
"I am being serious but we could get this done with quicker if you would stop interrupting"
"Fine I'll just shut up! Would you like that Sir?"
"Yes I would thank you!" Headmaster smiled appreciated by her for finally caving in to his silly ness. Lucy stood up and stomped out the door slamming it. "Headmaster should I go get her?" Michael asked. "Nahh. She'll get over it now let's begin this interview by answering your simpler questions first, Okay?" Headmaster asked me for an okay. I nodded my head and he began
"Well for starters you are not getting punked. Secondly we only have five teachers because of not many students they will have one teacher and go through all your classes with that teacher. Thirdly you are getting an interview because we have been looking for someone exactly like you." Before he could go on I interrupted and asked "Why have you been looking for someone?"
He chuckled and continued "You're just choc full of questions! Anyways…I'll answer that question after answering your first questions to better explain that one. Now you were able to fly because you were using a thing called levitation. That is when you are able to move things with your mind and somehow you were able to levitate yourself. You have that ability because as a child or a baby someone came to you and gave you the mark of the pentagram. Michael over there has been marked with the pentagram as well, he can teleport himself or an object to another place. It is also called leaping. He leaves black smoke because that is the sign that he has the mark of he pentagram. You probably in some way leave black smoke at one point as well." I then remembered right before I stopped falling black smoke covered me.
I listened in again "Michael knew what to do because he teaches people how to use their ability everyday and he has learned every ability that can be obtained but he cannot do it himself." He finished.
I blinked a multiple of times before I questioned them "Really?" they echoed me "Really" "Would you like Michael to show you?" Headmaster posed and then motioned to him. "I don't mind" he volunteered. "Alright! Let's see what you got!" I challenged him grinning thumps up. They laughed. Michael moved closer to the back of the room away from me. I turned to him. He was smiling and crossing his arms. Michael smiled and closed his eyes…then disappeared leaving the smoke. I jumped a little surprised.
Lucy slammed the door open ranting her really late come back “I refuse to wait outside when this girl will be my student! I have a right to be here!" She had her finger pointing at the Headmaster when Michael came back right in front of her finger. Lucy squealed surprised and staggered back. Michael shouted and fell on his butt. The Headmaster and I laughed our guts out. Lucy came back up and stamped her feet "That's not funny!" "Oh but it is!" Headmaster barely said from his continuous laughing.
"Sorry Lucy I was just showing Letty an example of the pentagram…" Michael apologized. She sighed and asked "Does she believe you?" They looked at each other then at me and all asked "Do you?" I was baffled by the question for some reason. I knew they were going to ask it and I knew what it meant but I still don't understand. Do I? It makes since…well sort of. I asked "Why do I have it? Who gave it to me? And where is this pentagram? I refuse to believe anything I don't understand!"
Lucy smiled and sat next to me again and said "I like you Letty…I respect that… You have it because in the beginning there were three groups: the mind represented by the pentagram, the body represented by the hand, and the soul which has the butterfly. They were born with these marks or now we could call them birth marks. For us today we have to use our gifts to get the actual mark. After that we have to go through the stages of receiving the mark. I have the mark of the hand" She showed the palm of her hand to me. Her pinky had a vine of black twisting around it. It was so beautiful just like really well done expensive tattoo…I'm so jealous and I don't even want a tattoo.
Lucy continued "You won't have your mark until you finish the stages. You have completed the first one" "What really!" I shouted seriously surprised. When did that happen?! They all laughed. Lucy explained trying to hold her laughter "The first stage is using your gift, next is your body taking in all that power, and then it is receiving your sign and last is using your power again." She finished.
I looked down at my hands. I just noticed I was holding them together squeezing with all my might. I'm kind of nervous… I officially can't walk away from this. I mean where am I going to go? To the south side of school? I doubt that. I might as well go through with it. What else am I supposed to do? "Alright" I closed my eyes and squeezed my hands tighter. "I'll transfer to the North." I said without stuttering. I was completely confident in my answer. I looked up. They were all smiling even Lucy. She has a really pretty smile.
"Now what?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Its late I'll show you to your dorm." Lucy suggested heading towards the door. "I'll do the paper work." Headmaster groaned. Lucy snapped her head back giving him the dirtiest look. "I'll go to my kids…" He told us a little wary. Lucy grabbed my hand and led me out the door with Professor Michael. I looked back and saw the headmaster waving goodbye. I waved back smiling.
Michael went left while Lucy and I went right. "Good night Letty I'll see you tomorrow" Michael said goodbye. "Okay! Night!" I said to him stumbling because Lucy still had a hold of my hand and she walks really fast. Lucy noticed this and let go of my hand. "Lucy? Um…If your symbol thingy is body why are you taking me to the mind place?" I asked. "I'm the dorm mother for the mind dorm because well…" she started but stopped a little nervous about finishing. How come? What’s wrong with the dorm? She finished. "The headmaster thought it would be better if I was the dorm mother because the mind dorm is made of only…Boys." She practically whispered the last part.
"Excuse me?" I asked. She didn't say it was filled with boys did she. That wouldn't be right; I'm a girl why would I be in an all boy dorm. "Let me explain! In the starting we only thought boys had the mark because the mind ancestors of the pentagram were only boys, we didn't really think to look for girls." I stared at her for a second. She had to be kidding me. I get it she's punking me. That would make hell of a lot more sense. I began laughing at her sick joke "You can't be serious! A girl sharing a dorm with a bunch of guys! Good one! Way to get the new girl!" I didn't stop laughing as I looked to see her expression. She was nervous and gave me a weak smile being very serious and said "Letty I'm not punking you…Its okay they aren't so bad so you should be okay…" she walked on motioning me to follow…Oh God! She isn't kidding! I groaned.
We didn't walk too far. The brick building was a huge box that had windows on every floor in a row. The door was a small double door that was a dark wooden brown. A sign hung from the top of it, it had a silver metal sign that said:
"Every creation began in the mind"
I like it but I expected something more along the lines of creepy…At least haunted house looking. I'm a little disappointed. "Come on." Lucy called for me from the inside. I ran to her but she stopped me. "Hold on…I'll tell the boys to go to the kitchen. I want to explain the situation before they meet you." I agreed and waited as she walked up the stairs. I wonder if they’ll freak out or something. I grinned excited.
The room is only a hallway. There are two doors across from each other... and there is an elevator? Why do they have an elevator when there is a black spiral stair case at the end of the room? Weird.
The floor is some sort of bronze tile. The walls are painted with dark brown strips then light. One portrait hung from behind the stair case. It was a woman. She had curly blonde hair tied in a bun that was held by a long sky blue ribbon. Her green eyes sparkled as if they were real. He skin was perfect not pale but not too tanned. Her lips were also a perfect shade of pink. She wore a long sleeved blue and white striped dress that had a white long color that buttoned all the way to the top. She was probably the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I wonder who she is.
I snapped out of my daze because a load chorus of "What!" from above. I stepped closer to hear. Then I heard a group of foot steps stampeding towards the stairs so I backed away. "All of you stop now or forever hold your peace!" Lucy warned the stampede. They stopped and began arguing. I couldn't really understand because they were all talking at once. "Shut up all of you! You can meet her tomorrow! Now go to the kitchen I want to take her to her room so she can rest! Alright! Elliot you're in charge!" Lucy commanded. All the boys moaned and complained. "I don't care go now or else!" she warned them again. I didn't hear them say anything else.
Lucy came down. I gave her a suspicious look and said "They sound great." "They're just excited, come on" she defended them and took my hand leading me up the stairs. I could tell she really did like them. I asked before I forgot "Who is the girl in the photo?" "That was Bronwyn; she was the first girl and the only girl of the pentagram until now." Lucy said. I glanced back to get another look of the picture. It was still there and still very beautiful.
We were at the top. It was a basic living room. Two green couches face a big TV with a Wii and a play station 2 hooked up to it. A desk sat against the wall covered with papers that hid a lap top. Next to the desk was a nice and simple coffee table that had an assortment of air fresheners…That was probably Lucy's idea. There were two white doors on different sides of the large room leading to…I don't know, but one probably leads to the kitchen. The carpet was brown. the walls were green but it was hard to tell because it was covered by band posters, movie posters, and just pictures of what I'm guessing is them with their friends or family. I love this room so much…I want to be a part of these pictures.
Holly Crap! I ran to one movie poster, "A 1974 Texas Chains Saw Massacre poster! Where did they get this! That's so freak ‘in cool!" After I said that so excited I thought I was going to pop from jealousy. I heard laughing and shouting from the kitchen. I think I heard "This chick is so funny!" and "That's so great! We didn't get some girly girl!" and I think I heard someone whimper "Man…I wanted a cutie." Then I think someone hit the guy. I laughed and so did Lucy "I think you're going to fit in just fine."
I smiled and skipped while I followed her out and through the mystery door. It led to a long hallway with nine doors. I guess there are eight boys but some might stay in the same room…I shrugged. Lucy pointed to the door at the far end. I walked in…What the hell! My stuff is already here! "There you go. I'll go to give you some rest." Lucy said as she ran out. Before she was completely out of hearing range I yelled "What if I said no! Huh?!" She yelled back "But you didn't!" She's right…I didn't.
I was finally alone. I looked around my new but old room. My monster movie and skull figurines filled my black metal shelf. My gray desk still had my desktop computer and my horror, sci-fi, and fiction books (non fiction is too boring). My vampire and werewolf pens are still in my lime green cup. My bed cover still had its Godzilla design that didn't really go with my collection of brains, skeletons, and eye ball stuffed toys that I use for pillows. I saw my dresser that had my jewelry, camera, I pod, cads, my mini TV and my dorky Get Fuzzy comic strip calendar. The only difference was the two new windows and my walls were a park purple and my floor was no longer carpet but wooden.
I love it! I jumped on my bed and rolled until I fell off. I lay on the floor…I didn't feel like getting up, until I heard whispers from outside my new door. "Shawn you better stop it!" some boy commanded a boy named Shawn. "Someone please remove Elliot I can't concentrate with a conscience breathing down my neck" Shawn requested and I think someone followed because I heard the Elliot kid rant on how they were gong to get in so much trouble and how it wouldn't be his fault. I laughed.
"Remind us Shawn why do you know how to pick a lock?" Another voice asked…It sounds British? "For this sort of problem" Shawn told them very proud of himself. Isn't he cocky? "When does this even happen?" The British boy asked. "You'd be surprised. Now shut it!" Shawn said then I think began picking my lock. I laughed again and went to my door. I banged it as hard as I could. They all screamed and jumped scared. I busted out laughing. "Very funny!" Shawn yelled. "I know!" I came back with. They were really quite. "See you in the morning" Another boy said one with a deeper voice. I put my ear to the door and heard "She has a nice voice." I blushed.
I opened my dresser grabbed my most comfortable basketball shorts and my huge T-shirt and put it on. I fell on my bed and crawled under the covers. They still had that warming feel, that comfy feeling. I snuggled with an eyeball, my favorite eye ball. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
© Copyright 2008 Madge (creeperbones0 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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