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by Madge
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1508233
This is where the story really begins
Chapter 2
I just wanted to eat lunch

The next three periods were boring and uneventful but it seemed word traveled fast about the North side interviews. It was what everyone was talking about. Even the teachers would visit each other to talk about how they’re hoping they could get an appointment and become a North teacher. Apparently the pay over there is much better.
It was time for my fifth period lunch. I was very excited because I was informed it was macaroni and hotdog day! Two of the best serving in the world put into one dish. So I dashed there and almost ran into six people. I got into the cafeteria and immediately smelt the hotdogs and the cheesy macaroni…Wait... there is also cookies! Sweet! Best lunch ever!
I tried not to run to the line but I failed and pushed people to get to the line (almost) first. I ordered two hotdogs and an extra serving of macaroni with some nice and cold Coca Cola. I saw my seat with my friends but was stopped by a guy I almost didn't recognize him…almost. It was the rude jerk from this morning. I stared at him waiting for him to say something. He began "Hello your Letty? Right" I nodded. "Well I just wanted to apologize." "Okay well you're forgiven." I tried to walk past him but he pressed on my shoulder to stop me. "I owe you…how about dinner or a movie this weekend?" he arrogantly asked me out already assuming I would say yes. "No your apology was enough, but thanks for the offer" I said trying get away again.
"Oh come on…" he urged me while his hand slides down to my arm. His cold hand made my whole arm shiver. He didn't stop there... He then slithered underneath my shirt, and wrapped his thumb in my bra strap pulling it down slowly. Instantly with out thinking I shoved my tray of food in his face. Everyone's eyes wandered to our little scene. The tray fell on the ground, his face is covered in macaroni and ketchup from the hotdog and a bun was glued on his nose from what I think to be the ketchup.
"What the hell!" the perverted jerk (that has a name I don't quit know or want to know). "Now you owe me another apology and $1.75 for lunch!" I yelled demanding all of those things very seriously. I didn't notice all eyes were on me. I blushed humiliated. I darted out. Now that I think about it this is probably the most I've ran in a while. I couldn't think of any other place to run but the roof.
When I got there after slamming the door I sat down gasping heavily to catch my breath. The door flew open. It was him. "Go away! Now!" I commanded still out of breathe. "Oh no! You are going to pay" he sneered as he strutted to me. I of course backed away. I feel sick…There is so much intensity in the air…it's awful. I continued to walk back but he grabbed my wrist and lifted me to my toes.
"No!" I screamed slapping him across the face leaving a little scratch from my nails…That really is two of the four things only girls can do in a fight. We are famous for Scratching Yelling, Kicking, and Slapping (S.Y.K.S). If guys do it they just look gay. "Okay now you are really going to pay!" he shouted right in my face leaving little spit droppings all over my face.
That pervert threw me on the ground onto my side. It stung but I couldn't say it was unbearable. I know it's not going to bleed so I ignored it and pulled myself up back to my feet. I was about to threaten him, like saying I was going to go tell on him. That usually stops guys because girls are most likely to be tattle tale than boys. He instead spoke first but with his hand…He smacked me across the face than pushed me back down. Okay that might bleed.
I was now on my stomach. I didn't get back up, I instead crawled away. Then got up knowing he was a little farther from me. This was stupid of me because he was right there when I got up…I seem to have forgotten he had legs so he could walk. He was right there.
I stepped backed. I was on the ledge of the roof. I'm okay its going to be okay… He mocked me one more time, "So how about I ask this again…Will go with me this weekend?" My eyes widened… Is he seriously asking me that? Wait…what do I say? If I say no, will he hit me again? If I say yes…what will he do?
I sucked in as much air I could try to stop from shaking to make myself seem in control when I'm still freaking out. I hate that feeling, of being scared. It is like the world is spinning and not planning to slow down. You feel empty because no is comforting you and no one is there to save you. You also get the feeling of being the weakness thing in the world…The feeling of powerless ness. "No." I told him flat out still trembling.
He lifted his hand about to strike me when I tried to back up again. "Ahhh!" I yelled so loud it scratched my throat. It failed…No I did get away from him but I was still in danger. I fell off the ledge. Instinctively I grabbed on to the ledge. The ledge was cold and ridged. My hands were so sweaty. I could barely even hold onto it.
Pervert came to the ledge and bent down laughing, "Oh that's hilarious! What kind of idiot walks off a ledge?" I closed my eyes tightly and set my head down. I think I'm going to cry. "I'll help you up if you go out with me." He declared still smug. "Damn you're persistent…" I forced out struggling on the edge, "Still it's a no…I can get up myself!" I shrieked. That I think was a bad move because he took my hands from the edge and lifted them into the air with myself. "Fine then have it your way!" he shouted as he let me go.
Falling…It's a strange feeling. The wind thrashed against me and danced through my clothes. It was so cold. I closed my eyes and began to cry. I tightened myself to be ready for impact. It seemed to take forever for me to reach the ground. I stared at the sky imagining myself there…
Black smoke covered me …I suddenly stopped falling. The smoke was gone leaving nothing. I was in place in the air. Not going anywhere and I'm defiantly not moving. That came to an end. I was raised to the level of the roof but five feet from it. "W-what is t-this?" I barely muttered. Am I doing this? No…that's impossible. My body is no longer shaking. It was somehow at peace in its own weird way but that didn't stop me from continuing to cry my eyes out.
Pervert was still there and gasped "No F-ing way!" he backed away a little afraid…of me? Why? Oh yeah…I'm flying, normal people don't do that. He ran out slamming the door shut. "JERK!" I screamed loud enough for him to hear me. That pisses me off! That perverted jerk! Leaving a poor crying girl in the air about to (probably) fall to her death! This is a whole other level for him now he is a perverted jerk that is a coward… He deserves this pathetic title if I do say so to myself, well actually think to myself. Wait! What am I doing!? I'm in the freak’ in air! This is not the time to be mean! My being piss slowly faded and became terror again.
I looked around the sky to see if anything is near me so I could pull myself back to the roof…Nothing just a bunch of worthless air. I looked closer to the ground, to the outside walls. There is a gutter but I can't reach it. It's pointless.
"Oh! My God! Miss stay there!" a man from below told me. I looked down. There was no one there but there was black smoke filling the court yard below me. "Miss over here" I jumped that somehow lifted me into the air more. It was the same man that yelled to me but he was under me. How is he on the roof now? "Don't worry your going to be okay!" he calmed me down. His voice is so sweet and warm like an older brother.
Actually he looks young enough to be my older brother, twenty six maybe. His simple blues eyes are hidden by blonde hair (that seriously needed a cut) and big thick rimmed glasses that looked great next to his peach skin and gray suit (nerd)... I tilted my head. I'm confused. Who is this guy? I've never seen him. He must have noticed since he introduced himself "Hello I'm Professor Michael, I'm a teacher from the North side of the school and you are?" North side! I stammered half afraid of falling and half nervous from North side teacher (and I might fall). "I'm uhh…L- Letty Cl-Cl- Clemens…fro- from the so- South Side!" I said that loudly still crying. I'm might be a little hysteric or a whole bunch of hysteric .Yeah the second one.
He smiled pleasantly and said very coolly "It's going to be okay Letty. Just do exactly as I say and you'll be fine…Can you do that?" I nodded my head. I didn't want to talk anymore. "Great" he said collected and very professional…like he has done this sort of thing before. That calmed me down some.
"I need you to pull yourself to me…Do you know what I mean when I say that?" he asked. I shook my head. "Alright Mum…Oh! It's like stretching! When you stretch you pull yourself" he said as if it was an epiphany. Professor Michael demonstrated by popping his back. "Now do you understand?" he asked now holding out his hand to me. I nodded.
I closed my eyes again to add dramatic affect. Come on! This is like a scene in a movie! I have to do stupid cheesy things like that! "Letty?" Professor asked for me to see if I was still with him. I opened my eyes. Never mind, me closing my eyes seemed to worry him…Dammit. I tried popping my back but that made me come up so suddenly I yelped, "Oh God!" I think I might become hysteric again. "Letty! Its okay! Just remain calm! Pull your body to me!" he yelled snapping me out of my panic.
I tried again but this time I pointed both my arms to him. He encouraged me "Good idea, now keep going." I reached for him. . I looked like superman. I moved slowly but surely to him. "That's good, just a little closer" he encouraged me more. I felt a little better by his words. I breathed and pushed harder.
Right when I was close enough he grabbed my hands and pulled me into him in a hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around him while my feet planted on the ground. I covered my face in his shirt and cried. He hugged me back and rubbed the back of my head gently as he reassured me "Your fine…Its okay now…You did it"
I let go but I didn't stop crying. "I need to take you to the nurse. Can you walk?" he asked slowly. I tried and failed .My legs twisted around each other making me trip over. I would have fallen over if Professor Michael didn't grab my arm. "I guess not." He sighed then picked me up and cradled me in his arms. I blushed. I'm in a hot older man's arms! This is so awesome! I wonder if he likes zombies. (If he did he would be perfect).
He took me down the stairs. To the entrance door that led to the hallways. "If you want we can pretend you passed out so you don't have to be embarrassed." He suggested. That's very clever. "Yes! Please!" I begged. He laughed while I closed my eyes. "You might want to wipe your eyes before we go" he recommended. I did so quickly. He laughed again. He has a dorky laugh.
He opened the door. I could hear the squeaky rusted sound of it turning. When we entered the hall a burst of cold wind hit me. I shivered. I think he did too. I giggled, he shushed me. I could hear the sound of whispers and quiet conversations. I couldn't help but think they were about me…I feel even more sick.
"Sir! Is Letty okay!?" Cloey (I think) asked freaking out. "Yes she'll be fine she just passed out" he eased my friend. "What do you mean she just passed out?! It's awful! Do you know why!?" Kayla asked a little pissed, she is just worried bout me. "Where are you taking her?!" Cloey asked a little more freaked than she was before.
Professor Michael answered all the questions one by one in order very serenely "I mean she just passed out, yes it is awful, I don't know why, and I'm taking her to the nurse" they were about to ask more questions but he answered their questions (he's good). "No you can't come, why, because I have to take her to the North side infirmary because I'm Professor Michael from the North side so I can't go to the South side at all unless I get a call from the Headmaster. So if you'd excuse me." I felt my feet turn back by something soft. From what I can guess, he slid between the two.
He continued to walk. We exited the South side part of school entrance, when I noticed something. I opened my eyes. I questioned him "Are we really going to the nurse from the North because you can't go to the South?" I wasn't really convinced by what he said before. "Hmm…you're good. No it's because I have to introduce you to the headmaster and Lucy" he explained very impressed, like he didn't think I was that smart. "Why?" I'm confused. "We need to interview you first so we can transfer you to the North side." He put in plain words for me to understand. "Okay, I'm even more confused" I admitted in a loud huff than crossed my arms. He laughed his dorky laugh and said "Don't worry I'll explain it more when you get a nice rest."
I needed rest. I was so tired. My arms drooped from the cross they were in. My eyes became very heavy. Then my body became heavy as we moved on. How far is the infirmary from here? It doesn't matter. Maybe I should just sleep now… I closed my eyes. I listened to Michel's sounds. His breathe and foot steps were almost musical…They're like a lullaby…I slowly faded away in Michael's warm arms.
© Copyright 2008 Madge (creeperbones0 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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