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by Madge
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1508231
This begins the story for Letty it's the beginning of her day/foreshadowing
Chapter 1
South Side Morning

The awful hot sun simmered my pale face. It naturally woke me up. Ugh…I hate the sun. It should always be raining or at least cloudy.
I yawned while I stretched my tired muscles across my cozy bed. The covers laid across my cold body brushing it to the very centimeter. It’s so comforting. The bed is probably most comfortable thing in the world. Nothing can compare to it, not a loved one or even chocolate. People come home every night for a bed.
         BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My whole body jumped. When I realized the time 7:30, I moaned. I hate Wednesday for many reasons; One its not Saturday and two…it’s not Saturday. I slammed my alarm clock to shut it up, but it kept making the most annoying sound in the world BEEP!  So instead of hitting it again I slapped the thing. It came out of the socket to the floor making a loud crashing noise. I really hate Wednesday.
         There was a knock on the door that sent another jolt through my body. It was my other alarm clock, Kayla from down the hall. Her blonde hair bounced up and down when ever she made the slightest movement, her blue eyes always shined with excitement, but she always had to much make up on that always made me cough. She spoke, “Letty wake up! You’re going to be late!” her voice is way too high pitched and squeaky for the morning…Never mind her voice is the most annoying sound in the world.
So I looked up to Kayla and gave her a frown thanking her but it was mostly a grunt, “Thanks Kayla…” “No problem” she sighed as she skipped out and down the hall. I waited until I could no longer hear the pitter patter of her sandals so I could yell “Urgh!” I rolled off my bed on my side with a thud! It’s the only real way to wake myself up. If only there was some sort of invention that pushes you off the bed instead of that damn alarm clock. If only though.
I staggered getting up and smacked into the closet door, hitting my other side. I slid my way in and searched for the pieces of my uniform, a white button up blouse, the gray loose sweater vest (only thing that separates me from the rest of the tightly vested girls), then the purple bow that I tied around my neck accidentally chocking myself for a second, then my purple and yellow plaid knee length skirt that should be burned and the Mary Janes with the purpose of giving me blisters.
I put everything on as fast as I could, but then I noticed that I moaned and groaned every time I moved…Ti He I’m a zombie. As I walked to the bathroom I lifted my arms like any cliché zombie and tilted my head groaning “I shall eat your brains! Oooh…Ahhh!”
When I was in front of the mirror I stopped and laughed at myself. It was my hair. I have really short and choppy dark brown hair that ended barely below my ears with bangs laid across my forehead that touched the tops of my hazel eyes that were a mix of green and brown. It’s great to have short hair but it is also bad, like now it’s tangled enough and twisted enough to be perfect for a bird’s nest. I tried to brush and straiten it to the best of my suckish abilities.
I finally finished. I turned around a couple of times to check myself out. I think I’m pretty but my body sucks. My body is the definition of flat and strait. Sure I have boobs but really there more like nubs. I could pass off as a stick figure… You know you’re at your all time low if you compare your self to a definition and a doodle.
Last but not least for my uniform, the Silver Rose Academy clip. It is just a small silver rose clip on top of a silver vine. I stuck it in between my bow like I usually do…Well at least until I take it out to put it on my vest. The school says it would be more professional (which is a load of crap) if we put it on this way, on the top almost to the shoulder so the bow wouldn’t cover it. The bow is really huge it stuck out to the far sides of my boobs (nub). Now I’m ready to learn or fall asleep during class, which ever comes first!
I walked out of my bathroom then out my room into the hallway. I started for the cafeteria. I began to think…The school or boarding school or whatever is okay…It has good food, nice people, and I get my own room. It’s a great place to be except for…well I love blood, guts, skeletons, bugs, brains, zombies, aliens, Star Wars, horror flicks, torture, ghosts, Halloween, and Phobias… the normal.
Well no one else here understands me. It’s lonely…Every time I try to bring up my loves and hobbies people tune me out and change the subject. I‘m starting to loose hope on finding someone ho gets me and wants to share my loves with me.
I entered the cafeteria and instantly see my friends (the weird hyper people that are waving hard enough to start a tornado). I go over and sit. I then became aware that I didn’t even have my food yet. So like an idiot I calmly got out of my chair while my friends giggled under their breathe trying to be nice. You know the whole “We make fun of you because we love you” crap, even though it’s true.
It’s not that hard to find the food it’s the place with the gigantic sign that says “Breakfast.” I rolled my eyes at the way the administration thought how low our IQs were. I dashed towards the lucky charms and orange juice. I never like the whole milk in your cereal thing. It just makes it mushy and sickening. I love lucky charms out of all the other breakfast food (because it has artificially flavored marshmallows) so I just eat out of the box or the miniature boxes they give us with a side of orange juice.
The boy next to me shoved me to move forward. I didn’t notice I was holding up the line. I snarled at the boy “Just because I wasn’t paying attention doesn’t give you the right to be rude!” I finished my lecture to the rude boy with a brilliant huff. I spun around to my table of hyper freaks. I think the boy cursed something nasty about me but I ignored it and continued feeling smug.
I sat down when they were in mix conversation. All I heard was people I don’t know’s love life. I would have drowned myself in my lucky charms if it wasn’t for my splendid imagination. I imagined the orange juice was blood, the marshmallows were brains and then the cereal was pieces of skin. I enjoyed that.
The bell ringed which scared the crap out of me…Why am I so jumpy today? Like always it was bedlam trying to get out of the cafeteria in time for the next class. It’s really the most idiotic thing in the world. There are two doors to get out of the cafeteria but they only let us use one (that is guarded by two teachers). Because of that a huge puddle of kids are trying to flow out but it’s really pushing out. One day the door is going to break from the way people use it to push themselves out. I’ll be the first to laugh.
We finally got to homeroom. Everyone was with their friends talking about the latest fashion, sports, or school…The usual. Not me I’m reading, “It will only hurt a second” It’s a new horror book that is above the school book rating so I disguised it with the cover from “Sister Hood of the traveling pants”. I really like it. It has murder, ghosts, and blood. What more can a girl ask for?
The teacher Mrs. Peply came in. Mrs. Peply is a always exhausted you can tell because she always has her red hair up in a messy pony tail, dark circles around her eyes, she always has many new wrinkles every month, and casual but professional clothing (she stopped wearing make up after the second week of school). Her walk is more of a shuffle. So she shuffled to her desk.
Everyone became silent, so she could murmur her directions for our first period Geometry “Everyone I want you to finish your packet I gave you yesterday, while I go get some…” she finished as she walked out the door “coffee” We all do a simultaneous  sigh from our teacher’s lack of effort.
But even so we got out our packet (I grabbed my skeleton pencil with a brain eraser) and subsequently find a group to work with. I choose Maddie and Cloey like I always do. I like them because they don’t except me to know all that girly crap so they talk about cool and interesting things…I respect them in the best way I can, I interject in the conversation.
Maddie began, she has long brown hair, brown eyes, and doesn’t wear the vest part of the uniform “Have you two heard about the North looking for a new student?” I lean in to listen to the whole thing.
I love gossip about the North side of the school. Silver rose academy consists of two schools, the North roses and the South roses. I am a student of the South side…the normal average people. The North side is filled with secrecy no one has seen any of those students since the meet and greet for students to meet their teachers and the first day of school when we have this huge ceremony. You can call them the over achievers, the brightest crayons in the box, or plain and simple nerds. We call them the secret society of mystery and freakiness.
“Why?” I asked now enraptured by the new news on the secret society of the mystery and freakiness. “It seems that one of their classes isn’t filled all the way.” She whispered like as if it was part the secret itself. “How are they going to find the student?” Cloey raised a very good point. As Maddie gave us more information we slowly leaned in lifting ourselves form our seats, “Well there going to interview everyone at our part of the school also the headmaster said that if anyone doesn’t go to their interview they get detention during lunch for the rest of the year.” “Wow…they mean business” Cloey said shocked and a little disgusted by the punishment. “But aren’t they just going to interview the honor students?” I asked confused, it’s the perfect student part of the school why would they interview the dumb or average people? “That’s the really cool thing! The headmaster said that their okay with having raw material!” Maddie said so excited she would have jumped out of her seat if it wasn’t for my hand on her arm holding her back.
Ms. Peply shuffled even slower than before into the classroom yawning “I hope you all are almost done with the packet” she sat down at her chair behind her desk and lifted her eyebrows in question of us. We all hunched over and got back to work a little surprised by our teacher’s sudden interest.
The bell rang, surprising me enough to make me yelp. Everyone laughed as they left one by one while I blushed leaving last.

© Copyright 2008 Madge (creeperbones0 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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