Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1508132-The-Captive
Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1508132
Julie gets a surprise from her babysitting gig.
WARNING: This item contains ADULT MATERIAL +18, if things such as erotic tickling, bondage or lesbian love offend you please do not enter.
Another thing: This is not mine! I DID NOT WRITE THIS. I take no part in the writing of this item. Was found at: http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/gonzo117/Stories.html

As the fall evening grew cooler, Julie wished she had brought a sweater as she stepped up to Lucy Jensen's front door. All she wore was a floral sleeveless dress and flats, and she was feeling the chill in the air. It had been years since Julie had done any babysitting, not since high school, and as she now rang Lucy's doorbell, unfond memories of the brats she had been asked to watch on those occasions flashed through her mind. It was no wonder that when Lucy, a single mother whom she had gotten to know this semester at community college, had asked Julie between classes this morning if she could watch her daughter tonight, Julie had hesitated. "Please say you will," Lucy had said sweetly, wrapping her long, slim fingers around Julie's hand. "I've got a date tonight with someone very special and my mom's got the flu. I don't know who else I can ask at this short notice." Lucy was very nice, and very pretty: winsome, with smiling blue eyes and short blond hair. Julie had liked the feel of Lucy's hand around hers, and couldn't help but be a little jealous of Lucy's date. "It wouldn't really be like babysitting," Lucy had reasoned. "Karen's sixteen, after all. I just get worried leaving her alone in the house. Besides," she had smiled, giving Julie's hand a gentle squeeze, "I think she'll really like you. I know I do." "In that case, how can I refuse?" Julie had smiled back . . . "Hi. Are you Julie?" A teenaged girl with long blond hair and blue eyes stood in the open doorway. She wore a soft cotton blouse, jeans and black socks, and had a bright grin on her face. "That's me," Julie smiled back. "You must be Karen." "Yup. Come on in. Mom's already left," Karen explained, closing the door behind them. As they walked into the living room, another girl with somewhat darker, shoulder length hair, dressed in a sweatshirt, shorts and white socks, walked in from the kitchen.
"This is my friend Keri," Karen said. "Hi, Keri." "Hi," Keri smiled shyly. Julie raised one eyebrow. "So I'm babysitting the both of you, is that it?" Karen rolled her eyes, still grinning. "We're not that bad." Julie laughed out loud. "It's no problem." "Cool," Keri smiled more broadly. "I just nuked some popcorn, if you guys want some." The three settled down in the living room with popcorn and soft drinks, Julie on the sofa, Keri in a big leather recliner, and Karen on the carpeted floor on her stomach, turning on the television set and flipping through channels with the remote. At one point Karen set down the remote to grab a fistful of popcorn, and a scene from an old film appeared on the screen. In it, an escape artist was hanging upside down in a tank full of water, endeavoring to free himself from the confines of a straight jacket.
Keri began to giggle. "Hey, Kar, you remember when we tied Sharon up last summer?" Several kernels of popcorn sputtered through Karen's lips as she laughed. "Yeah. She couldn't get loose. She started to really get scared, even though she was laughing." Julie grinned. "You know, when I was little, and we played cowboys and Indians, I was always the white settler woman who got caught by the Indians. The other kids would tie me up, but I always got loose." Karen looked back at Julie with her head propped up on one hand. "Really? "Yup. Always managed to wriggle out." "I'll bet Keri and I could tie you up so you couldn't get loose." Julie smirked. "I don't think so." Karen sat up. "Wanna bet?" "Oh, please," Julie rolled her eyes. Keri spoke up now. "Dare you. Double dare you." Julie had long ago recognized that not once in her life had she been able to resist a dare, and it was quickly becoming evident to her that this time was not going to be an exception. She thought for a moment. "What are you going to tie me up with?" The two teenagers looked at each other.
"If it's rope, forget it," Julie said firmly. "Rope burns." "Don't you have some old stockings we can use, Kar?" Keri asked. Karen turned the television set off and stood up. "Good idea." She ran off to her bedroom and came back with two pairs. As Julie sat forward on the sofa with her wrists together, Karen took one stocking and wrapped it tightly around Julie's wrists, ending up by tying what she thought was her best knot. Julie wriggled her arms around and around and back and forth for several minutes and managed to free herself. "Hey!" Karen exclaimed, disappointed. "Let me try." Keri said. She took the stocking from Julie, who, smirking knowingly, again offered her wrists for bondage. Keri looped the nylon around and between Julie's wrists, finished with a knot and stepped back. It took Julie several minutes longer, but just as a satisfied grin began to form on Keri's face, Julie again freed herself. "See? That was too easy." "Okay," Keri said. "We'll try it one more time. But this time, you sit in the recliner, okay Julie?" "Sure," Julie smiled, stepping over to the recliner and sinking into it, "but it won't make a difference." "We'll see," Keri said, stepping behind the back of the recliner. "Gimme you hands." Julie raised her hands over her head, and Keri pulled them back behind Julies head, again wrapping the stocking tightly around Julie's wrists. As she did this, she looked at her friend and nodded at Julie's legs. Karen caught on immediately and grabbed another stocking.
As Karen approached Julie, Keri pulled Julie's arms toward her, yanking Julie back. Julie's weight against the back of the recliner forced it to open up, and the footrest brought her legs up. "Hey!" Julie started. "Relax," Karen said, winding a stocking around her bare ankles. "We're just making you comfortable." "Now wait a minute," Julie protested, "you guys are going too far." She tried to lift herself up, but Keri had already stretched the nylon down and was tying the end to the rear base of the recliner, pinning back Julie's bare biceps on either side of her head. Karen quickly bound Julies ankles together, brought the loose end of the stocking down beneath the footrest and, stretching the nylon tautly, fastened it to the connecting rods.
When both girls were done they stepped back to admire their handiwork. Julie was indeed struggling against her bonds, yanking at her wrists and wiggling her feet. She tried this for several minutes before finally realizing that she wasn't going anywhere. "See?" Keri grinned. "Told you we could do it," Karen agreed. Julie relaxed. "Okay, okay, you win. I can't get loose. You can let me go, now." Karen laughed out loud. "No way!" "C'mon," Julie said. Karen looked Julie over and noticed that Julie's flats had slipped off her heels and were dangling on her toes from her constant wriggling. She reached down, placed her index finger behind the heel of Julie's left shoe and flicked her finger up quickly, sending the shoe flying off of Julies bare foot. "Hey!" Julie cried. "Oops," Karen giggled. "You lost your shoe." She reached down again and flicked off Julie's other shoe.
"Hey!" Julie cried again. "Give me back my shoes!" Karen nudged her friend with her elbow and winked. Keri grinned back, and the two knelt on the floor on either side of the footrest. Karen studied Julie's bare soles. The balls and heels of her feet were flushed pink, and the skin on her arches and beneath her toes was pale. There was no musky odor, but rather the very slight fragrance of perfumed soap. "C'mon, guys, let me go," Julie whined. "Know what I read someplace, Julie?" Karen asked. "What?" "I read that in the Pacific islands, when the tribes went to war with each other, they would torture their prisoners. The men would torture the male prisoners, and the women would torture the female prisoners . . . " "Karen," Julie warned nervously, "this isn't funny any more. Let me go." "And the men used all kinds of nasty tortures on the male prisoners, like burning them with hot coals, or burying them up to their necks on the beach and waiting for the tide to come in. But you know how the women tortured their female captives?" "Karen, please . . . " "I'll tell you how. They tickled their feet." Julie's eyes widened. "Karen, no! Please!" In unison, each girl brought one hand toward each of Julie's bare feet and began to gently caress the soles, gliding their fingers very lightly up and down, up and down.
Julie bucked, yanking frantically at the nylons binding her wrists and ankles. She wasn't giggling yet, but she clamped her eyes shut, shaking her head from side to side, burying her face into her stretched biceps, trying with all the will power she could muster to cope with the terrible tickling sensations on the soles of her feet. "Stop! Stop it! It tickles!" The two girls kept tickling while Karen went on with her history lesson. "Yup, they would just tickle their feet, very slowly and very lightly, just like this, all over . . . " Karen slowly glided her fingertips across Julie's right sole, around the outer edge of her foot, and began to gently stroke the top of her foot, from the tops of the toes to the ankle, while Keri continued to softly caress Julie's left sole with the soft pads of her fingertips, up and down, up and down. A smile finally grew on Julie's face. "Tee-hee-hee-hee- hee. Stop it. Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee. It tickles."
No matter how much Julie wiggled her feet, Keri kept stroking up and down Julie's left sole, never changing her technique, always lightly running the five fingertips of her left hand from the ball of the foot just below the toes, slowly down the sole, along the arch and edge of the foot, down to the soft heel, and then slowly back up again, gently, almost lovingly, as if Julie's bare sole craved Keri's soft touch. Karen ran the fingertips of her right hand up and down the top of Julie's right foot several more times before gliding them up over the tips of the toes and back down to the sole, stopping just at the top of the arch. She then began to wiggle her fingertips there, slowly, lightly teasing the skin. Julie began to laugh out loud now. "Sto-hah-hah-hah- hahp! Plea-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-heese!" Karen continued her oration while she and Keri tickled and tickled. "Could you imagine being one of those women being tortured, Julie? Two women, or maybe even three or four, tickling and tickling all over your bare feet?" With that, Karen brought her left hand up and began to lightly wiggle her fingertips along the skin on the top of Julie's right foot while the fingertips of her right hand wiggled just as slowly and lightly and fiendishly along Julie's right sole. "And they would never stop, Julie," Karen said. "If the women tickling you got tired or bored, there were always more to take their places. They would just tickle and tickle your feet."
Keri followed suit, tickling with both hands, flicking all of her fingertips just a bit more quickly, but just as lightly and teasingly, on every bit of skin, all over the sole and top of Julie's left foot. Julie was in hysterics now, guffawing and thrashing as wildly as her bonds would allow, pleading and begging the girls to stop tickling her feet between insane shrieks of laughter. "Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah! Sto-hah-hah-hah-hah-hahp! It ti-hi-hi-hi-hicles! You're tickling my fe-hee-hee-hee-heet!" The two girls were merciless in their torturing of Julie's bare feet. The lightness of their touch never wavered. Both girls had very short nails, and they never scratched, never allowed their fingertips to do any more than flick teasingly on the skin. They were oblivious to Julie's screams of laughter, and hardly more than a grin appeared on their faces. They were immersed, totally fascinated with the sensations they knew their fingertips were producing on the skin of Julie's feet. They tickled and tickled. Ultimately, all Julie could do was laugh and laugh. Her mind could not even form the words she needed to plead for mercy. All that existed in her universe was helpless laughter and the awful constant tickling from the ten dancing fingertips that felt like ants crawling all over her bare feet. Just as Julie thought she was about to lose her mind and consciousness seemed to begin to cloud over, the tickling stopped abruptly.
Julie's laughter ceased just as suddenly, and as she fought to regain her breath, she opened her eyes and saw what had interrupted her torment. Three women had entered the living room. One of them was Lucy, who was closing the door behind them. The others were an Italian-looking girl with curly, shoulder-length brown hair and a Mexican with an ebony pony tail ending at the middle of her back. All three were dressed to kill, with very high, very clinging evening dresses, sheer stockings and heels. They stood there, taking in the sight of the two teenaged girls kneeling at the bare feet of a bound and helpless Julie. "Looks like we missed the real party, ladies," the Mexican girl smirked. Lucy placed her hands on her hips and looked sternly at Karen. "What's going on?" "We were just tickling Julie's feet, Mom," Karen said as innocently as she could. "Lucy, untie me, please!" Julie cried out. "They were driving me crazy!" "Karen," Lucy said calmly, "go up to your room. We'll talk later." "Yes, Mom," Karen sulked. She rose and headed toward the stairs. The Italian-looking girl shot a withering stare at Keri. "That means you too, Keri." "Yes, Mom." Keri rose and followed Karen up the stairs. When they heard Karen's bedroom door shut, the three women walked over to Julie. Lucy knelt at Julie's right side, Keri's mother at her left, and the Mexican at her feet. Lucy stroked Julie's damp forehead. "Oh, Sweety. I'm sorry, hon." "It's okay." Julie enjoyed Lucy's touch for a moment.
"Can you untie me, now?" Keri's mother also reached over to stroke Julie's hair. "I hope you'll understand that the girls didn't mean any harm," she said sweetly. She leaned over and softly kissed Julie on the cheek. "This is Monica, Julie, that special someone I told you about," Lucy told her. "Are you sure you're okay?" Lucy then also began to plant soft kisses on Julie's forehead and right cheek. "No harm done." The thrill of having these two beautiful women lavish such loving attention on her was almost enough to make her forget the torment their daughters had just inflicted on her. "It's just that they were so tickly, and I'm so ticklish." The Mexican girl started to stroke the tops of Julie's feet soothingly with the palm of her right hand. "Poor thing. I'm Esperanza, Julie. Now that we're here, maybe we can help you to feel better." With that, Esperanza lowered her lips to Julie's toes and softly kissed the tip of each toe one by one. "Poor thing," Lucy cooed over and over again, caressing Julie's brow and kissing her cheek. "Yes, poor baby," Monica whispered, letting her kisses stray from Julie's left cheek to the underside of her left biceps, kissing softly up to the elbow and back down to the biceps, sending chills through Julie's spine.
The tender kisses that these three women were planting on her cheeks and arms and toes were sending electric pleasure throughout Julie's body, impulses that seemed to culminate between her bound legs. She could feel herself moistening, feel her clit beginning to swell. She moaned. Lucy brought her face away from Julie's and began to run the tip of her right index finger's long nail along the underside of Julie's right biceps. She smiled sweetly. "You know, I've noticed the way you've been stealing looks at me this semester. I like it. And I like you. You're so sweet. I love your smile. And I love your laugh. You really sounded so cute when we walked in and the girls were still tickling your feet." Having said that, Lucy lowered her mouth to Julie's smooth, shaven right armpit and, with the tip of her tongue, licked at it once, very slowly. Julie giggled abruptly. "Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee! No, not that!" Monica grinned wickedly and brought her own mouth to Julie's left armpit, interspersing soft kisses with light, quick flicks of the tip of her tongue. "No-ho-ho-ho-ho! Plea-hee-hee-hee-heese!" Julie laughed out loud. "Well," Esperanza spoke up, "I guess I get these tasty feet." With the flat of her tongue, Esperanza licked once, slowly and steadily, from Julie's left heel up to her toes. She went to Julie's right foot and licked once in just the same way, from heel to toes. Back to the left sole for one lick, then back to the right sole for another lick, over and over, while Lucy and Monica licked and licked Julie's bare armpits. Upward licks, over and over again. Like kittens lapping up milk. Julie was in hysterics for the second time tonight, but this time the torturous tickling was compounded with Lucy's constant whisperings of, "Poor thing. Sweet, sweet thing," between licks at Julie's right armpit. Julie also felt her crotch getting wetter and wetter. Julie's squeals of laughter suddenly heightened in pitch, and Lucy and Monica stopped licking to see that Esperanza was now using her long fingernails, quickly fluttering the tips up and down Julie's sensitive bare soles. Monica returned to attack Julie's left armpit, using her own long fingernails in light, downward scratches. Lucy reached down with her right hand and tickled all over Julie's ribs and stomach.
"Aw," Lucy teased, "Poor Julie's ticklish. Tickle, tickle, tickle." "Hah, hah, hah, hah!" Julie screamed. "Ple-hee-hee- heese! No more!" Lucy showed no mercy, though, and as Monica scratched lightly at Julie's left armpit and Esperanza continued to tickle and tickle all over Julie's bare feet with her long fingernails, Lucy propped herself up, placed her hands on either side of Julie's rib cage and tickled. "Kootchie, kootchie, koo. Tickle tickle, tickle." She dug her fingertips into Julie's ribs all over, up and down, over and over again, tickling and tickling with the same fervor her daughter had displayed when she had tickled and tickled Julie's bare foot. Lucy tickled Julie's tummy, went back to her ribs, back down to her tummy, and then quickly reached down, grabbed the hem of Julie's floral dress and pulled it up above her waist. She reached up beneath the dress and found Julie's breasts. Julie was wearing a satin bra, and Lucy tweaked at the nipples, lightly scratching at the tips of the nipples through the fabric with the tips of the nails on her index fingers. "Tickle, tickle, tickle. Tickle, tickle, tickle."
Julie was frantic. Her deep guffaws were quickly interspersed with high-pitched squeals of laughter. Monica savagely tickled both armpits, Lucy tickled her nipples and her ribs, Esperanza tickled and tickled her bare feet, and the entire time her crotch was getting wetter and wetter, and her clit was tingling, almost burning, getting more and more swollen. Lucy sensed this and withdrew her hands from Julie's nipples and ribs. She reached down, placed the palm of her right hand on the crotch of Julie's satin panties. When she felt the tip of Julie's swollen button beneath the fabric, she wiggled the tip of her middle finger over it very quickly. "Julie's ticklish here, too," Lucy cooed. "Julie's a very ticklish girl. Tickle, tickle, Julie. Tickle, tickle, tickle." Monica now had gone back to licking Julie's left armpit, up and up, over and over, while she squeezed and fondled Julie's breasts. Esperanza was endeavoring to cover every square inch of bare skin on Julie's feet with her tongue. Lucy continued to tickle the tip of Julie's clit through the fabric of her panties. It was too much. The tidal wave of sensation overwhelmed Julie. The tickling of her clit had become unbearable. Her laughter stopped for a moment. He breath caught in her throat. Lucy said the word "tickle" one last time, and Julie grunted so hard that she thought her throat wouldn't bear the strain. There was an explosion of release within her, and then another, and then a third and a fourth. Her grunts softened, turned to moans, and she realized that the tickling had stopped.
"That was so cool," Esperanza said and began to undo the stocking that held Julie's ankles. Monica rose, stepped behind the recliner, undid Keri's handiwork and then looked at her watch. "Christ," she said, "look at the time. I've got to work tomorrow." "Same here," Esperanza said. She got up and planted a soft kiss on Julie's lips. "Nice meeting you, Julie. Hope we can do this again soon."
Julie could only nod. "Me, too," said Monica. She leaned down, kissed Julie on the lips and turned to Lucy, who was still kneeling at Julie's right side. "Keep my brat until tomorrow, okay? And don't be too hard on Karen." "Well, it was no way for her to treat the baby-sitter, but on the other hand," she reached over to take Julie's right hand, "I think it worked out for the best. Right, Julie?" Julie smirked, still exhausted. "Just wait until it's your turn." Lucy laughed. "Oh yeah? I double dare you." At that, Julie grinned, because not once in her life had she been able to resist a dare...


© Copyright 2008 Katie Loves You (thecablover at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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