Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1508059-Love-at-Last
by Lotta
Rated: E · Draft · Romance/Love · #1508059
Collette and Tyron discover that true love can come when you least expect it.
  “Oh I don’t believe this,” Shauna said looking wide-eyed at the entrance. “Look who just walked in with a tail?" 
Talita looked up and exclaimed, “oh my God, Collette’s going to freak when she see this. I don’t know why she is still seeing that dog anyhow.”

  Collette looked at her two friends with their heads stuck together and started smiling. Knowing her friends as she did, they’re probably talking about somebody and don’t want her to preach to them about it. Laughingly Collette asked,        “What are you two whispering about over there?I bet y’all talking bout somebody, ain’t ya?” 

Shauna and Talita looked at Collette with blank faces, “Nothing, we just trying to have a private conversation” they said innocently.

  Collette noticed that they were both still looking at the door. Curiously, Collette turned to see what they were looking at so disapprovingly. Seeing Jason standing at the door, Collette began to smile, not understanding why her friends were always giving Jason such a hard time. Collette looked at her friends again, seeing that they were still shooting daggers at Jason said, “Why y’all always picking on my Babe?”

“Cause your baby’s a hoe” Shauna said looking Collette directly in the eye.
“Well, anyways,” Collette said, “Y’all can just leave my babe alone. I’m going to invite him to sit at our table, so deal with it.”

Talita and Shauna both looked at Collette as if she was crazy. “I don’t think that would be such a good idea.” Talita said calmly realizing that Collette hadn’t seen Stacy standing next to Jason.

“And just why not?” Collette asked sarcastically.

“I don’t think Stacy would like that very much, and since she is clinging to him like a second skin, I don’t think she’s having it tonight” Shauna said in an equally sarcastic voice.

  “What! Jason would never bring her here especially if he knew I was going to be here. Why you playing like that. It ain’t even much funny. Besides, Jason and I agreed that we would not bring anyone else to this place, this is our place.”

“Yeah and Jason is known for being a man of his word,” Shauna said with a trace of sarcasm still in her voice.

Talita looked at Collette, with sympathy in her eyes and said, “Lette, I know you don’t want to believe it, but all you got to do is turn around and see for your self. You know I wouldn’t play with you like that. I know how you feel about Jason. Why would I or Shauna want to hurt you like that?”

Shauna looked over at where Jason was sitting, “look at him, the dog has been staring over here since he got a table. Look let he’s about ready to run.” 

Collette slowly turned in her seat to the direction her friends were looking. The instant Collette saw Jason and Stacy sitting together less than three tables away her heart sank. Disbelief, pain and anger all crossed her face instantaneously. Collette couldn’t take her eyes of Jason. As if he knew she was looking at him, he never looked up. Collette wanted him to look up so she could give him her I’m about to go off look, but he never did. After about a minute of looking at Jason and Stacy sitting there in her club, she had had enough. Before Collette could get up, she heard her and Jason’s song come on. She almost began to cry. Collette really couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Jason and Stacy get up to dance off of their song.

“Oh “H” Nawl. I know he is not dancing with her off of our song. I don’t believe this mess. You know that’s the song he plays every time we make love.” Collette paused for a minute, looking at the couple on the dance floor.
“That’s it, I’m about to turn this mother out in here.”  Collette slowly started to stand, with murder in her eyes.

Talita quickly grabbed her arm, “Lette, think about what you’re doing and where you are at.” 

Collette looked at Talita with eyes darken from pain and anger “I know exactly what I’m doing and where I am, apparently Jason is the one who doesn’t know where he is, but I’ll fix that right now. I’m going over there and go slap off. Now let me go so I can take out the trash.”

“Like I always say Lette, You sleep with dogs you get up with fleas, go handle your bit-ness girl” Shauna said, ready for a fight.

“I’m not going to let you do this Lette. Who do you think this is going to fall back on? She is his wife Lette, if you go charging over there, you’ll only look like a fool and think of how you will feel when he pretends that he doesn’t know why you’re acting like that or if he tells you that he can take his wife anywhere he wants to or worst, what if he dis you for her. Think about it Lette, he knew you were going to be here, but he bought her here anyway. He is counting on you knowing the score and letting things go.”

Collette sat back in her seat with a sigh.

“Oh nawl, Collette, I know you not gone let this go like this?” Shauna said angrily, if I were you, I would put that dog in his place.”

“I don’t need this from you Rambo,” Collette said with a shaky voice, “I have enough to deal with right now.”

“Collette, I hope you know that you deserve better than that dog,” Talita said softly.

Collette looked at Talita with unshed tears in her eyes, “It hurts, Lita, It really hurts. I never thought that he would do this to me.”

“I know girl, but you got to keep your head up. Don’t let him know that he has that effect on you. Act as if he’s not there.”

“I wish I could Lita, but I keep seeing visions of murder.”

“You know.” Shauna said thoughtfully. “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” 

“What scheme are you cooking up now Shauna?” Talita asked knowing that Shauna’s was famous for her revenge plots."

Shauna gave Talita a “No you didn’t” Look. “ Why I got to be scheming because I made a simple comment. You guys always talking bout people be scheming.”

“Cause we know you’re an evil witch at times,” Collette added with a smile.

“Okay Shauna, Tell us what you’re cooking up,” Talita said cautiously.

“Well” Shauna said robbing her hands together excitedly, “Collette, you know how jealous Jason can be at times”

“Yeah.” Collette said smiling again. 

“Well” Shauna said, “lets just even the score a little and heat things up. If you can’t beat him or kill him, why not join him.”

“What exactly are you saying Shauna?” Collette asked. 

“Okay, Let me spell it out for you. You know that Jason gets very jealous when another guy tries to talk to you right?”


“Lette several fine brothers have been trying to talk to you since we got here, but you were trying to be a good girl and didn’t give them any play. So why don’t you start flirting with some of them? Dance with one or two, or better yet, choose one and chill with him for a while, dance and have a good time. Put on a real show. Let him see how it feels to be put in a position where he just have to take it.” 

Talita looked at Shauna with awe. “Leave it to you Shauna to come with a super pie in your face plot, but I Like it and just to show you guys that I’m a team playa, I’ve come up with the perfect candidate for the job that will make Jason’s head spin.”

“Who?” Shauna and Collette said in unison.

“I’ll give you a hint. He’s about 6’3”, about 175lbs of muscular deep chocolate. He has a smile that I’ve heard Collette describe as heavenly and in Collette’s words, he has dreamy bedroom brown eyes and full kissable lips.”

“Tyron,” Shauna said with a knowing smile, “Now why didn’t I think of that. I guess I’m rubbing off on you Talita, cause Tyron would be perfect, Shall we say Poetic Justice.”

“I don’t know guys,”

“Lette, you know Jason has always been jealous of you and Tyron’s friendship. I think Jason seeing you and Tyron all hot and heavy on the dance floor would be just what the doctor ordered.”

“I don’t know,” Collette, said again, “I would feel a little funny being up on Tyron like that. Me and Tyron have been friends since Junior High School.”

“Please!” Shauna said rolling her eyes upward. “I’ve seen you and Tyron Dancing together when Jason was not around.  It’s Straight Scandalous.”

Collette took one more look at Jason sitting there with Stacy, who had just returned to there seat. As Collette was looking at the couple, Stacy looked her in the eye as if saying, Yeah, I’m here with him and yes, I did just dance off of your song. Jason was sitting there like he didn’t have a care in the world. Collette thought why not, She had to admit that Shauna’s idea sounded real good right about now. Bedside’s she really enjoyed dancing with Tyron, they always seemed to be in sync. They just blended together. Collette especially enjoyed any opportunity to be wrapped in Tyron’s arms. If only. Collette didn’t allow herself to complete that thought. Wishful thinking would not get her anywhere, besides she had enough to deal with tonight without hoping for something that could not be.

Tyron watched Collette from the corner of the club. He had seen the hurt way she kept looking at Jason.  He wanted to kill Jason for what he was doing to Collette. Why couldn’t she see Jason for what he was? She deserved so much more that what Jason was giving her. She deserved someone who truly loved her. Someone like… him. 6 years, 6 long years, Collette stayed with Jason. No matter what he did, she continued to love and support him, while Tyron continued to love her from a distance. Tyron thought to himself, it’s funny; the thing that he loved most about her was the thing that kept her tied to Jason, Her Loyalty.

“Tyron?” Dexter said after Tyron did not answer him the first time.

“Huh” Tyron said absentmindedly.

“I asked you what was up with Collette. She looks like she’s at a funeral instead of in a jumping club.”

“Its Jason Man. He’s in here with the wifey acting like Collette doesn’t exist. You know any other time, he would be all over Collette like a second skin.” Tyron said bitterly.

Dexter looked at his friend and felt his anguish. “Tyron, when are you going to tell her that you are crazy about her and put her and you out of this self imposed misery.” 

Tyron look at Collette with longing in his eyes. “I wish I could man, but she loves Jason, or so she keeps telling me when we talk on the phone all night after one of his escapades.”

“Tyron let me ask you a question.”

“Okay Dex, shot.”

“If she loves Jason so much, how come its you that she runs to every time something good or bad happens, and more importantly, if she loves Jason so much, why is it that she gave her virginity to you and not to him?"

The shock showed on Tyron’s face. “How did you know? I never told you.” 

“I know you didn’t.” Dexter said, “and frankly, I’m a little hurt. I thought we told each other everything.” Dexter gave Tyron his best sad face. “But seriously, I came by your house that night remember? You and Collette were lying in your bed talking. When I walked in the room, you both jumped a mile high.”

“Okay, but it wasn’t anything new for Collette and me to be laying across my bed talking. What made you put two and two together?” Tyron asked. 

“You had that look like you had just got caught with your hands in the cookie jar and Collette had that just been loved for the first time look. You know that googol eyed look. Besides, your little brother told me he heard strange sounds coming from your room. I didn’t put it together until I saw the two of you together with strange looks on your face.” “And,” Dexter continued smiling, “Everyone in Raiderville knew that Collette was the last American Virgin.”

Tyron just stood there for a minute looking at Dexter and shaking his head. “Dex, man you’ve known all this time and you never said anything.”

“Man, that was something private between you and her. I figured that you would eventually tell me and when you didn’t mention it, I knew that you had to love her a lot. I know we never talk about the ones we love. Man, why do you think I ride you so hard about this friendship thing you two say you have?” Dexter looked at Tyron again still standing in the same corner,

“Look Frat, I can’t tell you what to do, but this is a golden opportunity for you. Collette has come face to face with the truth about who Jason is and the true nature of the relationship he has with Stacy. Tyron, you and I both know that he told Collette something like, he loves her more that Stacy and that she will always be number one and she didn’t have to worry about him and Stacy. Now Collette has to face the reality that Jason is married to Stacy and this is your chance for her to see you, not as her friend, but as a man who loves her and who is willing to commit to her. Now stop standing over here in this corner like a lost puppy and go get your dream girl and show Jason what he is about to loose. Besides as mad as she is right now, I can already see you two burning the floor up, not that the two of you need an excuse to grind up on each other.”

Tyron had to smile about that one. Him and Collette did have a way of dancing with each other that made other’s talk. Besides, he would love to knock Jason a couple of notches down and let him see how it feels. “Thanks man,” Tyron said as he began walking towards Collette’s table. “You always got my back.”

“That’s what Frat brothers are for, now go show that girl some true blue love.”

Shauna spotted Tyron as soon as he started walking toward them. She jokily said to Collette, “Don’t look now Lette, but here comes you Knight in black acid wash.”

Collette turned a saw Tyron walking toward her smiling. He looked so good wearing the black acid wash jean set that Collette had picked out for him when they went shopping together last week. Collette had to admit that Tyron was one fine deep chocolate brother. Yep, Tyron was something "fione." He was 6’3” of solid muscle. He had a well-defined six-pack and a chest that was rock solid. He had a smooth dark complexion that could be described as perfect. Collette noticed that as Tyron walked across the club, several women watched him walk by, probably wishing that he would stop at their table. Tyron had that kind of cool confident walk that made everyone around him stop and notice. Collette and her friends continued to watch Tyron walk toward them.

Shauna said, “Look at that frat walk.”

“And what a sexy walk it is” Collette said. Blushing when she realized that she had really said what was on her mind.

Talita and Shauna looked at each other and smiled. They had been trying to get those two together forever. Maybe, just maybe, tonight will be the night.

“Hi Sorors, what up tonight?” Tyron asked as he reached their table.

“You with your fine self.” Shauna said smiling.

Collette looked at Shauna and rolled her eyes upward.

Tyron turned to Collette “Girl what you doing holding the table up? You know we’re suppose to be tearing it up on the dance floor, doing the Humpty Dance.” Tyron said while moving his body in the motion of dancing.

Collette looked at Tyron trying to dance and started laughing. “Didn’t feel like dancing without you out there with me making me laugh with your no rhythm self. How is it that a man that can beat the you know what out of some drums, can have no rhythm on the dance floor?”

Tyron looked at Collette with a feigned hurt look. “So its like that huh?”

“Yep, it’s exactly like that.”

Talita and Shauna watched the playful exchange noticing that Collette hadn’t looked towards Jason’s table since Tyron arrived.

Shauna not one to miss an opportunity for a smart remark said, “Lette, you don’t have a problem with Tyron’s rhythm when y’all grinding up on each other to some Luther or any slow song for that matter.” 

Tyron looked at Shauna. “Thanks Soror, at least someone can see that I have rhythm when it matters. Besides Lette, I think we are a good fit, a very good fit, I mean when we are slow dancing.”

Collette started to blush as Shauna and Talita gave each other a knowing look. Collette leaned over to Tyron and whispered “don’t give them any ammo, they already swear we are hiding a secret affair.”

Tyron smiled and whispered in Collette’s ear, “We are. Remember?”

Collette started blushing again. “You’re so bad” She whispered.

“Hey you two, It’s not polite to whisper.” Shauna said.

“Lette, It’s nice to see you smiling again. When I first walked over here, you were looking so sad. I’d like to think that I made you smile.” 

“Tyron you always know how to make me smile no matter what the situation.” Collette said. 

“Lette, you know I’m your friend right?”

"Yes Ty I know”

"So I have to say this. Lette, I hope you know that you deserve better than this."

” Amen” Shauna and Talita chorused. “That’s what we’ve been telling her every since that bastard walked through the door.”

“Okay Soror Militant ,” Tyron said, “but seriously Lette, you are too good for him.” 

“Deep down inside Ty, I know you’re right. I just never thought it would end like this. I can’t believe I fell for all of his lies. That’s what hurt the most, I actually believed him. He said that I was number one and that he would never disrespect me for anyone. We agreed that this would be our little spot. He wouldn’t bring her here and I wouldn’t bring another man here. Ty, he promised me.”

“Yeah and he is known to be a man of his word,” Tyron said sarcastically.

“Exactly,” Shauna added, "that’s exactly what I said. In my opinion, he is nothing but a dog, no scratch that, dogs are loyal; he is nothing but a pig. I don’t know why Lette continues to stay with his trifling behind.”

“I think Collette stays with him because she has never been with anyone else. She doesn’t know what else is out there. Jason was her first love and first lover and she has never adventured out to see what good thing could be waiting for her right under her nose.” Talita said.

Tyron looked at Collette and smile. Collette looked down at her hands, wondering what her friends would say if they knew the truth.

Tyron put his hands on top of Collette’s hands. “Well Lette, you have one of two choices, you can either sit here and look pitiful.”
Pitiful!” Collette asked.

“Yes pitiful,” Tyron said  “Or I can ask the DJ to play another Slow Jam and we can, as Shauna would say, grind up on some Luther or Shirley Murdock. The choice is yours.”

Collette looked Tyron in the eye and said, “I’d prefer a little TP”

Tyron looked at Collette and smiled. TP’s Turn off the lights was playing in the background when he and Collette had made love for the first and only time.

Tyron smiled as he walked towards the DJ booth. “She remembers,” he thought to himself. Tyron walked over to the DJ stand to ask DJ Ron to play a song by TP and send it out to him and Collette.

DJ Ron looked at Tyron and smiled. “Since you my boy, I play the Album version of Turn Off the Lights for you and Collette. It’s about time you two stopped pretending. Everyone can see that you two love each other.”

Tyron just shuck his head and began to slowly walk back to the table, He knew the girls would still be asking questions and giving advice, besides, this gave him an opportunity to get a good look at Collette without being observed.  She was really looking good tonight, Tyron thought to himself. “If only?” Tyron stopped himself from even continuing that thought.

“Lette, did you see how Jason was trying to sneak and watch you and Tyron?” Talita asked.

“No” Collette said, “I wasn’t paying attention to him.” 

“Good” said Shauna, “Let that pig see how it feels.”

Collette looked up and notice that Tyron was still far enough away said, “You know, it’s strange, now that Tyron is here, all of this just doesn’t seem to matter anymore. I mean, yes I’m hurt and angry, but at the same time, I’m glad that Tyron is here. I really enjoy being with him. I just don’t want to put him in the middle of all of this.”

“I think, no, I know that you care more for Tyron than you are willing to admit even to yourself.”

“Of course I care Talita, Tyron and I have been friends since Junior High School. Every time I’ve needed him he has been there for me and vice versa.” Collette said.

“Girl please!” Shauna said, “You know you hot for that man and it has nothing to do with friendship and everything to do with hot bodies slapping against each other. Hell as fine as Tyron is, if he wasn’t in love with you, I’d be all over him.”

"Girl Please," Collette said, "Tyron does not love me, not in that way. We're just friends.

"Well Ms. Thang, here comes your friend now, all smiling and anticipating grinding up on you," Shauna said.

Tyron reached their table and grabbed Collette's hand. "You ready to do this." Tyron asked.

"She is more than ready," Shauna said.

Collette rolled her eyes upward and looked at Shauna.

"Anyways" Collette said. "Yeah Tyron, I'm ready." Then with a smile Collette added, "Like Shauna said, I'm more than ready for you, I mean to dance with you."

" Me too" Tyron said. "Me too."

Collette started to blush; she knew her friends would definitely read something into that exchange.

Just as Tyron and Collette started walking towards the dance floor, DJ Ron came over the speakers. "Party People, We'll going to slow it down a bit and jam with some TP. This goes out my boy Tyron and Collette. Let TP take you there and Love bring you back."

Just as DJ Ron was finishing his dedication, Tyron and Collette stepped onto the dance floor directly in front of Jason's table. Collette walked into Tyron's arms and all thoughts of Jason disappeared.

This feels like heaven, Collette thought to herself. I wonder if Tyron feels it to. Collette began to get a little hopeful that what her friends said was true. It felt so right being in Tyron's arms and if it feels this right, that has to mean something. Collette compared being in Tyron's arms like coming home after a long tiring trip away. It just felt damn good.

Tyron was lost from the moment Collette stepped into his arms. Collette fit perfectly in his arms. Tyron was wondering if Collette was feeling the magic that he was feeling. Tyron knew that if something felt this right, it had to be special. Tyron was trying to find the right time to tell Collette how he really felt about her. He had planned to tell her while they were dancing. Now if he could just build up his nerves.

Collette could feel Jason's eyes burning a whole in her back. Collette self-conscientiously moved closure to Tyron. Tyron must have noticed Jason watching them. He leaned over and whispered in Collete's ear "You want to give him a real show, or you want to keep it G- rated?"

Collette looked up at Tyron and smiled, "Lets do this thing X-rated, you know how we usually get down."

Tyron pulled Collette even closure to him and the two of them melted together. You couldn’t tell where Tyron ended and Collette began. They were moving together to the music like two people lost in a love dance. Several people stopped dancing and looked at them. It was like magic. Drawing everyone in. Everyone in the building noticed the chemistry between the two dancers. The majority of them always thought there was something more to their friendship than they were telling everyone.

Jason, sitting there watching them wanted to get up and say something, but knew that he didn't have a right to say anything, especially with Stacy sitting next to him. It was really eating him up to watch Tyron holding his woman like that. Jason knew he was in a difficult position. He just didn't want to loose Collette. He loved her in his own way and he needed her because she believed in him. Jason knew that if he had not married Stacy, pregnant or not, this wouldn't be happening because he would be here with Collette. Collette had stood by him through thick and thin. Jason knew that bringing Stacy here would cause problems, but arrogantly, he thought that Collette would understand. Jason thought a little about the vow that he and Collette made about not bringing anyone to this club. This was supposed to be their special spot, but Stacy insisted on coming. After all she was his wife. Jason saw the hurt look on Collette's face as he and Stacy danced to "Love for Two." How did Stacy know that that song had a special meaning for him and Collette?  That was the song that he and Collette first made love too. In fact, that was the first time that Collette had ever made love and he had the privilege of being the first.

Stacy looked at her husband watching the other woman. Why is it that his mind was always on Collette even though he married her? He chose her to share his life with, but he never let go of Collette. Jason had been between the two of them for the past 6 years and they had been married for 3 of those years. Stacy knew that if her and Jason were going to have a real marriage, there would need to be a show down and Jason would have to make a choice once and for all. Stacy was tired of spending several nights a week home alone, while he is out with Collette. Stacy was still upset about Jason spending the night before their wedding with Collette, but enough was enough. Stacy kept looking at Jason watch Collette dance. Stacy knew that he was upset. She could see his fist balled up under the table and the vein in his neck popping up. Stacy could see that Jason was about to go off. She knew that now was the time to deal with this. Stacy knew all it would take was a little push to cause the confrontation she wanted. She needed Collette to see that she was Jason's wife and that Jason would always respect her as his wife.

Stacy looked at Jason and said, "The only thing they're missing is a bed."

Jason looked at Stacy like he wanted to choke her. "What?" He asked.

Tyron and Collette were lost in each other as they continued to dance. Tyron sensed that this would be the perfect time to remind Collette of there one special moment and to tell her how he really feel about her. Tyron began to rub Collette's back as they danced.

"Do you remember what it was like when I made love to you your first time?" Tyron whispered in Collette's ear.

All Collette could do was nod her head. Collette vividly remember what it was like being in Tyron arms. Collette's heart was in her throat. She looked into Tyron's eyes and everything seized to exist. It was just she and Tyron. Collette had never admitted to anyone, including herself just how special and fulfilling it was making love to Tyron. She had never felt that complete or that loved with Jason. 

Tyron, seeing that he had touched a spot with Collette, whispered, "Collette, I was your first and I want to be your last. I love you and I always have."

Collette tightened her arms around Tyron. She could not believe it. Tyron really loves her. Collette moved even closer to Tyron.

Tyron leaned over a gently kissed Collette. Collette eagerly returned the kiss. Several people, including Collette's friends began to clap. Tyron and Collette were so caught up in each other; they did not even realize that the song had changed.
Stacy's mouth opened and closed again. She could not believe her luck. All she would have to do is sit back and watch.

Stacy started laughing. "Well Jason, I guess my being here is causing all kind of trouble in your paradise."

Jason looked at Stacy and back at Collette and Tyron. Jason couldn't believe that Stacy would allow another man to kiss her. Stacy or no Stacy, I'm going to deal with this, Jason thought to himself. Jason jumped up from his seat as Tyron was leaning down to give Collette another kiss and Collette didn't look like she was going to stop him.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jason demanded.

"What does it look like?" Tyron said stepping between Collette and Jason.

Jason looked a Collette with a pained expression, "what's going on baby? I thought it was just you and I. You told me that I was the only man you wanted touching you and I see you in here locking lips with this." pointing at Tyron.

Tyron looked around the room with amazement. "Did he just call me this?" Tyron asked.

"Yes he did." Shauna said having seen the show and running over to offer her assistance if needed.

Collette seeing that Tyron and Shauna were in attack mode, stepped in front of Tyron and placed her hand on his arm,

"Hold up guys, I got this." Collette looked Jason in his eyes. "You have a lot of nerve 'baby'. Bouncing over here like you have a right to say anything to me. Who I touch and who I let touch me is none of your business. You come prancing in here, in what used to be our spot with tail in tow, grinding up on her to our song and I'm suppose to grin and bare it, but when someone who cares about me and only me gives me a kiss, you want to go off. Nigga Please!"

"You tell him girl,” Talita said surprising everybody.

Jason looked at Collette feeling both sad and angry, “but that’s my wife Collette, you know that. What else was I suppose to do?”

“ You know what you’re right Jason, I did know that you had someone that you were married to. What else could you have done? Well for starters, you could have kept your word to me, but you know what, I can’t even blame you for this.  It was silly me for believing you when you said that I was number 1 and the love of your life. I believed you when you said that you only married Stacy because she was pregnant, Mr. I believe in family and doing the right thing. Don’t worry Collette you said, this will never come between what we have, our love is special, a once in a life time love.”

“But Collette.” Jason said.

“ Jason, I’m not finished yet.” Collette continued.  “For the past 6 years, 6 years Jason, I stood by you, held your hand and supported you in all that you did. Even when all of my friends called my crazy, I defended you. I’m the one who helped you to start your business. I’m the one that worked with you to make J&S Industries a success and after all of that, you have the nerve to throw in my face that she is your wife.” Collette threw her arms up in surrender. “Fine Jason, she is your wife, now go back to her and get out of my life. From now on, I’m only going to be with someone who is able to love me and be committed to me. And to think, I wasted 6 years of my life on you. Shauna said it best; you’re nothing but a pig. You want me to be faithful to you, while you have your cake and ice cream too. Nawl baby, I don’t even much think so.” Collette said as she turned to walk away.

As she was walking, Jason grabbed her shoulder to stop her, “but I love you Collette.”

Collette paused for a minute and without looking back said, “yeah? But Stacy is your wife and being the other woman is not good enough for me, I deserve more.” Collette tried to move out of Jason’s grip, but he held on to her.

“What about the promise we made to each other Collette?”

“The promise? Jason, you broke that promise when you married Stacy, I just didn’t want to admit that to myself. How can we spend forever together when you are married to someone else? Now let me go”

Jason released his hold of Collette and her, Tyron, Shauna and Talita walked out of the club, heads held high.

Jason yelled after them, “it ain’t over Collette, you still love me, you know you do. You can’t just walk away from 6 years.”

Collette kept walking without looking back.

Jason stood there for a moment watching Collette leave with Tyron and her friends. He couldn’t believe that he was going to lose her to Tyron. Jason turned slowly and walked back over to his table where Stacy was sitting looking ready for a fight. Jason thought to himself, I don’t need this from her right now. She has already done enough for one night. As Jason took his seat next to Stacy, she looked him in his eyes and said,

“She just did.”

"Did what?” Jason asked Blankly.

“Walk away from 6 years. You can do that when there are no ties.”

“I’m not in the mood for this Stacy, don’t start.”

“You know what Jason, You have disrespected me enough, I’m ready to go home. Now!” 

Jason looked at Stacy; he could not believe that she tripping after all of this. After all, she proved her point. She should be happy.

“Disrespected you?” Jason asked. “How you figure? I may have just lost the one woman that I truly loved because I didn’t disrespect you. You wanted to show the world that you’re my wife, well you did. Happy now?”

“That’s right Jason, I am you’re wife. You can be as sarcastic as you want to be, but it does not change the fact that you married me. You married me of your own free will and choose to stay married to me these last 3 years. No one held a gun to your head. You made a choice and you chose me. So if she is the love of your life and the one woman you truly love, why didn’t you marry her?" Stacy said as she stood to leave. “So don’t catch an attitude with me cause you got caught up in your mess. You’re already sleeping on the couch until further notice.” 

Jason looked at Stacy “That’s fine with me, I’d rather sleep anywhere than with you.” Jason stood and followed Stacy outside.

  Stacy and Jason rode in silence. Jason was glad that Stacy had decided not to talk to him right now.  He was trying to figure out a way to get Collette back and get things back to normal. Jason just kept thinking I don't want to loose her.  Not like this. Jason knew he should have married her instead of Stacy, but when Stacy got pregnant, everything changed. He kept hoping that Collette would get pregnant to, but Collette had goals. She wanted to go to college and told him there was no way she was going to have a baby until she finished her education, so he married Stacy. In the beginning things were okay. He had Stacy at home and could still be with Collette whenever he wanted to, but lately Stacy and Collette were becoming more demanding. He knew eventually, he would have to choose, but he thought it would be on his terms. He knew Collette was getting to that stage where she wanted a family, but he couldn’t just walk away from his children with Stacy. How did he get himself into this mess? Jason knew that things would have been different if he would have married Collette instead of Stacy, but he has to deal with the way things are now and right now they are a mess. Whatever it takes, Jason made up his mind that he was going to get things back to normal around him.

    Stacy Looked at Jason lost in thought. She knew what or whom he was thinking about, as usual, but she was lost in her own thoughts at the moment and would not concern herself with him. In spite of Jason’s attitude, Stacy thought that tonight went better than she had hoped when she planned it. She had in one night; shown Collette what she wanted her to see 3 years ago, that she was Jason’s wife and the mother of his children. Jason would always respect her. Things did get a little out of hand and Stacy had to admit that when Jason grabbed Collette’s shoulder, she got a little afraid cause she knew that Jason was getting desperate and she was not sure what he would do or if Collette would forgive him. Stacy knew that Jason would not leave Collette. The only way the get between them was to turn Collette against him. Now that Collette is out of the picture, hopefully permanently, Stacy would have to figure out how to get her marriage on track. After all, she had also invested 6 years and has given Jason 2 beautiful children.

Collette, Tyron, Shauna and Talita walked out to the parking lot. Tyron put his arms around Collette and held her close. “You alright Lette?”

“Not really, but I’m getting there.” Collette said as she snuggled closer to Tyron.

“Lette, I know you have a lot on your mind, but we need to talk about what’s happening between us. Why don’t you let Talita drive your car home and you ride with me.”

Collette looked at Tyron, she really wanted to take him up on that offer, but she needed to think.  “I know we need to talk, but I need a little time to get my thoughts together.” 

“Okay, why don’t you take your girls home and call me later, we’ll take it from there.”

“Okay, Ty, I’ll talk to you later.” 

Tyron looked Collette in the eyes, willing her to feel the love he has for her. Tyron kissed Collette softly on the forehead.

“Remember Lette, no matter what happens, I love you and I always have. I’m here for you, however you want me to be. Good night Sorors.” Tyron walked away thinking that he really need to call his boy Dexter.

Read more in Love at last Part 2
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