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by phenix
Rated: · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1507958
continuation chapter 2
The Voice
Will stared at his eyes in his bathroom mirror. The deep brown irises stared back at him as if his own reflection was an entirely different entity peering into his soul. The thought scared him as he turned away from the mirror and walked out the room. Walking slowly down the dark hallway, Will thought he saw something move from his room headed in the direction of the study. Will, in his half awake state, followed the shadow towards the study.
A cold sensation washed over him just as he walked into the study. A sensation that was both familiar and welcoming, and foreign and unfriendly. Will’s eyes began to swim as the world around him began to warp into something different. The couch, T.V., book shelf, computer, they all disappeared only to be replaced by dark brick walls forming a hallway lined with mounted torches on the walls.
Taking in his surroundings in by spinning, Will noticed that he was standing in the middle of the hall that went in four directions.
“Right because this is possible.” He said referring to the rapid change that occurred.
Will randomly picked one of the halls and started walking. Will just walked and walked seeing as there was nowhere else he could go. Suddenly there was a gust of air flowing from behind Will. As the wind passed by him, he heard a very quiet laugh, a mocking type of laugh. Fear began to lodge itself in his mind as he racked his brain trying to figure out how to get out of that horribly small hall. Panic gripped him as he had the sudden urge to get out as soon as possible. At the sound of the continued laughter, Will began to run down the hall in the direction he was already going. Why is this hall so long?
The feeling of not being able to escape was irritating and uncomfortable for him. He always had a plan, always had a way out, but this was just too much to tolerate. The terrifying laughter continued its relentless onslaught on his psyche.
“It’s a dream it’s got to be a dream,” he said trying to reassure himself.
The laughing voice paused and said, “this is no dream boy.”
With that said, Will renewed his attempt at running to the end of the hall. Faster and faster he ran until his limbs refused to move any faster. He could feel his legs tiring from the constant heightened velocity. But he refused to stop, he wouldn’t stop. Then he saw it, the light at the end of the tunnel, the doorway to freedom, the end to his sufferings. Finally. As he got closer to the light, it grew larger until it filled a whole door frame. Nothing was in his way of getting out. He burst through the threshold and into a large dark chamber. A large dark chamber? That made no sense to him what so ever. How could it be such a dark place when the light had seemed so blinding to him earlier?
Will looked around, straining his eyes trying to force them to adjust to the lack of light. Abruptly, the chamber became gradually illuminated and it was now clear that it wasn’t a chamber at all. It was a vast area filled with staircases, hallways, and doors every which way. Some were upside down, some scaled down the wall others were just completely sideways. It was all familiar as if it was taken straight from the painting Relativity itself.
“Welcome, to The Maze.” The voice said triumphantly.
The voice seemed to reverberate off every edge possible. Everything in the vast room was made of a sturdy dull grey coloured stone. Will turned around only to find that the doorway that he had just come through was a wall made of the same stone as everything else. He was trapped.
“Don't even try,” the booming voice said as Will was feeling the wall to see if it was real. “It is quite real.”
Great, just what I need, an evil sadistic voice that most likely warps reality. Perfect.
“Flattery gets you know where Will Traveler.” The voice replied
Now I'm no longer safe in my mind, just wonderful. The prospect of having an unwanted intruder roaming through his thoughts didn’t sit very well with him. On normal occasions, Will would retreat to his mind whenever he had felt threatened, now where was he to go. Then the voice began to laugh again, the same contemptuous laugh from before. He couldn’t take it, it was becoming too much for him to bear alone. Tears threatened to breach the walls of his eyes but he wouldn’t allow them passage.
Will built up his courage; his well disguised fear, and screamed, “shut-up!”
The voice continued its unyielding onslaught of laughter all the while paying no attention to Will. Realising that he was being ignored, Will turned to his left and walked to a corner and brought his legs to his chest. He covered his ears to help drown out the ever persistent laughter. Will shut his eyes allowing himself be immersed in darkness, a darkness that seemed so welcoming, accepting, comforting even.
Will opened his eyes and found that he was in the same place he was before. The only thing that had changed was the fact that the laughter ceased to exist. Will stood and looked around. Right, because I'm expecting to see something new. He walked up a stair case and walked through a doorway. He emerged through a doorway on the ceiling, though he would never really know because gravity didn’t exist where he was. He continued to walk random staircases and open random doorways.
“Okay, this is just ridiculous,” he said in a frustrated tone.
Eventually he took a doorway that led him into a vast hall lined with various crumbling marble statues. He leisurely walked down the hall marvelling at the great statues as he passed them by. Between each of the marble statues, there were massive support pillars with blue glowing runes inscribed on each. Will walked closer to one of the pillars and noticed that the runes seemed to be changing, morphing into different combinations as is it were alive and trying to search for a suitable pattern that it liked. Figuring he's seen all that there was to see concerning the pillars, he continued his walk down the great hall. Finally the hall came to an end with a rusty gold painted gate. In the middle of the gate was a key hole covered partially in cob webs. A chill washed over Will as he turned away from the key whole.
Then he heard it, a sound that was always there but was barely audible before. It was a low humming sound. He looked around to try to figure out where it was coming from. Soon his eye caught one of the pillars and he realized that the runes were changing more rapidly than they were before. On the back of his neck he could feel hot air. He turned around abruptly and saw nothing. He strained his eyes to see if there was anything beyond the gate. As he was scanning past the gate, two red floating orbs appeared out of nowhere and once again there was that scornful laughter that he loathed. This time the laughter was low and short lived. Will took a step back from the gate but then curiosity got the better of him and he stepped closer to the gate than he was before. He wanted a better look at the monster hidden in the shadows. Show your face you coward.
“Don’t patronize me.”
© Copyright 2008 phenix (riverbelt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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