Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1507058-My-Little-Crime
Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1507058
Based on 'A Little Piece of Heaven' by Avenged Sevenfold. Some Graphic Content.
I’m going to tell you the story of how I died. It’s not pretty, it’s strange and morbid. It’s not your conventional death, I didn’t die in my sleep, I was not murdered by a desperate criminal or drug addict and I did not give my life to save anyone or anything. No, I met a ghost, the ghost of a lost love, I met her, and then I died.


It was about six o’clock in the evening on Friday, the thirteenth of February 2009, how convenient that a Black Friday appeared right next to Valentine’s Day. I bet she thought this too. I sat at a bar drowning all my sorrows with countless shots of vodka and rum. When a woman walks up to the bar and sits next to me, orders a drink, and turns to me and says that her name was Shelly and that she’s never been lonely on a Valentine’s Day since she was three years old. Now, I was too out of it to understand she was after sex or something similar. So Shelly explained it a little easier. She led me out of the bar and around the side of the building, pushed me up against the wall and shoved her tongue down my throat, I understood now.

We wound up back at my place and we raided my grog cabinet and we fucked. And then I passed out. It was about an hour later that I regained my consciousness, Shelly was gone, clearly realising she was wasting her time with a guy like me. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. It was then I saw her in the reflection of the mirror. My ex-fiancé, well ‘ex’ because she died. I must have been so pissed if I was seeing my dead fiancé I thought. I turned to face her, it was no illusion, she was really there, still covered in blood from the day she died.

“Sweetie? Is it really you?”
Then, in a flash she lunged at me with a knife she did not have before, it really was her...


It was about six o’clock in the evening on Thursday, the fourteenth of February 2008, I was at home with my beautiful fiancé. We had been together for longer than I can remember and I had loved every moment. But there was one thing I dreaded, that she would leave me before we got married, and so, I acted on it. Before the possibility came true, I took all possibility from her.

I pulled a knife from the kitchen drawer and slowly walked into our bedroom. There she was standing with her back to the door struggling to do up her bra.
“Hey babe, can you help me with this?” she said in her sweet voice.
“Uhh, yeah, sure.”
I did up her bra and spun her around, kissed her and said “sorry”. I pushed the knife in to her and she fell to the ground. I saw myself in the mirror she was blocking before, I saw the blood that had sprayed on to my shirt, I laughed, and I had the biggest grin on my face. That’s when the killer inside me took hold. I must have stabbed her fifty times in my frenzy, I ripped her heart out and watched as the blood oozed out from her body. I was insane, I took a bite out of the heart just to know the taste. Now she would be like this forever looking her twenty-four-year-old self.

I snapped out of it eventually but was still pleased at what I had achieved. It wasn’t her time to die but let’s face it everybody has to die sometime.


...I lay on the floor, she was on top of me holding the knife above my chest. I’d never expected her to return from beyond the grave.
Smiling right from ear to ear, she almost laughed herself to tears. She must have stabbed me fifty times in her vengeful frenzy, she ripped my heart out and watched as the blood oozed out from my body. She was insane, fuelled by her lust for revenge. She took a bite out of the heart just as I did to know the taste.

I really always knew that my little crime would be cold but I never realised that it’d be me who would die. Now that it's done I realize the error of my ways, I must venture back to apologize from somewhere far beyond the grave. I need to make up for what I've done, because I was all up in a piece of heaven, while you burned in hell, no peace forever.

She stood over me as I got down on my knees and begged.
“You had my heart, at least for the most part, but everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart, let's make a new start.” I paused to think of what to say next, “I will suffer for so long to make it up to you.”
“Not long enough.” She replied.
“I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” I begged.
She thought for a moment, “Well then, I’ll grant you a chance.”
“And if it’s not enough...”
“If it’s not enough?” she prompted.
“If it’s not enough, I’ll try again and again, over and over again until it is.”

She held her hand out and helped me to my feet, and we kissed. ‘Marry me’, she said. I agreed. We got married in a little chapel in Las Vegas, the ones that don’t ask any questions. We wrote what we wanted the ‘priest’ to say and slipped him a twenty so he wouldn’t think twice about saying them and we began...

“Do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?” the priest shuddered and stuttered as he read what we gave him.
“Yes, I do” she said happily.
“Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?”
“I do”
“I now pronounce you...” She ripped the priest’s head off and kissed me.
“Husband and Wife” she said.

We're coming back, coming back
We'll live forever, live forever
Let's start the killing, start the killing


That is how I died. And a word to the wise when the fire dies, you think it's over but it's just begun.
But a warning to you all stay indoors at night... It makes it easier to find you!
© Copyright 2008 Nicholas Linde (kiteflyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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