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Rated: E · Article · Family · #1507024
It's time to start gathering millstones by the sea.
And thus I beheld standing before me a child whose rosy cheeks and satin skin did sparkle as the morning dew.

The wistful locks of her golden hair did wave among the gentle breeze and the elfin twinkle from her eyes was like a shimmering dream of violets and newborn dawn.

So like an angel was she that heaven and earth did bow to the enchanting majesty and supple grace of her youth.

Alas! But a great dream it was, for in reality before my eyes there stood a child whose mind and body wept.

Her scraggly hair and dirty face held both fear and pain. Within her eyes the desperate need for love and care did confine a bond of bitter shame.

What anguished guilt I felt to know that among mankind such neglect and abuse could therein abide.
Since 1985, according to statistics from the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, the rate of child abuse fatalities has increased 34 percent. This means that more than three children die each day due to abuse or neglect.

How incredibly horrifying!

The Child's Defense Fund reports that a child is reported abused or neglected every ten seconds and every five hours a child dies of abuse or neglect.

In addition each year more than 3.2 million suspected cases of child abuse and neglect are reported. But, when you consider that only about 10-15 percent of the actual cases are ever reported, these figures become even more horrifying.

Just who are these parents or guardians that are abusing or neglecting these children? What are they? Do they hide the mark of Cain? There is no possible way they can be called human! It is inconceivable that they could be Christians!

How could any person, male of female, look into the innocent face of a child, regardless of race, and physically abuse or intentionally neglect that child! How could anyone watch a child starve while satiating their own perverted lusts and hunger?

These people are beneath the term of human, they're even beneath the term of animal for few animal parents will abandon or neglect their offspring in pursuit of the works of the flesh.

But, are the parents of these children the only guilty party? Are we not without blame for allowing this shame to happen among us?

We're always spouting great clichés like, "Truth, justice and the American way!" Is this truly the American way?

In my humble viewpoint this is a "national crisis," almost a national disaster.
What is the answer?

There is only one effective way to put a screeching halt to child abuse and neglect, and that is to get the “true” message of Jesus Christ into the homes and minds and hearts of these parents.

Failing that, the only other alternative is to start storing millstones by the sea.

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