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GGI: Lesson 8
Exercise 8-1 In the following sentences; place the appropriate pronoun in the blank. 10 Points

1. The students' answers to the exam clearly showed their lack of understanding of the material. (his, your, their, mine)

2. Joanie was taking a really long time to wash her hair. (I, it's, her, you)

3. Elmer was not the only one who thought his fish was the largest. (mom, his, me, them)

4. I was the only heir to the Carrington fortune. (me, her, it, I)

5. To quote a much overused cliché, "she always said it was her way or the highway"! (his, me, her, they)

6. She sells seashells by the seashore. (his, her, its, she)

7. The Cat ran in gradually increasing circles chasing his own tail. (his, my, he, their)

8. While her car appeared undamaged, I noticed its wheels were all flat. (he, my, its, their)

9. The group loudly proclaimed their displeasure of the verdict. (her, his, my, their)

10. The printer had used the last of the red ink and it was going to have to be replaced! (I, her, they, it)

Exercise 8-2
In the following paragraphs, make corrections to the pronouns as needed. 12 points

Tears streaked Evie's face as her father stormed out of the room, slamming the door decisively. How could he have said such awful things about Aunt Josie?

Evie tried to stem the flow of tears and find a way out of this mess. Aunt Josie was going to be here Wednesday. That only gave her three days to convince her father that she should be allowed to attend Aunt Josie's housewarming party. Evie knew how much her attendance meant to Aunt Josie.

Evie glanced at the drawings that lined her bedroom walls. From rough sketches outlining room placements to detailed water color renditions of furnished rooms, Aunt Josie's dream house had become reality. Evie shook herhead as she dried the last drops from her cheeks. Who would have ever believed that someone like her petite, unassuming Aunt had been able to accomplish such a feat? With Evie's encouragement and faith, Josie had built a lovely three bedroom, 1500 square foot house with her own hands.

Writing Exercise 8-1 write a minimum of 300 words about a cherished holiday with your family, Be sure to use pronouns appropriately. 1 point for each correct pronoun use.

This past Thanksgiving was by far the best I have ever experienced. When I was younger, I lived in an abusive home with alcoholic parents and rarely experienced a traditional holiday. Holidays were always just another day for me and when I became an adult, I usually did what I could to work on the holidays, wanting the money more than to spend the holidays alone. In my mind, I figured I was helping others who had families to enjoy the time together.

This Thanksgiving though, I cooked a traditional turkey with several sides, my first time doing so. I sat down to dinner with my daughter, Libby, who is almost two. We ate together, as a family for the first time and somehow, even though it was just the two of us, I was filled with a blissful, peaceful fulfillment. I realized then that this was what the holiday was about; spending time with the people you love. It's not about how many people are there, or how much food there is but more that it's about sitting down together and enjoying good food and companionship together. It's about taking the time to be grateful and recognize the blessings in your life and to thank those around you who mean so much. As busy as life can be, it's a wonderful opportunity to slow time and for a brief time, savor flavors and crystal moments like my daughter's face as she tried cranberry sauce for the first time and practically begged for more.

I know there will be many more Thanksgivings for our little family and hopefully our family will grow over time. But no matter how many Thanksgivings come to pass, I hope I never forget our first real Thanksgiving when it was just the two of us and how peaceful it was.

36 pronouns
Word Count: 305

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