Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1505874-The-Jungle-Adventure
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1505874
A short story that I wrote for english class, and I'm very proud of it.
Mike ran through the tangled vines in front of him, ripping them out of his way. He could hear the ape chasing after him, probably no more than ten feet behind him. He wished he had never had never come here, never volunteered to try to find Miss Ann Johnson, the soon to be owner of the entire Johnson Dairy fortune. He knew there was a small chance she wouldn't accept the money, but who wouldn't accept a ballpark figure of 50 million dollars? He saw a clearing up ahead, and he knew if he could make it to there, everything would be okay. He started running harder, feeling the burn in his thighs, and he did it, he reached the clearing. But it wasn't a clearing really, but a waterfall. He plummeted, twirling every which way, seeing a flash of the gorilla standing on the edge, watching him fall. As the world flashed around him he begun to pray for his safety, knowing it was his only hope. He knew the fall couldn't last much longer, so he struggled to straighten himself out, and just as he got into proper stick form he plunged into the water. He went deep into the water, at least 20 feet. He started kicking his feet, trying to get to the surface as quick as he could, knowing he didn't have enough breath to stay under long. Finally, he burst through the top, sucking in air the moment his mouth cleared the water. He then slowly floated over to the bank and rested for a minute. After a while he rolled over and started to stand up, when he saw it. It was a human skull on top of a spear. All he could do was stare at it, letting it all sink in. He knew what it meant, it was a warning from the natives; "All who enter here will die." But he knew he couldn't just leave. He had come for a reason, and he dang well intended to accomplish that. Even if it cost him his life.

He started off again, going down a small path through the jungle just slightly wider than himself, but with enough stray limbs to bother him. As he trekked his way through, he kept hearing odd noises all around him, just little things, such as the snapping of a twig or the rustle of some underbrush, but he kept pushing his fear aside, moving onward. Because he knew that if there was something there, stopping would not keep it from getting him. He stepped forward, and then felt his leg get pulled out from under him, and he flew up in the air. He heard the sound of a blowgun and the stinging sensation in his leg. Then it all began to fade to black.

As he awoke he felt like his head had been stepped on by an elephant. He tried to open his eyes, but every bit of light seemed to blind him, so he just tried to keep them shut. He laid there for what seemed like forever, hearing nothing. He finally forced his eyes open and adjusted to the harsh light around him. He was laying on what seemed like some sort of wooden bed, and he could feel the wood digging into his back. He tried looking around, but his head was tied down, as well as his arms, legs, and torso. He could then hear the sounds of footsteps coming towards him, and the soft murmer of a unknown language. As they neared him he heard a small argument build which he coudn't understand, but he was sure it was about him, and it couldn't be good. They finally reached him, and he felt a cold hand run across his arm. He turned his eyes to the left and saw a dark man standing over him with a ceremonial spear, and weird spikes in his mouth. He saw anger in the mans eyes, but he saw something else as well. Curiosity. Mike could feel all the other eyes split between him and what he was forced to assume was the chief. He heard the chief yell out something and then 6 or 7 men moved in to untie him. As the straps were released, they had to actually pull them out of his skin because they were so tight. As he sat up for the first time in God only knows how long he felt the stabbing sensation again and was out before he could realize what happened.

This time he awoke to the sound and warmth of a fire. This time he was able to open his eyes with out much problem, and he noticed he was on a mat next to the fire. When he sat up a beautiful young woman came up to him and offered him a plate full of food he had never heard of, let alone tasted before. She was wearing a small loin cloth, but had nothing to cover her breasts up. He was shocked that any civilization would allow anyone with such beauty to walk around half naked. He didn't know what to do, so he just ate his food and avoided staring.

As he sat there eating, the chief came back, followed by 30 or 40 younger men, all armed with spears. The chief held out his hand and all the younger men stopped walking. Mike stood up and held out his hand to shake, and when the chief just stared at it he dropped it. When the chief started talking in his native tongue Mike didn't know what to do, so he just nodded his head alot. That's when he saw her. He saw a head pop out from behind a tent and watch him. It was a white head.

He pointed at her, and the entire group turned to look at her. She stood up and walked over. "Hello, my name is Ann."

"Oh, believe me, I know exactly who you are," he said back.

"Why are you here? Surely you're not here for me."

"Well, I'm here on behalf of your father."

"What? Is he going to torment me here as well?"

"Actually, I'm here to tell you he died and left his entire estate to you."

"What?! That's not even possible. He hated me!"

"Well, be that as it may, he felt it was better than leaving it to any of his other children. So, do you accept the money?"


Then everything froze. Mike stood still, the chief was still, even the bird flying overhead stopped. Sam put the controller down and stood up. "Ya, the new game is awesome Mom, I even got chased by a gorillla!"
© Copyright 2008 hhmsdude (hhmsdude at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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