Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1505634-Passed-Life
Rated: E · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1505634
This is a short-story with a massively unexpected ending.
Chapter 1

“Be careful Abul!”

“Yes sir.”

“You graduate on Monday; if you don’t know how dangerous those chemicals are by now… accidents cost lives so just be careful Abul.  OK!”

“Yes sir, I know sir.”

Abul had been one of Mr Alan’s star pupils since he started the course and all of Mr Alan’s colleagues shared the opinion that he could easily work in any field of advanced chemistry.  The bell ringing was synchronised with the reinforced steel storage cabinet clicking locked after Abul returned the potassium chlorate.  Drew and Ingram approached the work station at the front of the class and Pauli completed the multi-ethnic group.  Friday night was just beginning.  After a shower and change each the group hit the town starting with Le-Sando’s arcade; the place to be early on a Friday evening.  As Drew and Ingram whacked-a-mole Abul and Pauli as usual were playing for higher stakes in a testosterone filled poker game. 

Abul’s phone rang and he jumped and hastily left the table pulling his phone from his breast pocket, but Pauli realised it wasn’t his usual phone, which was in its usual place; Abul’s left jeans pocket.  Pauli was intrigued and pricked his ears while his friend was on the phone just a few yards away. 

“Will you have what we need?”

“Yes, Monday night” Pauli couldn’t make out what Abul was saying but he could make out the nerves and wondered if Abul had been totally honest about his family back in Palestine.

“Okay goodbye Abul.”

“Yeah, bye.”

Shortest call ever… I think so Pauli thought as Abul took his chair back at the table.

Despite Drew and Ingram’s boredom and best efforts to end the poker game, it continued for another hour.  The group headed to their favourite watering hole, Delgado’s, halfway Abul stopped, “Oh crap you guys I forgot my student pass.”

“What?” said his friends almost in unison. “They’ll recognise you at the door.” Pauli finished. “I don’t deny it but you know they won’t let the likes of me in without a pass.”  Abul took off.  Pauli didn’t make it to Delgado’s either; he broke off from his friends with another lame excuse a couple of blocks later and that was the last the group saw of them that night. 

The next morning Ingram woke up first at 7am; there was a lot of commotion outside and she was the group’s lightest sleeper.  She went outside to see what all the fuss was about and jammed the door shut again when she saw how many cops and FBI types were swarming.  Immediately moving her stash of weed to a safer place she text her friends to see if they knew what’s going on.  Abul was the only one to reply; his text froze Ingram with utter disbelief; the text read:  the University has been robbed and all the volatile chemicals stolen.  The knock on Ingram’s door was almost simultaneous with everyone else’s in their residence, she was expecting them to question her there but they took everyone from residence hall 6a to the bureau for questioning.

It was a gruelling ordeal for three of the four but Abul had been here before, they had been taken in for questioning because the robber had entered the hazardous storage area through the only ventilation shaft in the heavily locked store with only two access points, one in the storage area and one in their residence hall.  Large quantities of chemicals that can be used in bomb making were taken, Freedom for Palestine and Stop IDF funding was sprayed on the walls. Everybody from residence hall 6a was under intense scrutiny and pressure, but none more so than Abul and Dharak.  While their rooms were being ransacked the two Palestinian exiles were being grilled about the robbery and their whereabouts at the time it happened.  The other occupants of residence hall 6a were also being interrogated: 

“Ingram, calm down please, we just want to ask you a few questions about two of your class mates, Abul Hasam Shirmi, and Dharak Hadif.”


“Are they obsessive about their faith, extreme if you like?”

“Well, Abul is a close friend of mine and he definitely isn’t an extremist, he drinks, goes out to clubs and parties with us all the time, he dates women all the time and that includes one night stands.  I can tell you that personally.  As for Dharak, I don’t know what you class as extremist but he is in the room next to mine, and I would call praying at least seven times a day, once at 4.00am every day pretty obsessive, not to mention the not drinking, smoking or having sex, I mean, he is a student, right?” 

“Do they ever talk about their life back in Palestine?”

“I avoid any contact with Dharak where possible but Abul hated Palestine, he fills with rage whenever it comes up in conversations, understandably, his parents were killed in a terrorist attack when he was five.  That’s why he abandoned his Muslim brothers and faith.”

“I’m sorry Ingram but Abul has been lying to you; his parents were terrorists and they were killed in a highly successful IDF raid!”

“I don’t care!  If that’s the case I understand why he lied, I would probably have lied, but that doesn’t change anything.  Abul isn’t a terrorist, he’s my friend!”  All the residents gave similar statements about the two Palestinians and at 1:15pm after 6 hours of intense interrogation everyone was, photographed, fingerprinted, swabbed for DNA and released, except Dharak. 

The FBI were kind enough to drive them all back to their residence hall, the four even managed to get in the same car, but decided not to speak until they were out of FBI range.

When they got out of the car Abul said. “Right, back to mine for debriefing, I’ve got tequila!” 

Ingram said “erm… let me see, yes!” so Drew nodded reluctantly as Pauli continued towards his room door saying,

“I don’t feel well guys, I’m gonna lie down.” and shutting the door behind him.  Ingram screwed up her face and said,

“Tequila tequila!” as Abul opened his room door and let them in.  A few hours and more than a few tequilas later Ingram decided hitting the town would be a good idea, despite the fact that her and Drew were beginning to feel the alcohol. Abul; had been pacing himself, but he knew from experience that resistance was futile and went to check if Pauli was alright; if he wanted to go.  Abul banged on the door for a good fifteen minutes before deciding Pauli must be asleep, and went to get the two drunks. 

About five minutes walk from the University, Abul saw something out of his eye corner.  He thought: that was… no it couldn’t have been, before stopping at the end of an alley to tie his shoes.  Ingram and Drew staggered on in front, arm in arm and oblivious to everything around them while Abul disappeared into the alley, Ingram and Drew didn’t notice Abul was missing until a few blocks later but they were too half-cut to care. O’Reily’s and more drink was just around the corner…  “Right, it’s your round Drew.”

“Whatever happened to lady’s first…” Drew joked on his way to the bar. “I’ll remember that.” 

In reality Drew wouldn’t care if he had to buy all the rounds, his crush on Ingram had been a secret of his since they started on the same course, nothing had ever come of it, largely because of Drew’s lack of confidence but every night they spent together he hoped would be the night they slept together.  That afternoon more than most Drew thought he had a good chance.  They were on they’re own, that hadn’t happened very often in the last few years and each drink removed another layer of Drew’s shell of inhibitions and insecurities.  Drew got the drinks in and sat down, doubles instead of singles but what the hell, tonight was the night.

“I got you a double I hope you don’t mind?”

“Well it’s a bit late” Ingram looked serious for two seconds before giggling and saying. “Since when have I refused a double”  Drew breathed a sigh of relief but Ingram’s sense of humour had knocked his confidence a little and raised his already soaring heartbeat. 

He noticed he was shaking a little and took off to the men’s room saying. “Back in a minute!”

By the time Drew had re-composed himself for the task in hand, he came out of the toilet and nearly walked straight into the end of a pool cue.  Ingram was on the other end playing pool with some guy Drew didn’t know.  Drew went back to the table to drown his sorrows.  When he saw Ingram handing her cue to one of the guy’s friends a minute or so later his hope was restored.  Ingram got a round in and returned to their table, as she sat down her face lit up as the bar door was flung open, “Abul, over here”, which had the opposite effect on Drew’s expression, not that he didn’t like Abul it was just his appearance ruined his chances with Ingram. Abul got a drink and joined his friends.  “Where did you go?” Ingram enquired.

“Oh, I caught a glimpse of an old friend and one thing led to another.” Abul was lying and Ingram knew it.  She had just decided now wasn’t the time when an incredible bang; an explosion rocked the Irish pub from the rafters down.  It was either very close or very big and no-one knew what to do at first.  After the initial screams and blasphemy no one spoke; seconds passed like minutes of silence already marking the dead, blank faces stared, shocked and eventually scared voices began to say. “What was that?” People started testing their shaky legs to see if they would carry them.  Abul was already standing.  He had headed for the door straight after the explosion, but came back to wait for his friends. Eventually, after just two minutes people began to go outside to see what had happened.  Close to the door, Ingram Drew and Abul were among the first on the street, among the first to realise just how close the explosion was.  Sirens wailed closer but no one spoke.

Just five doors down, Windsor’s bar, one of the many across America, was a gaping wreck of fire and smoke.  As everyone got outside O’Reily’s, morbid mobile phone calls were made telling friends and family members of the unexpected excitement in their lives that could so easily have been death.  Even more morbid, others were taking pictures, some were even sending them to friends.  Screams could be heard coming from the burning building and Abul took off towards them. Drew, seeing Ingram’s expression of worried admiration was quickly on his heels.  LAPD though were first on the scene, and soon followed by two fire engines and an ABC news van, were quick to stop Abul and Drew in their tracks.  Ingram along with most of the people from O’Reily’s approached more cautiously.  As the news began to fill Los Angeles and America with dismay mobile phones again came out, this time receiving calls from worried friends and relatives.  As the police presence grew steadily their focus shifted from strengthening the cordon to interviewing possible witnesses. While Drew and Ingram took calls from their distraught mothers, Abul made a sharp exit in time to avoid another interview from—immediately suspicious about his heritage—police.

Chapter 2

On his way home, Abul saw something out of his eye corner in the same alley, switched off his phone and again disappeared into the dim light.  Abul approached a lock-up at the end of the alley with Palestinian Clove Oil Co marked on the door as slowly and quietly as possible.  When he reached the orange door at the end of the alley he stopped, but decided this time not to bang on the door.  He found a suitably dark corner and waited, and waited and waited.  Around four hours and fifteen minutes Abul stood quietly watching the orange door with one eye, the alley entrance with the other.  The door began to open.  Abul submerged himself in the shadow and froze completely still.  As the door creaked open, recognising the trousers, then the coat confirmed Abul’s suspicions even before he saw the face.

It was what he saw behind the face though as the door reached the top of its arch that really shocked him, even though it confirmed his recent, as of that night, suspicions.  A chemistry lab in a back alley lock up was enough for Abul.  He stepped out “Pauli, what’s going on?”  Pauli visibly jumped and shut the door down as quickly as possible, which wasn’t very quick, turned around and said. 

“Abul, what are you doing here?”

“Don’t act cool Pauli, I’ve seen your little set-up and I’ve seen what’s left of Windsor’s, you know I’m not that stupid!”

“I can’t tell you anything Abul so just call the cops, if you haven’t already.”

“Call the cops, yeah, right, the only reason I’m a little pissed is that you took those chemicals right out from under me, I went to all the trouble of getting into storage only to find the chemicals I needed gone.  Don’t get me wrong when I was being questioned about what you wrote on the wall I thought you were trying to frame me, but when we got out and Dharak didn’t that sold it for me, its perfect!  The cause you are using to frame Dharak is my cause!”  Pauli slipped a rubber glove off his left hand as he remembered Abul’s phone call.

“Right,” Pauli pulls of the other latex glove “I guess the question now is where we go from here?  I’m willing to come to some sort of deal as long as I get to keep what I need.”

“Okay hold up here, you know my cause and my motivation is obvious.  I mean, the FBI must have told you about my parents?” Pauli was nodding “The question is why are you doing this?”

“It’s my dad!  He’s been running local protection for the LA mob for years, but someone’s muscling in.  All I know apart from that is my list of targets.”

“Okay, I think we should team up; do one of your targets then one of mine.  I just have one problem… why the marking on the lock-up, don’t you think it will attract attention?”  Pauli didn’t argue.  “I’ve had plenty of time to think this evening and you’re planning to frame Dharak yes?” Pauli nodded. “Then if the FBI come across this lock-up by accident or otherwise before you want them to it’s a waste of time, that’s why I think we should team up.  I’ve got it all worked out!  I’ve got another, less conspicuous lock-up, we could move all the chemicals there and just leave significant traces here plus whatever forensics you’re planting, incriminating Dharak and go on with our business worry free.”

“You’re right, my dad would kill me, literally if I didn’t complete the one job I’ve been preparing for, well, I should really say prepared for all my life.  Before I agree though… you say you’re motives are obvious and they are up to a point.  I guess you intend to wage Jihad on America for their support of Israel’s IDF in revenge for your parent’s death, but surely you could have got better revenge on the IDF in Israel, not America?”

“If it was up to me I would have stayed in Palestine and waged jihad on the IDF but my uncle sees the bigger picture.  We’re planning to wage the biggest wave of Jihad America has ever seen, to strike terror into the heart of every American as America and the IDF tries to strike terror into my Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine and around the world, and ultimately to end American support of Israel and the IDF…”

“Let me just stop you there, how would you’re uncle and Muslim brothers and sisters feel about your drinking binges and womanising?”

“Like I said, my uncle, who is also my Imam, sees the bigger picture.  My mission is of great importance to our cause; I must achieve it by any means possible.  Part of my mission is avoiding suspicion and to do that I must blend in.  Allah sees within me and knows I will always be a Muslim at heart.  Allahu Akbar!”  Pauli noticed how much like a robot Abul sounded and realised just how well Abul had hidden his completely brainwashed radicalism all these years.

“Okay, let’s do it,” Pauli began walking back towards the alley entrance and Abul followed. “how far is your lock-up though, because we’re a bit short on transport?”

“No problem, the cause is far better… provided for than you would ever believe.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, I shouldn’t, but seeing as we’re now partners its only fair, no specifics but part of our funding comes from the American government.”

“You can’t expect me to believe that, why don’t they just stop funding the IDF?”

“I’ve said too much already, have you never heard of covert funding, the Mujahideen Afghanistan, the 80’s come on Pauli, this is America!”

“Okay, okay I get it, when do we move then, tonight?”

“No, I’ll get it arranged for tomorrow night.”

Pauli stopped and pulled Abul’s arm to do the same.  “I’ve got plans tomorrow night, I just finished building when you…” 

Pauli remembered that he hadn’t locked the door and ran back to the lock-up.  Abul knew it was a dead end, he too remembered Pauli closing the door but not locking it and waited.  Pauli locked the door, but he forgot to put on gloves before doing so, when he returned Abul had it all worked out.

“Right, we’ll move the goods as soon as it gets dark; say 7:30 and take the package, when we’ve completed the move we’ll just get dropped off near my first location.”

“Your location…” Pauli remembered the agreement. “Oh yeah, sounds okay.”  The two terrorists headed back to the university residence discussing Abul’s location and plan, Abul was also keen to find out as much as he could about Pauli’s bomb design.

Chapter 3

Ingram woke up to a terrible commotion for the second day in a row; voices were coming from Dharak’s room.  It was 4am, and this time it sounded more… sinister.  Ingram nervously opened her room door to a crack.  The voices got louder and a big man in a fancy suit came out, Ingram closed the door too and waited till he passed, when she re-opened it Dharak was being cajoled out of his room with a black hood over his head.  Ingram’s heart was pounding as she again closed the door carefully, waiting till they had gone to close it properly.  Again she text her friends, but this time there was no reply.  Abul was awake, he too had seen Dharak’s rude awakening and was frantically knocking on Pauli’s room door when the text came through.  Pauli let him in.  As soon as the door closed Abul said.

“Did you hear what happened to Dharak?”

“Yes, Ingram text me, what’s the problem?”

“What’s the problem?  You know the FBI doesn’t use a black hood; that was U.S intelligence.  What happens to our wonderful plan if Dharak is never seen again?”

“You don’t think…?”

“Let me tell you Pauli that is wholly possible.”

“Can’t we just find another Patsy?”

“Oh, so you know any Palestinians in this area that aren’t related to me or part of the cause because I can tell you there isn’t many.”

“Chill Abul, my uncle runs protection for nearly every business around, I’ll get on the phone and he’ll sort it. It was him who found Dharak; that was why we chose this University.”

“Okay, make the call, tell him what’s going on and let’s wait and pray Dharak gets out.”

There was a knock on the door and Pauli went to answer it.  Abul held him back and went to the door himself, after looking through the peep hole he made a silence gesture to Pauli, while mouthing “Its Ingram.” Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Pauli, Abul what’s going on…? I know you’re in there I heard you.”

Abul opened the door and Ingram came in.

“Sorry Ingram we thought it was spooks coming for us.”

“Why would spooks, whatever they are be coming to Pauli’s?”

“It’s just me being paranoid I guess.”  Abul looked at Ingram questioningly and waited; as if to say: what do you want Ingram?  Eventually Ingram took the hint and said.

“Well, I just wanted to see if you know what the hell is going on?”

“No, I stayed here last night, I came to tell Pauli what happened last night at Windsor’s and ended up getting trashed and crashing on the sofa.”

“That reminds me, where did you get to last night?”

Pauli was nervous.

“I got out of there before the police got suspicious about my background for the second time in the same day!”  Pauli realised just how much of an asset Abul was, such a terrific liar. “You and Drew didn’t tell them I was there, did you?”

“No of course not, Drew wondered why you left and about you’re disappearing earlier but I knew why you would have left and explained it to him.  Who did you bump into before that though?  You were acting pretty strange!” 

Pauli was even more nervous and Ingram began to see it.

“Oh, just one of the people from a home I was put in for a while.” 

Ingram again knew Abul was lying.

“Oh right, well I’ll see you guys later.” Ingram left.  When she got outside something hit her suddenly, Abul had different clothes on!  Ingram went back to her room to try and get a little more sleep.

Abul too went back to his room but sleep was the last thing on his mind.  He called his uncle to see if anybody who had fled Palestine to escape the cause lived nearby, his uncle snapped. “I can’t give names over the phone, I’ll contact you tomorrow!”  Meaning Abul should check the cause’s anonymous chat room, he couldn’t rely on Pauli, just in case.  A knock startled him then scared him, it was Big Brother.  Abul thought about running but changed his mind, they had nothing on him before and they had nothing now.  He answered the door and they took him into custody.  With his one phone call he called Pauli and told him the arrangements for moving the gear.

Pauli was nervous as hell but it was a good plan.  The van rolled up, Pauli thought hard, he had been dithering all day, go, don’t go.  He really didn’t want to go but they would know where his lock-up was by now and he decided better with them and mission accomplished than failing when they take the chemicals anyway.  He was given a warm reception from the two dark figures he was getting into the refrigerated van beside, they asked about Abul and Pauli did as he was told and lied through his teeth, he didn’t want Abul getting killed. The journey to the lock-up was uncomfortable at best.  While Hasam turned dim light into pitch black, Rakim parked the van straight across the front of the lock-up door, Pauli put on his gloves and gave Rakim a pair.

As Pauli turned the key in the door a sharp blow to the head knocked him unconscious.  Rakim bundled him into the back of the van, bound, gagged and blindfolded him, before searching him, taking his mobile phone and smashing it up.  Rakim started packing up the chemicals.  The lock-up was nearly cleared when Abul came running up, he saw Pauli struggling to get free before he bumped into Hasam.

“What’s going on?”

“You’re uncle phoned us after your phone call this morning, the plans have changed.  I hope you aren’t too attached to him in the back of the van because he is the new patsy!”

Abul thought about arguing but he was at the bottom of the food chain.  As he reminded himself about the importance of his mission; memories of his parents ended his protest once and for all.  Abul went back with his two brothers to the warehouse he never knew existed.  When the door was completely down they unloaded the van, Pauli and all.

“Right Abul, I hope you know how to work this bomb you’re friend built because the first one goes off tonight!”

“Yes of course I do!”

“Glad all the money the cause has spent on you hasn’t been wasted.  Get in then.”

The band of brothers set the first bomb at a high rise conference complex, known that Sunday night to be holding a meeting of prominent local government officials, they phoned in the same coded warning as Pauli had used on the first bomb: 

“Blood money flows, blood will form rivers in your streets until the money stops it.  End IDF funding now.” 

The bomb detonated without a hitch, Abul pushed the antenna down and the van sped away.  Hasam said, “Well done Abul that was excellent!  We’ll pick you up first thing on Tuesday to build a package for Tuesday night.” as they drove back to the university halls.  When they got there Abul went in and straight to bed.

Graduation day wasn’t what Abul imagined, he didn’t enjoy it one bit.  His guilt about Pauli had already kept him awake all night and now Ingram and Drew’s constant questions had him at breaking point.  None the less he got through it without event.  Drew eventually gave in but Ingram kept on, she knew there had been something strange going on for days now and she wasn’t letting it go.  Abul maintained his story, which was mostly truth; that he had left Pauli’s shortly after she did, then got lifted by NSA CIA, whoever they were and went straight to bed when he got released.  He had knocked on Pauli’s door before he left for graduation so they could go together but got no answer.  Eventually Ingram had to leave it but she knew Abul was nervous and she wasn’t happy.

Ingram decided to file a missing persons report, she thought about telling LAPD about Abul’s strange behaviour of late but decided it was nothing to do with Pauli disappearing, she had known Abul for six years; Pauli was their friend and Abul was already having enough trouble. Whatever Abul was acting strange about he would tell her in his own time.  Ingram made the call and the report was filed, she had a strong feeling they weren’t taking her seriously, but when the report was entered into the LAPD central computer the report of Pauli being taken in for questioning on Saturday flashed onto the screen with the words FBI Important above.  The young rookie sent the report straight to his superior.

Ingram went to find Abul to apologise, he wasn’t in his room so she called him.  He was in Jack’s bar drowning his sorrows, in actual fact drowning out the guilt but Ingram didn’t know that yet.  She went to meet him, got a treble vodka and sat down beside him.  She had some catching up to do by the look of Abul.  Her apology became quite emotional because of Abul’s semi-intoxicated state and a friendly cuddle turned into a passionate kiss, Ingram didn’t fight it, it felt right.  A few drinks later and all inhibitions washed away the pair were making out regularly, all the while dodging Drew’s calls.  At about half past Seven Ingram decided to bite the bullet.  “So, Abul, I don’t know why this is happening again after all this time and I don’t know about you but it feels so right, do you want to come back to mine?”  Abul didn’t answer in words but his standing up and forcefully pulling Ingram from her seat and towards the bar door was all the answer she needed.  She didn’t know it had more to do with the news report on the TV, about the latest terrorist attack and the dozens of innocent people killed than him wanting her.

Chapter 4

Ingram and Abul were both awoken early the next morning by a loud car horn.  Abul lay dazed for a couple of seconds before he realised who it was and frantically jumped up and into his trousers.  Ingram said, “What’s going on Abul?”

“Go back to sleep Ingram its nothing.”

“It looks like nothing!”

“Okay, I promised I would do someone a favour, nothing major but I owe them, just go back to sleep Ingram, please.”

Abul left and Ingram followed shortly behind, she was almost too late to see the Brown van driving off, but not too late to see the Asian driver wearing Islamic headgear, or get the registration number. 

Ingram was overcome with emotion as she realised she had almost certainly been wrong about Abul and it might have cost Pauli his life by now.  Ingram got her mobile phone and started dialling the number on the FBI card she had been given, but just as she started, the door went with the now ominously familiar knock, Ingram opened the door to the same FBI agent who had told her about Abul’s real past.

“Ingram, I believe you reported one of your friends, Pauli, missing!”


“Well, I also believe his disappearance is related to the bombs that have been going off.”

“I’ve begun to think you might be right about Abul, so yes Pauli’s disappearance could well be related, but you must know more than me, why do you think so?”

“We’ve been monitoring calls from Palestine for months now, we knew an Islamic Jihad cell had entered the country over a period of years and a massive terror campaign was becoming imminent but we had no idea who any of them were.  The day before yesterday one of the suspected terrorists called who we think is their leader in Palestine reporting that their Patsy had been captured and asking if there were any local Palestinians who were enemies of the cause, the call was made shortly after we had lifted Dharak.  Leader said don’t be stupid I can’t give names over the phone, hung up and immediately made a call to someone in this city, another suspected member of the cell and said.

“The Patsy is gone!  Tonight you are going to be working with you’re brother, his new partner is not a member of the cause and not our brother, make him the new Patsy by whatever means necessary.”  So, when you reported Pauli missing Abul became our primary target.  Now we need you to tell us where he is, we know he hasn’t been home all night…” 

A guilty look appeared on Ingram’s face. “He stayed here last night, you just missed him, he left in a brown refrigerated van, I only saw the passengers head briefly and from the headgear I would say he is a Muslim, the driver I got a good look at him and he is a stereotypical terrorist, Osama beard and complete headgear they sped off heading North just before you arrived.”

“Did you get the…”

“Yes, HKE143TD.”

The agents took off, in twenty seconds every FBI, CIA, NSA agent and LAPD officer was looking for the van as a number one priority and the race was on to find it before more people were killed.

The brown van arrived at its destination, “Come on Abul, what are you waiting for?”  Abul got out, opened the warehouse door and followed the van inside before closing and locking it.  He went to the side door of the van, took out the food and drink he had bought for Pauli despite his brothers jibes and went over to where his ex-friend was bound to a chair and said.

“I’m going to take this gag off and untie one of your hands so you can eat and drink, but if you scream you know what I will have to do!”  Pauli did know, he had been left alone with Abul’s brothers the day before and they had connected his hands to the mains with a switch.  What Pauli and Abul didn’t know was that they had also connected a solenoid so that if Pauli managed to get one of the wires off the other would produce a constant charge and kill him.  They had tested the switch extensively, but more importantly Pauli knew it worked. 

Abul removed Pauli’s gag and Pauli started pleading with him “Please Abul, just let me go, please…” 

Hasam shouted over.  “Right Abul I’ll take over there; you’ve got work to do.”  Abul did as he was told and went to start building their bomb. 

The bomb Abul built was a criminal masterpiece, detonated by Bluetooth from only his mobile phone it was far more advanced, and using more chemicals, it was, in theory far more devastating than Pauli’s previous two efforts.  The van number plates had been changed, Pauli was safely re-gagged and re-tied and the tragedy-creating trio played poker to pass the time until darkness, which, because of the season, would only be an hour or so.  Abul’s uncle had been meticulously planning every detail for years, targets, season, times, everything and Pauli had come up with a better plan in the few months since Dharak had come to the university, the cause had not planned to use a patsy but it was perfect.  The original plan was three separate, coordinated mass murderous suicide bombings and the hope that they would be enough to achieve the cause’s goal, this way the mission could carry on until their aim was achieved. 

Darkness fell at 6:58pm, Abul went to the van’s side-door put his masterpiece in and opened the warehouse door.  He felt guilty again as he closed the door down on Pauli but he knew what he had to do.  He got into the van and the mission got underway.  The planned target this time was the biggest so far, not in size but in public prominence and carnage.  Abul was going to hide the bomb in a rucksack in the L.A Lakers stadium close to the warehouse before that night’s game, leave just after the game started and as before set the bomb off from the van as they drove away.  The parked in the La Lakers car park as planned at 7:15pm, giving Abul 15 minutes to plant the bomb, which was just enough time to do it.  They didn’t want the van attracting too much attention. 

Abul got out and went to the van’s rear door, took out his rucksack and joined the crowd of people entering the stadium through gate 7d, he was inside at 8:25pm, which was sooner than expected so he found his seat and sat down.  Abul sat there for five minutes thinking, making sure he was doing the right thing before getting up and heading for exit 9c.  Abul exited the stadium, then the car park and started running, when he was about half a mile away he got out his mobile phone, thought about it one last time and pressed the hash key.

The explosion was magnificent, the brown refrigerated van took off like a rocket and hit the ground a mangled ball of fire, killing both occupants and several innocent bystanders instantly.  Abul heard the sound but felt no guilt; he had done the right thing.  Now he was going to free his friend.  Growing up, the cause was his life because it was his parents life, then it became his cause because, radicalised by his uncle he wanted to avenge his parents death, but he had been in America now for almost as long as he lived in Palestine.  He had made new friends; lived a new life to blend in and finally realised that nothing he or the cause could do would ever bring his parents back.  All he was to the cause was an expendable weapon, Pauli had been a true friend. 

Abul hid his face from every group of sirens on his way back to the warehouse.  He set Pauli free, told him what he had done and apologised for all he had been through.  Pauli forgave his friend and they headed back to the residence halls to start looking for a place to stay, the university wanted all graduating students out by Friday.  Abul’s phone rang.  Caller display flashed.  Ingram.  “Hello.”

“I heard about the Brown van, I thought you were part of it, I’ve got the whole LAPD out looking for you.”

“I’m sorry, I’m coming back to the halls right now, Pauli is with me…”

Pauli shouted. “Hello Ingram!”  “we’ll explain everything when we get back.” 

The reunited friends ran through back alleys to get safely back to halls avoiding the whole LAPD.

The fugitives at large had only just finished telling Ingram the whole sordid truth when a knock came at her door, Abul and Pauli hid in the bedroom while Ingram answered it as calmly as possible.  It was a nervous twenty seconds as the men told Ingram about the van exploding; they hadn’t had time to find out whether Ingram would shop them.  She said.

“I made a terrible mistake; Pauli came back just after you left.  It turns out he’s been hiding an alcohol addiction from us all for months and he had been on a bender with one of his new alcoholic associates.  I called Abul and told him I had news about Pauli and he rushed back at 3:15 this afternoon.  We’ve spent the day together catching up.  I'm sorry I wasted your time but whatever brown van exploded it has nothing to do with us.  The agents were furious, they knew Ingram was lying but the CCTv hadn’t been working in the area of the Lakers stadium that Abul had sat in.  There wasn’t a thing they could do about it.

© Copyright 2008 LiamBailey (ljbailey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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