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Sample of the SSIT Report On The Separate Species Of Vampires In The World |
SSIT Report On The Separate Species of Vampires By Elisha Worthall and Dr. Xavier Bell INTRODUCTION Of all the legends of Shape Shifters in the world, it's apparent that Vampires have the one of the longest and most varied history of a supernatural species. When the Supernatural Scientific Investigative Team - SSIT - began to look into Vampire legends of Eastern Europe, the first species to become known was the European Vampire. Then as the investigation deepened, more and more legends, superstitions and stories based on historical and/ or cultural fact of this type of Shape Shifter became known. It became apparent that Vampires differ just as humans around the globe do. However, a common factor arose which indicated Vampires are Shape Shifters; in their transition from human to 'other'. In the case of the different breeds of Werewolves, their Shape Shifter DNA could be linked to a genetic forefather, ‘The First Werewolf’, which was a hot-blooded predator located in Mesozoic Age. As discussed in the introduction of the SSIT Report on the Different Breeds of Werewolves, the ‘First Werewolf’ had similar physical characteristics to its prehistoric cousins such as the Raptor. However the true origins of Vampire DNA are much harder to track, due to the range of cultural differences such as ‘the cause’ of becoming a Vampire. Vampire DNA changes the living body to a state of near biological death; or scientifically put, Vampires enter a kind of biological ‘stasis’ which shuts down many of their normal functions. This permanent paralysis of organs may heighten certain physical abilities, but it will also decrease others to the point of necrotizing flesh. Some Vampires change from a human appearance to their other form at will, when engaged in hunting or combat. With other species, once humans have been changed; undergo a complete transformation that it's sometimes difficult to look human once more. Interestingly, some Vampires share similar physical traits as Werewolves. Another commonality is the ‘bloodlust’, which is the overpowering hunger or thirst to eat fresh flesh or drink fresh blood. Then of course, is the allergy to silver which is apparent in all Shape Shifters. Much of the Western world term Vampires as the ‘undead’, although doubtful to apply in the natural world, one can relegate this term loosely to particular Vampire species. Where some of Vampire’s organs undergo a change to become stronger, others became damaged and ergo useless. However, Vampires still have a heart rate, pulse and therefore breathe, which in turn enables their bodily movements by transporting the blood to their muscles. But in the change to Vampire, the medical drawbacks are numerous which in turn, is responsible for their need to feed on fresh blood. Another superstition about Vampires which needs to be quashed, is the notion that Vampires are immortal. This is scientifically impossible due to the fact that not even the Universe is immortal. With differing scientific groups such as NASA or otherwise, proving with their work in astronomy or physics on matter, anti-matter, dark matter, atoms and molecules, with The Big Bang as well as The Big Crunch; very little let alone biological matter can be deemed to be ‘immortal’. Energy cannot be destroyed but simply changes form; this scientific fact can be applied to Shape Shifters such as Vampires. Many species of Vampires have a supernaturally long existence due to a successful feeding pattern. But what became obvious was that for many, if their feeding pattern was not successful then neither was the longevity of the subject. This can be said for any biological creature in the natural world. If the living conditions are plentiful in providing for the life form, then the life form will flourish. However, if food or other necessary elements to survive are not available, then the life form may either change to adapt to their environmental conditions or perish. Another myth in popular culture of Vampires being allergic to sunlight needs to be reexamined. As they must be continually hydrated by drinking fresh blood, they are photosensitive to bright light and in particular Ultraviolet rays. Humans encounter sunburn every day and from this exposure, they heal by their skin cells reproducing to replace the damaged ones. But because Vampires do not age, their skin is also in stasis and unable to repair itself. They will not turn to dust from exposure to sunlight, but they cannot heal from sunburn unless they drink blood. Religious implications on Vampires are minimal, nor does religion have any scientific effect on this species of Shape Shifter. In this scientist’s view, religion is a folklore itself and is generally used to either inspire false hope or to try to explain the unexplainable; however my partner on SSIT Elisha Worthall, agrees to disagree on this matter with her ever-present crucifix worn around her neck. Holy Water and crucifixes to do not work to ward off or injure the Vampires that SSIT investigated. On this note, Vampires can certainly attack human religious figures as well as freely enter a church, and set foot on sacred or consecrated ground. When SSIT investigated European Vampires for instance, we interviewed many members of the community in several different Eastern European countries. We encountered several stories of how humans had escaped a Vampire attack by the use of crucifixes as well as by running into a church. When we asked the witnesses to show us the crucifixes, we found that they were in jewelry form and made of silver. Then we asked to see the church which the subjects had found safety in, to find the buildings had unkempt cemeteries surrounding them. As the up-keep on the said cemetery was not immaculate, this caused the grass to grow long and flowering weeds to appear. Two of these weeds were not in fact weeds, but upon closer examination there were smatterings of flowering garlic stalks as well as ‘Wolf’s Bane’, Arnica Montana that in certain locations in Europe grows abundantly. ‘Wolf’s Bane’ can be used for human medicinal purposes but if used incorrectly, it can cause severe gastroenteritis and even internal bleeding of the intestinal tract. These symptoms can be deadly to Vampires and even injure a Werewolf. With this evidence in mind, SSIT concluded that the European Vampires broke off their pursuits, due to the fact silver or because of the flora that was present, when the humans sought sanctuary. EUROPEAN VAMPIRE ~Physical Characteristics~ WARNING – This species of Vampire has poisonous fangs which can kill humans. When a European Vampire changes from human to their supernatural form, their eyes turn completely white and their upper canine teeth become long and sharp like the fangs on a snake. This species of Vampire has venom that is secreted by the fangs which can kill humans and paralyze Werewolves. The nails on the European Vampire’s hands become longer and sharper, although not as strong as claws on other supernatural beings. This means they can pierce human tissue however they may break on harder substances like clothing such as denim or leather. The strength of a European Vampire is ten times that of a human. They have supernaturally fast reflexes which can be measured at the same rate as the speed of sound. However they are unable to maintain this speed by running long distances, but are able to use this by jumping heights equivalent to four story buildings. This species' lifespan is one of the longest in the supernatural world, up to 500 years old. It was told when interviewing one European Vampire subject that there was a member of his species surpassing his 600th Birthday, although our investigators were unable to contact, meet and examine this individual. It was explained that he was able to obtain his great age from successfully hunting to prolong his strength and regenerative ability. However if a European Vampire cannot feed on fresh blood at least once a week, then their metabolic system, strength and life expectancy fails. They also have an excellent sense of smell. This species can smell a Werewolf within a 100 km radius and track it with a 99.9% success rate. They advise it is by the potent pheromones the Werewolf releases. Although European Vampires are severely allergic to silver, they often use silver coated weapons when hunting their favoured source of nourishment. European Vampires appear to exist precariously on a double-edged sword, as their supernatural state can bring many benefits but just as many downfalls. As their bodies enter a form of biological stasis, they do not age and can maintain the same appearance for all of their existence. To some this can be a vain benefit, however the medical repercussions are plentiful. As mentioned previously, Vampires do breathe and they have a heart beat which in turn moves the blood around their bodies to ensure motor function. However, from the almost suspended state their bodies exist in, their heart beat dramatically decreases which means European Vampires encounter difficulty with strenuous physical activity. Also on this note, this species is required to spend a significant portion of their time slumbering to conserve their energy. The idea of Vampires turning to dust from either exposure to the sun or from a stake to the heart; may be attributed to a European Vampire’s rapid decomposition when it can be clinically called dead. As their bodies were partially shut down from the moment they were turned, their rate of decay is rapid with a drying effect. Even their skeletons are broken down to basic components in minimal time with only a biological ‘ash’ left. The full rate of decomposition occurs in seven days, which means an autopsy on this species must happen immediately from the time of death. This was noted when SSIT attempted to study a decapitated body. This mode of murder was a common one, to ensure the Vampire could not regenerate by imbibing blood. SOUTH AMERICAN VAMPIRE ~Physical Characteristics~ When a South American Vampire changes from human to other, their eyes turn completely red with their black pupils disappearing. All of their teeth become pointed and sharp and look similar to a piranha. This species of Vampire does not produce venom, however they rely on their teeth, nails and speed. The nails on the South American Vampire’s hands become long and sharp like small knives and are the strongest nails of all the species SSIT encountered. The strength of a South American Vampire is ten times that of a human. Like their European cousins, they have supernaturally fast reflexes which can be measured at the same rate as the speed of sound. However South American Vampires are able to maintain this speed by running long distances, but they cannot jump the same heights a European Vampire can. This species longevity may reach 400 years if they are successful in hunting. If they cannot feed on fresh blood at least once every 5 days, then their metabolic system, strength and life expectancy fails. Using their ability to take extremely long breaths, they can successfully hunt underwater. By utilizing their multiple sharp teeth, they aren't adverse to masticating the flesh of their victims to squeeze out more blood. It is because of this that many humans who are dragged from rivers such as the Amazon, are accounted to have been the victims of a piranha attack instead. South American Vampires are extremely sensitive to the cold, and are the most susceptible to frost bite. Only once did SSIT hear of an instance where three South American Vampires ventured into a cold habitat, when they came to hunt the Lokoti Werewolves in Alaska. It was said this occurred during the summer, with the long hours of daylight which warmed temperatures. Instead, this species prefer the hot jungles or other regions where it does not snow, in South America. On this note, it's not uncommon to find South American Vampires in Mexico either. Those who reside in this country often prey upon animals to avoid detection and therefore destruction by humans. Domestic live stock, such as goats are chosen for their accessibility and then the El Chupacabra aka ‘the Mexican Goat Sucker’, is blamed instead. NORTH AMERICAN VAMPIRE ~Physical Characteristics~ WARNING – This species of Vampire has poisonous fangs which can paralyse humans. When they change from human to Vampire, their eyes glow and appear red on the outside of their irises, with yellow in the middle. Also, their foreheads become pronounced giving this species along with their glowing reddish eyes, a more ‘demonic’ appearance. Their upper canine teeth become long and sharp like the fangs on a snake. The venom is secreted by the fangs which can paralyse humans for up to 3 days – if they survive an attack. The nails on the Vampire’s hands become longer and sharper. The strength of a North American Vampire is fifteen times that of a human and they are the strongest of the species investigated by SSIT. They have lightening fast reflexes, although they are not as fast as European or South American Vampires. They can run up to speeds of 360 km/h in short bursts and cannot jump as high as their European 'cousins'. Their longevity is 300 years and it's believed their life span is shorter than the other species because of their faster metabolic rate, which attributes to their greater strength. South American Vampires need to hunt every third day to survive. However, after drinking from another Vampire or a Werewolf then 7 days can pass before they have to hunt again. It's not uncommon that this species will hunt their own kind, or cannibalize their own coven. North American Vampires can perform strenuous physical activity with ease. With their bloodlust, they relish killing their victims in a sadistic way as possible. Unlike the European variety who use cunning and covert tactics when hunting; they prefer a ‘smash and grab’ approach. Often, news reports of highway car-jackings with the vehicles destroyed and the owners missing, can be attributed to their destructive nature. WEST AFRICAN VAMPIRE ~Physical Characteristics~ As mentioned in the Introduction, most Vampires appear human but change form when fighting or feeding. However there are a few species which may only attain a human appearance by feeding on this mammal. The West African Vampire is an example of this. This species are biologically a ‘blank slate’, that is to say they have a rare mutation of the albino gene which has no skin pigmentation, hair or eye colouring. They literally are a translucent white because their bodies are missing the basic hormones which regulate their colouring. They have the unnerving appearance of a native to the continent of Africa, but with white afro hair, white eyes with small black pupils and a white, sometimes translucent skin. This species is always male and as such, their feeding is concentrated on human males. The West African Vampire’s choice of meal is not born from luxury, rather it is out of necessity. Not only do they drink the blood of the victim, but they take other fluids from the human body including from the pituitary gland. By ingesting the victim’s blood, hormones and other bodily fluids, the West African Vampire adopts the colouring of its victim and sometimes other physical characteristics. This species is the most like a Shape Shifter, as its appearance can alter depending on the appearance of its meal. On this note, West African Vampires choose human males to feed on because if it fed on a female and imbibed a large amount of estrogen; it would greatly effect its shift in shape. Although SSIT cannot confirm if this could actually cause the male West African Vampire to change into a female, scientifically we can project it would be worse than a transsexual undergoing medical treatment to change gender. West African Vampires do not have fangs or sharp elongated teeth, and its strength is five times that of a human being. Instead, this species uses the flora or fauna in its native area, such as specific plants or venom that has a paralysing effect, to make poisoned darts and stun their victims. When their prey has been neutralized, the West African Vampire then carries the human male to their hide-out/ home to slowly drain them. The feeding is a drawn out process as they use many of the victim’s bodily fluids to replenish its own. This is while the human is alive, paralysed and in subsequent agony throughout the entire time. Their longevity is one of the shortest of the Vampire species, reaching 200 years old. Of course, this age can only be reached from successfully hunting to prolong its strength and regeneration. However, if a West African Vampire cannot feed at least once a month, then their metabolic system, strength and life expectancy fails. ~~~~~ This is a sample taken from the SSIT Reports on the Different Breeds of Werewolf, Separate Species of Vampire and Human/ Animal Shape Shifters, published by K.R. Smith and registered in the Cataloguing-in-Publication (CiP) under the Australian Copyright Act 1968. The separate species of Vampires as well as the different breeds of Werewolves in this SSIT Report are from the sci-fi, paranormal romance novels in the Circulate Series © K.R. Smith, 2005. SSIT Reports on the Different Breeds of Werewolf, Separate Species of Vampire and Human/ Animal Shape Shifters © K.R. Smith 2011 ISBN: 987-0-646-56328-2 Paperbacks available at: http://stores.lulu.com/onaya3 eBooks available at: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/onaya3 Find me on Facebook; http://www.facebook.com/Circulate.Series.KRSmith?ref=ts |