Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/150456-The-Fourth-Episode-Turning-Point
Rated: ASR · Serial · Comedy · #150456
The Fourth Episode
The rising sun appears as a star as the camera overlooks the island (thanks to the ever-handy star filter). As the logo comes on screen and slowly fades, the opening ends. The scene changes to a low flying helicopter, scanning the jungles. They suddenly fly over the meeting place, and a familiar, khaki-clad wolf stands
The scene quickly changes to B. Wolf, who's back is to the camera. He appears to be angry with two employees. From what can be seen, both are huge.
"I told everyone that they can't use the tanks until after the show!" B. Wolf yells, poking his finger into the obviously ballooned skunk's stomach.
The skunk just rubs his gut and promises not to do it again.
Turning to an obese rabbit, B. Wolf grabs a fold of fat.
"And that goes double for the fattening agent!" he says indignantly.
"But," the rabbit protests, "I haven't used any of the agent!"
Arching an eyebrow, B. Wolf asks, "Y-you haven't?"
The rabbit shakes his head. With a nervous chuckle, B. Wolf releases his stomach, and slowly turns his back to them.
"Then get on a diet or join a gym quick!" he mutters under his breath.
As he turns, he sees the camera's red light is on, meaning that he himself is now on. Quickly shooing away the large crew members, B. Wolf adjusts his hat, and begins to greet the viewers.
"Greetings once more, friends! We have now been on this deserted tropical paradise in the South Pacific for three weeks. We began with ten contestants, and we now have six left competing for the ultimate inflation first prize!"
Moving over to the center of the meeting place, four torches now stand unlit.
"Last week was... interesting to say the least! We said good-bye to both Cardal and to... -snicker snicker- Jack!"
The screen flashes back to vignettes of the two's inflations, Joseph's subsequent prank on Jack, and Cardal rolling him off set.
"Even I was brought in on the game last week," B. Wolf says dryly.
Once more, the screen changes to vignettes. This time, it is of Jack switiching the votes, and then inflating B. Wolf.
"Wasn't that hilarious?" B. Wolf says.
"Fortunately, with help from our wonderful crew," he says, turning to profile like he was in a diet commercial, "I'm back to normal."
Suddenly, the screen changes to a scenes of Blimp Wolf inflated from last week. In one scene, several crew members are punching him hard in his inflated stomach, and in another his stomach is being used as a trampoline. The scene changes back to an obviously annoyed B. Wolf.
"Yeah, folks... the best crew in the world."
Moving over to his TV monitor, B. Wolf reaches into his pocket and pulls out his remote control, which is seemingly being held together these days by tape.
"One more week has now passed for the remaining members of Tribe In'Flatus, and tonight brings us here to say farewell to two more. This will bring us past the halfway mark, meaning that the sixth person who is voted off, the second person tonight, will receive extra inflation! But first, let us look back at this week. Once again, we decided to have some fun with the contestants, though two of the contestants seemed just about ready to have some fun by themselves!"
Looking down at the TV, B. Wolf looks apprehensive.
"All right, I wonder who's screwed with the tapes this week," B. Wolf wonders.
"Ah!" he says, snapping back to attention, "let us now take a look back, and then we'll regroup for the announcement of the votes."
Turning his head, and covering his eyes with his right paw, his left clicks a button on the remote. The screen goes dark.

As the scene fades in, the sun shines brightly above the jungle canopy. Walking through the jungle, the camera emerges onto the beach where the competitors have made their homes. Panning to the left, several contestants can be seen.
Looking, one can see Alagar performing his daily lifting exercises, by benching a fallen palm tree. Sitting in front of him is Joseph, who appears to be looking up at the alligator in awe.
"That's so cool that you're that strong, Alagar!" he says excitedly.
"Well, I'm not that strong, kid" he says, completing his sixtieth rep.
"I've always to be stronger, I guess that's one reason I'm thankful for dance."
"Well, why don't you join me then?" Alagar says, nodding to the tree branch next to him.
"Well... my arms definitely need the work. I usually just focus on my legs" the silver fox says, getting up and walking over to the tree branch.
Looking down at it, the branch appears to be about 3 inches thick and about three-and-a-half feet long. Bending his knees, Joseph wraps his paws around it. Gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, he tries with all his upper body strength to lift it.
Alagar, still holding the trunk above his head, looks down with a sweat drop as Joseph is unable to get the branch more than an inch off of the ground.
"Don't struggle, Quicksilver. You'll pull something," he says.
"I told you I need to work on my upper body," he grunts, still trying to lift the branch.
"Do... you... have any advice.... on how..to go about... doing...THAT?!" Joseph says, as he loses his grip and goes flying into Alagar.
Alagar, unfortunately, was not expecting this, and as Joseph smacked into his chest, he dropped the tree trunk onto both of them.
When the dust clears, four legs are sticking out from underneath the large tree trunk, looking like something out of the Wizard of Oz.
"Start smaller kid," Alagar says.

Turning away from the pair, the camera finds Doac, Juke, and Buster sitting around Mitchell. Mitchell appears to be entertaining them all with a mad drum exhibition, using a combination of parts of tree trunks and his own stomach.
Concluding his performance in a flurry of hand movements, impressively fast for someone his size, Mitchell receives a deal of applause.
"Man, you are good!" Juke says, giving a high five.
"Thanks," the black wolf said, blushing. "I've gotten to live out my dream touring with the Chameleons. I rock and I eat... not that bad a life I guess."
"The Chameleons? Didn't you guys play near Atlanta about a year ago?" Doac asked.
"Atlanta? Hmmm, yeah I think we did."
"It was you! I thought so, you guys played near my college! I loved it!" the lioness exclaimed.
Juke arched an eyebrow at this. His gaze shot back and forth between the two. Suddenly, he shot up.
"Yeah! Y'know... y'know I was in a band once too!" the green and blue alligator said.
"Really? What band?" Mitchell asked.
"Well, it was the high school band... but I also sang. Here take a listen!" he said, moving a few steps back.
"Oh my love! Oh my love! Why can't you see it? Oh my love! You and me are meant to be! Oh.... my... LOOOOVVEEEE!" he squealed.
All the while, Buster took time out from starting to eat Mitchell's drum set to howl at the noise that Juke was making.
When he finally stopped singing, Juke noticed that Doac was covering her ears, and Mitchell appeared to be checking to see if he was bleeding from the ears.
"Not bad man! You sound like our front man!" he joked.
Doac shot Juke a look, and then walked away in a huff. Mitchell walked after her, leaving poor Juke alone with Buster. A single tear rolled down the alligator's scaly skin.

The cameraman ran to catch up with the two.
"Doac! Wait -huff- up!" Mitchell weased.
Slowing, he caught up with her.
"What, Mitchell?" the lioness asked.
"Why do you give that guy such a hard time? You know he's crazy about you." the wolf asked.
"I know... it's just... the guy doesn't give me any space. I mean, yeah he's cute and all, but... HEY!" she screamed, turning to the camera.
"Sorry, this one's private!" she said, covering the lens with her paw.

The scene fades in once more, with B. Wolf standing amidst the survivors. In his paw are three lengths of rope.
"Contestants, welcome to the East beach. Now, I'm guessing that you're all pretty tired from the heat and from sleeping on the ground."
Grunts of agreement came up from the group.
"Good. Then, how would you like the opportunity to spend the night, dinner included, on THAT luxury yacht!" he said, pointing out to a waiting white boat in the water.
From the looks of the boat, Robin Leach might step out from it at any moment. It's easily a 50-footer, and it shines in the mid-day sunlight.
"Dinner?" Buster asked, his tongue hanging out.
"That's right. But to win, we're going to see how well you all can work together. We're going to hold a three-legged race from one end of the beach to the other. The winning pair gets the prize. Now, please pair off."
Joseph and Alagar paired off, and were given a blue length of rope. Mitchell moved close to Doac, and with a cough, bucked his stomach into her, sending her reeling over to Juke, who had been standing around looking down at the sand feeling very depressed.
Looking up, he saw the lioness fly towards him. As he opened his mouth to speak, she smashed into him, sending them both to the ground in a heap.
As they tried to recover, B. Wolf came by and handed them a red length of rope.
"Good luck, you two" B. Wolf says with a wink.
Standing, holding the red rope, the two exchange looks, while Mitchell giggled in the background. B. Wolf can also be seen, trying to keep Buster from eating the green rope he had given him.

As each pair lined up, B. Wolf stepped beside them.
"Contestants, the first couple... I mean pair," he says, shooting a smile at Doac and Juke," to cross the 100m line will win. Get ready... get set... and GO!" he called out, waving a flag.
With that, all three pairs started out with a lurch. Joseph and Alagar seemed to be doing well, having gotten down a rhthym. Buster and Mitchell appear to be moving slowly. And Juke and Doac are visibly struggling.
"Come on! 1! 2! 1! 2!" Doac called out, as she dragged Juke's legs along.
"I'm trying here!" Juke responded, trying to get his feet in time with hers.
Looking back, seeing that the two were lagging, Mitchell began to slow down, tripping up Buster.
Alagar and Joseph, seeing this, followed suit.
Finally getting down their rhthym, Juke and Doac broke into a synchronized run, and managed to cross the finish line. The four conspirators exchanged looks, breaking into laughter.

After the pairs had been untied, B. Wolf addressed them.
"Well, Juke and Doac won... congratulations! Looks like you two will be spending the night together... on that boat with just you two and the staff," he says, visibly holding back laughter.
Juke looked like he was walking on air in sheer joy. Doac, however, shot Mitchell an 'I'm going to kill you' look.
With that, the screen fades to commercial.

After the break, the scene fades into a candlelit dinner between Juke and Doac. The two have apparently finished their meals, and are now sipping on coffee in silence. Juke looks uneasy. Seeing this, Doac heaves a sigh.
"Y'know, Juke, I've had a really nice time tonight."
"Y-y-you have?" the alligator stuttered.
"In fact, thanks to you... I've had a pretty good time here period." she said, leaning over the table towards him.
"Yeah?" he asked softly, leaning across himself.
"Yeah, and I think that you and I can keep having... fun," Doac said, closing her eyes as her face neared his.
Juke closed his eyes, too, as a couple of tears streamed down his face.
The camera pulls back, encompassing the whole deck of the ship. As the candles go out, the two lovers are silhouetted against the bright full moon.
With this, the screen fades to black.

Pulling away from the black, we rejoin B. Wolf, who is talking on his cell phone again.
"A sitcom? What part would I play? The wacky neighbor?! I don't think s... how much? Really?" he says, dollar signs appearing in his eyes.
With an -ahem- from the cameraman, B. Wolf quickly shuts his phone.
"Wasn't that special folks? And, despite ideas from our crew, we will not be selling the tapes of what happened after that kiss for $29.95." he says dryly, moving away from the monitor.
"That brings us up to tonight, and for the fifth and sixth contestants to be voted off. As a reminder, when this all began I said that the first five to get voted off would be inflated somewhat, and the remaining five would receive increasingly larger inflations. Tonight, we begin that."
With that, the six remaining contestants enter the meeting place, all sitting down, with Juke and Doac sitting next to each other. Looking, Juke appears to have kiss marks all over his green face!
"Contestants, welcome once more. One more week has passed, and now we must bid farewell to two more of you," the red wolf says, holding up the fated envelope.
The camera pans across the faces of the six contestants as B. Wolf opens the envelope.
"Miss Doac, it's your turn," B. Wolf says, looking at the younf lioness.
Looking at Juke, she gives him a little peck on the cheek and joins B. Wolf.
Turning to the cart of tanks, B. Wolf fumbles with one to remove it, all the while Doac waves 'good-bye and good luck' to Juke.
Finally extricating the air tank from the cart, B. Wolf hands her the hose. Placing it in her mouth, she gives him the thumbs-up to proceed. With that, B. Wolf twisted the knob, and began the flow.
Like those who came before her, her cheeks swelled up quickly, with the air eventually thickening out her throat, on its way to her stomach. Within a few seconds, her furry belly began to stick out between her tank top and jeans, rounding out quickly. Approaching the size of a beach ball, the rest of her body leapt to catch up.
Her chest swelled, and her neck began to be consumed by her torso. Rubbing her growing gut, Doac's right arm began to be forced up and outward, as the air inflated it. Looking down, as best she could, she could no longer see her feet. Had she been able to, she would have seen her legs fatten out, and her feet puff up. As they began to rub together, her rear grew as well.
As B. Wolf stopped the air flow and removed the hose, Juke's eyes couldn't have been wider. Apparently, her new size made her even more attractive to him.
Panning out, the camera took in Doac's inflated form. She was easily as large as Jack had been inflated to, only she 'wore' it better. Her stomach, perfectly visible between her tank top and jeans, was a nearly perfect round furry sphere. Her cheeks were volleyballs on the sides of her face, and her arms and legs were quite large as well. Rubbing her stomach with her fat arms, it was clear that the lioness was quite pleased.
"Congratulations, Doac!" B. Wolf said, shaking her paw.
"Now, if you would please wait over there," he said.
With a nod, and a seductive pose towards Juke (which caused him to fall of of his chair), she waddled over some.
"Now, then! The second one for tonight, our sixth contestant to be voted off, who will receive an even longer inflation!" B. Wolf said, removing the second sheet of paper.
As he reads, a smile forms on his face.
"Well, well! It appears to be lovers' night! Juke, you're up!"
Picking himself up, Juke blinked in disbelief. Running over to his enlarged love, he gave her a big hug, and then ran over to B. Wolf... giving him a big hug.
"Yeah! Cut it out! You'll wrinkle the threads," B. Wolf said, teasing the lovestruck alligator.
Quickly, Juke shot open his mouth, and inserted the air hose.
"Ah! Young love," B. Wolf mused, as he turned the dial on the tank to full.
Smiling, Juke's cheeks leapt out, and his stomach began to swell almost instantly. Looking down, his blue on green midsection inflated rapidly. Reaching his hands in, he felt his stomach grow. He wore no shirt, and his scales seemed to pick up a shine as they inflated.
Within a few seconds, the rest of his body began to expand along with his beach ball belly. His arms began to be forced outward, and his thighs rounded. As his neck was completely consumed by his massive torso, he felt his tail 'pop' out and begin to swell.
Visibly relishing his inflation, Juke's girth finally reached Doac's size, though the air flow showed no signs of slowing. His shirtless torso continued to grow and round out, causing his arms and hands to now 'pop' out and increase their inflation. His jeans struggled to contain the growing alligator, as his stomach started to force his legs apart. His fingers now began to approximate soda cans in thickness, as his waistline became perfectly round!
Finally, B. Wolf stopped the flow of air, and removed the hose from the enormous alligator.
Panning back, the camera took in his inflated body.
He looked like a weather balloon, ready to be released into the stratosphere. His stomach was a massive orb, obviously larger then Doac's by quite a lot of air. His arms stuck straight out from his torso, and his legs were massive. His hands and feet had even swollen greatly. Turning, the camera sees that his tail is now stubbier and much thicker then it had been. His swollen body had begun to lose all definition, and he almost looked like a giant beach ball with arms, legs, a head, and a tail sticking out of it.
Poking the giant alligator in his blue belly, B. Wolf was satisfied with the level of inflation.
"Our first blimp! Congratulations, Juke! You and Doac make a huge... er, I mean a cute couple!" B. Wolf says laughing.
Rolling his eyes at the wolf's seemingly endless supply of bad jokes, Juke turns to Doac, and waddles over to her very slowly.
Reaching her, she pats his enormous cheeks, and pokes him in his mammoth gut. Exchanging a few kisses, the two balloons linked arms and began to walk into the sunset, their massive guts flattening into each other.
Taking a few moments to watch them, B. Wolf turns back to the four remaining contestants.
"Six down, and four remaining." he says with a sly smile.
"In one week, we will have our final two. I wish you all luck, and be on the lookout for some more surprises!" he says, dismissing them.
As they all file out, B. Wolf turns back to the ballooned lovers. Zooming past B. Wolf, the camera watches the two silhouettes against the setting sun, the round Doac and her larger Juke. As they lean in to kiss once more, the scene changes to a panoramic shot of the island at sunset. With that, the logo comes on the screen, the weird chanting starts up, and the credits begin to roll by once more.
© Copyright 2001 Blimp Wolf (blimpwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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