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The Law of Attraction is at work all of he time, in both the positive and negative...
Mind Your Motivation
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

Close to 100 years ago, a man by the name of Wallace Wattles, in his book, 'The Science of Getting Rich,' asserted that there is abundance for all in the universe; that no one should lose for the gain of another. Mr. Wallace promoted service to others as a means of getting what you desire; in other words, to succeed by helping someone else be successful.

The Law of Attraction states that you draw to you that which you think about. Now think about this... Many political and corporate figures have recently been arrested and jailed for crimes against other people. Namely John Q. Public. These guys are paying the price for causing loss in order to gain for themselves. They brought it upon themselves.

This is a remarkable example of the Law of Attraction at work. Do negative things and negative this will attach to you. These men profited, but their gain was only temporary. They lost in the end. Something good will come of it all, in the end. Hard to imagine, I know, but I have to believe it is true.

I suggest writing down your goals. Just sit down and make a list of everything, great or small, that you want to accomplish. This isn't homework; you'll not be graded. Just write down the things that you want to accomplish, in no particular order. Keep in mind that there is abundance for everyone; that no one should lose so that you can gain. Focus on those goals and achieve them.

This is very important to understand. You manifest what you think about, so be careful of what you think. Mind your motivations.

Copyright © 2008
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. EST 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276

Author of: My Journey A Lifetime of Verse, ISBN: 978-0-61516405-2
Co-Owner: Internet Marketing Mavens
Keywords: profiteering, tax dollars, corporate America, law of attraxtion, Wallace Wattles
© Copyright 2008 Trina L.C. Sonnenberg (tlcpro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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