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Rated: E · Novel · Romance/Love · #1503291
a "light novel" of sorts, based on a weird dream and an overdose on anime.
Chapter 1: Who the heck is Yamada Takeru?


I'm Yamada Takeru, a high-school freshman. I'm not a model student, but i've managed up until now. I went to Shuuei high just because it was close to my premises and easy enough to get in to. I probably have no hopes of entering a university with my grades but i guess there's still time. altough, my parents don't seem to realize that. it's only been 2 weeks since school started, but my
father is already thinking that I slack off too much. Saying that I need to learn more about discipline, he forced me to join school's kendo club. The old man even insisted on giving me his old wooden sword, or shinai, as he called it. Personally, I'm not too interested in hopping around in an old stinking armor and swinging around with wooden sword, but that old man's face had the look of not taking "no" for an answer. So, here I am.

The kendo clubroom consists of a rather small gym and 2 dressing rooms. Apparently there are girls in the kendo club as well, but their numbers are so small, there's no sense in having separate clubs for boys and girls. As I expected, the stench of that old armor was terrifying, plus it seems I also have to wear a skirt of sorts. doubtful of what I really should be feeling, I put the gear on and stepped in the small gym room where the other members were already waiting for the newcomer. A total number of 7, the other members were sparring with each in pairs, except for the odd one left without a partner. Judging from her height and shouting, it seems that she's a girl, most probably a first-year-student like me. The teacher in charge of the club was the math teacher, Kishimoto who seems to practice kendo during his the free time. He gave me a short speech about how kendo isn't just swordmanship, but he probably noticed I wasn't paying that much attention, so he quickly tasked me with practicing sword swings on my own. I never thought just swinging a wooden sword would that difficult. The teacher kept yapping how I should put my entire body behind the swing, stepping forward at the same time. After 20 minutes of learning how to swing straight forward with my shinai, he gave up on me, pairing me with seventh member of club. Even if she was a girl, I would have made gigantic mistake had I took her lightly. "Men!" she shouted as she svung her shinai forward, hitting my head before, I even had the time to realize what had happened. Soon, she attacked again, but this time I was prepared and managed to block the swing. As neither of us was giving in, we ended up sword lock. Even with the metal grill of the helmet, I managed to catch a glimpse of her face. She was rather cute, and had short, dark hair. That's all I could see, before she took a quick step backwards, almost making me lose my balance as I was still leaning forward from blocking her attack. As waiting for her next attack didn't feel like a good idea, I decided to attack.
I stepped forward swinging my shinai, only to have it pushed to side and get hit again. This time it a was hidari-do. Looks like it's going to be a long day. After two whole hours of sparring the club members decided it was time to hit the showers. I still hadn't got a single hit in, but it's not like a first-timer could defeat a regular member. Still, losing to girl just doesn't feel good.

On my way home, I started noticing the stiffness of my muscles. I'll feel the effects of this training the next morning, that's for sure. I figured hitting the bed after dinner and skimming trough my homework would the best thing to do. As I was walking down the street, my thinking was interrupted by a sudden scream. It seemed to come from a dark alley. At this time of day, it could only mean one thing. a local gang was harrassing a female student. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a knight in a shining armor nor was I trying to be. I simply felt like looking for a fight. It's one of the few things I enjoy,  fighting makes me feel like I'm alive. Even if it was three against one, The fact that I was carrying my dad's old shinai made the fight easy. As I disarmed the first knife-wielding gang members with a well aimed strike to his hand and took him with a blow to his head, I started thinking, I could learn to like this Kendo thing. The two remaining gang members tried to take me out with combined attack. One of them grabbeb me from behind but I was able to release myself with an elbow strike to his stomach. As I took care of the first guy, The other one attacked me from my blind side. I was able to grab his arm and I force it behind his back resulting in an arm lock of sorts, but only after getting a cut to my left hand. It was bleeding like a bloody fountain, so I took my shirt off, ripped it and bandaged my wrist with it. As I looked around myself, I noticed the girl I ended up saving was looking at me with a half-frightened, half-confused expression on her face, not sure whether she should thank me or run away. She had glasses and her dark hair was pigtailed. A stereotypic example of a shy bookworm girl, I thought to myself. As I started to make my leave, she finally spoke up.

"Please, wait! I haven't even thanked you yet, should I call an ambulance?"

As coming home injured was something my parents were already used and it looked like the cut wasn't bleeding that much any more, I answered.

"No need for that, I'll manage."
"Let me at least bandage that wound properly, my parents aren't home tonight, so it'll be okay."

As I had nothing against getting properly thanked, I agreed to her request. Naturally, It was my first time going to a girl's house, and to top it off, her parents weren't home. Had my situation been different, my former self would have found my position enviable. It was a rather small house in a suburb. I came inside, sat in front of the food table as I didnt' think it would be unnecessary to
invade her room. She brought a first aid kit and started taking off the bandages I had improvised by tearing up my shirt.

"Come to think of it, I still haven't got your name"
"It's Kazuki, Kazuki Tomoko that is"
"I'm Yamada Takeru"

The bleeding had almost stopped, but she still made an effort to clean the wound and bandage it properly. As i made my leave, I noticed a shy expression on her completely red face. Was she that uneasy around me, or was it something else. "Stop dreaming" I silently told to myself, as I walked home.

The next day went by like any other, until lunchtime, that is. I usually buy bread from the school's cafeteria, and as I was standing in the queue, the girl that I ended up saving yesterday approached me.

"Oh, Kazuki-san"
"Yamada-san, I'm still very grateful for you, so I, umm... made you a lunch"
"Ah, this is all too much, it wasn't that great, you know"

A girl made me a me a lunch... These kinds of things happen only to the protagonists of romance manga's, yet here I am, enjoying a homemade lunch with a girl. It's kinda unreal. Even if I was sitting on cloud nine at that moment, hidden from my sight, trouble was brewing close-by. Someone was going to drop me back on earth's surface and from that height, you know it's gotta hurt.

After the lunch hour that was out of this world, the rest of the schoolday felt even more plain than it usually does. I mostly space out during class, staring out of the window. I've skimmed trough my homework just enough to answer the teacher's questions, mostly because my parents are worried about my studies. I felt like skipping the kendo club, but I ended going anyway. This time I felt like my sparring partner was a little uneasy. It could be just that I was improving, but it really seemed like something was bothering her. It was only my second lesson and I already managed to beat her once. But I don't think it's a major achievement, because it was very clear, she wasn't concentrating at all. Her first attack was half-assed, and I easily blocked it. After that, sinking my attack in was an easy job. Even if it's just practice, it seems that she took it serioysly because after her first loss, she fought enraged, almost like she was trying to kill me. It's funny, but i feel like  we're  having conversations without words, our swords do the talking for us. It's only my second lesson, but i could already feel the change in her feelings after my first victory. Needless to say, when the day came to an end, I was completely exhausted from defending against her furious attacks.

After taking a shower I started walking straight towards home but instead of the gang fights I'm already used to, a whole another sort of trouble was heading my way. A girl with short, dark hair was walking towards me. She stopped right in front of me. I looked at her, not saying a word, just thinking, what could she want with me? Before I could even open my mouth, she raised her hand and pointed me with her inder finger and said with a loud voice:

”Hey, you, go out with me, right now!”


The name's Harusaki Natsuki, a high-school freshman, and this is what I do for fun. Stealing other girls boyfriends. I mostly do it for the laughs, but there's also the challenge. Today's target is Nagasawa's boyfriend. He's walking down the street just now. You're about to see a pro at work, so watch closely. I ran towards him, pretending that I was in hurry to get somewhere and bumped into by a mistake. I fell down on back, deliberately showing my panties to him. The pervert was so red, it's a miracle he didn't get a nosebleed. I rose up holding my head and shaking all over. I said to him with a weak voice:

”I feel so dizzy, why does it have to be so hot here?”

Then I took a step forward, pretending to fall down on his arms. Even a boy who was dating had no choice but to take to a cafe and buy me cool drink, just to make sure I was really okay. I didn't have much time to enjoy my drink, because Nagasawa happened to come into the same bar. She spotted us and started screaming to her boyfriend.

”Daichi, you idiot! I thought we were dating, what are you doing here, having a drink with another girl?”
”Nagasawa, you got it all wrong! Let me explain”
”Explain my ass! Have fun with your new friend”
”Hey, wait!”

The boy ran after her, heh, all in the day's work for me. Well, other than stealing boyfriends I also have another hobby, kendo. It's not that girly so I keep it as a secret from others. My father has a kendo dojo, so I've been practicing kendo ever since I was a small child. Two weeks ago, I joined the kendo club of shuuei high. Most of the other members are pathetic, but yesterday a boy who really had potential joined. It was his first time trying out kendo, but it seems he has natural talent for fighting, even if he doesnt' know anything about kendo.

The next day in school, Nagasawa was angry, as expected. I was eating lunch when she came to screaming.

"Harusaki! You shameless man-eater, you stole my boyfriend, just what was it? He said you fell down to his arms like you were dying."
"oh, calm down, Nagasawa-chan, If he's that easy to steal, he wasn't the one for you in the first place"
"grr... You know what, Isn't it strange how you flirt with every male on the planet, but still haven't go a boyfriend of your own.
"bleh, I just enjoy playing with their feelings, besides, they're so boring, i can't stand one for more than 10 minutes.
"hmm, I think you do these kinds of things, because you have a dark secret, and if someone found out, they'd dumb you instantly"
"yeah, right..."
"well, let's make a bet then. If you can get a boyfriend and keep him around for 3 weeks then I might believe you"
"bleh, I could get any boy I want, keeping one around for 3 weeks is a bit boring, though, what are we betting on here?"
"oh, nothing. Just a week-end trip to father's holiday resort. However, should you lose, You won't be allowed to talk to any kind
of men for the rest of the year."
"heh, like that's gonna happen. I'll let you choose any boy you want, and i'll steal his heart and first kiss, just like that."
"Any boy at all, huh. Because you're so confident, let's just choose one randomly. Here's a list of boys in your class, close your
eyes and point one randomly.
"whatever, here goes... Who the heck is Yamada Takeru?"

It turns out that my boyfriend for the next 3 weeks is the same guy that joined the kendo club just yesterday. At least I know he's not a totally hopeless case. I doubt he has a girlfriend, so he's not gonna be awfully much of a challenge. I'm probably not gonna reveal the fact that we go to the same kendo club to him. When I think about it, it might even be fun, but if he prefers the more girly type I might get ditched and that's simply not an option.

At the kendo club I was again sparring with Yamada just like yesterday, but today, the fact that i'm supposed to start dating with this guy seemed to be bothering me. My mind kept wandering even in the middle of a sparring session. Eventually it led to my first loss, I was so embarrassed, for me to lose to a total beginner like him, even if it was because I wasn't concentrating properly. After that I simply forgot about the boyfriend problem and went all out. A guy that humiliates me like that doesn't deserve to live. As I followed him out of the school, I thought, lets have a little fun with him. I'll ask him out as bluntly as possibly. I started walking towards him and stopped right in front of him. Then I pointed him with my finger and blurted out those words.

”hey, You! Go out with me, right now!”
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