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Rated: XGC · Critique · Crime/Gangster · #1503217
Ranting and raving. Why do people play the race card?
Please don't read if you're offended easily, because if you do, and you have something negative to say about my anguished hateful rants, i will probably add you to my growing list of hated people.

Hate is such a strong word. And yet.. I hate.
I hate the media, I hate the police, I hate lawyers, I hate waiting, and most of all, I hate people who jump out of cars and swarm people and then play the race card . Like that makes up for it.
I know someone's child/brother/friend/boyfriend/baby's dad died. Did i say he started it all? Did i say he was the first to jump out of that car? Did i say he was a complete asshole? NOOOOO. He may have been a decent guy. We all like to think of the dead in a positive way. How many eulogies do you hear that start with, "oh he was a jerk." How many times do you hear on the news, "oh so-and so died? Wow. Saw that one coming." I apologize if i seem bitter...not supposed to speak ill of the dead, and i'm trying not to, because really, i am pretty sure he didn't start it. But he was in it. With his buddies, kicking and punching and yelling..THAT i saw.

All i know for sure is that I hate the driver of that car, because he tried to hit me, HE called me names, he was the first to jump out and start throwing punches at the back of someone's head like a pussy, jumping on his back . HE was the one who, (instead of getting back into that car like he was going to), decided to start back into the fight and shove me, and attack Ralph, and be a "big man " and get all his friends to join in, stomping the shit out of my old man. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE, after seeing your 200 pound friend crumple like a piece of paper.
That Driver, owleyes, HIS mob mentality is what got his friend killed, because if he had just fucked off, like he was told to, and not gotten his panties in a bunch, then none of it would have happened. I'm suing that guy for all this shit. See if i don't. Pain, suffering, loss of wages, criminal costs.

DO I HATE HIM CUZ HE'S AN INDIAN??? NO. I hate him because he's a piece of shit, and as we all know, kiddies, a piece of shit's a piece of shit, no matter what color their skin is. You know you've done wrong, Owleyes. Thats why you got your mom to go on TV and say WE swarmed you in your parked fucking car...and that WE called you dirty indians. Your guilt and your fear of the truth coming out in court, made you tremble and wet yourself and stage a preemptive strike. "Lets tell the city what we want them to hear so that our stupid little friends can get all offended and pull some more shit." IS IT CUZ WE'RE WHITE??? It is isn't it. ...

I am so not a racist person. Or at least I wasn't. Now i am. I don't like PEOPLE.PERIOD...outside of my circle of friends. I don't want to make the effort to be nice to someone if they're only gonna pull the race card when it suits them. I've got German in me,and Irish. And Indian ...closer than you'd think.
Can you tell by looking at me? Noo. But cross me, and I'll say you did it because a hundred years ago my family wasn't Canadian.

*I dream of natives coming and soaking my front yard with gasoline. Is that racist? No. Its Realistic.*

Did anyone call them dirty indians? No fucking way. But looking back, they sure did act the part.
Is that not politically correct? Fuck that. Fuck YOU for being offended.

Considering the fact that Ralph's got Inuit in him somewhere down the line, I don't think my furry lil eskimo is in any position to be calling anybody a dirty anything. . Oops. Was that racist? Us white folk are jerks. Go ahead, crackers, get angry now. I'm being racist toward you.

Oh, and the media, printing what they think they know. Whats newsworthy. I should sue them too, and god forbid anything happens to my Love in jail, a certain journalist from a certain newspaper will be first on that lawsuit. Don't even get me started on that.
Many thanks to the Last Link webmaster, who at least wrote that the statements both the other family and I made 'have not been proven in court'. He didn't do that necessarily for me, but to cover his ass FROM me. He is sympathetic to my family's plight right now. Is it cuz he's racist? No. It's cuz he's intelligent.

Lawyers.. who sit around and wait for my life to slowly tick away. Do your fucking job, don't tell me its up to the crown to do all the work and your job to just react to what they find. Bull -fuckin-shit. DO something. Isn't that what I'm paying you for? You want to keep getting paid? Do your job and get him out so I don't have to be poor and lonely and bitter.
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