Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1502956-The-Mysterious-wishing-well
Rated: · Short Story · Children's · #1502956
Two young boys decide to steel the coins from a local wishing well.
Two young boys were walking down a slippery muddy hill towards the meadow lush meadow below.The second boy looked nervously ahead at his friend. He was starting to regret this trip more with every howl and whistle of wind through autums leafless .
" Come on willie there is nothing to be afraid of its only a another bit now" said a eager eyed youngster called Billie.In contrast to to his friend Billie was enjoying every second of this late night adventure.He thought back to earlier when he had knocked on willie's window,he had seen the fear on his friend's face .Billie knew that Willie had a fear of the dark. However Willlie had been won over by the thought of all the sweets they would be able to buy with the money. But even billie had some fear about the task ahead but his greed overwhelmed it ."Whats that ?" asked a exasperated willie . Just a dog barking billie had replied ". there could be ghosts here" as billie said the words he saw his commrade turn a paler shade of white .Billie grinned as he thought that willie actually looked a bit like Ghost. "Stop luaghing at me" " Just cuase your.....im what injected billie ." You know willie your a scarthy pance wouldn't be surprised if ya pee in your pants." "Just Shut up" answered willie.Wille knew he was a bit of a coward every little sound gave him a cold tingle down his back.

The two boys had now reached the old wishing well.The moon light made the coins seem like they were sparkling and willie could have sworn he had seen a sparkle in his friends eyes. "Well we made it" and then Billie added with deep sarcasm "alive " while looking at the now slighty calming willie.Then billie threw on swimming shorts and jumped into the shallow well.He dived and fear of being alone nearly made willie run but then billie came back up with at least twenty coins in his hand .Billie was beaming now as he handed the coins to willie ." How many choc bars will that buy willie " " loads" said a now more cheerful willie.Sweets had always made willie happy but his parents would never buy him enough he thought ,they worried about is teeth and weight but with these coins willie would have pleasure beyond measure. Now billie had rose up with a second haul of coins to put into their bag. Just as the boys began to wonder if they had bought a bag big enough a whoosh of wind combined with a bang of thunder made billie feel like he had leapt out of his body and that his heart was desperately trying to escape his chest. " you fool you dropped the bag " and then willie looked down to see coins spilling all over the meadow floor.Willie bent down desperately trying grasp the coins." Help" "Help me William" ,Willie spun round to see the wells' water swirling around his friend ."Help me" "oh somebody help me " now the only thing greater than willie's fear was the terror in his friends screams.Willie knew what he had to do but he seemed parlasyed by shock and fear.But with all the strength in his heart he lunched himself into the well .Willie could no longer hear billie's screams his friend had been dragged under, for a single second willie thought if he dived under the water would he ever come up but then he stopped thinking and just did it.Under the water now willie could see the treasures on the wells' floor.Then he seen his friend strugging against the water.Willie then realised he couldn't move he was no longer able to move he suddenly thought he would die here with his friend. The one brave thing he had ever done and he would never be able to tell anyone about it.Time seemed Frozen a wide range of emotions passed over him strangely for once none of them fear. Then the water shook.
Billie had hurt himself as he had been thrown from the well.He heard the heavy breathing near him of his friend."You okay" Yeah billie great you? " " I think i nearly pissed in my pants" .The too boys laughed uncontrollably with relief but shortly the laughter was drowned out by the bubbling of water . They quickly got to their feet and ran with all speed of Olympic sprinters up the hill to towards its crest ,Billie slipped he grabbed a rock to stop him from falling back down the hill .However to his heart wrenching astonishment he saw that it is scull .Willie glimpsed it too , however he was shocked and felt some fear it was not terror he was no longer a coward he thought. "Come Billie" Then a ghostly white billie ran on, the boys reached the top of hill however they suddenly stopped there was no way out the gate was gone!.Willie glanced at billie there was tears in his eyes he saw fear in a boy he had once believed had no fears.But more than the gate being missing what put a shiver down willie's spine was there was no sound . No longer did any dogs barking in the distance ,no rumbling of cars passing the field all was silent. But worse of all the stars and moon had vanished they were in total darkness.

" Ho how do do we get out" billie asked stuttering with fear."I don't know billie" " Oh maybe you should ask me said a third voice that was thunderous voice with fury! ,both boys felt their knees tremble."Maybe you should have made a wish at the well boys! Neither boy said anything."Try to steal the coins ,try to steal wishes,and try to steal dreams boys!" . The volume of voice made billie stomach twist he felt sick he wished now he had stayed at home.Then with all the courage willie could muster he called"Who are You" ,Out of darkness came the incredibly sight of a man dressed in a gold tinted robe and a hat that covered one of his eyes his face was totally absent of expression ."I am the dreamweaver granter of wishes and creator of dreams".Were sorry " willie called out ."I should have drowned you in the well " the dreamweaver was looking at billie his powerful eye seemed to be staring into billie's mind.Billie hadn't believed in the well. " Ah you didnt beleive in the well did you billie"he paused then continued "See billie you have to beleive in the wishes and they cant be wishes full of greed boy!" anger back in the dreamweaver's voice." See your friend beleived his wish would be granted when he came to the well and it was he who wished for more courage" He looked at willie who nodded" and he got it billie becuase he truly wanted it and beleived in the wish" .Then willie with his new found bravery said "were sorry I just wish we could go home" "You can boys but first billie i think you have something on you that belongs to the well havnt you billie".Shaking the boy brought a sparkling magnificent Gold coin from his pocket in his shorts.Willie seen the sparkles of coin in Billie's tearful eyes The Coin lite up the area and suddenly the Gate reappeared and the dreamweaver disappeared. Willie ran towards it " come on billie " his friend scrambled to his feet. Then a voice boomed " Sweet Dreams" boys"

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