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Three scenes from "Green Is For Go!" A new life is tracking Sam down... |
INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT Sam, Bert, and Bert's wife, SALLY are walking to a booth from a buffet at a Chinese restaurant. BERT At least I left the kids with Sally's mom, do you have any idea how much three boys can eat? SAM Why do you think we are at an all-you-can-eat buffet? BERT Well, at least I saved you the price of three more adults. SAM Your kids are all under twelve, Bert. BERT Yeah, but we come here a lot, and they kind of like banned us unless we pay adult. SALLY And limit them to two trips each. BERT I think they have a talent for engineering. See, they load up on those stick things and build a perimeter wall, cross-bracing with... SAM I get the idea. SALLY I am so sorry, Sam. You and Martha were so perfect for each other! SAM Yeah, she said the same thing, it's just that she could stand being a little less perfect if it meant she might actually get to spend time with her mate. Bert and Sally give him "looks." SAM She...I felt so inspired...I just. I'd get carried away. I'd lose track of time. SALLY Sam, you lived with her for two years. SAM And the few weeks that we were actually together she thought were great. BERT We got to get you someone. This draws a "look" from Sally. BERT I don't mean it like that! I mean you need to find someone, and we know lots of someones. Don't we Sal? SALLY Well, yeah, I guess. But it's not that easy, Bert. SAM Thanks, guys. I really appreciate your concern, but I think I'm going to take some time to think things through. BERT How bout that girl in the print shop? SALLY She's cute, but she's a neat nut. Have you seen Sam's house Bert? BERT So she can organize his socks, she's cute and she's single. SALLY And she's hot? Another "look." BERT Well, yeah she's hot. You want I should set Sam up with your ugly sister for cryin' out -OW!- Loud? Sally prepares for another kick. Bert raises up his hands. BERT Truce! Truce! No relatives, ok? SAM How do you know Marcie? SALLY I work in the employee records office and I see her all the time. Bert comes home talking about this hot chick the tour three expeditor at the MPO has it bad for. Says she kissed him and everything when she was bringing out some labels. Mr. Stud here wants to see her, even if it means she's with you. I ought to set you two up just to... SAM That's all right Sally, I don't think I could double date with Bert droolin' in his won-ton soup over there. But I appreciate the offer. I think I'll just try to make some changes in...stuff. You know, eat better, start workin' out some. Stuff like that. (Pause. Then to Bert.) How do you know that the tour three expeditor at the MPO has the hots for a girl that works in the print shop? BERT I got connections. SALLY (thoughtfully) Hmm. She IS a vegetarian. The heads of both men turn to face her. INT. SAMS HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Sam is at the computer reading email. Screenshot of an email from Sally: Re: Vegetarian Food Sam, I just happened to have a conversation with Marcie today. She is seeing someone, but is thrilled to help with a lifestyle change. She said she will pull up some good recipes, and will include some with chicken or other meat in small portions to help you wean yourself off of it. I gave her your email address. Hope you don't mind. I know how you guys just hate to have some hot young thing bothering you all the time. ;p Sally SAM (to himself) Great! That's just great. SAM'S HOUSE - LATER - BEDROOM Alarm is buzzing. Sam hits at it sleepily. Rising he looks at the time. SAM Four o'clock! why the...oh yeah. Food. Sam rolls over, we see a quick montage of him showering, getting dressed, and moving through the house preparing to leave. He goes over to the computer desk and pulls up his email. A screen shot of misc. spam techno-geek mail from various lists he is a member of and the email from Sally which is not in bold text as the rest, indicating it has been read. A few emails down is one from Marcie, also read. He stops scrolling at another from Marcie near the bottom of the new posts: Sam: I am sending the links and a few of my favorite menu plans that will get you started. I'll send you more later after you tell me what you like and don't like. We can tailor a plan that fits your blood and body type that will make you feel like a million. Just you wait and see! Marcie ![]() face) SAM (to himself) What have I gotten myself into? INT. WORLD ORGANICS SUPERMARKET - AFTERNOON Sam is walking the isles with a list in the child seat of his shopping cart checking off items as he locates them. His cell phone rings and he answers. SAM (on phone) Bert! Not much. Well, no I'm shopping, actually. No, I can't stop and finish tomorrow. Bert, I've got this list from Marcie. If I don't get everything on the list, I won't be able to make any of it. It's called ingredients, Bert. INT. BERT'S HOME - TV ROOM - DAY BERT (On phone.) Sam, guys don't do that. No. No guy in history...OK, no straight guy in history ever sat down and planned food. Well, ok then, let Marcie buy the food. No. No guy ever made food from scratch. INT. WORLD ORGANICS SUPERMARKET - AFTERNOON SAM What about that guy who was always getting soused while he cooked, on TV? INT. BERT'S HOME - TV ROOM - DAY BERT Oh come on! You don't think he ever really cooked any of that do you? Well he never ate any of it, not the stuff that he cooked. No...No he did not! It was always in the oven ready to eat at the end of the show. Yeah, I do. I think he did, yeah. INT. WORLD ORGANICS SUPERMARKET - AFTERNOON Sam is continuing around the store checking things off his list as he talks. SAM And these women did everything. They did all the clarifying the butter, separating egg yolks, and cooked the food that he actually ate? Well, maybe Bert. But I've got this list and if I don't at least try to do some of this I'll starve. Yeah, well I don't think they have organic TV dinners, but I'll look. Sam hangs up the phone and starts down the frozen food isle. He looks around and selects a couple of entrees. SAM (to himself) Well, I'll be. Woo! I can't afford to live on these, but a couple might come in handy. Let's see what's next. Spelt flour, and raw organic sugar. To the ingredient isle! Sam turns onto the isle and sees a multitude of bins with every conceivable type of flour, grain, sugar, etc. He is amazed by all the choices. Things not in a regular supermarket. He stops at a display for a natural low calorie sweetener with sample packets in a little box and a sign that says "take one". Tearing the top off of the packet he dumps the whole thing into his mouth. After he gets over the experience. He says to himself: SAM I think I'll just stick to good old raw sugar! He walks down the isle reading off the bin labels. Finding the spelt flour, he tears off a plastic bag and finally manages to get s scoop of flour into it with some effort. He gets in a second one and holds it up. SAM (to himself) That ought to be a half a pound or so. Placing the twist tied bag into his cart he walks on until he sees the beginning of the sugar varieties. an electric cart with a small wicker basket on the front is stopped right in front of the raw organic sugar. It is occupied by a woman who has apparently gone to sleep with her head resting on her crossed arms on the handle bar. There is just enough room for Sam to crouch down to get the sugar, but it is not something that Sam feels comfortable doing. He looks around to see if there is someone he can turn to for help, but the isle is empty. Looking into the basket he sees similar things to his own, what Marcie had called a "low inflammatory" diet. There is not much here though, she wasn't having much success, Sam can see no list in her basket or hands. As he stoops into the narrow space, and starts scooping sugar into his bag, Sam HEARS a soft MOANING sound. She is quietly weeping. Her hair is auburn, at about shoulder length, and and though slightly disarrayed from her present position-has not a touch of gray. Her hands are smooth and show no wrinkles. Sam turns his head level with hers. SAM Ma-am, can I help you with something? He raises himself slightly to ease the strain on his "bad" leg, taking hold of the scooter as he does so. The woman shakes her head no in a quick jerking way that says she really doesn't want any attention right now. Sam feels in his grip on the scooter, and can see in the quiver of the thin one quart carton of almond milk, that she has begun to sob, the quivers shaking the scooter as well as her shoulders. Sam's face shows that he has more than just a passing concern now. His sense of compassion is fully awakened. SAM Do you want me to help you finish shopping? He is now kneeling with his "bad" leg on to floorboard of the scooter. The bag of sugar has been dropped, forgotten on the floorboard of her scooter-slowly draining into a tiny cone on the floor. A few crystals have spilled onto the scooter and crunch under his knee. The head shakes are a bit slower and longer. SCOOTER LADY No, no, no, no, no! Sam leans in closer and speaks softly. SAM OK. Do you want to do any more shopping at all? SCOOTER LADY Nooo. (It starts out ok, but she begins to lose control and it turns up into a cry at the end.) SAM What you really want to do is just get out of here and go get a pizza, isn't it? SCOOTER LADY Yes! (turning almost into a laugh in the middle) But I can't. (She is back in "little girl who can't go out and play" mode.) Sam leans even closer and whispers conspiratorially: SAM How about an organic beer and gluten free pita bread pizza with goat cheese and no tomatoes in the sauce? Her laughter is sudden and spontaneous. It is not the laugh of an old woman. The movement of her head shakes her hair so that it drapes over Sam's face creating a tiny intimate space inhabited only by the two of them. We see his lips at her ear. He closes his eyes and inhales the scent of this private space. SAMS IMAGINATION - MORNING - BEDROOM - BED Sam is in a bed and turns over to snuggle with a female occupant of the same bed. He HEARS a reassuring moan and nuzzles his face into the hair at the back of her head. He inhales and closes his eyes. FADE TO SAM'S FACE IN SUPERMARKET INT. WORLD ORGANICS SUPERMARKET - AFTERNOON She turns her head slightly toward him and they touch cheeks through a thin veil of hair. Her cheek is moist from crying. Sam, basking in the comfort of her touch, kisses the spot in front of her ear, then whispers. SAM Afterwards we'll shop together, what do you say? As he slowly pulls away and tries to regain his balance enough to stand, she raises her head, clumsily dabbing at her eyes. SCOOTER LADY I can't check out like this. What will people think? I look like I'm at a funeral! SAM Here. Sam reaches into a jacket pocket and pulls out a pair of sunglasses in a style they called unisex. SAM You can wear these. Whatever he is expecting when she looks up at him and the hair that isn't clinging to her wet cheek falls away from her face, it isn't what he gets. She wears no makeup, not even lipstick that he can see. There are faint beginnings of "worry" lines on her forehead and tiny ones at the corners of her eyes. These are shining from tear ducts that have been getting a thorough workout. Her nose is dainty and red and irritated from too many bouts like this. She looks like she IS at a funeral, her face puffy and wet. She is earnest, and open, and vulnerable. The fact that he finds her treacherously appealing is apparent by the way he stares with his mouth open, the sunglasses dangling forgotten in his hand just out of her reach. She sees him staring at her and reaches for the glasses. SCOOTER LADY I look horrendous! Her eyes flicker over to meet his with surprise when he suddenly moves the glasses out of reach. They show a trace of recognition. SAM Now, how can someone who looks so sincere as you be so quick to lie to a perfect stranger? She starts to say something and changes her mind. Her pupils are wide and give her a warm inviting look that draws Sam in. SAM'S IMAGINATION DARKENED PORCH - NIGHT 9:59 PM Sam at 16 is standing with the first girl he ever kissed, scared to death. After several long moments she leans into him and whispers into his ear. FIRST GIRL Let me tell you a secret Sam Robinson, girls don't stand in the dark with boys they don't intend to kiss. And then she went and kissed him. And keeps right on kissing him as the porch light flashes on and off. FIRST GIRL You've got about four minutes till he starts to get mad, and if you ever tell a soul I said any such... Sam doesn't even waste the time it would take her to finish. They don't stop till the door opens. FIRST GIRL'S DAD Sweetheart, you better come in now. It'll take this poor young man at least till midnight to settle down as it is, you don't want to keep him up all night. He gives Sam a knowing look. INT. WORLD ORGANICS SUPERMARKET - AFTERNOON SCOOTER LADY Well, I'm certainly not at my best. (She finally says, never breaking eye contact.) SAM That's a blessing, I don't think I could handle you're best just now. (He feels hot, as if he is radiating his desire to be close to her again, to smell her hair, to whisper in her ear.) We see a more amorous version of the kiss on the ear, and it's intoxicating effect on Sam. He is shocked out of his dream by: SCOOTER LADY I don't kiss in the first five minutes of a date. A coy smile on her face. She reaches out and takes SCOOTER LADY Let's go Sam! SAM'S IMMAGINATION - DAY - ARMY TRAINING - RAPPELING TOWER Sam is on the skid a couple of feet out and down from the top of the sixty-foot tower. Rather, he has just jumped backwards off of the skid. In a perfect "L" shape he has let go of the rope and jumped. His eyes are closed, automatically, against his will even. He is not able to open them until he has somehow caught the rope with his right hand and pulled it against his leg, tightening it in its loops around the "D" ring and slowing him to a stop. Bouncing in front of laughing men standing in the opening below where he now hangs bouncing slightly when he is first able to open his eyes. The scene fades into the isle at the store again. INT. WORLD ORGANICS SUPERMARKET - AFTERNOON - INGREDIENT ISLE The laughter is her riding away, bouncing off some cardboard boxes and sending a stocker scrambling for cover. |