Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1502415-Raiyev---Parts-11-15
Rated: XGC · Novel · Animal · #1502415
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Part 11

The first thing that truly hit Raiyev’s mind hard when he realized that Harper was really gone was how he was going to be losing one of the few people who actually might know how to help his situation. Ever since he accidentally injected himself with the test chemicals, it had been riding throughout his mind like wildfire. He had idly hoped at one point to confront Harper, one of his most trusted associates, with this news and see what she could suggest, but now that she had just been arrested for premeditated murder, he was beginning to have doubts as to who he could trust at all.

And what of Toni Hawthorne? There was still no sign of her—not since she spoke with Raiyev personally and was interrupted by Dr. Paxton. Raiyev would go to check on her again, but he was already home. He didn’t really remember the events of the day after Harper was arrested; his mind was just too numb. All he really knew now was that he was lying on his couch in front of the television, watching the evening news, while Brad was in the kitchen making dinner.

“Hey, honey,” Brad called from the kitchen. “Can you come test this sauce for me?”

“Certainly!” Raiyev said, trying to sound cheerful. He went into the kitchen where Brad was leaning over a simmering, steaming pot of pasta sauce. Brad carefully lifted the shallow wooden spoon out of the pot and offered it to Raiyev. Raiyev took the spoon into his muzzle and tasted, looking back at Brad with a look of approval.

“So what do you think of…” Brad began, but stopped half-way to simply stare curiously at the raccoon standing next to him.

“What?” Raiyev asked. “It’s good! Really!”

Brad simply stood in silence for a moment, staring at Raiyev, before he spoke again. “Since when are you and I the same height?” he asked.

Raiyev blinked and looked at Brad in astonishment. It finally dawned on him that he was indeed looking right into Brad’s eyes at perfect eye-level, instead of looking up just a bit at his lover. “I don’t know…” Raiyev began, looking over himself. His mind searched for possible answers, but he kept coming back to the chemicals he accidentally injected into himself.

He put the spoon down slowly onto the countertop and closed his eyes, sighing. “Brad,” he said carefully, “there’s something I need to tell you.” He opened his eyes and looked at Brad for a moment, then said, “You may want to sit down for this.”

Brad nodded solemnly and took a seat on their couch. Raiyev turned off the TV and sat down next to Brad. Holding Brad’s paw in his own, Raiyev proceeded to tell Brad everything that had been happening in his laboratory since last week. He told Brad about Toni and her disappearance, about how Paxton had acted almost suspiciously before she was murdered, about Harper being arrested, and about the chemicals he injected into himself. Raiyev had really only meant to tell Brad about the chemicals, but he felt that he needed to get such a load off, and when he got started it was as if someone had opened up the flood gates.

After all was said and done, Brad simply sat silently, still taking it all in. “Okay,” he finally said, a simple but strong trust in his voice.

“Okay?” Raiyev said, tears welling up in his eyes.

“Okay,” Brad said, and hugged Raiyev close to him. Raiyev wept against the shoulder of his best friend and lover, who held his arms around him, cradling him tenderly. Brad, too, cried, though not as feverishly as Raiyev did. Brad nuzzled his mate’s neck, a few of his tears rolling off onto Raiyev’s fur.

“I’m just so scared right now,” Raiyev managed to say into Brad’s shoulder in between sobs.

“I know,” Brad said, unsure of what could really be done. “I know,” he repeated. Brad knew that his fiancée was feeling scared, hopeless, and alone, and while Brad didn’t know how to fix all of those feelings, he knew that at least he could remind Raiyev that he didn’t have to go through all of this alone. Raiyev ultimately cried himself to sleep in Brad’s arms, and Brad drifted off shortly after, leaving the pasta dinner unfinished and long forgotten.

Raiyev and Brad awoke early the next morning to the obnoxiously loud sound of the phone ringing. Raiyev stumbled around, feeling a slight headache, and picked up the phone. “Hello?” he answered groggily.

“Brad? That you?” answered a familiar voice on the other end.

“One moment, Dr. Patterson,” replied Raiyev with a yawn, and he handed the phone over to his mate, who was now sitting up on the couch where he had slept the previous night.

“Hello, Dr. Patterson,” Brad said, rubbing his forehead with a free paw.

“Brad!” Raiyev heard Patterson say loudly through the phone, “Things seem to be speeding up—get your furry tail down here pronto! We need all paws on deck right now!”

“Speeding up?” Brad replied, not fully awake to understand yet.

“Yeah. Look, I’ll explain better once you get down here, so get moving!” There was a click on the other end, and Brad put the receiver back on the phone base.

“Well,” Brad sighed, “looks like we need to get going early again.”

“Do you think,” Raiyev said slowly, “I could borrow some of your clothes? I don’t think mine really fit me anymore.” The events of the previous few days were still on the forefront of his mind, and as he was waking up, Raiyev noticed how much bigger he was becoming.

Brad stared at Raiyev, silently noticing how Raiyev appeared to have shot up another half a foot over the night. “Sure. Of course,” he said, and they quickly got ready for work.

Work turned out to be bad news—apparently, the rate at which the planet was shrinking had increased dramatically, and if it continued at its current rate, their previous estimate of about seven and a half years would dwindle down to little more than two years. All the while, the events of Lab 8 had already become widespread news within all of EarthTech Labs, and with one of the premier minds of the Lab currently incarcerated, spirits were rather low, causing productivity to suffer. Raiyev wasn’t fazed so much about this, though—he still had his own problems to contend to, and it didn’t help that his height was giving him away.

Everyone who knew Raiyev noticed how much taller he seemed to be since the previous day, and were wondering if their own memories of him were skewed. Though they couldn’t ALL have had the same hallucination, so Dr. Frost called Raiyev into her office later in the day to talk things over with him.

The grown raccoon did his best to reassure his boss (as well as everyone else) that he didn’t know what had happened at all. Though his noticeable growth only got worse over time. By the end of the day, Raiyev could swear that his head was several inches nearer the ceiling than it had been when he entered for work that day, and even Brad’s clothes were starting to feel rather tight on him.

After work, Brad took Raiyev to a Big & Tall shop, on Raiyev’s request, and got him some new work clothes—some to fit him currently, and some much larger than what he needed, just in case. And “just in case” turned out to be a good plan, as over the next couple of days, Raiyev continued to grow quite noticeably. Everyone at work, whether they had known Raiyev before or not, seemed to be goggling at the 9-foot tall raccoon walking through the facilities, and Raiyev himself felt as naked as a newborn for all the attention he was drawing to himself.

All of this made Raiyev determined to spend some time after work to try to do whatever he could to “clean up” the mess he’d created. He cursed himself for his clumsiness and stupidity, and after one of the most awkward days he’d had at his place of work, he stayed behind to see what, if anything, he could do to reverse this process.

He began searching through all the files, both in the computer database and printed out, though he was having troubles getting his large fingers to type accurately on the now-too-small keyboard. He got frustrated with the computer and gave up, turning around quickly to head towards the filing cabinet again. However, as he turned, he heard a loud SMASH, and froze up, turning around again carefully to see, to his horror, that he had inadvertently knocked the computer off the desk with his tail. It lay there on the floor, the monitor cracked and smoking, and the minitower’s guts being spilled out of the casing.

“Oh, FUCK!” he cried out as he bent down, trying to salvage the small chips and other broken oddments that had come out of the minitower, not yet realizing how much strength it must have taken to cause this much damage to the computer in the first place. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…” he repeated, completely livid with himself and afraid of what would happen to him once others found out what he had done.

He decided it was a lost cause, and after slumping in a corner to mope for a couple moments, he got up and went over to the containers of the chemical they had extracted from the Gigantism subjects—the same chemical that they had made into a test solution that he had injected upon himself. He figured the answer would lie in those containers, though he needed to think of a way to reverse the process on himself. As he went to cautiously pick up one of the small test tubes, the glass shattered in his paw.

“FUUUCK!” he roared. “Will NOTHING go right for me here?!” He caught himself just then, remembering that it probably wasn’t the best idea for him to be drawing any more attention to himself. He decided then and there that he had to just get out of the Lab and go home. When he left, he realized that he had to squeeze through doors, and he seemed to have gone from 9 feet to about 10 or 11. Silent tears started to stream down his cheeks as he left, leaving the mess behind, unaware that the smoking computer monitor was laying on top of some papers that began to catch fire after he left.

Part 12

“GODDAMMIT, RAIYEV!” the grizzled old horse shouted at the giant raccoon. The sky was a dry, pale blue, and the sun scorched down from above, slowly burning Raiyev’s back as he slouched over, his head hanging down and his tail limp. He couldn’t fit inside the buildings of EarthTech Labs anymore, so Dr. Phillips, president and CEO of the company, had to berate the now-14-foot-tall raccoon outside on the company grounds.

Raiyev hadn’t ever been on the best of terms with the aging equine that led the company, but all the small accidents and other clumsy moments had been contested by Dr. Frost, who was now standing next to Raiyev as she had done many times before, trying to console him as she spoke to Phillips.

“Please, Sir,” she begged, “I know it looks bad, but Raiyev is one of our top minds, and he can help rebuild this—“

“Oh, is he really?” Phillips spat. “I know his file well enough to know that he’s one of the weakest employees of this company! Don’t you try to bullshit his way out of this!” he continued, flailing his arms about to point at both Frost and Raiyev.

Raiyev simply stood by, every so often glancing over at the nearby Chemistry building, which still had a steady column of wispy smoke rising from the closest side of the building. That part of the building itself looked like it was in ruins. Apparently, a fire had started in one of the labs yesterday evening, and though it set off the fire alarm and sprinklers, it wasn’t enough to contain the fire before it reached some containers of flammable chemicals. An entire quarter of the Chemistry building went up immediately in an explosive fireball that could be seen hundreds of yards away.

Now, after firefighters worked through the night to put out the flames, the building stood ruined and still smoking, with a few firefighters still about to finish the job. And as if it wasn’t bad enough that other employees were gawking at Raiyev, now firefighters had seen him, and he feared that soon his face would be plastered all over the news, and not just for setting some building on fire.

“This is truly the last straw, Mr. Kosekovic,” Phillips muttered in a low voice, his teeth bared and his large nostrils flaring even larger. “You’re fired! And you’re expected to pay for these damages!”

“But, Sir,” Raiyev began, his large, frightened face looming over the much smaller horse, “I need to be here! Look at me! I need to be able to be here to reverse what’s happened to me!” And it was true. Now that Raiyev had grown so much, he was having a hard time keeping himself and his problem much of a secret. He even had to tie a large bed sheet around himself as a sort of crude loincloth just to stay somewhat decent. He was in no mood for public attention, either, especially after the way people had started treating him. No matter how well he tried to explain himself, most people either ran away screaming, or hid their children as they called him a freak or a monster.

“That’s not my concern,” Phillips said, brushing the matter off his shoulder as plainly as if Raiyev had mentioned that his parents were going to ground him. “My concern is this company, its facilities, and the people who work here. Since you no longer work here, there’s nothing this company can do, will do, or CARES to do for the likes of you! Now give me your security pass and get off this property before I have security escort you off!”

The final threat was admittedly an empty one, seeing as how no furson around was in any position to physically force Raiyev anywhere by his or her own paws. Nevertheless, Raiyev knew when he wasn’t wanted, and after handing the security pass he had attached to the bed sheet, he slowly walked away to the parking lot, his head hanging lower than ever, and his 9-foot-long tail dragging slowly behind him.

Brad had rented out a moving truck to help transport Raiyev in secrecy and with efficiency, seeing as how Raiyev could no longer fit inside their little convertible anymore, and now weighed a good deal over a ton. Tears were starting to roll down his cheeks as Brad opened up the back of the truck for Raiyev to get in. The smaller raccoon stopped, though, and took a moment to suddenly hug his fiancée’s leg. Raiyev looked down, sniffling, and bent down on his knees to hug his lover better. The two embraced, Raiyev hugging Brad carefully into his chest, and Brad nuzzling Raiyev as best as he could, his small arms wrapped around Raiyev’s large neck.

Large tears rolled down Raiyev’s muzzle and onto Brad’s back, soaking his clothing, but Brad didn’t care—it was well worth it, if it meant he could console the fur that meant more to him than anything. After a few moments of simply staying there, hugging, Raiyev finally let up, and got inside the truck.

“I have an idea,” Brad said, looking in at Raiyev, who was sitting down cross-legged, facing the opening. “Just trust me,” he said with a kind smile as he closed the door.

* * *

Sometime later, after riding around in the dark, Raiyev finally felt the truck stop, heard Brad get out and walk around to the back, and saw him open the door to reveal one of the most beautiful spots of untouched nature Raiyev had ever seen.

“I know that people have started to…not take too kindly to your changes, Raiyev,” Brad began as Raiyev simply looked out in wide-eyed wonder.

“Where are we?” Raiyev asked.

“Well, I decided that taking you here for a visit could help you get away from everyone. We don’t need people constantly gawking at you, and running away in fear from you.”

Raiyev cast his eyes down knowingly. As far as he was concerned, everyone who had stared at him, run from him, screamed at him or called him a freak or a monster was only doing so because of that slip-up in the lab when he injected himself with that chemical, which was, of course, his own fault. Everything bad that had been happening to him since that day was his fault.

“This place is really out of the way,” Brad continued. “Not too many people know how to get here. There aren’t even any campsites or anything here.” Raiyev stared blankly at Brad. “Come on,” Brad pleaded, “please come out. It’s safe here—I promise.”

Raiyev cautiously stepped out of the truck, looking around to see if anyone else was close by. To his great relief, he and Brad were the only ones there, and the sight of the surrounding landscape took Raiyev’s breath away. For some reason, Raiyev started to get a feeling deep inside of him, yet still subtle and slight, that he belonged here, that this was far better than the world of science he had grown up around and come to love and live by.

The strong scent of pine permeated the air, and all Raiyev could see was a mixture of blue and green surrounding them. They were in a valley, surrounded by tall foothills on all sides, and all covered with large, robust trees, with sprinklings of open patches of fields and meadows here and there. Raiyev stood currently in such a meadow, the tall grass tickling his ankles. A lake could be seen not half a mile from where he was, and its water looked cool and refreshing, especially under the hot sun of the day.

“I thought you might like it,” Brad said with a slight smirk that changed into a warm smile, seeing his giant lover looking all around, his mouth open and tail swishing back and forth. Suddenly, Raiyev looked down at Brad, and he quickly bent down and—much to the surprise of Brad—picked him up swiftly and hugged him tightly against his chest.

“Oof!” Brad heaved as he was hugged by the massively strong arms, but then settled in, murring as he hugged back.

“Thank you,” Raiyev whispered softly into Brad’s ear. He held the smaller raccoon back a bit, noticing how much like a doll he was to him now, and just as suddenly as he picked him up, Raiyev brought him up to his face to plant a large and wet—but still heartfelt—kiss. The kiss became more tender and less aggressive, and Brad kissed back, his smaller muzzle locking lips as best as he could with Raiyev’s.

“I love you,” Raiyev said gently, pulling out of the kiss momentarily.

“And I love you, my dearest friend,” Brad replied, and found himself back kissing the giant raccoon, his legs dangling down in front of Raiyev’s loincloth. As he pressed his body closer, his hind paws picked up on the swelling rod that was hidden by the giant’s loincloth, and he gave a knowing murr.

“No…I can’t…” Raiyev said, blushing as he pulled Brad away from him again.

“Why not?” Brad asked.

“It’d be too much for you…I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Trust me,” Brad said, massaging the large member through the cloth with a hind paw. “You won’t hurt me. We can be careful.”

“Really?” Raiyev’s eyes were hopeful but still unsure as they gazed into Brad’s, searching for assurance.

“Really,” Brad promised. And with that, Raiyev laid down in the grass after setting Brad back down and removed the cloth from around his waist. Brad, too, removed his clothes, and climbed on top of the giant raccoon, snuggling against his large chest, laying his head down to listen to the deep, muffled thump of his lover’s heartbeat. Raiyev simply petted Brad, stroking a large paw down his back, smiling as he watched Brad’s tail swish merrily.

Raiyev’s malehood was standing firmly erect, some 18 inches tall, and when Brad found himself fully hard, he crawled around and started to give the giant cock his full attention. He started by licking the tip, his tongue working all around the 5-inch-thick crown. He made Raiyev moan when he attached his muzzle to the slit, sucking and licking it while stroking the shaft with one paw, and stroking his own hard cock with his other paw.

Raiyev started to buck gently, but then remembered that he should probably try to restrain himself, for Brad’s sake. Brad, however, hopped off of Raiyev and starting fondling his ballsac, kneeling in front of the large furry orbs. Each testicle was a pawful for Brad, and he rubbed and massaged them gently, giving them a lick every now and again when his tongue wasn’t preoccupied with licking the massive shaft in front of him.

Raiyev couldn’t stand his own restraint anymore, and started bucking again, and Brad hugged himself against the bucking rod, precum starting to drizzle out of the tip. Brad’s own cock was rubbing against the ballsac, and he started to really throw himself into it, licking and stroking the massive cock with relish, sending Raiyev into an ecstatic frenzy of pleasure.

They kept at it like this for a short while until Brad heard Raiyev cry out something that sounded like “I’m about to explode!” just as Brad himself was shooting his load, coating the giant raccoon’s furry ballsac. Brad eased up just a bit as his climax started to wane, not sure how powerful Raiyev’s cumming would be, and prepared himself. They both thought it was quite remarkable when Raiyev finally came, shooting huge jets of cum into the air, arcing high and coming back down again with an audible SPLAT! against Raiyev’s chest and stomach. He released an entire quart of his seed, and Brad simply stood there, panting heavily and watching with great delight.

After it was all finished, Brad came around and started to lap up all the cum that had been shot out of the great cannon that was Raiyev’s cock. Raiyev helped him out, cleaning himself up much more quickly and efficiently. After they were done, Brad collapsed onto Raiyev, and they both fell asleep for a long nap, snuggling each other dearly, their minds only concentrating on how much they loved each other.

Part 13

A tiny dragonfly exploring the meadow landed on the slumbering Raiyev’s large nose to rest its wings. The giant raccoon’s nose twitched at the tickling sensation, and he woke up gently, opening his eyes to stare up at the cloudless, pale blue sky, the sun warming his naked body. He lifted his head and looked down his chest to see a much smaller raccoon curled up under his large paw, still fast asleep. Raiyev smiled at the tiny tail swishing ever so softly against his tummy.

This was heaven. This was the epitome of life itself, and he desperately wished this moment could last for all eternity. He didn’t even care now that he was still growing slowly—or rather, that he was staying the same size, and everything else on the planet was steadily shrinking around him. Yes, that was the answer he figured a while ago, soon after he injected himself with the test solution that fateful day and began noticing the size differences. It was, after all the purpose and hope of the solution in the first place: some way to counter-act the shrinking that the entire planet was undergoing. He must have “grown” another four or five feet since he fell asleep, he realized, because Brad seemed even smaller on him now than when they were being intimate earlier that morning.

He kept staring at Brad for a while, letting his mate sleep, but then suddenly remembered that while he himself had gotten fired from EarthTech Labs, Brad had not, and he was probably still needed there today. After mulling it over for a moment, Raiyev reluctantly figured that he should wake his lover so he could return to work for the rest of the day. Raiyev gently nudged the tiny raccoon under his paw, and Brad seemed as unwilling to get up as Raiyev was to wake him. Brad eventually came around, stretching and yawning slowly as he tried to stand up on Raiyev’s stomach.

“Aww,” Brad said sleepily, staring into the larger raccoon’s big eyes. “Why’d you go and wake me, love? I was having such a good dream…”

“I’m sorry, dear,” Raiyev said, “but don’t you still have work to do at the Labs?”

“Oh, pffft!” Brad replied, a goofy expression running across his face. “The Labs! Who needs them when I have you? Besides, you need me more than they do.”

Raiyev smiled and laughed softly. “You’re so cute when you’re sleepy, you know that?”

Brad just stood there and grinned for a moment, then hopped off the big raccoon, fetched his clothes, and started dressing. “I suppose you’re right, though,” Brad said as he buttoned up his shirt. “We do need an income to survive, after all, and with…well…” Brad paused, frowning as he recalled the early morning’s events. “…With what that old fart of a horse did to you today, I guess it’s up to me to put bread on our table. At least for a while.”

Raiyev stood up, stretching and scritching himself a bit, and leaned over the roof of the large moving truck, resting his forearms on the top to watch Brad finish dressing. “I think I’ve gotten bigger again, dear,” he said, a hint of worry in his eyes.

Brad looked up, taking in Raiyev’s size. “So you have,” he sighed. “Do you think you can still fit in the truck?”

Raiyev’s worried look now spread all across his face. “I don’t think so. And what’s more, I don’t think I necessarily want to go home. Not right now, at least.”

“What are you saying, love?” Brad asked, the same look of worry now in his eyes, too.

“That I need a vacation. That’s all, really. I think I can manage on my own out here for a while, so long as no one comes around and finds me here.”

“But what happens if you just keep getting bigger? You’d eventually outgrow this place. And I don’t want to leave you—not after everything that’s been going on. I don’t want to be away from you.”

“I’m sorry, Brad, but I don’t know what you can really do right now to protect me.” Raiyev looked sadly down at his lover, choking on those last few words.

Brad teared up. “Can’t I do anything?” he pleaded as a single tear rolled down his muzzle.

“Yes, my dear,” the giant raccoon responded. “Go talk to Dr. Frost. Tell her that I need as much help as she can provide.”

Brad immediately ran over to Raiyev and wrapped his arms around the thick leg, crying against it. “I don’t want to lose you,” he sobbed. Raiyev bent down and picked him up carefully, holding him to his chest like a doll, feeling his tears mat his fur.

“I’ll be okay, Brad,” Raiyev assured him. “I promise to be careful, okay?”

“I just love you so much,” Brad said between sobs, his face buried in his mate’s chest.

“I love you, too,” Raiyev professed, his own tears quietly rolling down his muzzle.

Brad looked up after a moment, affectionately licking Raiyev’s chin. “You promise you’ll be okay?”

“Yes,” Raiyev asserted. “I promise.” They hugged once more, and Raiyev set down the smaller raccoon. Brad gathered up the rest of his things and slowly got into the truck.

“When should I come back for you?” he asked.

“When you can bring Dr. Frost to help me. She knows me well. She’ll be willing to help—I know it.”

Brad wiped a tear from his eye and smiled once more at his mate. He then started the truck and drove off slowly, Raiyev watching the truck until it disappeared from view. He didn’t know it at the time, but that was the last time he would ever see his mate smile.

For the next couple of days, Raiyev simply explored his new temporary home. There was a small, uninhabited cave close by that provided good shelter. Having a little knowledge in horticulture, Raiyev was able to locate some edible plants and berries to sustain him. The lake was a great place to bathe and relax, and the forested areas all around were wonderful to explore. Raiyev found himself wandering for hours at a time inside the woods, and despite how critical and desperate his current situation was, he couldn’t help but feel peaceful and relaxed and totally at home in this new place.

Everyday, though, he would also wait for a while at the end of the small dirt road for any sign of his lover and Dr. Frost. He didn’t have to wait too long before one day, just as the sun was almost set, a large white semi cab towing a long trough-like bed rolled up. He hid around behind some trees first to make sure that it wasn’t anyone he didn’t want finding him. He watched carefully and was relieved and delighted to see Dr. Frost hop out of the driver’s side door.

“Dr. Frost!” he cried out in a booming voice, startling the much smaller hybrid, and popped out from behind the trees, running up to meet her.

“Goodness, Raiyev,” Frost said, clutching her chest. “You scared the dickens out of me!” She looked up, taking in Raiyev’s new size. “And it’s no wonder, too, at that size!”

“I’m so glad to see you, Dr. Frost!” Raiyev said elatedly. “Where’s Brad?” He looked around, as if expecting him to pop out from anywhere.

“That’s what I’ve come here to tell you,” Frost began, talking very briskly and urgently. “Brad told me a few days ago about your dilemma and where you were staying, and I promised to come help you as soon as I had some solution. And I just went over to your apartment where he was supposed to be this evening, but he wasn’t there!”

“What do you mean wasn’t there? Where is he?” Raiyev asked worriedly.

“That’s the thing, Raiyev—I don’t know! The apartment looks awful, like it was ransacked! Raiyev,” Frost said, a pained expression on her face, “I think Brad’s been kidnapped!”

“WHAT?!” Raiyev roared. “Take me there, NOW!”

“Yes, yes!” Frost said quickly, shaking a little at Raiyev’s violent reaction. “Get in the bed, over here, and lay down!” Raiyev quickly hopped into the bed like he was told, and Frost made short order to cover him with tarps. She then hopped into the cab and drove off as fast as a vehicle that large and heavily loaded could go.

The trip seemed to take forever to Raiyev as he lay there, staring up at the blue tarp veiling his entire body. Questions raced all through his mind, and his heart was beating rapidly as he worried about his mate. What happened to Brad? Was he really kidnapped? How bad did the place really look? Where was he? Who would do this to him and why? After a while, Raiyev started to calm down a bit, thinking and hoping that Frost had simply jumped to conclusions like a bad scientist.

Finally, the truck came to a stop and Raiyev heard Frost hop out of the cab and run around to remove the tarp. Raiyev quickly got up to see his apartment door hanging wide open. He was far beyond being able to fit inside, but he could still see inside. He pressed his eye up to the door and looked around, peering all around inside as best as he could. It was as Frost described it—ransacked. Papers and oddments were strewn everywhere, window curtains and blinds had been torn down, furniture had been uprooted, and a lamp lay flickering on the ground, but there was no sign of Brad at all.

Raiyev started to panic again and pulled away from the door, looking around to see Brad’s car still parked in its space. Where was he? Raiyev turned to Frost to say something, but he never got it out, for at that moment he felt something prick his neck, and he fell into a dreamless sleep.

Part 14

The heavy flick of a large switch echoed loudly, and a harsh and bright white light shined onto Raiyev, coaxing him out of his slumber. He writhed as he awoke, but found that he couldn’t move. He was laying flat on his back, facing up into a blinding light that stung his eyes. He looked around quickly—anything to get that light out of his eyes—and saw that all four of his paws were bound to the table, strapped down in heavy metal clasps, with a similar, larger clasp running over his naked torso.

He was on some sort of metallic table or platform—he couldn’t really tell from his position, and the only light in the room was shining down right on him, a heavily focused beam that warmed his body. All around him was a vast blackness, obscuring the size and orientation of the room he was in. He struggled under his restraints, trying to free himself, but he couldn’t. He called for help, but there was no answer. After a while, he felt drowsy, and once again fell into sleep (despite the brightness of the light above him), fitful due to the nightmare that took him.

The metropolis bustled with activity, as it did on any normal day, and Jacob was making his rounds in the office building where he delivered mail every day. He was trying to think of happy thoughts, like his wife and kids, to pass the time and keep his mind off of how he was barely making enough to scrape by. Just as he was handing Mr. Ticheli of Accounting on the Third Floor his package, the building suddenly swayed violently, and a deep, rumbling boom roared loudly. Lights flickered, and everyone fell to the ground, only to get back up, looking around frantically. Some people near the office windows started screaming, and Jacob quickly turned his head towards them, seeing out the window in the distance a massive dark wall that seemed to be heading straight for them.

Everything outside suddenly went dark, the sunlight of what had been an almost cloudless day now completely blacked out in a sudden eclipse. Everyone around Jacob was getting up and running for the fire exit stairwells, while Jacob (and a few others) stood transfixed by this unknown, impending doom. He kept staring out the windows, trying to see what was there, but he couldn’t see anything. Suddenly, the ceiling above him started crumbling and falling on him, and before he could even look all the way up, he was no more—along with the rest of the building and all its occupants.

The people of this city had never before even dreamt of such a magnificent beast, but now, without any warning or any knowledge of where he came from, a giant raccoon was looming over the city, casting many city blocks in his shadow, one of his hindpaws having just come to rest on a couple of skyscrapers. The people panicked, running around almost aimlessly—anything to get away from this mile-high harbinger of death and destruction.

The raccoon’s eyes were narrowed, the twisted grin on his muzzle an ominous message of hopelessness to all the victims of this city. He lifted up his other hindpaw with malicious glee and brought it back down forcefully on another set of buildings, flattening them instantly and making some surrounding buildings crumble by the sheer force of the resulting quake.

The raccoon laughed dominantly, his deep bass voice resonating for miles on end, and his great tail, over 3,000 feet long, swished and swayed over a suburb of the city, wiping through all the homes like a massive and long wrecking ball. The raccoon looked back at the destruction his tail inadvertently had just caused, and grinned even wider. This feeling of absolute power he had was a euphoria, and his sheath twitched and began to swell at the thought of destroying the puny city so easily.

He stroked his growing member idly a moment before continuing on, remembering how much he simply wanted to obliterate the entire city. Crouching down (and knocking over a few buildings in the process), he watched the tiny people scurry around, attempting desperately to flee his wrathful demolition. He chuckled darkly and reached down, scooping up a pawful of dozens of these pathetic little bugs, and snarled at them as he lifted them to his muzzle. They screamed and pleaded, some even jumping off the edge of his paw towards a better fate, and their panic made him smile wryly before he simply tilted his head back and opened wide, dumping the entire load into his muzzle. He felt them struggle within his mighty maw, chuckling to himself as he played with them. His tongue tossed them all around for a moment before he finally started chewing, relishing in the feeling of the tiny bodies grinding into useful meat and pulp between his teeth. He swallowed the lot but was hungry for more.

This time, he took up a skyscraper, wrapping his fingers carefully around the structure and yanking it from its foundations. He could see the people trapped inside as they screamed and panicked, their faces contorted in terror as they beheld their doom. With the bottom of the building open and free, the giant raccoon held a paw underneath the opening and shook the building hard, squeezing some to break away the different floors. All manner of things poured out into his paw—debris, furniture, and of course the most delightful part of the meal, the people. Some fell to the ground, but he didn’t care; once his paw was pleasantly full, he stuffed the contents into his muzzle and chowed down hungrily. He swallowed the furniture and debris, too, but he enjoyed every moment of it as it just reminded him of the power of destruction he held over the city. He dumped more into his paw and repeated the process, until he felt satiated. He then looked at the few broken bodies that had missed his paw, and decided to slam the remaining shell of a building down on them, grinding the mess into the ground with glee.

He stood up and noticed his now fully erect malehood, throbbing needily. Looking around at all the destruction that was still left to accomplish, the raccoon got an idea. He stomped his way over to a section of the city that had so far been untouched by his malice, and sat down in the thick of it all, his rear and tail crashing down on scores of buildings. He raked his fingers through a clean part of the city, gathering up building after building in his paws, and then mashed them all against his swollen cock. He churred deeply, moaning as he felt the destruction against his most sensitive flesh. He rubbed the buildings and their inhabitants into ruin against his thick organ, until it became a mass of rubble, broken bodies, and his own oozing precum.

Needing more, he laid down on his belly and dragged his cock through whole city blocks, plowing through countless buildings and people, the feeling of so much death making him groan in ecstasy. A deep trough formed in the city from his unstoppable cock, and he sped up, huge dollops of precum drizzling out of the tip. He reached around, spreading his arms and legs wide throughout the city, simply wiping through as much as he could, like making a snow angel of catastrophic ruin.

All this power, this death, this destruction, this pleasure—it was almost too much for the giant raccoon, and he thrust violently in the self-made trough until he threw his head back and cried out his orgasm, his voice booming for dozens of miles as he shot thousands of gallons of his thick, hot seed into the streets of the city. It flooded the area, coating building after building in the sticky stuff. A playground was buried under tons of the hot jism, and people drowned as they were knocked over by the tsunami rushing up on them.

After a few moments, the raccoon’s climax waned, and he slowly got up as his spent member retracted into its sheath. He surveyed the destruction his cruel fuck had just caused, and with his hands on his hips, he laughed evilly. His head swarmed with an ecstatic bliss as he realized just how powerful he was over the people of this city, and he decided to finish off the job, going on a stomping spree until all that was left of the city were miles of ruin and corpses, fires springing up here and there from the devastation that had been laid upon the metropolis that had once been a cornerstone of industry in its nation. Very few survivors were left, and they only emerged when they realized that the giant god of destruction had disappeared as quickly and as mysteriously as he had arrived.

Part 15

Raiyev sat up with a jolt, cold sweat matting his fur. He panted heavily, coughing as he looked around. Where am I? he thought. He was no longer strapped down on the table like he was before, but was now in what looked to be a large prison cell. The room was completely bare, except for the stone bed he had been laying on. It was attached to one of the two stone walls of the room. The other two walls, running opposite the stone walls, were a thick plastic or glass of some sort, with small holes for ventilation. Through one of these glass walls, he could see a corridor—obviously, the way out. Through the other, he could see another prison cell like the one he was in, only that other cell was empty.

He pounded on the wall that looked into the corridor, and shouted for help, but there was no response. Pressing his face up against it, he looked up and down the length of the corridor as much as he could. One end went straight for farther than he could see, but the other end—the end traveling in the direction of the other prison cell—ran into a T-intersection with another corridor just beyond the other prison cell. He kept shouting for help for a while, but when none came, he slumped back down onto the harsh stone bed.

He thought about the nightmare he had just had. He closed his eyes, concentrating on it—gods, it was awful. He had become too large, and had become a monster. He couldn’t believe he would do such a thing to so many innocent people. And yet, part of it felt so real…but no, it couldn’t have been real, could it? No, the thought of eating people, of laying so much waste to a city, of….he hated to think about it, but of fucking the city the way he had… It made him feel sick to his stomach.

In fact, as he noticed the feeling in his gut, he almost started to believe that it had been real. Whatever was in his stomach now wasn’t sitting right with him at all, and he felt very ill from it. He rushed around, looking for a toilet or something, but there was nothing, so he bent over in a corner of the room and let loose, vomiting onto the floor. Tears welled in his eyes from the pain, and when all was done, he looked down. If he had anything left in him, he might vomit some more at what he saw, but he had to be sure. It just couldn’t have been real! With trembling paws, he picked his fingers through his own vomit, and started crying as he came across the evidence.

Bodies. Tiny dead bodies. Most of them were mashed into a red paste that mixed with the sickly green of his vomit, but there were some that were still recognizable. What’s more, there was also the tiny debris and furniture he has eaten. Flashbacks of the nightmare came to him, and he started piecing together the whole event in his head. He looked again at the mangled bodies covered in blood and vomit. Some of them, he saw, were children.

At this, he fell over on his side and bawled, crying uncontrollably. What had he done? How was this possible? Why had he done such a thing? What drove him to this? He couldn’t believe what was happening, yet he was sure that he wasn’t dreaming now. No, it was all too real. He had done those unspeakable acts that his nightmare showed him. He had actually done it. How many people had he needlessly killed? What was the death toll? How many billions of dollars of property damage did he do?

How many children had been left as orphans, and how many parents had had their children cruelly stolen away from them for his own sick, twisted…pleasure? Raiyev gulped as he realized this, and cried even harder. What were the final thoughts of all those people he killed? What had their ambitions and dreams been? They were all people—real people with real histories and feelings and regular every-day lives, just like he had been. What came over him that made him do such a terrible, unforgivable thing?!

How could anyone even get off on that sort of destruction? He remembered that part, too, and wept even harder…what was happening to him? Why did he jack himself off, using the city as a fuck-toy? He couldn’t believe that he had such a fetish. He refused to believe it. It just wasn’t like him.

And so he lay there, weeping for a while, wondering what would become of him, or if there was some way to end it all now and just commit suicide. Raiyev looked back over at the pile of his own vomit, containing that sick evidence of his being, and wondered how he could go through life now that he had become such a monster. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would rot in this prison cell and wouldn’t have to worry about hurting anyone anymore.

Driven by a sudden rage against himself and against everything that had happened, be got up and ran to the glass wall facing the corridor, pounding against it with his muzzle pressed up against one of the ventilation holes. “WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!” he cried out, yelling the question over and over again as loud as he could, tears streaming down his face, pounding for anyone to come. He kept it up for some minutes before sliding down against the glass, slumping into a ball, rocking back and forth, crying uncontrollably.

“Raiyev!” he heard a small voice whisper loudly after a few hours. He had nearly cried himself to sleep, but was afraid of falling asleep again, so had been doing his best to stay awake. He looked around, and saw standing just outside the glass wall on the other side of him was the diminutive figure of Dr. Frost.

“Dr. Frost,” he said weakly. “What…how did…what’s going on? What’s happening to me?”

“There isn’t much time,” she said, looking around frantically. “I’m not sure how well this place is guarded.” She pulled what looked like a thin rectangular glass plate from her pocket and held it up towards the glass wall, pressing her finger against the rectangular plate. The right half of the glass wall suddenly disappeared, and Dr. Frost scurried inside.

“How did you…?” Raiyev began, not exactly knowing which of all his questions he wanted to ask first. He wiped his paw over his face, drying his tears.

“The tranquilizer they gave me wasn’t nearly as strong,” Frost began explaining, “and I was able to fight it off. They shot me at the same time they shot you—just outside your apartment the other day.”

“They?” Raiyev asked slowly, his voice hoarse from all his crying and yelling earlier. “They who?”

Frost panted a bit, still tense and frantic about being found out. She looked around again for a moment before answering. “They’re humans, Raiyev. Humans—those alien creatures that rednecks here always claim to see and be probed by. I’ve seen them for myself.”

Raiyev stood dumbfounded, his mouth agape, unsure how to process this new information. “But…why have they taken us? What is this all about?”

“I don’t know just yet,” Frost responded quickly. “After I fought off the tranquilizers, I managed to slip away. When they brought us to this base here, I hid inside some air vents. That’s where I’ve been staying, and I’ve been looking all around for a way to help you out. It took me a while, but I’m here now.”

Raiyev cautiously hugged the tiny hybrid to him, weeping softly. “Thank you,” he said. “I don’t know what’s happening to me…you won’t believe what I’ve done…”

Frost returned the unexpected and forceful hug. “I’m not sure that there’s time for that now. We’ve got to get you out of here!”

“What about Brad?” Raiyev asked, suddenly remembering him. “Do you know where he is?”

Frost stared at him for a moment, the truth in her eyes. “I haven’t seen him yet,” she sighed. “Come on—let’s get you out of here before we both get into further trouble.”
© Copyright 2008 malcolmthebear (malcolmthebear at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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